Dota 2 General /d2g/

Nerfed Edition

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>tfw huskar is buffed and nothing happened to ursa but favorable items
>pub pro here
>God help me

First for TA with hurricane pike

>Wraith King with echo sabre and abyssal blade
>Blinks on you
>Attacks you twice, proccing bash
>Stuns you with overwhelm for 2 more seconds
>Stuns you with wraithfire for another 2 seconds
>Echo sabre is off cooldown, and he hits you with another double attack, proccing another bash

>20 posts early



What happened to Barneyyy?

thats not what it means to "push as furion"
furions job is to cut lanes by deploying treants / necronomicon / manta illusions so he constantly has vision of creeps leaving the enemy base and stalling them in place, then his ultimates finish them off and make more treants which cut the lanes. All furion had to do was teleport into the trees where the enemy team can't even see him, deploy his shit and teleport back to base and cast ults at his leisure

furion can keep pushing indefinitely and threaten all 3 lanes with chip damage or the threat of teleporting in to gib the fuck out of it if its left undefended and never have to expose himself to danger. Whats the enemy team going to do, leave tinker wards? Even if they did, they wouldn't respond fast enough. You'd have to be sitting in a trap in the tree line laying in wait, and thats not feasible because theres fucking 3 lanes being pushed in you have to deal with so you can't sit afk in the tree line like he can

only retarded 2k mmr pubs think "pushing as furion" involves buying daedalus + mkb + mjollnir and marching up a lane and afk right clicking a tower

isn't the chance of him bashing in those two attacks only like 35%




>customs dead
>garbage LeL patch
>game run by le reddit
nice dead game dotards

>tfw Valve dev openly admitted, that everyone at Valve browses plebbit and actually consider their feedback
>tfw Valvebro may get fired because everyone knows he is the token channer

Fuck this shit. I mean we know we aren't perfect, being the gulag and all, but plebbit absolutely lacks self-reflection!
Their suggested balances are fucking TERRIBLE. If Volvo caves in to their whims, Doto may as well be dead and burried sooner than later.
Fuck this, I am still mad!

looks like normal skill to me

I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Suddenly I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."

5 EU teams invited lul

>that everyone at Valve browses plebbit and actually consider their feedback
but we've known this for over a year

they literally named an update the alt-click update because of reddit

There's also the fact that if they ever split up to defend multiple lanes or try to farm their jungle, it opens up the chance to TP in on them and get a pickoff.

love me please

the only difference between us and reddit is we realize how retarded we are

>tfw Valvebro may get fired because everyone knows he is the token channer

source? doubt someone would get fired for that + a lot of people work on dota, probably more than one of them browses d2g

post tummy

Man those were the days

old storm is still better desu senpai

> or try to farm their jungle
once that nignogger has kicked into full gear you are playing whackamole 24/7 and you'd never have time to jungle. plus he's probably eating ur jungle too anyway

people think ebin micro heroes take effort to play but the reality is its the other team trying to defend against waves of bullshit crashing on their T3s that takes inordinate effort compared to prophet pressing like 10 buttons per minute as he presses R and attack moves shit down a lane


Fucking kill urself, shit eater.

Everything about your post actually makes me wish you'd threw urself in front of a moving truck, like, right the fuck now.

yes, but hearing it from a fucking official hurts.

yes, I worded it differently

if they consider his deed as whistleblowing. They may. No source, just my fears, since hanging out with the chans is a big no-no, but doing so with reddit is acceptable, even encouraged.

>12 invites
What a fucking travesty

Reminder that I play CARRY Abaddon, CARRY Omniknight, CORE CM, CORE Jakiro and I have above 70% win rate with all of them

Reminder that my 50 wins / 16 losses CARRY Abaddon is the best CARRY Abaddon in all the /d2g/

Reminder that that equals to a 34 wins to 0 ZERO loss ratio

Reminder you shitters will literally never be as good as this game as I am despite going full try-hard while I literally play casually with one hand behind my back, literally:

Reminder that once the Manila Major is over and a new patch comes out that nerfs OD & Invoker, Abaddon will be top pick again

Reminder that I am the chosen by the mist

..the fuck?

