League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
best waifu and freljord

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Someone post the Fiddle trying to ulti over wall at all costs gif please.



Remove Lissandrafags

Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.

I want to exterminate the void spawn with Leona!

I want to take Lulu on a helicopter ride, then push her out of the helicopter with no parachute

host vg

Sona is ____?





Anyone got some lewd foxes to share?

how much easier it will be to climb in the end of season compared to climb now?

Lancer > Saber

Hey there my cutie what's it like in your home city
I'm a thousand miles away but youre such a god damn fucking cutie
Yes it's true
I want to stick my dick in you
You know its true~

>close game
>we're at enemy nexus, towers are gone
>enemies still have 6 secs to respawn
>only me and support are trying to end while the others fuck around and try to spawnkill
>we get aced and lose
you know what i'm not even mad
people who do that genuinely frizzle my fannies


of my heart

Bruh Leona and Saber share the same Nippon VA

Xth for we still didn't find out who's eating Lee's ass here.

can't she be both?

xth for vi

Xth for Katarina
best girl


>be diamond level player
>queue up in silver elo
>lose 9 games in a row

wtf ? elo hell


>le purple nigger mascot being picked over literally who
why are we mad?


>Ryze update
who cares, he'll still be
>out of jail
>with tatoos
great job Riot

I know, and I do like saber

But Cu is one of my favorite characters in fate, from when I first played the VN and he stayed my favorite no matter how much fate stuff I read/watch. Though Tamamo is great too

Anons with PBE access. Could you test jungle clears now and how fast you level? I heard it was nerfed from earlier

>kayle support instead of Teemo support or something that does damage without three whole items


>try tank Jayce meme
>it's legit


Because current Yorick is fun and they are going to ruin him.

yes but which one is her more defining feature?

Reminder that the following "antagonist" champions did nothing wrong and aren't truly evil; just cases of life fucking them over:

>Hecarim, Karthus, Yorick and Kalista: enslaved by the Shadow Isles curse

>Karthus: just an autistic outcast in his youth who just wanted to an hero himself to become buds with the dead

>Viktor: went insane after all of his coworkers betrayed him and stole his years of hard work and scientific discoveries

>Renekton: slowly went insane after being trapped in a box with another insane dude over thousands of years

>Xerath: grew resentful and power-hungry over the man who called him a "friend" but never truly treated as an equal

>Natilus: wants payback to the people who left him to die/turn into some monster

>Tahm Kench: A guy's gotta eat and his food source just happen to be souls and misery

>Kindred: just doing their jobs as the incarnation of death

>Draven: developed a severe inferiority complex after living in his brother's shadow for so many years

>Jinx: likely the result of abandonment issues when she was in a terrible spot in her life, either via mind-altering drugs or was experimented on during that time

>Syndra: Years of arcane academics and an outcast childhood lead her to develop narciscissm and a thirst for power

>Darius: forced to develop a heartless exterior in order for he and his brother to survive in their orphan years

>Jhin: likely severely abused in his childhood years and probably has daddy issues who warped him to enjoy murder

>Veigar: went insane after being trapped in a solitary confinement cell in his childhood

>Lissandra: Manipulated and possibly even brainwashed by the Watchers to do their mortal enslavement and dirty work

>All voidborn are just following their instincts and drives that allow them to survive

>Malzahar: good guy whose mind was altered by the Void

>Zed: just wanted the praise of his father-figure and realized the Kinkou order was bullshit

No I dont want to fuck Cass.

How did you do that shitty as Kayle... were you afk or something?

>Because current Yorick is fun
For who?

Playing against that asshole is never fun.

LoL no

tell me what you think


Provide the clean template first.

hecarim was canonically a fucking asshole

You. Then me. Then you replace Lee and I eat you out. Then I fuck you.

>Did nothing wrong

He fucked over Kalista you dumb nigger.

I want to hug Jhin and tell him everything's gonna be okay.

>build metagolem on literally any champion
>outdamage adcs

this shit is kanker

>TF Main

You're cool

>Fizz as cancer

You are also cool

You know...I like literally everything about this post.

Im missing a few of those but my favorite Cinematic was Ekko's, favorite recall is Creator Viktor, favorite quote was "THE ORDER IS GIVEN", and worst skin was galactic Renekton, even that new splash couldnt save how ugly it looks.


Trundle is the best and lewdest husbando! I love him and his butt!

>Stand within 1500 range of azir for 2 seconds
>He chunks off half of your health

woah haha outplayed hehe!!

thank god I main tanks most of the time so that I can resist his cancer

Summoning a drawfag:

Draw Sona in a wheelchair

>Urgot, Sion, swain : did their jobs, and even in death they shall serve

Only two that could be genuinely evil are Ryze and Singed (though Singed just blazed it too much and too hard)

what is current metagolem build

other than funfire and chilly mittens

Vlad didnu nuffin.

