Is Yogg the king of comebacks? I can't even begin to count how many matches I've turned around because of him
Oliver Torres
>halfway to 2017 >blizzard STILL hasn't released a qt Priest hero skin
I can't play as anduin he's such a faggot
Anthony Miller
Yogg is my new favorite card
Christopher Hill
4th for C'thun
Ryan Williams
Done done. Any other recommenderoonis? I have a p big collection for a 6 month account. What about Sylvanas?
I'll test her in the morning and report back /hsg/.
Hunter Martinez
xth for paladin as the new meme class
Jackson Perez
>doing ok >winning some, losing some >suddenly start losing a bit more >then a lot more >then nothing but losing >20 lost games in a row >now fighting shieldbearers >game throws me a pity fight >paladin coins into hero power >finally think it's in the bag >i draw like shit while his curve is insane >mfw
Tyler Rodriguez
Carter Johnson
>Whole new set released >People still playing the same faggoty freeze mage
Jeremiah Cox
Undercity huckster is my new favorite card
Brayden Price
Now at 2/0. The fear is real.
Cameron Mitchell
Blake Carter
but le mad scientist out xd
Logan Jones
jesus wtf
Brayden Morris
Go on ladder >Against OP as fuck C'Thun Druid >Against full Casino Mage (le stories to tell your friends xD) >Against buffed to heavens Shaman We are not even 1 day in and I can already tell this is going to be the worst meta we've ever had, bar Undertaker era
Aaron Russell
This card is fucking crazy good
William Anderson
I meme and the world trembles
Nolan Ramirez
good in a bad class
Camden Jackson
Being Cancer never felt so good
Carson Bailey
It's good. Not fucking crazy good.
Tyler Jones
infest in reno and the new hunter 4 3/3 to combo with vulture is quite nice tbqf
Levi Nguyen
Josiah Ramirez
Post non-face Shaman decks
Luis Mitchell
>he still hasn't faced Call of the Wild Hunter
David Martin
If you get 4 wins can you post a screenshot of the rewards you open, please ?
I heard that you are guaranteed 2 packs if you make it to 4 wins.
Connor Brown
>tfw trouncing all these aggro decks with an ultra budget priest deck
Dylan Martin
>always bring deathwing with me just incase I fall into despair
Mason Gray
Overcosted start of turn garbage.
Eli Cook
You are going to make somebody ragequit and not touch the game for another month
Leo Peterson
New? Things have just gone back to how things were. Paladin is the true patrician class. Just like before GvG.
Landon Parker
Thoughts or suggestions? I have 0 dust though, sadly.
Gabriel Parker
How do you even beat freeze mage?
Bentley Stewart
Thanks, just mind controlled someone's deathwing after they played it and they ragequit.
John Richardson
>No more creepers on turn 2 >No more shredders >No more belchers >No more Dr Boom >No more annoying crap
I think I'm gunna like this game
Cooper Reed
Am I mad or is Rogue so desperate for healing that Earthen Ring Farseer might be a good idea?
you don't, i had 2 5 win runs and a 12 win run yesterday and i didn't get a double pack in any of those.
Ian Gomez
Run a flare
Jace Morales
rekt lul
Dominic Cook
farseer has always been pretty good
William White
>deathwing nearly turned my game around against a rogue with new cards >I have no WotG cards >he gets a aldor from undercity Huckster
Parker Nelson
With C'thun/other kinds of big Old God decks running rampant, on top of some people going aggro anyway
I wonder whats the answer
David Scott
name things you've said today that couldn't happen >I don't wanna play into light bomb >oh that's gonna die to implosion >I don't have an answer for boom right now
Luis Miller
Pre naxx all rogues ran it
Matthew Perry
Wyatt Bell
>Totem golems on turn 2 >7/7 on turn 4
Lincoln Anderson
remove the iceblock or kill them with fatigue.
Parker Baker
Good card, Toxins are nice. In a weak class though.
Jaxon Young
Play control warrior and enjoy the auto wins
Lincoln Rivera
Farseer is a decent card, not even joking. We simply got used to absurdly overpowered crap like shredders.
Ayden Price
Faster aggro
Isaac Clark
>tfw rank 6 right now with the blizzard priest cthun deck Feels good to win with a shit deck made by blizz devs.
