/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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What class should I be shoving Camilla into?

Also worth asking, anyone I should be making a Dread Fighter in Conquest?



Drawn and quartered

Cutest family



>Birthright 14 lets me use everyone I want to use
>next chapter cuts deployment limit by 2 so I have to momentarily bench someone.

>drawfag still hasn't delivered
oh well, I don't know why I expected any difrerent.

I want to brush Severa's twintails and kiss her forehead.

Selkie has plenty of art, calm down.

Delivered what?

I love Sakura!


>Chapter is named 'Sakura'
>Sakura isn't the boss

Dumb dumbfoxposter.

What did you ask for?


Getting cucked by Charlotte!

I wonder if FE15 will limit the skills system. There's too many!

Is there really any reason to replay revelation with all the shitty gimmicks and horrible or lack of unit balancing?

Fujo/Shiro smut where?

Full music of Azura's dance in Birthright and Conquest is up.

Camilla doesn't even need shoving into anything.
I left her a Malig Knight the whole game.
You could turn her into a Wyvern Lord if you need it though.

no, unless you want to play the shithole known as Fates PvP.



>marrying takumi


Ebin xD

This sounds like a Donald Trump tweet

youtube.com/watch?v=1h9DkzJPOro ** My bad.

Lucina is shit.

I like Hana

>there are people who unironically think Samurai/Myrmidons are a bad class
>despite having more good units than most

Give me a good reason why he isn't even remotely referenced in the Ballistician DLC.

So no one told you life was gonna be this waaaaay

Continuation of last night's poll narrowed down to top 9

Nobody cares about your shitty fanfic, retard.
>t-t. mitamacuck

3 days ago a drawfag held a whatever-you-call it and someone one. they asked for a selkie giving corn a love tackle. they said "i'll post it next morning", 3 days ago.

More like Donnel Tinhead. Make Ylisse great again! We will build a wall bordering Plegia!

why didn't elincia show up in the vanguard map

who cares

Pretty much every bow user is better off in Sniper, right? Wanna make Shura, Nina, and Niles Snipers.

which reminds me, do any of you guys have skills for Shura? Anything at all? I haven't found a single castle with any.

Did revelation give you bonus shit for completing it? Conquest let you use faceless as attendants iirc. Which I found funny.

>no Ayra or Briggid

Azura sounds like a boy in Japanese

>Not realizing that this recent influx of (You)-bait roll posts is nothing more than that

It's the same exact people holding those shitty "survey" posts.

>Believing anyone actually delivers on rolls
You poor deluded thing

He got cucked by Jerry.

Y-you actually fett for it?
At least people would remember her.

You get to use specific tracks in your castle.

I care

also that's a good point. Sonia doesn't show up in the Witch map either.

What's Jerry look like anyway?

ahh this thing is pissing me off

if my screenshots are bothering anyone, just say so, i don't mind stopping

Go Kagero!

>Beruka winning

Keep going.
Also yeah, that level's kind of a bitch.
Real fun bug you can do there though.

I knew it would never roll in, but I still had hope. no bully.

Being spitroasted by my little sisters!

Nobody is seriously bothered by gameplay screenshots, ignore samefagging shitposters.

You are just jealous I think

Yo my OST just arrived and holy fuck is it gorgeous

I like your playthrough, keep on trucking



No one cares, kill yourself Berukacuck just like your dad did.

Is it just me or are Mercenaries kind of garbage in Fates?

>Samurai are way better in offense due to speed and crit
>Paladins are better all-arounders due to movement
>only worthwhile skill is Sol which is nerfed due to the smaller HP pools
>only reps are Laslow who is shit and Selena who is better being a support in another class

Like outside of select ones like Raven or Gerik they've always felt kind of like the middle men of infantry units but here it feels almost DS-tier bad.

"tea party"

damn it jerry

are you ever going to drop the trip? or do you want to be the next tharjafag?

Trip back on

Anyone really like the General animations in this game?

>this shit selection
What the fuck.

Maligknight Scarlet!Kana with a bolt axe
No or no

>get rid of her tits


Uh oh, it looks like the spic got triggered by SSanon again.

No wonder he was so tired afterwards.

>marrying oboro

>that little click when lyn resheathes her sword

>doing the wolf chapter in Birthright
>enemy would rather go up against Rinkah that they do no damage to than Hinoka who they can hurt but has a beast killer
Weird AI. So many times I think I'm gonna die yet they do something stupid that lets me survive.

Felicia is the cutest! I would do anything for her! She is the light of my life! I couldn't go on without her! She gives everything meaning! I`ll never leave or hurt her! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! My feelings for her will never fade! I love Felicia!

Get rid of the mask and face marks and she'll finally look as shit as she really is.

Look at this shit. Beautiful!

You can't force creativity user.
I'm still stuck 2/3rds of the way through that FeMui x Charlotte smut I promised a while back

editing the headdress off would be too much effort for something i don't even care about

the mercs in Fates are lame characters so they are bad units.

>Harken and Raven are cool and as a result are good units
>ogma's a cool dude so he's alright
>gerik/deke are cool guys so they are powerful
>inigo's a worse Gatrie so he's a wuss

this is actually how it works

So who else attended?

Forgot picture

Be with the one you want to be with! You'll make a beautiful Kana together.

Kagero is so cute! I want to fondle her breasts and make her into the cutest traditional wife!

Lobster and Honkers OTP confirmed

IF is honestly a pretty lame name. Fates ain't much better but IF is just not creative. Its like they decided "hey what IF we just didn't give this new game a subtitle"

If you're going to tripfag at least make decent posts

>Saizo's sloppy seconds

Why is that Hinoka's nickname?

Hello everyone, my name is Mar-er, Marth. Yes, Marth.
See, I have this friend and she's really pushy. How can I let her know I'm not looking for a relationship?

Jakob/Felicia confirmed canon.

It's ironic since she's flat

Introduce her to a cute purple-haired Pegasus rider.

Is Oboro and Azuma good units worth putting time into?

Also if Azuma's good, is the dread fighter worth using on him?

Flora had a hard life.