/dg/ - Destiny General

Iron Banner is up
Saladman is selling RAWKETS and AUTORIFLES (don't use on bladedancers)
Drops from IB can reach 335

Nightfall - SABER with Trickle, Grounded, small arms and chaff

Weekly Crucible - Mayhem Rumble

Challenge of Elders - Berserk, Catapult, Grenade Kill Bonus

Patch notes - bungie.net/en/News/Article/44609/
Known Issues with Update - bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/199894187/0/0

>>>> LINKS

First for being Wednesday, my dudes.

First for shitters need to get gud

fuck off Cramp.

Wow fuck off I'm not even Cramp.

>Challenge of Elders - Berserk, Catapult, Grenade Kill Bonus
Good job OP

anything to keep it form being /DG/

haha hey woah

Maybe you ought to support you team instead of worrying about your precious k/d.

>that have been answered in the trhead five times over
Maybe if people didn't shitpost so much erping, alpha memeing and calling each other faggots, people wouldn't skip reading the thread

>can also be read in the weekly
>reading "big news coming soon!: the article

>possibly even in the OP
>OP that half the time is filled with ancient as fuck or wrong as fuck links

Aha, wooaaaaah, yeah!

>muh old links
The Destiny app is nice as fuck for gear management, there's no excuse for being unable to get to the lastest update.

Im not a special ed teacher and not gonna babysit 5 drooling idiots. They shouldn't allow negative kd retards to participate in banner at all

>waa waa it's not my fault

Git. Fucking. Gud.

>le git gud meme

>waa waa it's not my fault I can't read

The fuck is wrong with you people today? Or is it just one guy?

>le le meme

Reddit misses you. Go back to your homeland.

>exotic scout rifle for the new DLC
>it's the standard Cabal slug rifle

Yes pls, Bungo

Cabal are eh, but their toys are dope

This is me and I mostly play solo

You're a whiney bitch, user

Nice memeing shitter
>conveniently hides name
Nice borrowed stats shitter

Fuck off to rumble if you're not gonna be a team player.

Your k/d is the most important thing in Clash, user.

If it's negative, then you'd have been better off not coming along.

But that user is a pussy, despite that.

>borrowed stats

Heh. Attempting to be belittling as I only name to LFG. Cute~

Getting a 1.x preventing your mates from getting a 0.3 is more important than getting a 4.0 before getting mercy'd back into orbit.

I'm not saying hang back like a shitter; I'm saying that the 0.3 player is to blame and nobody else - whether or not the 4.0 is just padding doesn't matter - still has 4.0 compared to 0.3


I already told you I got top score twice on day one, while you're crying like a bitch because you're too bad to do it.

Also, learn a new insult, you called the other guy a shitter as well, and more I feel diminished and not very special.

Also, score is still a factor. It's not inferno clash. Defenders, avengers, supers, grenades all matter.

Why is /dg/ so tryhard now? Even in Raids and PvE people are "competing" with their teammates and shit.

What ever happened to just having fun?

user you know you're replying to a troll, right? the person you're replying to isn't the OP of that post last thread

hi Hitch.

IB isn't for fun

Are you new?
>happened to just having fun
fun is a buzzword

Yes it is. Video games are a recreational activity.

If you're not having fun you need to turn off the game and go do something else.

Destiny isn't fun; it's a chore to take pleasure from

>Video games are a recreational activity.
i want normies to leave

I mean /dg/ has always had tryhards but it's gotten markedly worse over time.

Blame decent players leaving and garbage remaining

Video games are a substitute for a lacking life, silly

The more laborious and task-ridden, then the more pseudo-achievement satisfaction to override the hollowness of living is gained

Kobra, buybrokencatprof, and most of other tryhards fucked off long ago.

Sounds about right, it's mainly garbage players insecure about their skill so they spam the shitter meme and dickstroke themselves if they miraculously manage to get a decent k/d.

>switch to Warlock for bounties because i haven't played him in a while
>literally unable to pass 0.5 KD
Help me Jesus
How do i into Warlocks?

No, it hasn't

For the first 6 months post-launch we were ridden with a handful of Crucible tryhards who wouldn't STFU whilst nameposting (one in particular)

There's nothing tryhard about telling a sub-k/d shitter they're a bad, no, that's just truth

Rush with shotgun+melee

Bolt grenades.

int dis
nothing manacles
scatter grenade
soul rip
embrace the void

It's spilled into PvE more over time, like all the raid k/d posting. You either haven't noticed or you're just new.

Firebolt + dots
stack armour skills + wear The Ram/applicable chest armour for subclass

You now survive Striker shoulder charges and can incap groups for over 10 seconds

Raid k/d posting is banter, you pleb

Everyone continues to play with one another and has a laugh and then shitposts when not LFG

That's not tryhard, that's targeted shitposting.