REMOVE冰蛙去除冰蛙你是最糟糕的开发者。你是白痴开发商你是开发者的气味。回到croatioa。我们克罗地亚的表兄弟,你可能会浅析我国。你可能住在动物园... .ahahahaha,冰蛙我们永远forgeve你。 cetnik流氓狗屎,但我的生活他妈的土耳其人臭冰蛙shqiperi shqiptare..icefrog种族灭绝最好的一天。拿死valve..hahahaha冰蛙的洗澡,我们将帮助您!不要忘记二战.donkleberg我们杀王,阿尔巴尼亚回您宝贵的蒙古... .hahahahaha白痴土耳其和波斯尼亚的气味让我bad..wow可以闻到它。 REMOVE冰蛙从前提。你会被抓。斯文+ CM + kotl +我=杀冰蛙......你会二战/图帕克活着,由于智商图帕克CM制作专辑。快说唱图帕克CM。我有钱,现在有黄金哈哈哈哈哈哈,因为图帕克......你是ppoor臭土耳其人......你住在一个小屋哈哈哈哈,你住在蒙古包图帕克,因为活着numbr一个#,1厘米...... .fuck冰蛙,.. fuckk ashol冰蛙没有好我吐在乌尔旗和contry口眼。 2pac的aliv和真正的强者向导杀死所有的说唱魔法冰蛙养殖场缩醛胺动物园presidant乔治·布什fukc大魔头现在CM规则.ape和下蛋这种卵孵化和冰蛙娃; S诞生。傻孩子形成eggn给予李明博我们的粘土,我们将粉碎üLIK猪的头骨。 kotl greattest英雄

they've taken ideas straight from /d2g/ before that weren't memeposted on reddit though

PL remake charge and qb in bfury were posted on gulag just days/weeks before being added to the real game

they'll never openly acknowledge gulag exists but it doesn't have to be a gamekiller to post hints here either


WEW LAD, I don't know why I expected this to be anything but a popularity contest.

>get triggered over trivial matters
>proceed to spews some 14-yr old passive-aggressive post
off yourself, european shitskin

buffed again!!!

I've confirmed it lads, the NEWEST and ONLY Drow build is Memepike with Ahgs and Mjolnir, other items as necessary. Hurricane Pike was made for her so she might be a tiny bit viable and it worked, it's escape, it's initiation, it's pretty excellent at kiting people along with Gust and 1000 range Frost Arrows.

Honestly I'm glad, I've wanted to play her except for when it's a 4-5 ranged team, Drow is all about positioning and Hurricane Pike does that for her

umm that's a boy in the skirt isn't it...

I am so done with this fucking shit.

This game is a mess of code hammered into itself and build upon a complete mesh of instable versions. Every patch that comes out brakes more shit than actually fixes it and every time now since 2014 there has been a 3-4 Hero FOTM trend that keeps cycling to make the game more casual friendly.

Valvo knows for a fact that they can leave the game for broken and dead for months on in that despite all crying, it will still be steam's #1 most played game, since the community is filled with literally shit eater shitlords.

They give zero response, they give zero shits about balance, zero shits about support, zero shits about actual improvement, zero shits about new content and zero shits about anything that isn't jewing kids out of their parent's credit cards.

This is why they can push eccentric and useless, despite really "cool", stuff into the market like the Steam VR, that probably costed both an unimaginable amount of money to produce that still even raw content, and the resources that a company like Valvo would probably never have unless they hadn't jewed over 60 million big ones with DOTA 2 tournaments.

Now just think if all the money that went into the whole VR shit had went allocated into fixing and improving DOTA 2. What kind of game would we have right now.

