/khg/ - Kingdom Hearts General

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Spreadsheets: Info on parties, materials, and Medals!
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Most recent interviews:
Unchained χ: khinsider.com/news/Kingdom-Hearts-Unchained-X-releasing-April-7th-6402
HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue: khinsider.com/news/Dengeki-Interview-with-Nomura-Commemorative-600th-Issue-6090
Kingdom Hearts III: khinsider.com/news/KH3-Nomura-Interview-with-Dengeki-Mt-Olympus-Happy-Ending-Post-KH3-Direction-Undecided-5661


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How long until I regret wasting all my jews on dailies?

When limited edition (3000 pull only) medals come out

>Leave union yesterday after taking the rankings rewards
>Join another union
>Get invite to join a party
I thought you couldn't join parties after switching your union, why did you lie to me senpaitachi

Obligatory "What's with the huge blank space next to Naminé" post

Didn't you know user? Namine likes empty spaces. Really brings out the white in her room

Oh, fuck you

That was a very blatant lie to make sure people didn't switch unions.

It was also a bug some people had

You bastard you. ;)

Today I will remind them

I didn't know what to expect from this when I read it....

That last line though jesus christ.

Two(2) days anons


You are such a MEANIE


Why does everyone keep saying he's coming out in 2 days.

We don't even have the reverse medal slots on our keyblades yet.

Why isn't there a xehanort that is a Disney character?

holy shit lel

I can feel the edge from the image


Zootopia medals Monday

>50 quests minimum each month

More interested in this, so if we go at this rate it'll be 2 months to max Olympia and 4 months for Divine Rose.

Hopefully we will get adamant quests and reverse medals soon too.

And now I wait to see if SE will do a ranking event for zootopia and let the hackers dominate the ranks like they do now, glad I don't care too much about it, might try to get the bunny one if they put her as the easier prize again since she is good.

Is /khg/ in its death throes?

So should I fuse two 5* Paine medals or level those two up to 6* and fuse them into a 3rd Paine medal I have that is 6* and has 3 Dots?

So, what's the difference between premium cards and their regular versions?
Trust me, there are much, much slower generals. /cgg/ was half as fast

Nah, we're just prone to having some dead as fuck periods. I've seen it in other generals that rely on mobage spin-offs for discussion.

Unchained will last us a long time, and 2.8 is on its way, even if I don't expect it anytime before December.

Premium cards have a much lower deck cost (meaning you can shove a whole bunch of them in your deck), but they don't reload.
Can't hurt to have a few padding out your deck for some extra stopping power.

>they don't reload
Oh fuck, and I premiumed all of my Simbas

Then you'd better line em all up for sleights in your first hand

frozen kek...?

I respect a lot of fetishes, but mpreg is fucking disgusting.

Just guilt one Paine. You'll get tons more if you want multiples for some reason.

That's what I'm trying to do but one time when I fused a 1 dot 6* waka with a 3 dot 6*waka it filled up 2 dots for some reason. So I'm kinda confused how partial dot fusing works

buttbabbies or exploded dick
pick one

They have way lower deck cost(Something like 5 or 10 less) but they can't be reloaded. This should be taken advantage of when it comes to your first turn Sleights(Something like Megaflare, Curaga, Thundaga, etc) and having Sleights on the backburner just to break chains on bosses. You don't want too many of them, especially on Keyblades since it's kind of a waste unless you really love Keyblade Sleights for some reason, but having a couple is nice.

It's because you fused two 6* Wakkas. You were expecting 4 dots due to the 1+3 but forgot the extra 6* Wakka also gives you another dot since he's the same type and level and you still have an open slot.

does swiping do less damage than tapping an individual heartless? also i know senpai is a filter but does something filter to senpaitachi or are people actually writing that

>does swiping do less damage than tapping an individual heartless?
Yes, the game tells you that.

sorry i tapped too fast

People are actually typing senpaitachi. Embrace the filter, famalampai.

Does anyone know a good and fast stage for farming special meter? Like when I fight a raid it drains all my special, I want a stage I can complete in a minute or so and get me back up to 15 special gauges. Does that exist?


Thanks for the fast reply friend.

Quest 57 usually gets my special meter all the way back up.

Just be careful, three runs of 57 summons Guard Armor.


Will keep in mind.

Right now I use the Beginner Mickey event stage since it's easy for all my keyblades, it doesn't cost a lot of AP, and I get event coins. It's three birds with one stone

Thanks for the recommendation but I already finished the Mickey boards so its not as worth for me. I'll keep that in mind for the next event!

Why do people keep saying if you transfer Unions you won't be able to join a party? You only need to not be in a party when you are transferring.


