League of legends lolg



Xth for Kat!

i want to FUCK fizz

xth for I really fucking love it when Riot creates these life-sized, realistic statues from time-to-time to promote their game.

Life-sized Jinx, Zed or Azir when?

xth for Singed

Do you fear death, Gangplank?

I'd kill for an Azir statue.


>Early game metacancer like Nidalee/Kindred finally getting put into the dumpster
>Cinderhulk is getting buffed to be not garbage
>Bloodrazor means AS focused jungers don't have to AFK farm to be relevant and can actually do what a jungler is supposed to do

Are we approaching another golden age of jungle diversity a la mid-late S5?

Why is Kog so damn adorable?

Not as long as Lee Sin still exists

>removing the farming item for true farming junglers


the breast waifu

the biggest waifu


>Are we approaching another golden age of general diversity a la mid-late S5?

Yes, yes we are user.

Also you forgot:

Mages being buffed all around
Towers being buffed
Death Timers being reduced

This is the best one we got.

>sneaky is wearing a dota shirt

ummmmm lolbabs?


His character design is too cool to pass up.

Best place to play Kayle? Her new skin makes me want to play her again

If Lee doesn't successfully cheese you at your buff on your first clear there are plenty of junglers who can fight him especially if you take challenging smite.

Instead of AFK farming your jungle like an autist for 20 minutes now you get a very solid base item with a strong synerginistic passive and actually have to play League of Legends to get ahead instead of relying on busted scaling.

You're in the club when this guy walks up and slaps your elo's ass. What do you do?

>Lucian and Ryze looking black as fuck.
Pretty accurate representation those statues are, I like em' as well

Pray that his CS at 10 minutes was 86.

how many jihns does sona weigh?

>you will never get a crappy jinx tattoo

No, it'll be another stale support jungler meta once counter junglers are pushed down with spatterings of udyr/ irelia/ warwick for the bloodrazor passive.
Same thing happened in season 2.

that is SO fucking lewd

>champion has weak ganks and needs tons of farm to be effective
>doing what this champion does makes you an autist

t. bronze player

What the fuck is this sunfire cape yasuo meme.
Who started this?

>those nid nerfs
>put into the dumpster
she's probably going to be stronger, half the items she buys have been buffed and the stronger dragon makes her early game even more meaningful

Not only that, now junglers won't fall off EXP wise in comparison to laners, so "not lvl 6, yet" is not an excuse.

It's not a meme

PD+Triforce into full tank is Yas' best build

high quality models when then ??

Pretty sure it was in the LCS last year when some popular team picked yas and he built bami's cinder early then a regular yasuo build, never finished the item

>mage buffs
More like Kassadin overhaul. Hope you're ready for nonstop rape in mid lane now

>Go Sion Top
>enemy Fizz top

Every. Fucking. Time.

When they eventually can the League of Legends MOBA and use the IP for something else

Well to be fair, it was still a good example. There are tons of irrelevant champions out there that have a handful of one-tricks. Between that and the fact that some champs are just so niche that they barely get played, and when they do it's usually for a good reason.


You do realize that all of the good supports have way higher play rates, right? 3.79% is literally nothing.

But you need to consider that the amount of people in Master's is small. Any one-trick pony can make a champion look like they have a high play rate in upper elo by themselves. If Sona gets picked 10 times per 1,000 matches, then she has a 1% play rate. 100 times every 10,000 matches would also be 1%, and her play rate is perfectly reasonable for that elo for two reasons. 1: People at that elo can get away with using literally ANY champion in the game, so it's possible that Sona is occasionally picked as a counter or to fill a niche. 2: Someone's a one-trick Sona main (or simply plays a lot of Sona) in Masters.

Just stop posting, you're all uneducated children who need to get your diplomas.

Shit. That reminds me of a game I had today. Our Talon gave first blood and 3 more kills to Yasuo before 10 minutes. At 5 minutes he had literally 5 cs while Yasuo had 50. I wish I was exaggerating. We ended up winning anyway and he got his ass carried but still.
>"wow Yasuo really counters me!"

Why are mid-babbies always the worst?

Movie when?

So, I don't really play any of these champions, but I feel like these are all pretty good skins. Are any of these worth saving/need to have status, or am I better off saving them as fodder for something that catches my eye?

Also, am I correct in my assumption that you should never reroll skins and just keep them around for dust?

Not as bad as "I can't stand behind the minion wave" ADCs who keep getting hooked and dying during laning phase.

>main j4
>could gank at level 2 if I needed to
>my first clear is so monstrously shit and I rely on hunters potion
Another fun season for me

>RoA nerf for anyone that actually needs mana
>building tear makes your already dogshit early game even worse
nah he's still bad

>Irelia gets to do magic, physical, true damage and heal herself at the same time

Just remove her true damage and she'll finally be balanced


>ever thinking they would nerf Morello's favorite champion


>tfw the elo gods are kind to you and put the tyler1 fags on the enemy team

yea phantom dancer triforce is good not rushing bamis cinder in lane

xth for Cute Vi

Lazy Edition

Kayle skin is shit, bought, feels like wasted money.
Ezreal one as well, shit in game model.
Kata one is okay I guess, 750 skin for 975 thou, but for you is free.
I feel you man, I used to plan a lot of J4 during season 3 and 4

Only 27 champions left to buy feels good

>not liking Aetherwing Kayle
shit taste desu

Jhin is a skinny fucker, so I'd say 65-70% of his weight?

I fucking know that Sona has a low play rate. I asked how do people are able to win with her consistently, play rate is irrelevant to that question. Yes I know she has Q power chords to beat people with but beyond that she doesn't seem to offer anything that other supports don't already have, and she needs money after a certain point to keep being more than an R button.