Thanks, i'll try those. Voidwalker first because i usually prefer shotgun plays.
I ran Stormcaller because way back when i played everything equally that was my best PvP class. But right now i'm reaching BTFO levels that i haven't thought possible.

>shotgun plays
Might be why you're getting BTFO. It's a long range meta now, with high rof autos dominating the close range game.

>It's a long range meta now
>he isn't running 335 remote and PC+1 exclusively and wrecking the opposition everytime
shotgunning people with heavy is so delicious.

I usually topscore every other match with my Titan running Soulstealers Claw/DIS-43 and a Party Crasher though, so i doubt my choice of weapons is the problem.

It's not that you can't, but you can't say snipers and scouts aren't the most common weapons currently.

Scouts have been replaced by Doctrine recently. If i get killed by a Scout now and then it's MIDA exclusively, but most of the time it's good old Doctrine. Hawkmoon and Hawksaw are also having a comeback it seems.

Well I don't really know then. It's not like warlocks don't have good grenades or melee, and high recovery is great in PvP and pve.

I'd use something other than MIDA, but then I'd feel so numbingly slow whilst stacking armour over agility for Ram


stormcallers in particular have awful grenades

I don't get it


Nice to know nothing has changed in crucible at all, thanks for selling me half a game bungo.

Works like a charm with Scout/Shotgun, thanks man.

Yeah i know that Warlocks are actually a pretty powerful class, it seems i just used a retarded setup. And can't into their playstyle that much.

I'm not going to bother with iron banner again this month, it's the same old shit as last time.

Clash is easily the worst game mode as it takes 0 skill to camp a sight line with a sniper for a whole game, fucking yawn.

I dunno man, 330+ drops are raining like crazy. I've already jumped from 326 to 329 in a few hours of play.

So how about you don't try to camp a sight line with a sniper shitter?

I don't, but that seems to be everyone else's gameplan for this iron banner.

I've had my last 2 games go to the time limit.

I wish I could get drops, all I ever get is blues while my team mates get shaders and IB stuff.

blame meta, literally the same will happen in any gametype

>fucking niggas up with universal remote and a fusion rifle
Literally the best build

Can't wait for Bungie addressing it with yet another ammo "nerf" that changes nothing at all except me running out of sniper ammo at WP and Golgy because lmao higher drop "chance"

my nigga was ruining peoples lives with that combo in inferno rumble. gotta love deleting people from existence

>kill a guy with a minuscule amount of health left
>he messages me telling me I'm going to get banned for "lag"
>he has his twitch as his clantag
>look him up


>can't connect with psn
>checks psn
>all good

Fuck off bungiejump

Careful user! You won't like him when he's angry!

>killing faggots with "twitch" , "youtube" and "tv" clantags
best feeling

Would /dg/ suggest Tracking or Proximity Explosion on the IB Rocket Launcher?

PvE tracking
PvP Radius

>playing PoE
>guy gets fucked by Reaver Captain
>Captain camps his ghost so I have to draw it away to try and get him
>guy leaves the game
>sends message
>"learn to revive"
I can taste the salt.

Vendor roll is great for pve
AR roll is good too if you like 8 impacts

>turn on ps4
>no beep
>everything is fine though


So when are assist about 75% of an enemies health bar going to count as kills? Other games do this and it works fine

never, bungie is gonna go anything to piss you off

>console is super hot
>hdmi decides to forget all resolution settings

>console sometimes dreams of being a helicopter
>can't feel assed to dismantle it and check what's wrong

who here /rank5IB/

I think part of it is "bungo's favorite class" has been blown out of proportion. For instance, it might not seem like the difference in cast time between fist of havoc and nova bomb is a lot, but it makes a world of difference.

Arcbolts are pretty good, but yeah, they're not firebolts, tripmines, or ligtning grenades.

pls confirm if shit still drops post-5

haven't they always?

I don't know

>Arcbolts are pretty good
They really aren't. They have tracking so you can hurl them around like a retard and still hit something, but that's it. I'd rather use storm grenades than that shit.
Or actually i'd rather use a subclass that isn't entirely dependant on it's Super.

Yes? Before the April Update IB only dropped in the higher ranks. The only difference now is that shit drops in all ranks.


damn son you got fucked up harder than jiro's k/d

They aren't even good now after the nerf with no fucking range and barely any damage. And two other grenades take seconds to activate or are literally useless outside of door blocking. Wish they would buff storm grenade so it sucks in pvp less.

>firebolts, tripmines
shoulder check dodging grenades is love

>not the best grenades in the game
>not good
>can't even get the name of shoulder charge right
>dosn't even say what grenades he's using even though it's probably lightning cancer
>x is love memeposting
Feel free to kill yourself anytime

>on totems

Did you not see the shitters listed in the feed? Of course they wiped.

y even liff

>implying firebolts every damage anyone
>probably lightning cancer
shoulder check dodging grenades is life
I want sunshitters to kill themselves anytime