But instead, we have this, broken, mashed, hammered piece of shit, because yeah, no matter what, YOU SHITSTAINS WILL KEEP EATING VALVO'S SHIT BY THE SPOON AND LOVE IT.

Fucking end your existence, seriously.

wyverns aghas upgrade is a NERF

>a literal mongolian team got an invite for SEA quals


>drow is all about positioning
>this new item lets you get away with shit positioning

it is pretty good on her tho ill admit

I told you shitters.

Having a major LAN event like this during this week 100% nullified any chances of a patch coming out.

Valvo only cares about the money, therefor it's of their interest that this ESL LAN goes well without any issues so that they can cash in, instead of risking this shit by releasing a huge content patch one day before.

You're going to be lucky if there's any patch at all by the end of this month.

Fucking shitstains, man. Every time it's always the same fucking shit.

When are you mongoloids finally going to start listening to what I say? Jesus fucking Christ, get a fucking clue.

This pasta no longer serves any purpose though.

People underestimate just how absurd support Kunkka can be. Yeah, you need level 7 and an Aether Lens, but a 1200 range 4 second disable on an 8 second cooldown, combined with a buttload of magical damage, lets you secure so many kills with competent teammates.

singsing pls

Alright shitstains, I'll lay down my CORE Jakiro build for you mongoloids:

The core aspect of CORE Jakiro is that you're basically going to push so HARD that the enemies shit will end up going up their own asses.

So take in mind that once the T1 towers are down it's time to 5 MAN DOTA the rest of the entire fucking game.

Go Safelane.

You start off with a ring of protection, two branches, some tangoes, a mana pot and you can even buy a ward.

Build a basi ring ASAP and get the fuckin' magic wand.

Rush some motherfuckin' mana boots and start to push down the safelane T1. DON'T STOP THE PUSH.

Get the fuckin' tower and rotate top. PUSH AGAIN and get that fucking tower. You should be able to purchase a Point Booster now.

Go fuckin' MID next with everyone and PUSH and fuckin' tower down as well. That will give you enough money for the Vitality Booster.

Dissemble your Mana boots and build that Core Booster now.
Farm for a bit now your Phase boots by using the Macropyre to kill the creep waves and keep them pushed.

Once you're like with 1k gold into your Mystic staff, get your fucking team together and PUSH AS 5 ONE LANE.

It doesn't matter which lane, just fucking PUSH and get a T2.

As soon as this is done, rotate immediately to the next T2. Getting these two T2's added with some fights along the way should get you your Octarine Core.

Once you have it, go Roshan with your team, secure that fuckin' Aegis and get the last T2. That should be a FREE Barracks as well.

Start building your motherfuckin' aghanism if you think the game will go longer or just rush a Aether Lens if you think it will finish fast.

After you get any of those done, the game should be over shortly.
If by some chance it isn't due to split-push shenanigans or whatever the FUK, just go Shiva's and KILL THE FUCKING GAME.

1st point into Dual Breath, max Liquid Fire, max Ice Path, finish Dual Breath on last. Always max the Ultimate.

Good luck, shitters.


melee baddisruptor


I am now imagining Omniknight Kunkka support duos.
I'm mortified.
How do you fucking do anything with a nigger walking up and effectively rooting you in place and then being nuked for a gorillion pure damage?

daily reminder youre a true redditor if you hate babaev

But for future reference... Here you go mongoloid, I'll copy-paste a old post of mine. You'll get the idea of how to build a position 2 CARRY Abaddon:

Start off with a ring of protection, two branches, some tangoes and a mana potion.

Your CARRY Abaddon is going to be a position 2 or even 3. You're never going to be a position 1, dude. Keep that in mind.

Build that basi ring next, get that fuckin' magic wand and some phase boots. Take that basi ring and turn it into a Vlads, and rush a fuckin' S&Y.

