Is it more efficient to buy classic packs instead of wotog packs when the dusting the nerfed cards is still a thing?
Mason Lee
2nd for Priest is the best C'thun class
Nolan Green
more like undercity cuckster
Ryan Diaz
5th for >it's another c'thun deck
Carter Johnson
anyone got a good deathrattle hunter list? i went from rank 5 to 10 trying to make one work
Colton Sullivan
Benjamin James
Anyone have a good murloc paladin?
Oliver Myers
>that yogg on kripps stream
Was glorious.
David Jenkins
Arena's pretty fun. These random cards have made me lol more than once, servant of yogg seems like a solid card. I feel like playing arena right now is unsafe with the servers shitting themselves but I can't help myself.
Colton James
post a midrange hunter list
Leo Anderson
free dust right?
Carter Reyes
>mfw so many people are playing shitty c'thun decks that this deck is actually viable today
May want to replace the camels since you have so many mage and shaman running around. I needed a 3 drop beast and just started testing it.
Nathan Ramirez
Samuel Parker
Yes, obviously.
Isaac Perry
Which card did more work in keeping Rogue from dying today: this or N'zoth?
Nathan James
Nah, keep it
Thomas Carter
>Golden core lego
>"free dust"
Are you retarded
Camden Allen
Are you joking? Literally one of the best legendaries from the expansion
Samuel Flores
>play yogg and load hunter >opponent concedes before i can play yogg
Isaac Hall
Isaiah Turner
>Honestly without the trainer or using a heavy draw class, cthun is kind of a shit deck.
Just ancient Harbringer senpai, put 2 10's in your deck, C'thun and Ysharj
Grayson Hill
Noah Ortiz
Not only that, classic packs will ALWAYS be relevant
Joshua Russell
God, Renounce Darkness is my favorite card ever.
Casting a Doom turn 9 and then a renounce turn 10 is so satisfying.
I turned into a druid and got the new druid legend. It was sick.
Aiden Gutierrez
>golden z'zoth
Parker Morgan
>Golden arguably best card in the expansion yeah just dust that shit
Joseph Morales
Lolwhat? No.
Thomas Gutierrez
6 wins in a row with this C'thun Druid. I haven't crafted twin emperors or ancient harbinger yet
Logan Bailey
>play renounce warlock >turn 7 play tirion >nigger priest entombs it >turn 8 play tirion again PUT YOUR FAITH IN THE LIGHT
Gabriel Fisher
>play cthun deck >games end before you draw him
there needs to be a deck search card for him
Levi Young
>playing evolve shaman >opponent mage plays spellslinger >get thistle tea >draw evolve with said tea
Ian Lee
Yogsino fun as fuck.
Fucker killed me once.
Benjamin Powell
>Rogue is is morally, ethic'lly, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably dead
Andrew Moore
thank god I got the only old god i was going to craft
Evan Evans
this and the rogue legendary are actually pretty good. getting two or three with shadowstep didn't hurt either.
Charles Thomas
>open 85 packs >only get N'Zoth and Soggoth Hold me
Cooper Carter
From my very last pack. All is right in the world. Except for my coworker who pulled 3 Boogiewoogies and 2 Harolds
Samuel Gonzalez
What is the counter to C'thun decks? Just always win before turn 10?
Carson Garcia
>yogg and load huehuehuehue
Daniel Edwards
both only I got the n'zoth from an elise and it filled my board with an anub'arak, a thalnos, two tomb pillagers, and a toxin mantid dude. it was pretty good.
Landon Bennett
And another! 4 packs down xD
Matthew Sullivan
When you play cthun minions does it add to your cthun that's in the opponents deck?
Because technically it's still an enemy minion.
Mason Rivera
>mfw using Blade of C'Thun on his C'Thun
Blake Fisher
play c'thun too
Eli Davis
my fatigue reno rogue is going horribly
please send help
Brandon Collins
Christopher Watson
There are people RIGHT NOW in this thread that aren't playing a Yogg'saron deck.
What is your excuse?
Cameron Price
I don't have it.
Nathaniel Williams
Thomas Powell
I'm pretty sure "your" means it has to be either in your control/deck or in the graveyard. If it's in the other deck, it shouldn't be yours.
