How am I supposed to reach 30 wins in Blue Sentinels? That is literally impossible.
Jason Morales
1st for DaS3 is worst souls
Landon Peterson
>friend tells me you get to marry Anri in this game >cool, she sounds cute >glad I get to cuck that Horace guy >some bitch tells me the wedding is ready >eventually make it to the tomb in anor londo
that was the worst wedding i've ever been to
Joseph Cooper
Parrying mobs is so broken, why am I taking damage on a successful parry? Fuck you Pontiff Knights, let my dex character win
Grayson Barnes
Justin Howard
I actually like it a little better than 1
Carson Peterson
Asking again. Does somebody here own the offical guide and can post the pendant description? It is on the page with all the multiplayer items listed.
Asher Nelson
You don't invasions are fucked.
>3v1 >Kill the blue >2v1 almost gets me >Another invaders shows up >Finally, a fair fight >Retreat to recover and assess my new partner >Instead they run right past me and get killed in less than 2 seconds
Come on man.
Reposting because I want people to laugh at my frustration.
Xavier James
Dude she deep throated your great sword what's not to Like?
Connor Rivera
does rolling negate bleed damage when the bar fills up like in DS1?
Easton Long
I hope the DLC puts in the Royal Swordsman helm.
Best helm in the series.
Christopher Long
>implying Horace doesn't still cuck you from beyond the grave
Adrian Jones
Best dex weapons? And Luck isn't worth leveling for anything but Anri's sword, right? I assume the boost to bleed is very negligible?
Henry Gray
I like it better than 2 and 1
oh wait that's like saying nothing
Robert Peterson
I keep forgetting DS2 looks like a Resident Evil game from the PS2 era
Thomas Hill
I've seen this music video before and I'm not really sure where
John Morgan
Farron greatsword makes me feel happy in a way few weapons in games can. I burst out laughing everytime I spin
David Lopez
>it's a "the baby is actually invisible and Oceiros is mentally sound" episode
Angel Nelson
Why is being hollow suddenly a big deal? Everyone and their moms used to be hollows that look just like you do in 3
Kayden Roberts
why is dragon aerie so cool
Brayden Brown
>implying any DaS game looks good for it's gen >implying DaS3 doesnt look like shit >implying DaS1 didnt look shit when that released
Hey atleast DaS2 was optimized for 60fps.
Jackson Fisher
Still trying for sliders.
Elijah Peterson
Jackson Ross
Oceiros is the baby and the real consumed king is long dead.
Easton Morales
>doesn't shrug next to and inside the dragon memories i wonder how many have actually gone into it just being in there and seeing how bare it was made me a bit sad
Logan Foster
Post butts
Zachary Brown
Yeah, still works like that.
Brody Adams
> Do Onion bros final climactic fight > 1 minute of a giant getting dicked every time he tries to stand up > Get an armor I already paid for, a dupe of a shield I already paid for, and a dupe of a useless ass sword that doesn't even work on any of the other giants
At least the beer was good. They should've brought back the ladle and have him give it to you in the kitchen.
Luke White
Tbh i wanna kiss sirris
Wyatt Gomez
WAT IS THE NEW PVP META?????????????????????????????
Levi Mitchell
>it's a Firelink Shrine is an illusion created by Ludleth episode
Liam Rogers
So which would be the best route for the twin axes? Should I do a quality build?
Easton Cruz
Anyone done an onion cosplay? How much vit do you need?
James Rivera
Why does the Sorcerer staff with A scaling in INT have more spell buff than the fucking Court Sorcerer staff with S scaling? this is stupid
William Carter
DeS looked good for the time. BB looks good for PS4 standards.
Jason Howard
fuck off degenerate
Adrian Jenkins
David Price
I had the same reaction. If Yuria had added the little detail of her being a corpse maybe I wouldn't have been so eager.
Luke Wilson
>Get an armor
I didnt get shit from him
Mason Lewis
What was From thinking making the undead have such insanely high physical defence. It's essentially just masochism getting through Catacombs/Tomb of the Giants on a Str character.
Lucas Davis
Tyler Baker
So wait Where the fuck is all the slutwear?
Matthew Hall
Alexander Peterson
>no shrug gesture >i fucked up and didn't get applause from leonhard before murdering his ass in firelink character ruined
Sebastian Myers
Stormruler works on that ass giant that shoots arrows on the undead settlement. At least I think so, maybe his HP were just so low that I thought it worked. Or perhaps...
Camden Howard
Because the scaling affects how much damage it does when you strike with it, not the spell buff
Spell buff is an internal stat related to the staff's reinforcement level that also scales with casting stat
Samuel Ross
Eat my ass
Alexander Morris
Dark Souls 2 was bad. But why do I miss it?
Gavin Cox
It's okay. As long as it makes you happy. Maybe go for a more fitting shield.
Brayden Richardson
Parker Roberts
Which is why I didnt mention BB or DeS.
Parker Powell
is sl31 +4 weapon too high for deacon sunbro or do nobody summon for him
William Roberts
Oliver Harris
Regular defense is kind of worthless but remember to have a bit of elemental defense. I usually riposte for around 410 damage, but as he was wearing just the master's drops the damage went nuts.
Brandon Phillips
She gets better.
Nathaniel Martin
>putting your sign at the boss fog Come on, user.