>We didn't get this fight in KH2.
For shame Nomura.


That's because that shitty Matrix game where Agent Smith becomes giant made up of buildings came out around KH2's release.

Is this a winnable fight?


Goofy ver B
Coat Riku
Coat Riku

Gonna need to spend a few hundred jewels most likely.

With jews, anything is possible.

I was able to get buy with this set up and BC Riku as my friend medal.

Oh, and I had Wakka switched out for Minnie.

>level 200

Yeah that's probably my issue I'm only 135. Gotta grind raids and get my cost up

So, is Soul Eater supposed to be a keybalde?

It was an intermediary for Way to Dawn.

No, it's a blade made of Darkness from when Riku was possessed by AnsemSOD.

But it transforms into Way to the Dawn, which is a Keyblade.

People were saying that the Jap version has a medal that adds a dot to any medal? God, when does that come over here?

>from when Riku was possessed by AnsemSOD
Riku had it before that, it was a gift from Maleficent.

So if it evolved into Way to Dawn why is Riku able to use it in DDD? Was the wooden sword Sora had the intermediary for the Kingdom Key then?

Ansem SOD was in Riku influencing him from the moment he accepted the darkness on Destiny Island. He just didn't take control until the end.

I haven't played DDD yet, but I would say yes to the question about Sora's wooden sword.

>why is Riku able to use it in DDD?
When does he use Soul Eater?

You mean during the Ursula fight? Probably for dramatic effect because I believe during that scene he talks about his history with darkness for a second.
>Was the wooden sword Sora had the intermediary for the Kingdom Key then?
Who knows? Probably not, I just know that Nomura literally said that thing about Soul Eater being an intermediary for Way to Dawn. Next time you see him, ask him.


Oh right.

Soul Eater doesn't EVOLVE, it's an intermediary.

They are separate weapons, Way to the Dawn used Soul Eater as sort of a catalyst and took its form since that's what Riku had become used to using.

In a similar fashion, Lea's Keyblade clearly used his chakrams as an intermediary.

Soon according to this poster. Broom medals do that and you can see a fused Broom/Apprentice Mickey in the top right

Haha, now I understand, I always thought the keyblade took the shape that was reflective of a persons heart but I suppose it's not the case.

I just noticed that Shadow medal. I don't normally find Shadows scary, but those are some scary Shadows.

Maybe because I'm just used to my plushie one I got with 2.5 CE

>Listening to ProjectDestati while playing Unchained.

what, you can do that so you can evolve a medal and also give it a dot?

>Genie, Axel, Sephiroth, Shadow, Halloweentown Donald
damn, still plenty more cool medals to come out over here

What's an intermediary? Just a base for the keyblade to model after?

So Soul Eater is just a sword made of darkness? It doesn't have a keychain so its not a keyblade

No, Mickey&Broom is a different medal used to give a dot for any medal, you can either get them or create one by "evolving" a Fantasy Mickey and it costs 5 broom medals (Broom medals do nothing by themselves).

You get both Mickey&Broom and Broom medals from events, rankings, jewel boards and some gacha sales. I wouldn't call them super rare, but they are rare enough that you shouldn't be using them on any rare medal and save for good limited medals that you get.



>capable of cutting through whole buildings
>'lol you don't REALLY know how to use a keyblade though, better train'

has nomura ever gone on record for what his favourite disney movie is
and his least favourite too maybe

Just because you can cut through a building doesn't mean you know how to cut through a building effectively.

I know he really likes The Lion King.

Any snakes looking for a party? I had to form a new one since the owner of the last one I was in was inactive.

anybody have a guide for at what levels you unlock what boards? I've been waiting for this one.

He also said he likes Star wars too didn't he? I wouldn't blame him if it didn't get in though.



kh2 manga definitely makes it clear demyx was growing a heart


"Guard A"? Does no one at Square know that his name is Razoul?

Yeah but can he turn his keyblade into a motorcycle? That's right.

who cares, buy medals lmao

It was a glider, not a motorcycle. Stop triggering my FFXIII PTSD.

Will Sora, Riku, and Kairi ever get their own keyblade armor? Will we ever see Yen Sid's?

what the fuck shiro amano

Volume 4 when Yen Press?

I wonder what would happen if Sora got ALL of Roxas' memories when he wakes up at the start of KH2.

Would he go on an Organization slaughtering spree right off the bat?

Sora has the gummi ship so I don't think he needs it.

>one of the limits in KH3 is ramming the Gummi Ship into the enemy

i hope not
especially because sora is really brutal in-game afterwards, iirc he's just all "YEAH, WHO'S NEXT?!"

I know Sora doesn't get a lot of character development but the fucker got cocky in KH2 and that extended all the way into DDD