>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>New DLC Translations (In Progress)
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>New DLC Translations (In Progress)
Other urls found in this thread:
gj bro
Well. Guess we're here.
>they even drew my literally who waifu
I don't think this artist drawing your waifu means something.
Azura a shit
>combines the two deleted threads
A reasonable compromise
>deleted the good thread AND the severa thread
figuratively not fair
>Takumi was so traumatized by his adopted mother's death he sleepwalks
I thought the mods were Severafags.
Artist being referenced in the previous thread is this person: koyoriin.tumblr.com
Felicia is the cutest! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! Keeping her safe and making sure she has no worries or troubles! Being there for her always! Holding her soft hand and giving her little kisses on her cheek!
She means everything to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
But you see, the two threads were combined into one.
Wait are we getting a new FE game?
Why did the other thread get axed?
Are you telling me we are /feacg/ now?
Fuck off Meihu22. I remember you used to be an avatarfagging scumbag back in /wowg/ two years ago and you're still one now. Kill yourself.
Who here's gonna make a ladies only team for the shit mobage?
Cutest mamui family
i'd be pretty salty if my mom died violently in front of me too
Mobile shit.
Sakura's palette swapped with Charlotte's looks really nice.
I told them to, and the mods are good little bitches who know their place.
Daily reminder that fire emblem is a shit tier dating sim that Treehouse made even worse with the tumblr-tier list of memes.
Hello Feliciaanon
have a nice holiday
Or doesnt your country have holidays now too
You mean Anankos.
Takumi is still the cutest.
It's probably a spinoff or sidegame.
Is there an image of Hinoka with this palette?
How did you find this out?
>check support log
>Azura has an H in her name, along with me
What does that mean?
>Has literally drawn all of my Fates girls of choice
That's pretty nice. I like the style.