Brayden Watson
Pls no I'm already over 80 but muh Int is far from done levelling
Logan Perry
He's supposed to drop his own armor when he dies at the end of his quest line.
Hudson Foster
+4 is probably a little high for most
Luke Bennett
Are there any other PVP hotspots beside the Irythyll one?
Started NG+ and now I'm kinda regretting it. Seeing 1-2 signs at the High Wall bonfire.
Blake Jones
>Gwynevere, Nashandra and throne of want portrait in the same room
What's the lore behind this?
Eli Long
Fucking hate people that mix armor sets. You aren't a special little snowflake you god damn cucks.
Jeremiah Kelly
What's the pvp like at weapon reinforcement +10? More/less players than at +9?
Jacob Perez
does he look the same? pls no thanks explain
Kevin Campbell
Why are all the DaS3 invaders boring as fuck? Why aren't there random NPC invaders like forlorn spawning in even if you've cleared an area?
Asher White
It had great build variety and good pvp that soul memory nearly ruined
Oliver Fisher
fuuuck I didnt kill onionbro because I really like him
Justin Thomas
Ryan Murphy
>when you're about to finish a boss but you do the kick instead because you made the mistake of pressing a movement key during your attack FUCK THIS SHIT
Isaiah Stewart
Jackson Walker
>guarding the forest as a watchdoggy >invade some poor fuck who already has two watchdoggies chasing his ass >mfw he runs straight into me with pixel health
Henry Miller
>PC >memester >CEfaggots >trainer babbies
Ps4 >fps >no players >no cheaters
Sebastian Russell
Gabriel Ross
whatever level it takes for everyone to be a fastrolling havelstoc.
Grayson Reyes
Gwynevere is Manus, Gwynevere is Smaugh, Gwynevere is Gwyn, Gwynevere is Nashandra, Hwynevere is Creighton, Gwynevere is Rosaria, Gwynevere is Soulf of Cinder, Gwynevere is Yuria, Gwynevere is Straid, Gwynevere is Lautrec, Gwynevere is everyone.
Eli Stewart
Can you parry the tip of weapons like in das2? Or do you must kiss their cheeks like das1/des
Zachary Miller
Regular defense isn't that useless, even with the armor of favor I could see a clear differencein PvE, enemies did less damage to me, defense enoguh to endure 1 hit more.
Dominic Davis
Because DaS3 is pretty bad compared to the other Souls games.
Blake Reed
>fightclub >kid in full havel + shield + dark sword >hit him 8 times in a row with broadsword, shield never goes down >eventually die because i don't use a shield that blocks 100% damage
absolute joke and he must think he's good as well.
Hunter Green
Cleansing chapel, i was hosting there all day
From should have kept ds2 invading in cleared areas
Dominic Walker
pls respond
Mason Murphy
If you're playing a caster it'll only get worse for you the higher up you go than 80.
I'm a SL90 pyro and I regret not staying at 80, since I can't get Aldrich invasions anymore.
David Wright
>nameless robe and cornyx head So clever!
Carson Morgan
Does anyone else just stop at an area to invade a bunch as they progress through the game? Having a mad fun time invading in the Catacombs, all these ledges and traps and shit make fighting even gangbangs viable.
I'm level 30/+6 and afraid to level up because I'll lose access to this fun, and I'm about to start Irithyll. What even is the average level for Catacombs? And how's Aldrich Faithful these days?
Aiden Turner
Because DaS3 is worse
Cooper White
Buffs don't affect critical damage At least, when I was farming the respawning drakeblood knight I did the same backstab damage with flame arc and without
Oliver Ward
I'd take console over PC any day. Motherfuckers love to cheat in Souls.
Jordan Flores
I'm not good enough at the kick input to accidentally do it, pls.
Benjamin Thomas
Hm, haven't seen a single cheater on pc for 100 hours, yeah... choices
Asher Martin
WHY do people use the dark sword is it even that good i swear everybody uses it fucking memers
Nolan Sullivan
i love it it's so good
Ethan Diaz
Son you got outskilled, he's obviously too pro for you.
Carson Garcia
It's not just technical quality that makes dark souls 2 shit, it's the design. I still have nightmares about the shaded woods IE "one muddy forest texture covering everything in sight"
Blake Lopez
>being in a fightclub that doesn't instantly clownsquad havelshitters trying to ruin the fun
you asked for this,just get into a good fightclub
Kevin Carter
100 >get matched with stubborn "muh build variety" 80s >get matched with "it's always been 120 and it always will be" guys >get matched with perfectly reasonable people like yourself
Leo Gray
>win 3 fights in a row in fight club >host and last two other phantoms cosplaying solaire >all spamming praise the sun >hurry up >still spamming praise the sun >solaire #2 comes down >get him down to nothing, he has about 900 health >about to finish him off >"you've been disconnected"
are you serious?
how does anyone even like fight clubs? i cringe whenever people spam these gestures
Samuel Harris
is this what assburgers looks like?
Benjamin Diaz
>absolute joke and he must think he's good as well. You're the one who died kid. If he's bad, what does that make you?
Asher Reed
I already can't get aldrich invasions anymore. Whatever I guess, I'm gonna get all trophies with this character, level him to le 99 meta and make a twink.