>Terag is finally dying Ninja didn't come fast enough.
Cameron Bell
xth for don't forget to tell your parents how much of a huge faggot you are.
Tyler Adams
yth for jigghue is still alive somewhere
Oliver Ward
Castanic cock is yucky! Human is the way to go!
Zachary Miller
you all suck i'm the best
Nathaniel Sanders
Elin cock best cock
Jace Perry
Is this confirmed? They met up but did they actually do sex stuff?
David Ramirez
I agree with this.
Michael Turner
Elin shy! Elin hide bulge!
John Garcia
which server are you on?
Carson Baker
1st for Connection error
Jackson Jones
>implying i hide anything Maybe i just like recieving it~ guess!
Dominic Carter
It was fake.
Justin Perry
It wasn't fake Me and lewdie met up, cuddled a fuckload, and did some lewd things under the covers
Jaxon Moore
on MT? where are you now?
Grayson Perez
Same spot as that picture.
Jaxson Ross
Pic or it didn't happen.
Carson Kelly
Have a pic of us watching anime. Nep held my hand during this.
Kayden Torres
Why is that sideways, thanks phone
Josiah Carter
That doesn't prove anything. But nice taste.
Hudson Rivera
>doing fwc >winning hard, one sided slaughter >on our way to north pyre, i lag behind to finish off a poor equalized sap >alone, i catch up to my group. Or so i thought. > get a whisper: "I'm coming for that booty." >pause, not sure how to deal with this. >I'm in front of a thick bush. Unaware. >suddenly a leash comes at me, from the thicket. >get pulled in, startled, i try to escape. >100 to 0 before i can even do anything, was too spooked to even think about using my trinket. >laying there, a fresh corpse, i receive another whisper. >"no one escapes the bush rapist" > feel violated. I tell people in the raid to take out the bush rapist. > he escapes by the water. Team doesn't do shit, too busy slaughtering the other team. > about a minute later, another teammate suffers the same fate on the other side of the map.
Jace Garcia
Well we aren't exactly going to post pictures, there aren't any. Our hands were busier doing other things, pictures aren't really on your mind when doing stuff.
Nnb is good so far, cute show, Komari a qt
Chase Hernandez
Cont > the same thing repeats over and over, different teammates get the d. > team is now more concerned about the rapist, aoes every bush, forgets objectives. > without realising it, enemy now has loser buff > bush rapist stronger. Our team is chaos. > team now focuses on rapist. Our pride took a hit. > we ended up winning anyway. But because of the rapist, enemy team nearly caught up. > rapist with 23 kills, 0 deaths. > we won the battle, but felt like we lost the war. I'm too scared to queue again.
Lincoln Jenkins
Let's hear the details. Who sucked who off?
Isaac Ross
Take a guess
Jackson Smith
You can guess that easily, user
Cameron Kelly
who's bigger, lewdie or nep? i bet lewdie is
Ethan Sanders
Well aren't you all just a bunch of lewd degenerate fuccbois ;3~
Carter Davis
My guess is you sucked lewdie off? Did you swallow like a good bitch?
Charles Gutierrez
Are you being wrong on purpose? other way around.
Noah Diaz
Post modest elins, I want to do something.
Camden Baker
Adrian Myers
Define "modest"
Thomas James
You can trust me user
mod·est adjective
3. (of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention. (of clothing) not revealing or emphasizing the figure. "modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee" synonyms: decorous, decent, seemly, demure, proper "her modest dress" antonyms: flamboyant
Ian King
Logan Bennett
Thanks, this will do.
Cameron Hill
What are you going to do with that picture of Ellie and I, user?
Lucas Martinez
1. Render the image. 2. Put Trump Hats on you both 3. Put you on a podium 4. Make Tera Great Again
Isaac Sanders
I want CH Trump to leave
Gabriel White
I'm in AV
Ryan Davis
>gate: season 3
Eli Jackson
So how much did you blow on Bamarama?
Stupid Paku
Logan Rivera
Put in around 5k total got 7k back.
Jonathan Watson
Here is the render, I should have gotten rid of the weapon in foresight.
Jaxon Torres
You should since the weapon is Ellie's on the right but it appears behind my back, and not inbetween us. Looks off.
Robert White
>removing the lewdie's halo y-you're killing lewdie!
