/ywg/ - Yokai Watch General #36

EU Release Edition

Release date for EU confirmed 4/29

Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble is out!:
WibWob medal registration: yo-kai-wibblewobble.com/medal/index.nhn

>Is this actually good?
Yes it's good, just don't go in expecting the hyped up "Pokemon killer" aspect. Kotaku started the phrase for clickbait and it worked. They aren't the same game at all, just two games in the monster catching genre. If you want an explanation on the battle system, someone can fill you in, don't worry the demo was indeed shit and not a good representation of how you'll go through the game.

>Is there a list of all the yokai?

>I'm too lazy to look for i-
We're actually working on sprucing this baby up. Feel free to contribute!

Here's a resource document for all your Yo-kai FAQ needs:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Inaho a best.

God damnit NoE I had hopes you wouldn't talk about THAT yokai unlike NoA

Best burger snek.

Why is this fucker impossible to befriend?

We might now know exactly what this one is yet but i want 20

Ya gotta earn it, that's why.

fuck phones

Her (his?) name might be Kontan. Might.

I wonder if the overseas will get the yo-kai watch spinoffs
I know inazuma eleven got at least one strikers in the UK

>male kontan
oh man imagine the shitstorm

Reminder that Level-5 is infamous for doing shit like that, almost all the time now

karasutengu looks a bit masculine I think
I mean, the clothing shows it- if it were a girl, then it would be more, 'girly'

I hope he'll have at least one porn

If they get busters I fear that it might have to be altered, considering some contents of gettogumi (notably the VIP room for linking the two games together) contains a certain level of legit gambling.

Casanuva is a better example m88

>we wont get YW2 til next year probably


Signs seem to point toward "SOON™"

is there a yokai for slapping trademark symbols on everything marketers say?

Not that I know of, but there is one for getting excited whenever you see repeating digits.

Who /waiting_patiently_for_my_pre-ordered_copy/ here?
Getting off work on Friday early to spend some extra time on YW.

To be honest, I'm surprised EU even remembers the game

I'm a fan of SMT games, so I guess I'm used to delayed releases.

You'd be surprised how long folks will wait for a game. Even if it's 6 months they'll wait.
I bet might no 9 fans are still waiting for sure

Is there a yo-kai for delays/bad business decisions

actually, there is one for shelving projects that are almost finished in the YW3 leaks. He looks like a house, but I can't find the pic for him.

he's the one on the top right. More of a shack than a house.

I still can't get over Kapper.

Topic of the Thread: It's Speculation Time! What do you think the other six tribes' Great Legends will be? (for reference, as shown in , Brave's is Colombus and Mysterious's is Edison)

We need Michael Jackson yokai. Maybe either eerie or shady

I just now thought about how funny it'd be if there was Tough's was Reagan and one of the other ones had Kennedy

That said, I'm willing to bet Marilyn Monroe for Charming

No George Washington no bust

Probably someone relating to sports for tough, not sure who

Kappa the rappa


We need an Indian representation legend somewhere. Bonus for not being censored overseas

If they go with that I'm betting on Gandhi for Heartful.

may as well bump with some of best girl

I miss seeing new episodes with subs

Me too, user, me too.


Did something happen to mongee subs?

I think the subber is either super busy or has quit subbing entirely.

FF XIV happened to her. That, plus the Level-5 anime curse

>Level-5 anime curse
Is it not the first time this happened?

Nope. Ryuu-Rouge used to sub all the Level-5 anime but by the time the last season of Inazuma Eleven GO was finishing up they just kinda disappeared from the subbing scene for one reason or another.


A reminder for everyone to motemote~ their favorite youkai!

Wake up, thread!

tfw probably lost a bunch of people because of the hiatus

probably. That's why there's a need to advertise that the thread is back, though I'm not sure how many EUfags have been lurking back then.

By the way, this needs fixes (badude/Bruff's accuracy rate can be fixed, some description off, etc)

>try out online battles
>get destroyed by a hokkaido shougakusei who named MC his full name

that's why you study battles before diving in. Can't let squirts from elementary school beat you around silly y'know.

Kind of expected it anyway, I just did one as soon as I got the online battle app. So I had komasan/jibanyan/buchinyan and some gasha youkai vs. a golden oni (forgot its name) and other strong youkai.

well, at least you haven't gotten to the overcentralizing section of the fights yet, so you got time to play around before everyone stops having fun.

By the way folks, the music pastebin was updated with the full version of that shake shake opening in Gettogumi, along with some song from the Taiko Drum people.

Game was delivered today. Hope it'll arrive tomorrow or the next day. Finally, after more than a year of waiting, I can get my greasy paws on YW...



Insomni posters leave


Just keeping the thread awake.

spamming shit when it's already on page 1 is not "keeping the thread awake" unless you are trying to get responses / provoke people, in which case you should fuck off.

I wouldn't mind it if it were new pics like , but considering these threads are usually slow, we do need all the image space we can get.


New event in Wibble Wobble soon! :D

I recall someone a while back before hiatus of someone making some lore as to how a pupscicle became swelterrier. Anyone know of they can find that info in the archive?

I don't know, but now I'm curious.

Daily reminder that your waifus are shit and that shota rules Youkai Watch.

That's not what the canon says.

KanKei is my canon and is the only one I accept.

Maybe you should post on fanfiction.net instead of Veeky Forums, then.

I might eventually. I'd like for my fic to get more attention

I'm afraid the 3DS will be dead and buried before YW3 has time to leave Japan.

That's also a pretty terrifying thought.

There's been a good amount added to Yo-kai Specs since the last thread. As usual, these are NSFW.

>1: Insomni's Long Night: pastebin.com/7Qgd8Zaw

>2: Hanako-san: Out Of Order: pastebin.com/bNp93LJG

>3: Classic Hospitality: pastebin.com/LqUevYxE

>4: The Missing Yo-kai Watch!: pastebin.com/9BXq7JXZ

>5: The Mysterious Yo-kai Specs: pastebin.com/DYnVSKjJ

>6: Spoiler Alert!: pastebin.com/WKXvKGKc

insomni a shit, noko a best




Is there any good papercraft for ykw?



Any more?

cant seem to find any more but i have these eggs


If mongee is dead then do you think there will be someone else to pick up where they left off?

Depends if someone cares enough to go and finish the dub.

I dunno. I guess it depends on what said.

There's Level Up subs, but she's a stubborn bitch who thinks she has fans who will only watch her subs and has to sub every episode instead of just picking up where mongee stopped.

wow, she sounds like a bitch

mongee can hardly translate and LUS even worse, wouldn't want them to translate new eps regardless

>censor text
best text

Oh, that's really cool!

I dunno man, having something is better than nothing, and bullshitting can only take you so far if you don't understand the Japanese language.

Your (You), Master Wayne.

>having a wrong translation is better than no translation

Daily reminder

Not sure what your point is, are you mad that you can't get subs or that I'm saying the subs are bad?

Snek to brighten your day

>Freaky Neta transformation sex
She's...a very unusual girl