>Latest news - DMM changes (death more forgiving, teleport instantly out of combat and unskulled) - Gem reward bag added to MLM shop - Catch implings barehanded and possible chance to receive clue scrolls from them - Bank placeholder update - Wearing ice gloves will automatically cool bars in the Blast Furnace
tux doesnt even talk to you idiot i have the only amulet of catspeak in existence
Mason Wright
Asher Sanchez
Not at home or near a computer but will reply for the well being of other memers here. Good luck all.
Liam Roberts
Jeremiah Davis
Connor Barnes
how does one practice pking without friends? I never did pking back then and now that I made a pure, I'm still beyond rusty at it.
Justin Wood
Grind green drags (61/60/60), do quests or train a skill. What do /osg/
Evan Reyes
How the fuck do people organize their banks?
Fuck jagex, why do you make this so difficult?
Isaac Nguyen
how is it difficult retard?
Colton Carter
Well, have a (you)
David Jackson
just dont worry about it and go have fun
Nathan Gomez
Always quests.
Don't have the reqs? Grind skills for quests.
Only after q p cape is when you should give a shit otherwise
Source: Moses
Jackson White
Jonathan Green
w302 or 303 then step into clan wars portal
usually has like 20 people just screwing about
Easton Bennett
whens the next pk trip
Xavier Harris
>no fairy quests >no wanting free teleports
Asher Morgan
i want to kiss mattmangos
Tyler Brown
i want to hold hands with anonymous!
Carter Foster
Dylan Allen
This image is ancient -- I was huehueing at sex number
This is up to date
Connor Hall
I need $$$ so have a (you)
that image isn't even (you) i bet though
Jordan Carter
watching cbc
William Taylor
Robert Hughes
tfw reddit want to bring the development and growth of the game to a standstill for half a year
Nicholas Martin
>He doesn't play iron man and still thinks his stats mean something
Josiah Kelly
Not reading this, but I want to know. What was the point of releasing Zeah? It's unfinished garbage.
Hudson Long
Christopher Cooper
How the fr*ck do I get 43 prayer, all the quests I can do only get me to like level 35
Juan Gutierrez
Do ghosts ahoy, kill a small number of green dragons, use the bones received with the ectofunctus
Bentley Hughes
Necromancy. You need 30+ magic tho
Cameron Reed
>rock slug task actually putting me to sleep
Hudson Davis
or just go to w330 and altar that shit
Noah Hernandez
woah didnt know spag used reddit
Jayden Young
if you're poor and only need 43 you might as well ecto
Ryan Edwards
how poor can you be? if you spin flax for two hours you've got enough money for 43 pray using big bones. Simply altar them, because it's a shitton faster than ecto, and move on.
Joseph Reed
whats the best thing to high alch for exp
Juan Reed
done task
Charles Scott
show stats
Jace Reed
Best cb gear for killing green drags? Don't want to get PKd (60/60/60) and lose a bunch of decent shit. Or should I level range and then go for it?
Nolan Barnes
okay user
Jason Howard
z hasta, dfs
Luke Jenkins
z hasta risk tho?
Julian Davis
Dorgeshuun crossbow with bone bolts is fine pre 61 range. If you've got 61 switch to rune c'bow preferable with broads (55 slay).
It's hard to against a solo pker if you simply run through green drags. Don't be an idiot and run south, that's exactly what they want you to do when you get tb'd.
Run through green drags, either let the pker get some green drag aggro or you get attacked by another green drag. From there, you unequip your weapon and flick melee. Tank tb out then glory or simply waste their time.
Colton Long
Brayden Reed
Why do autists take out all their melons
Colton Ramirez
they're always in inv
Benjamin Gomez
Brayden Russell
My best herb run yet while utilizing all seven patches.
350k profit (would have been more with snaps but torstols give 2.25x the experience so I farm those instead)
Jordan Hill
What mage level do I get for Lava Dragons. Currently level 3 on my iron man.
this entirely depends on how much you value your time and what other method of travelling to Zulrah is available to you
Samuel Davis
>osrs thank you
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Ryan Price
small gz?
Angel Evans
>make the mistake of visiting Reddit today >half the posts are MM2 login screen submissions >the other half are people demanding Jagex spend 6 months redesigning Zeah
Caleb Johnson
ᵍᶻ ᵃᶰᵒᶰ!
Luis Sanders
Reddit community truly is cancer
Jeremiah Russell
anyone who hangs on irc frequently (rizon/freenode/wcd)?
Kevin Cooper
Carter Reed
>poll for removing zeah when
Alexander Jackson
yes, why?
Jaxson Nguyen
you mean Zulrah?
Brody Hill
you mean karamja store?
reminder that this can still yield 4m+/hour easily
10m/hour if you're using two accounts
Logan Myers
literal faggot
Leo Murphy
basically just looking to chill with people on irc who play osrs
Matthew Young
Not going to attend because someone could use the money more than me but I'll (You) for the poorfags in this community
Michael Edwards
On that smithing grind
Brody Wright
>No sadpanda
pls leave
Jason Miller
fukin lmaoing at everything about ur life
Ryder Hall
>tfw died in strong hold
Logan Roberts
two hands senpai
Gabriel Cox
have to love based inflation of gold.
Gavin Price
>get back with some cheese >click the door >doesn't go in >get smacked a 5
Cooper Ward
why are you even there
Joshua Nelson
Tyler Cruz
if you're a mem go loot like 10 sharks in a pvp world.