Why do people who say; >use a +8 weapon and you won't get matched with people with a +10 When; >darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator Directly contradicts that.
Should I just get my +8 weapon to +10 at 80?
Gabriel Bailey
I do not understand how there are still mysteries about stuff like poise. I thought if it were released on pc people would just datamine the game on day one and figure everything out.
Easton Harris
you can get +7, just not +6 which is most active
John Mitchell
SL 80 is +10 territory, yes.
Ryder Parker
When's the 1.04 version out on Ps4 fellas?
Also what do you guys use to transfer youtube URL's to MP4 files before making them webms? I need better quality for real.
Thomas Foster
>Invade world >Host + Faggot army >Use mobs since these guys are playing aggressive >Kill both phantoms >Host runs back to bonfire >Get message "Ur shit, fight us" >He summons another phantom in >Kill him >Host runs off again, get another message "At least have some honor and fight" >Lure host into a mob >It nearly kills him >He runs back to bonfire >Another message "Reported for wasting my time and not playing" >Quickly send a message to him "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" >Stab host in back while he reads it
Wonderful feeling
Hudson Sanders
There are no mysteries, people are just misinformed. Poise currently does nothing, it's literally disabled.
Thomas Cooper
[Date] 2016 April 28 (Thursday) delivery schedule [Platforms] PlayStation4, Xbox One, Windows [Items that are the main modifications and adjustment] Pledge "sword of Kratky", adjust the matching level width of the "blue of the guardian" Adjust the performance of the "dagger" category Performance adjustment of the "double-sword" category Adjust the performance of the "magic" category Other modifications of some of the balance adjustment and the failure phenomenon After this latest regulation applies, each version representation of the title upper left corner of the screen will be as follows. App Ver 1.04 Regulation Ver 1.06
To everyone we apologize for the inconvenience, thank you kindly about your note.
Holy shit will I be able to play faith or int?
Elijah Young
>in the dungeon >spend twenty minutes picking off rats with crossbow >realize they are endlessly coming out of the walls
William Richardson
Hypothetical situation since I've never got Dorkmoons to work. I've got a Dried Finger on and I get invaded by two reds. A Blue comes to help me, we kill the first one but the second one kills him and then me.
Does the Blue get any reward for the first one dying, or does he need to be present when invaders are completely banished from my world?
Camden Collins
It gives you roll protection so heavy weapons don't get infinite roll catch by a faster weapon.
Benjamin Young
>killing a boss makes it impossible to be invaded in that area >people in this thread will defend this
Gabriel Thomas
This reminds me a lot of the whole "adp is a placebo" thing.
People swear poise increases their superarmor.
Samuel Long
>That awful translation. Who's the retard?
Fix for an issue where players would not receive a due item if they were summoned to a multiplayer session while talking to an NPC or covenant. (For example your covenant rank reward if you're summoned mid-offering) Made some NPC quest conditions laxer Made entry requirements for Rosaria's Fingers laxer Fixed warp issue to Untended Graves Fixed an issue that made kicks parriable Fixed an issue where Crystal Sage would not re-appear after warping Fixed an issue where the Dragonslayer Armor would die before the fight begins Fixed an issue that caused Knight Slayer Tsorig would continue to gesture Fixed an issue where Siegward would not save Greirat even though the conditions were met Fixed an issue where effects of max HP rings would not be reflected in some menues Fixed an issue where voice chat icons would not display according to settings Fixed an issue that caused the voice chat icon to continue to display when HUD display is set to AUTO Fixed an issue that greyed out the menu options "Quit Game", "access bonfire", and the use online play items when an online session has failed (XboxOne) Fixed an issue where players would be returned to the home screen after an online session has failed (XboxOne) Fixed several other bugs, improved performance and adjusted balance.
James Richardson
Why would you not go +10 or want to fight +10s? You could just go +7 and avoid them if you really want to.
Matthew Smith
I have no idea whether they earn concords on a per phantom basis but I had one Blueberry stuck with me for around 5 invaders when I'm doing my Blueberry farming run.
Tyler Reyes
POST YOUR FAVOURITE ARMOUR COMBINATION FROM FOUR DIFFERENT SETS OF ARMOUR >Northerner Helm (Warrior Starter) >Pyromancer Garb (Pyro Starter) >Sunset Gloves >Sunset Boots Viking activate
Asher Stewart
Would you a Company Captain Yorshka?
Cooper Anderson
Guys I want to cosplay as best fish
>inb4 blundertale
cancerous fanbase aside, I still want to do it, which spear and armor will fit the bill? I'm already thinking Black knight armor for the chest.