Hudson Smith
>no halo >floating axe head >no wings are you trying to kill them both come on user what
Dylan Ramirez
Lewdie is a little nutgobbling lewdie!
Lincoln Flores
How much did everyone lose on bamarama? Did you have fun?
Noah Sanders
>floating axe head
John Bailey
Was Bamarama only a one day thing?
Ethan Bailey
Good morning kusu
Jack Hall
starts not at 6pm and end at 12am?
Christopher Ortiz
Its only in the evenings
Gavin Butler
Not what I mean, there was no announcement saying what days it starts or ends, if it goes for a week or whatever
Thomas Bennett
Do vanguard quests never change? I've had 2 days straight of "gather boxes of parts".
Parker Campbell
I was up 2 diamond and like 100 gold. I bet small but won most of the time.
I trusted in GRAPE APE and he never let me down.
Easton Lee
Put in 40k, got back 46k
Ayden Long
Can someone post the Kusu album?
Aaron Gomez
put in 35k on like 5 rounds, lost all of it.
Isaac Wood
Came out even
Colton Perez
Guys, I'm running this with my old, terrible HD6670. If I upgraded to this card do you think I could do dungeons, etc without lagging?
tera runs like shit on a i5 with a 980 in dungeons
its just how the game is
Anthony Moore
You'll always lag no matter what you have i7 and 980 here.
Brayden Anderson
version 2
Carter Wright
>if it was Kusu, they wouldn't even bother to try to talk to me. You know, the fact that Kusu was a really approachable person and how she talked to anyone about anything makes that kind of unbelieveable.
So where are all the launch fags who used to talk shit, kill bams, and shit on redditors?
All this general has is dudes pretending to be lewd/cute girls. I did that three years ago and don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
Oliver Campbell
>Trying to decide what class to make next Warrior basically never tanks anymore, right? It's that, slayer, or archer for what I haven't played to 65 besides Lancer and Brawler and I'm not a tank player.
Pretty sure there's really no one who played at launch playing this anymore. I pity them if there are any.
Thomas Collins
Jaxon Peterson
Back when this game was launching in NA there were threads on /a/ and all the fucking game was THEN was loli simulator. Anyone who takes this game that seriously is deluded.
Leo Reyes
>Zionist Weedlordz of Bon... Battle in progress Touch Fluffy Tail 01/11/2013 Are ya winnin, son?
Jonathan Cox
Ryan Bennett
Julian Ross
My masters had sexy time, and I was stuck in a plane/car.
Brayden Young
Ok, I got to go. This is probably as far as I'll take it anyways.
Connor Wright
this one
Jose Cruz
Zachary Ramirez
Fake. You cant whisper the enemy team while in a bg
Asher Cox
When. I need it
David Wright
Is Corruption Ring any good? Is it just because it's a built in chain with a few skills that people use it?
I never use it when I use my Mystic, but I always see other Mystics using it.
Michael Watson
It gives your party mana. You can also use it to reduce damage taken in pve. In some dungeons its really usefull, like ABHM
Asher Reyes
>Using it in a built in chain
Why are you chaining skills as a healer?
But yeah, Corruption Ring is a great utility skill both for yourself and for your party - use it for the mana when you know you don't need it for the damage reduction.
You can give ridiculous amounts of mana back to people with it. If you catch just one person in it, you can fill a Sorc's mana bar up to 1/2 from empty.
Glyph it for 50% damage reduction and tank literally everything. Spin on Rokdos HM? Tank it with CR. Literally anything in DSL? Tank it with CR. Kaprima Spin in DSU? Tank it with CR if you don't have jaunt up.
It's seriously like... the best thing ever. It makes you live through things that a Lancer can't, it's that good.
So yeah, it's good. Use it. Learn how to tap it properly so the CD doesn't start but you still get the damage reduction. Learn to know when you can use it for mana.
Connor Evans
lewdist stop posting and parcel me the fuckgin 200 mwa you piece of garbo
Xavier Williams
carry me lewds
Nathaniel Price
fuck off cc
Brody Long
Who would win in a lewd battle TFT or Dump?
Easton Baker
>tfw dinosaur used to prefer mystics over priests because INFINITE MANA!!! and then he moved onto jTera and barely plays rip
Oliver Ramirez
Whos more degenerate autistic neckbeard neet trannies or autistic neckbeard elitist neets ;3c~