Questions to avoid asking: >What class should I play? >Is Nostalrius coming back? >What is the best class for PvP/PvE? >Why don't we roll on X server? >Is Kronos pay2win? >What class does X guild need?
A few hours. Not even worth playing on. Need to find a fresher server. Everyone is ahead of us now.
Nolan Rodriguez
>Krogs alliance guilds name is Nihilum instead of Kings Honor Friend
what the shit KHF was winning hands down last time i looked at the poll.
Why would you want to name yourself after an already established guild anyway, the novelty of stealing a guild name only goes so far, i'd much rather have something more representative of the type of community that we really are.
For example, Salty Dogs was fucking perfect in every way. KHF is also good. But what the fuck is Nihilum supposed to be apart from some fucking other guild that already exists? Does the GM have some weird obsession or vandetta with those people or what the fuck.
Justin Adams
1500 I was 1800 like 5 minutes ago am I going to make it? after I wrote this I'm now 1430
Sebastian Rivera
Jason Williams
>finally get in >don't know what the fuck to roll
Liam Clark
You are now realising Alliance is full of faggots.
Leo Parker
1-5 everyone is this thread sucks my dik 6-0 i suck everyones dick
Nolan Lewis
>including the K1 guilds
They're dead
Ryan Jenkins
>kungen is a fucking weeb who would have thought
Wyatt Martinez
Thanks user.
Leo Nelson
kron 2 comes up...even bigger fucking queue. What is even the point?
Colton Ortiz
I hope you like swallowing because I'm not going to warn you
Gavin Fisher
Shut the fuck up you shill, they're not.
Samuel Edwards
Sebastian Parker
me irl
Blake Price
so u rolling ally then, huh
Dominic Powell
Prove it then, faggot
Alexander Ortiz
Which faction is everyone playing on K2?
Ian Lee
I want to suck yours though...
Jace Campbell
burden of proof lies on you, not him, idiot
Leo Thompson
reminder that A was nothing but shitty animeme names that would come and go with the cycles of the moon back in old /nosg/ days while superior Salty Dogs have never changed
Charles Bell
Lincoln Morgan
prepare to suck dick fagot
Jonathan Rodriguez
Kungen or any officer, could you inv me to your prestigious raiding guild please? :^)
Gavin Stewart
about 11 people online in You Think You Want It, 7 people online in Salty Dogs
Camden Mitchell
Old pictute. Post a current one.
Isaiah Moore
is there a guild on k2 yet?
Sebastian Perry
Either Elf or Troll Leaning towards Nelf
Adrian Hall
0-4 for dorf priest 5-9 for gnome warlock les go bois
Easton Peterson
Jordan Anderson
>"The guild is staying here, not moving to K2"
Thank fucking god.
Jackson Cooper
majority of the thread going ally if you wanna play with /krog/
Aaron Sullivan
join him sucking others dicks
Noah Diaz
>k1 heh, so dead......why even bother?!?!?!
>k2 even better than when it first went live, nothing can compare, the experience of a life time
>tfw i walked my dog, made some food and gonna continue playing
hows your queue fucbois?
Mason Lewis
nice name lad
Carter Adams
i'm not even online atm, i'm still in queue for K1 so cant pick recent pic
Isaiah Hall
Jose Jones
30 latency, stay mad burgerman.
Charles Edwards
thanks senpai
Easton Williams
fucking finally, 1 hour 45 for a 3k queue
invite to guild please
Angel Taylor
I'm EU but getting 400/500 despite my internet being fine
Isaiah Brown
>earrings >that face >that greasy looking hair
Easton Martinez
>any other game >amerifat privilege grants me superior latency >private servers >2-300ms >I am now americuck
Julian Howard
>all these people queuing
Elijah Martinez
>be in >dont even want to play atm >just afk and do something else ebin
Aiden Perry
Sure is freedom in there.
Daniel Wilson
>queue hasn't moved from this in 5 minutes
kill me now
Thomas Brooks
Rate my qt
Matthew Lee
Just bought a guild charter
Nathaniel Allen
Wew lad finally came home from work, what did I miss? Did you fags manage to snipe all the meme names you wanted? Is nihilum rightful /shillg/ clay now?
Thomas Ramirez
how is shadow priest leveling?
Connor Hughes
Where do you find the screenshots, the ones in my wow folder are unreadable for some reason?
Aiden Long
Dominic Davis
Use the .tga converter that's in your screenshots folder to turn them to .jpg
Camden Flores
fuken sick brah
Brody Walker
Can someone invite Meme to the Alliance guild
Grayson Martinez
Sebastian White
Landon Jones
The only acceptable look for fem humans is ponytail, blonde or black hair and the angry looking face (the freckles one can pass too but only for healsluts)
Carter Torres
Wait they give you one? I've been using some shitty online converter
Adam Anderson
who /pissjugs/ here
Luke Rodriguez
Must be some download that has it included. It's not included in the normal client.
Ian Green
K1 is a funserver 7x xp for a month ruined the server
Aaron Ramirez
I don't get why you can't use a toilet. Takes like 30 seconds if you're quick brah.
Carter King
all Kronos had to do was create two servers instead of one, one pve and one pvp . This could have been avoided....
Matthew Nelson
>tfw retards caught up while i was doing stupid shit like cooking and eating
Jacob Kelly
Who do I message for a guild invite on K2?
Jackson Powell
i know they are like top tier in wpvp at 60 but what about pre 60 pvp? and is it viable to be shadow and healslut at 60? i wanna heal in raids but wpvp as shadow :^)
Aaron Butler
Lol you guys actually manages to snipe nihilum??
amazing, i hope Cunkgen will not have it back because of gm
Jackson Peterson
>tfw I was literally the third person to level 5 >DC >still level 5 hours later in a fucking 4 hour queue
Ryder Brown
Noah Sullivan
exploiters will win in the end dont worry
Jonathan Fisher
>had 40ms before >now 320ms but why?
Oliver Gutierrez
Kronos has reduced respec cost, only 5g, so you could do that here.
Luke Smith
Warlocks were OP in vanilla but don't you need to farm annoying ass shit all the time or something, soul-shards? I heard they were a pain in the ass to level too
Cooper Lee
Dont forget,
>those jaggies
Joseph Hill
>already have leveling strategy all planned out to get ahead of the plebs >cant even get in welp
Grayson Allen
Brayden Morales
retardedly slow.
but look on the bright side, everyone will take 300-400 hours to level anyway because of horrible respawn rates.
so it doesnt matter how slow you kill or how much downtime you have
Henry Campbell
Feels good pissing in a jug though
Luis Cook
>normies are still waiting 60mins+ in que >meanwhile I am multiboxing 5 characters
Josiah Taylor
soul shards are easy to get
Jace Garcia
explore and collect flight points
Kevin Hall
2fps raiding is the true vanilla experience.
Carson Thomas
how do i exploit pedro pls
Jordan Collins
>kronos 1 pop : low >still 2k player queue wot
Hunter Torres