David Anderson
I've been stuck on the dancer for so long that it's not funny anymore. Goddammit.
Isaiah Cook
>No bonfire ascetics to revive the boss either But DaS2 didn't do anything right, right?
Oliver Price
>Made some NPC quest conditions laxer >Made entry requirements for Rosaria's Fingers laxer Gonna need to hear details on this, sounds good
Jose Stewart
>But DaS2 didn't do anything right, right? Said nobody ever.
Luis Thompson
>Mfw my friend believed the ADAPTABILITY DOES NOTHING!!! meme so much that he insists it was patched post launch
>FOUR DIFFERENT SETS OF ARMOUR! >Uses 2 pieces of the sunset set
Come on now.
Hoplefully it means Sirris won't instantly hate you just for joining.
Ryder Wilson
Dylan Jones
Fuck man, I just want to get this god damn ring but If I kill that fucking tree I'll never get invaded in the area again. This is so stupid.
Oliver Rogers
Get more hp senpai, just run away when she goes into phase 2 and does the massive spin attack
Phase 1 should be easy as fuck after a while
Jacob Perez
Hope they fix the bug where on Xbone can't ever retrieve latest calibrations and I have to use annoying work arounds to get online. But tybg for all the other bug fixes.
Tyler Nelson
I just did. Checkmate.
Liam Perez
No you didn't.
Ryder Gray
Yeah, it's phase 2 that fucks me up.
Austin Hill
I've just got to that boss fight too, but I'm SL 105 though in NG+ so I'm not sure if you'll be able to summon me
Easton Gomez
Killed him first try at SL20 with a +2 barbed sword. Get that and some Carthus Rouge.
Noah Martinez
just set a password nerd
Xavier Foster
>Made entry requirements for Rosaria's Fingers laxer what if they mean that they made the requirements for entering other players worlds as a finger invader laxer meaning less ganks
i can believe, fuck you guys
Nolan Walker
Literally not true.
Thomas Morales
I literally said that.
Christopher Davis
>Hoplefully it means Sirris won't instantly hate you just for joining. Yes let's get rid of the one instance of a covenant actually acting like a covenant and having consequences on the dispositions of the NPCs around you. Why do they even call this an RPG anymore
Kayden Phillips
You'll downscale to my level.
I'll set the password to "rage"
David Bennett
Might not ruin sirris quest line I'm thinking... But she is a darkmoon so that's be kinda odd if she just didn't care anymore
Jace Myers
You literally didn't.
Parker Phillips
How is it not true? You can only summon reds, not be outright invaded.
Parker Bailey
>Summon for Nameless King because fuck it, want to enter NG+ already >Summon dies to the Dragon 10 seconds in and wasn't even the one the dragon was attacking Epic
Robert James
I literally did though.
Grayson Moore
What's your build? Just wondering if simply going quality is enough for the sword or if it needs Int/Faith investment.
Adrian Allen
Jaxon Jackson
Patch when?
Ryan Martinez
So with the hopefully good buffs to magic and twin weapons, would an edgy dark miracles+sorceries build wielding deep infused claws be viable?
Landon Nguyen
Newsflash: everyone you will ever co-op with is terrible
Ryder Thomas
For most people, they've never even met Sirris before and she just shows up at Firelink to hate you then disappears for the rest of the playthrough, despite swearing you're enemies now.
It'd be fine if she fought you later, or there were any actual repercussions.
But she appears just to disappear.
Samuel Clark
Why did Miyazaki stopped making new games after Bloodborne?
Brayden Powell
>put sign down in front of sages >hosts run off to fight invaders every time they show up
Jack Price
>still no plume
this kills the fashion
Dylan Allen
this is how I roll
Jaxon Morales
Would anyone care to give me a hand with Aldrich ? what level are you supposed to be around that area ?
Daniel Bennett
>sword of Kratky ?
Dominic Howard
I'm in regular NG with all bosses cleared and I still get invaded in the area after Pontiff.
Bentley Fisher
Luke Butler
I dunno. You should pick one extreme. Either they mean nothing or they are actual religouus contracts.
Personally I would like it if joining one covenant locks you out of all others for at least that ng cycle. But if you have to make it so you can switch them on the fly then don't put one arbitrary stupid thing you will miss if you join one of them in the game.
Jack Sanchez
Londor Pale Shade is more annoying to invade into than an actual player phantom. Dude just fucking spams Affinity then tries to phantom range you with his sword.
Adrian Barnes
>this is how I roll >Standing still 0/10. Wouldn't use this tutorial again.
John Gonzalez
but that is literally impossible, unless dried fingers opens you up for invasions even after clearing the boss.