After this it depends how the game goes,you can just go a fuckin' basher and run to people and bash their fucking face if you're ballin' outta control and expect to finish early, or you can go Skadi into a AC.

If this goes really late, finish that fuckin' abyssal and after your skadi / heart + AC you can go MKB for the damage.

Max the shield first, 2 points into the passive, max the heal, finish the passive. Always max the ultimate whenever the chance.

If your team is fuckin' kuso ass shit, as they usually are, sometimes it's actually naice to build a aghanism instead of a skadi or heart and go for a AC after, because with the aghanism you can actually stop those shitters from dying.

You will do more than just be a utility provider and actually carry the game like this, but obviously you won't carry it alone.

me on the right~

i think I just experienced peruvian hyper autisim
>teammate instapicks TA like a dipshit
>enemy team insta pick veno and viper
>game starts, ta tells them to fuck off
>peruvian veno and viper flame him for the next 35 minutes nonstop with the same basic broken simple english insults
They barely even killed TA as much as they could given their heros
Sometimes being in the trench pays off in sheer entertainment value

Glimpse's cooldown is more than twice as long, and forces you to position follow-up disables based on where the dot goes.

I like Disruptor too, but a good X can buy your team time to set up for the return, and you can use it on teammates too.

how to fix omnicuck in 6.87:

>purification now applies a hard dispel like press the attack
>degen aura now gives bonus movement/attack speed to omni equal to the amount stolen from enemy non-illusion heroes
>guardian angel replaced by a new skill: Resurrection. Omni can pray at the body of a fallen ally as a channeling spell to bring them back to life, like how it worked in diretide

No fuck you, I wanted to be Ryan.

I haven't played the patch yet, who do I meme ban?

>tfw that I play CARRY Abaddon, CARRY Omniknight, CARRY CM, CORE Jakiro and I have above 70% win rate with all of them

>tfw my 50 wins / 16 losses CARRY Abaddon is the best CARRY Abaddon in all the /d2g/

>tfw you shitters will literally never be as good as this game as I am despite going full try-hard while I literally play casually with one hand behind my back, literally:

>tfw once the Majors are over and a new patch comes out that nerfs OD & Invoker, Abaddon will be top pick again

>tfw that I am the chosen by the mist

>how to make omni absolutely fucking broken

>spiritbreaker got no changes for 2 patches in a row

no fucking way he is balanced perfectly.

How do you look at TI5 and Frankfurt's results and come to the conclusion that you need 12 fucking invites? Icetoad has gone rogue.

invoker slark axe

>chosen by the mist

>tfw once the Majors are over and a new patch comes out that nerfs OD & Invoker, Abaddon will be top pick again
this patch will be played on ti

its too bad 90% of these changes mean shit because comeback gold emchanics restrict 80% of the possible tactics/lineups in the game

watch manila just be the same shit, people picking 2 stunbots, overpowered offlaner and mid and safelane carry. winning team afk farms for 40 minutes until they crush the defenders with a 40k gold lead. they wont fight earlier because of the changes to tower aura armor and everyone getting +20 base health

>literally making Omni goodabaddon

What is this carry abaddon meme?

It's not even difficult to play abaddon at all. Anyone can be "the best" literally by just having played like 3 abaddon matches to figure out his skills and then being 5k and building specific items.

>/d2g/ hasn't realized how good naix is this patch

Are we hyped for WePlay?

whats the build? is le flaming sword meme still good? or do u go +10 armour armlet?