Luke White
renounce darkness doesn't turn your golden cards into other golden cards
Eli Bailey
Friends all spamming my shit with "i'm rekking people with these meme decks!"
>they're rank 14 >they were rank 14 hours ago
Eli White
I like winning
Angel Jackson
Watched my buddy do a joke full spell yogg deck w/ bran. Was funny shit. He killed himself both times.
Carter Reed
This deck is pretty fun. It has synergy out the wazoo and I've won all 5 games that I've played with it at rank 6. I haven't drawn SAD yet but I imagine 5 1/1s with divine shield would be good. I may swap it out for a Sea Giant if it turns out to be useless.
Aiden Wright
I don't want to craft him before I know what shaman is going to turn into.
Jace Cruz
At least they are good cards and not pagles or monsters (well, the Sogoth might not be goid cause Niggernight, but whatever). Be thankful to the RNG gods.
Matthew Carter
>Playing against a Priest in this meta.
Daniel Gray
I don't have the fucking card and I'm not crafting him until I'm certain he's a top tier legendary.
I'm just a poor f2p plebian.
Eli Lee
C'thun is way better
Mason Green
>Spell mage is still amazing
Pretty fun tho
Chase Roberts
Wild is fucked up with mages. Jesus....
Wyatt Davis
Is there a hentai only deck yet?
Lucas Gutierrez
I made 18 new decks and am switching after every loss. After 3 hours I'm on deck 4.
Ryan Baker
Is this any good at all?
Michael Walker
C'thun play like midrange so they always play a minon per turn so they don't develop a board early, single target removal like warrior priest or rouge work well
Josiah Gray
classic packs give +19 more dust on average than any other pack because of the nerfs...108 vs 127 per pack. Exploit it senpai
Joshua Sanders
getting rekt by divine shield paladins desu
Blake Mitchell
Kevin Roberts
Why? They're in such better shape in standard.
Cooper Foster
>when the enemy shaman has 4 mana available
Ryan Reed
>playing ranked casual
Nolan Martin
Nigger waht the fuck are you talking about? Priest is fucking garbage in this meta. Cthun and dragon both get cucked unless you get good cthun buffers + cthun at 10. Druid/paladin/mage absolutely shit on you
Leo Cruz
what are your arguments?
Nicholas Murphy
Is this game acting up for anyone else? I keep clicking on my deck in my collection and nothing happens, and there's a bit of lag going on.
WoW also doesn't want to update thru the Battlenet launcher.
Fucking Blizzard
Lucas Wilson
Yes. Good against n'zoth shit
Justin Campbell
of course its good. its any legendary you want!
Jose Morris
>he's a top tier legendary He is obviously not and never will be. It's troll card.
Xavier Morgan
We don't know yet
Landon Reed
Priest is so fucking bad in this set holy shit.
Zachary Reyes
So, what's the veredict on WotG, boys?
Joshua Collins
they just kill mine always somehow and leave me crippled with the overload
Camden Price
too many people playing at once
this game has like 80 million players so it's pretty hard on the server
Eli Jenkins
Evan Thompson
>rogue has so few heroes that they need to make ones. >notable rogues are so nobody that they can put them on epic cards and no one recognizes them.
Camden Garcia
Did we all get fucking Anomalus or what?
Evan Martin
So this has been going pretty well for me
Daniel Gonzalez
Better than TGT by kilometers,
Elijah Nelson
there any videos of the ancient one activating yet?
Xavier Howard
Hey someone else doing murlocs! And at a similar rank! I played them a bunch at rank 7 today but mostly got my shit rekt.
I started running worgen in mine recently too I like him. Sea giants are a good idea I've been wanting something big in the deck. Why no juggler?
Noah Collins
>I'm technically inept ok user we get it
Austin Phillips
Opened 58 packs only got N'Zoth. T-thanks Blizzard.
Atleast it's the one I was going to craft
Liam Brown
priest is really good you are a shitter
Jonathan Watson
Cancer takes 2-4 weeks to manifest
Josiah Fisher
nice shitpost you dumb fucking faggot
Jordan Mitchell
>Run a shit load of early game for c'thun >Never fucking draw it