Kill yourself.

>Get above 90 LP
>Next game is an absolute rout from minute 1

Every fuckin time. Bonus points for during a promo.

>Yi having weak ganks post 6
>Kayle having bad ganks past level 3
>Kindred having bad ganks E V E R
>Ganking ever as Shyvana instead of shitting on the enemy jungler with your level advantage because of your bullshit clear unless the enemy is so stupidly overextended you can just walk up and auto them to death.

That execute nerf is pretty damn significant, especially considering her early clear is already extremely dicey even when you do it perfectly. That's literally a 3rd shaved off of her most important spell when clearing until level 11

It potentially forces her to either back after clearing only one side of the jungle which sets her massively behind champs who can do a full clear with ease and get an entire level on her early. Sure she catches back up eventually but it at least gives you a window to actually do something before she starts murdering everyone.

Pulsefire Ez is absolute dogshit. Dust it.

Personally on all my champs I normally built RoA with the exception of Swain I'm just gonna rush that Hextech Frost Cannon instead. Get the stats I need immediately while also giving me a strong active to deter people from running up on you

>I asked how do people are able to win with her consistently
>"Oh golly gosh, I just got called out for being stupid! Better act like a massive edgelord! xDDD"

to win consistently with any champion you have to git gud

and if you want to git gud you'll have to lose consistently before you can win consistently

tl;dr you're overthinking a garbage champion and making a fool out of yourself, go theorycraft your nonsense elsewhere

>Aether Wing
Fine ass aside it fixes kayle's horrific basic attack animations.

>aetherwing kayle is bad

consider getting taste?

>not knowing about her e power chords slowing people,
>not building AP so her shield and heal are decently well done
>not chunking squishies with magic pen/double-hitting Qs

Kind of bad you don't know how to play the easiest support champ in the game, user.

It's not a third, it's a fifth. It's bonus 150%, so total 250%, which will be nerfed to total 200%. Also on first clear W is the most important spell.
>It potentially forces her to either back after clearing only one side of the jungle
you fundamentally don't understand nidalee's clear if you believe this. Once nidalee has level 3 and blue buff, she can just keep spamming her heal and clearing camps, if you can clear half the jungle you can clear the whole thing easy.


Holy shit, that Tryndamere legit looks real.

Blitz hot rod actually looks pretty bad in game.
And that graggy skin is ruined by not having a different voice.

>tfw too tired to jerk off before bed
>but want to jerk off

Any tips for Sivir vs shit like Sion or other super tanky characters late game for a new player? Do I need to stack last whispers or something.... because 1 is apparently not enough.

Somebody actually made a detailed loli body for the Annie one including nipples and bellybutton.

No, right out the gate you assumed that I was thinking that Sona was "overpowered" or some other shit. You put words into my mouth when I said or thought nothing about Sona being "overpowered" and you flew off of the fucking handle.

I know what the fuck her kit does, the issue is that Sona always came off as a jack of all trades and honestly the once in a blue moon I played Sona I haven't played this game since December outside of a couple of ARAMs recently. I always found myself I was using someone more specialized.

Last Whispers don't stack. Get IE/Shiv or RFC/LW and your damage should be fine.

same ;-;

Use your imagination

>Aphromoo getting dicked by this Masters Morde one trick

Feels fucking good man

>let gf use level 13 account
>it already has a chat restriction on it

Armor penetration runes.

I want to jerk off with you
I have porn for that silly

Riots politics towards the eye-candy is that the game should be possible to run on ANY computer. Big part of playerbase is china and many of these players play on more or less potatoes. They wont improve the graphics for that reason.

i got one of my adcs accounts banned for toxicity after 1 month of playing on it =))

Why do I get 1st or 2nd pick in 80% of my matches? It sucks getting counter picked all the time.

my team was really changing the meta this game


>You do realize that all of the good supports have way higher play rates, right? 3.79% is literally nothing.

your point was that only brozne players play her
which just isnt true

/lolg/ grill feet where


Does anyone here Dynamic Queues with a group of people?
>Even when on a winning streak my ELO doesn't increase all that much, and been having trouble climbing so far this season.
>I have a good game with a couple people, invite them to see what's up, we win a few games
>I get way more LP than usual as my ELO increases for just a few won games
>Match maker seems better as well as I don't get many shitters in my team
Is system rigged to favor premades?

what does that even mean

just play your main
you should have enough knowledge of the champion that you can handle counterpicks

Out of those i only like Blitz one. The others i'd reroll if i were you.
No point in keeping them for tge dust, you can always wait with some nice skin if you get one for ward skins and such to disenchant.

I'm a silver surfer, so maybe not.

But also I dont really main anyone. I usually play champs to rank 3-4 then switch to another.


Not just china tho, the majority of the player base on NA is 13-16 years old and I didnt get a reliable computer above toaster-tier until 18, but by the time I started playing league it was bad again.

You want to? ima head to bed soon

Only level 10 so not that helpful yet. Starting to get a feel for the game at least


And thanks to the user that suggested essence reaver as a first build yesterday. Has proved mostly succesful so far

mia is cute but i think it's my weakness for arab chicks that makes her hotter than she actually is

That win/loss ratio.
what the fuck

>Is system rigged to favor premades?
Yes, of course The whole point was "hey guys group up and play with friends! Just dont expect us to give you a replay client, or voice chat, or a decent queue hahaha. What do you mean you cant pick a single role? You can in a 5-man premade :^)

>majority of the player base on NA is 13-16 years old
I doubt it. Source?

It means post Veeky Forums feet