Hell fcking naw it's a literal shoe-in for EG

>been stuck in 3200 mmr limbo for months, where every time i get past 3200 I start losing immediately
>crush them
>finally made it over the hump
Just kill me

Image your video games are 1k-2k mmr, just by being really really really bad at video games. Also you are 50 years old.
And your job is to play video games, not just play them, but as a comedian. And you have to complete them, do a full any% run. Or a good ending run, if you finish at a good pace.
But Kacho is amazing because:
1. He do not give up
2. Its a comedy show
3. Its not insane like most Jap shows, but light hearted and for all ages
4. Hour long episodes, with about 40 minutes of edited video per 16 hours of recording
5. It predates Youtube Lets Play
6. Lots of pace braking mini shows inside the show

>12 invites
Well done volvo

Oh, I have. There's a reason I'm building Deso AC after Aghs crest on mid visage now and that's because it shits on Naix

You could have a veil in there, for almost doubling the EHP and increasing the damage by a lot more than the last Bloodthorn.

Tell me more.

Why is static remnant backswing so fucking long? No point to have it be 1.1s

Epic, dude.

Like, totally fucking epik, man.

I literally rekted your fucking kuso shit asses in this thread as soon as I entered and now the only thing you have left is resorting to call me out on my countries poor economical state?

Like I fucking give a shit, shitstain. I've got over 7k € in my bank account and I work for a youth association while also being truNEET.

I literally have no money problems whatsoever. I could care less about the state my country is in. I fucking shit on it and I shit on you.

Nothing is a shoe-in on a new patch. MVP definitely has a shot
MVP, Liquid, EG, and Navi. Going to be nice to see where they think lineups will go
wow that was so fucking hard

>im so succesful thats why i have to defend myself on a mongolian basket weaving forum

nice kid la

Holy shit, Timber's winrate is through the fucking roof

>Na'Vi invited to the Major


Literally dropped out

>780 base HP


What's been the point of all these base stat for all heroes changes?

Did I touched a nerve, shitface? Were my words too close to the truth? awwww... sucks to be you, you fucking loser.

I'm rather famous now and mostly everyone knows I'm Portuguese, so your fucking slander tracks die at the fucking beach.

So stay anal devastated forever, shitfuck. I fucking raped you from one corner to the next with literally one hand behind my back.

And I didn't even had to use most of my best images to do so.

Literally still LMAO'ing at your life. Just fucking end urself right now loser.

>still replying
What the fuck

>I work
well I guess your shitty country isn't regarded as smart for a reason

36 armor



also Raindrops is pretty much made for Timber

>ask reddit to ask valve for a Vanilla major instead of a Manila major

>get down-bernied into 20% up-berns


thats literally third world though

So it's not just me that is a huge shitter, does this strategy have no counters other than lucking out and having furion's team dying in a fight?


Careful getting up from your chair, you might get a heart attack, Ameritards.

Seriously, kill urselves as well, you fucking fat lard wastes of human beings.

Now all you shitters take a look at MY fucking image.

I just fucking literally owned your shit kuso asses.
Get freakin' rekt, shitfucks.

>+85 damage
>+30 attack speed
>+20% chance to critical for 1.75x damage

>+18 damage
>+6 attack speed
>+25% to just the soul burn on silence and arctic burn DoT

So dotards did you ever get a leak from an inside bro like 6.85?

Been gone a while for 2 days

>still analblasted
>keeps replying with chinese cartoon smug face

>enter game
>everybody picks his shit
>the last guy on our team is afk
>he picks dazzle because we needed a support
>guys I don't know how to support, just letting you know
>always carrying 4 wards on him and trying to farm creepwaves
>never warding because 'lol i have no clou where to ward xd'

Follow up episode
>check his profile after
>every single game where he picks support is a lost one
>3.5k mmr

get me out of here

its got the same counter as divine rapier arc warden did before icefrog did no-fun-allowed
its called

bumrush their fucking ancient and let them kill your base

if a furion has to hold onto a game that close instead of just pushing straight down mid it means his allies must be feeding so go ahead and ignore him

Strength carries have been severely underwhelming for years now, there's no point in playing a strength carry when an agility carry is just so much better.

These changes make it so that there's actual value in having strength as your primary attribute, since now you can withstand a buttload of damage on top of being able to shrug off magical nukes, which agility carries traditionally cannot do.