Aaron Wilson
that's just stupid
Jacob Bell
a bit hard to suggest considering you have no dust and we dont know what your collection is
I'd say that you don't really have a goal for your deck yet. It starts off aggressive and flood-y and then you have a 7 drop taunt and Psychotron. Either bolster your early game or drop sarg/squire and get better self standing 4/5 drops.
Nolan Bennett
>tfw priest and literally 0 answer to Dr. Emperor
Henry Collins
My second victory opponent actually added me and wished me good luck (I summoned Ysera, Tirion and Kel). I made this deck before the expansion came in by the way.
Sebastian Roberts
I'm a shieldbearer even though I got rank 12 yesterday.
Why are fun decks so bad?
Christopher Young
What's the closest thing to a Sludge Belcher replacement?
Elijah Rogers
>it takes 3 years to nerf druid because it's ben brode main and favorite class >it's instantly broken as fuck again GEEEEE I WONDER WHY
Ethan Rodriguez
Instead you have perfectly statted on curve C'thun minions.
John Ward
Xavier Reyes
Taz Dingo
Oliver Murphy
>still feel nervous when druids whittle me down to 20 health or so and I can't clear their board >still expect to hear "WAHAHAHAHA" on turn 7 >still brace myself for ridiculous skill portal spawns I have Hearthstone PTSD
Brayden Williams
You're not wrong
Yeah, I remember those days. I was just wondering if there was literally no better option. I guess not. Thanks Blizzard.
Mages still have a 2 card 13 damage combo from basic cards (fireball), which is often times better than a well buffed C'thun, but requires none of the investment.
Great games blizzard, 10/10 you totally understand how to balance a game in 2016 and aren't a shadow of your former self.
Kevin Taylor
I used to pressure them with beast hunter. Tundra Rhinos ignore freeze or gazhillas stop them from using AoE damage. Gimicky deck though. Eater of secrets with a Reno in the deck would be better.
Camden Nguyen
Is it Face Hunter/Shaman time?
Kayden Brooks
I've been gone for a long time. Is miracle rogue still a thing?
Juan Russell
I haven't ran into any. What makes them broken?
Luis Taylor
brodes favorite class is paladin
Jonathan Bennett
>If he plays Quartermaster I'm screwed >I hope that's not Avenge >Okay so his turn 2 will be Mad Scientist...
Josiah Edwards
so which is it, aggro shaman is broken or freeze mage is broken? both can't be OP at the same time
Liam Harris
Aggro shaman.
Bentley Collins
Face Shaman is sick, but only play it if you want to tryhard.
Carter Bell
this seems pretty balanced
Dominic King
>Games lasting more than three minutes >Aggro nowhere in sight
Angel Turner
How is someone just getting into this game supposed to win any matches?
Playing this game makes me want to cut my own head off.
Asher Davis
Miracle has been gone for a long time and rogue is literally a dead class in standard.
Parker Gonzalez
Mage and paladin are this game's Mary Sue classes
Brody Ward
only saw 1 Freeze mage on EU from ranks 13 to rank 5 saw about 5 shamans
Austin Clark
So how essential are the twins and crazed worshiper?
What other c'thun cards do I need?
Xavier Jenkins
Where have you been?
Robert Walker
>aggro nowhere in sight >he hasn't seen that they made shaman aggro even stronger
holy kek
Christopher Howard
My collection is basically fresh. I just hit level 20 with priest the other day so I can do brawls for quests now. I never opened a GvG pack. Just opened one Grand Tournament pack.
I don't have an adventures either, obviously.
I'm fresh meat but I made it to 17 somehow with this shit, I'm still clueless.
Hunter Williams
I played around multiple avenges today. Boy did I feel silly
Jacob Williams
Nah, it's hunter
Gabriel Rodriguez
spend $600
Sebastian Rogers
>Open 13 packs >It's Ragnaros 2.0 Fucking hell, opening decent legos on classes that I don't want to play hurts really bad if only uldaman wasn't in the second wing ;_;
Anthony Green
i'll give you $600 just to shut the hell up nigga
Ian Ramirez
You pretty much need Crazed Worshipper and the Twins for any C'Thun deck. Other than that play the class C'thun cards, Disciple of C'thun and C'thun's Chosen at the very least.
Oliver Perry
anyone got a decent taunt/bolster list ? My current attempts aren't too satisfying
Noah Thompson
What do you think the next brawl will be?
I'm going with pick any class but all 30 cards are Zerus. You know it's coming.
Luke Lee
Jaxon Stewart
Henry Ortiz
Ok, thanks. that would explain a lot of my losses. Thanks.