Aiden James
im 60 and i cant see a damn living soul around the area, no summon signs...anyone up to give me a hand ?
Carson Reed
>INT useless >FAI useless >ATT useless >VIT useless >literally 4 dump stats in the game >people will defend this
Evan Ward
Alright my sign's outside the boss fight
Tyler Taylor
Go away kraut. Everybody hates you.
Wyatt Hernandez
By regular reds or Aldrich Faithful? I haven't been invaded in my character that cleared Settlement, but on a character at the same level and weapon level that didn't clear I've been invaded constantly.
Levi Nguyen
Only thing that doesn't apply in that picture is a vendor that insults you.
Blake Parker
Every cunt dying to the aerial fire attack is the worst there. Literally the easiest attack to avoid and even if you get hit all you have to do is not get up immediately. Fucking hell...
Juan Wilson
also set a password and anyone here can help, since the game just delevels them when you summon them.
Hudson Stewart
>Dark Souls 3 bingo More like general souls bingo
Charles Clark
Yeah I see it from both sides, I just miss DS1 covenants and actually having a feeling of being a member of a group, instead of just randomly swapping an item around and instantly being a different color phantom.
Honestly it was one of the biggest flaws in Bloodborne and a lot of people complained about it, so I was hopeful we'd see a return to form in DS3. But nope, it's almost exactly like the Bloodborne system which is ass.
Nathaniel Allen
Cooper Turner
>outside the boss fight
P-please move it to the Church of Yorshka bonfire
Pontiff Knights are annoying and will try smacking me while you're being summoned
Alexander Martinez
Where the giant is? They stopped spawning for me, but I did have to kill quite a few.
Ethan Watson
I've spam-rolled through it without issue.
Brody Stewart
get the brilliant light miracle, wear dark set with no hat or pyro hat
as for the spear probably swordspear (as the game is projectile based (undertale) this spear has a projectile), gargoyle firespear (anime level moveset), dragonslayer spear (same reason as swordspear), or the lothric knight long spear (simplest looking while still being good)
for flavor reasons you should also use power within
Luke Thompson
If you give the firelink handmaid a certain ash umbrap she straight tells you "what de fuk is dis?"
Hunter Sanders
It was also pretty bad in dark souls 1. The problem is that it has constantly in the wrong direction. Getting more and more lenient.
Christopher Brown
>VIT useless How else are you going to carry that Havel's Greatshield?
Nicholas Foster
Are you fucking kidding me, alright i put it there
Be warned I might die because I haven't experienced being downleveled yet and haven't fought pontiff in ages
Gavin Nguyen
>Pontiff Knights are annoying They get stunned by a single hit and stay stunlocked until you stop hitting them.
How are you having problems with these?
Leo Russell
divine pillars of light, thats the one that would look like her spear rain thing the best
Nolan Hughes
I'm not yet far enough to be able to farm twinklies yet, i've just gotten to aldrich.
Where is a good place to get twinklies, if such a place exists? I have wasted a lot of them upgrading the wrong weapon like a fucking retard.
Carter Powell
who's the best Souls NPC and why is it Vengarl of Forossa?
James Anderson
Maybe he's not using a great weapon aka easy mode for pve.
Liam Miller
Where are the horse corpes?
Also you don't rescue a murderous maniac from a prison. And what boss is a regular enemy, or a straight up rehash?
Jason Watson
I'm disapointed in the NPC dialogue.
Thats the only thing that's kinda meh in ds3. Some dont even have 2 different lines they use for "Talk" unless you progress in the game.
There's also no more angry/pissed line when you walk away with the menu open.
Easton King
>They get stunned by a single hit and stay stunlocked until you stop hitting them. Like everyone in the game.
Brody Russell
>tfw I put in Rage instead of rage
you're probably already at pontiff now right?
Benjamin Evans
Any Dorkmoons about?
I was thinking of going through NG+ with a Dried Finger and Way of the Blue on.
Maybe you could hang around in the area I'm in and maybe get summoned?
Cameron King
>downscaling levels what is this and how does it work
Luis Lopez
because hes literally a talking head, and hes not a joke npc.
that is hard af to pull off fampai
Nolan Clark
If they hit you first that rape train goes in the other direction though.
Caleb Jenkins
I'm a dork, That's a wonderful idea user, thank you.
Lincoln Brown
I also had this feeling. I would Talk to all of them every 1 or 2 bosses, expecting some kind of comment, but nope. Specially annoying are Andre and the old lady. I mean come on, it doesn't matter where in the game you are, they still have the same fucking line as when you start.
Evan Long
Didn't have time to add dialogue, they were too busy importing DaS1 models.