>Disinherited noble, parents refused to name him, likely heavily inbred, spend his youth under the influence of a misanthropic hermit.

The inbred part is headcanon but it fits him and his story too well.
>mentally ill since childhood
>claims to belong to a noble house, but no surname or known relatives

I wonder who slept with who and couldn't live with the consequences.

>Can't speak
>Can't run

Are you a rapist?

for the asshole who plays him.
And don't pretend you see him often.

Is Ryze evil though?

>Hecarim stabbed Kalista, betrayed her and caused the whole island to corrupt
>not himself evil
even as a human he was an attention whore thirsting for power.

mostly ok with those... but azir as a favorite... who was it before he released?

Who thinks Ryze is evil? How is that even a thing?

I don't see him often but that doesn't make him any less of a fucking tumor.

I also don't see how button mashing your ghosts is "fun".

Is Proxy Singed still a thing?

seconding this

>that Final Fantasy Hai look

i cringe every time

How the fuck do you play Yasuo.
If I try to harass with E and Q I will get destroyed even with shield up every time.

She can fly, has psychic powers and kill you with music.
Why do people think Sona is just cute and weak?

It's the only viable way to play that autistic piece of shit.

He needs a rework.

I'm just saying...all that hovering would atrophy your legs a lot

>Yorick walks into a bar
>There's no counter

His gameplay is garbage harass and sustain. He doesn't contribute to games in any meaningful way other than "muh ghosts bruh"

Illaoi is cute.

>too fat to button her pants
>too fat to walk

This is going too fast.
Why am I blushing because of your post.
Why is my groin feeling tingly all of a sudden.
Why do I get the urge to attach cute anime "girls" to my posts.

Maybe she's doing fitness to keep her legs healthy and in a good shape?

Why does life fucking them over preclude them being evil, exactly?

>implying jinx isn't willingly chaotic because it's fun and not because evil
Missed the point of the champ

Implying Sona doesn't do squats with Lux coaching her, saying "we can do this!"

xth for Cute Vi

Another Lulu Edition

WHy is qtpie trolling his games?

To stay in masters

I need visual aid

its about sending a message

"If you dont give me adc, im gonna troll my ass off"

Yeah, you don't fuck with Cass.

I started playing this game when he came out. Honestly, Jax's character design was the reason I joined, Anivia was free that week and I liked her alot, same with Jax. (Who I sadly dont play enough of...). Azir's design was too cool for me to overlook as well so he's been the only champion I ever bought with RP and I learned to play him as I climbed to 30.

Though honestly if I had joined before it would have been Graves. Old graves was so much cooler before CertainlyT made him feel disgusting to play.

>taking on the burden of carrying a world-destroying scroll to protect it from the hands or clutches of truly evil people

Less evil, more anti-hero like Graves or TF.

And I also would've included Graves, Twisted Fate, Zyra, Gangplank, Sion, Urgot, Morgana, Maokai and Swain if not for reaching the character limit.

Singed and Vlad are legit bad dudes and it shows in their past and their zero concerns for other people and their actions, sorry.

meh, i am just going to watch another thing, this isn't even funny, fuck qtpie

chilly mittens and funfire with a spirit visage.

fuck that shitty build.

weak people become evil villains when this shit happens, strong people become heroes. Lucian

whats he doing?

>when my support is the one bossing me as the adc around

Hey Cass buffs, did you like the changes on her W ?

i still got the Pbe account if you want it

oh... I just noticed that being support is the most optimal role for lo boosting since you're literally holding the shitty players hand

>quinn waifu

Excellent taste sir

She floats around, legs free to dangle all day, this keeps her lower half in nice breeding shape.

How about I lead a coup d'etat up your ass with my foot?

Ekko's taunt quote along with her mysterious past with Jinx hints otherwise, honestly.

She was once normal and likely went insane from a traumatic event (experimented on) or had her brain fried from drugs. She's intent on pissing Vi off due to those abandonment issues alone.

Basically, Vi is pretty much hinted to be her sister, who literally abandonded her family in Zaun to set things right for herself.

I don't think playing on the PBE would be worth it, considering how awful my ping would be as someone from EUW.

I'm still very sceptical about the limited cast range and physics of her W (can't go over walls) but I'll have to see it for myself. At least they buffed some of her numbers after some days when they realized how underpowered she was. The loss of overall range was a hard hit, no doubt about it.

>Giving your account to a goldie?

>mfw I have no face