It is pretty amazing that an autistic game about 32x32 pixel spessmen can give me the adrenaline pumping action of a "last man standing" situation in CS:GO Being a changeling and absorbing someone in a dodgy spot gets the heart pumping like mad.
Charles Hill
>everyone shyed out of posting terrible porn now that it's official
Benjamin Jenkins
I made some changes to the sprite. Tried rounding up the stock, gave the foregrip a blue-ish tint for contrast as well as some other minor changes. Thoughts?
Hunter Morales
It's a very nice blindfold, user.
Zachary Morales
I plan on dumping every lewd I ever draw there for criticism.
Carter King
>Not even a BR
Grayson Reyes
Can't wait
Lucas Barnes
did this shit just fucking die on me
Henry Perez
serb ded?
Tyler Campbell
Yeah, can't wait for my motivation to return too.
Angel Myers
Server died
Jackson Perez
gr8 bus m8 I rate it a crash/10
Connor Turner
god damnit
Ian Adams
serb died?
Ayden Diaz
Serb dead.
Nathaniel Nelson
I loaded the wrong texture for the finale, causing the serber to die.
The dream.
Got caught.
Ryder Gutierrez
That was the cringiest round I ever observed Holy shit
Dominic Wood
Rip serb, weed lmao too stronk.
Julian Roberts
>Find three bottles of superglue in a vault >Cover a full bottle in glue and leave it by the brig >Cover the bison in glue and drag it over the HoS
Sebastian Reed
The Dreamcatcher is inside everyone.
Blake Baker
So were the RD and Jeremy traitors then?
RD made off with Patrick just before I wanted to let him go, and I took Jeremy's side in a dispute with another robo. I want to know if I fucked up trusting these guys
John Hall
so who were the double agents
Hunter Morris
THE DREAMCATCHER WINS i still dont know where you went or who you are, robert
Dominic Wood
That was one of the strangest buses that went completely everywhere and nowhere. Was expecting it to be more of timefuckery though but it ended up being mind fuckery.
I also love how I ended up making Dreamcatcher go drunk and hallucinate by injecting my drunker mind into it.
Rob you were a bro.
Jayden Phillips
I called a proc and it broke the server apparently. Sorry.
Lincoln Thompson
>get conviced to drink till i die >i accept it because adminbus >get cloned and serb ded
Brandon Brooks
What was so bad?
you fucker
well played
Andrew Wright
i was not a traitor. I made off with Patrick because he said you were a traitor. your reason for borging him was a bit thin
Lincoln Garcia
JACK i thought you fucking died, where were you
Nathaniel Hall
more like Dreamcatcher got wasted
Jose Kelly
serb up
Camden Wood
Went inside of Dreamcatchers mind and made him go wasted because I was wasted
By the way, whats that song >Gonna fly today, something something baby nanananana Punk rockish song that plays during round ends, well one of them
Liam Harris
He literally agreed to it. He killed someone that was most likely not a traitor and beat the shit out of another. I wanted to see if he was telling the truth.
It was the best I could do without finding Jono's body, which I never did
Where the fuck does that disposal go anyway?
Jose Long
I'm feeling a bit of déjà vu from that round.
Joseph Foster
Aaron Reed
I added a sprite and it broke the server apparently. Sorry.
Josiah Watson
Patrick here, I was a double agent who tried to kill everyone with the two sleepy pens but got caught. I convinced the RD to help me break out and make him think you are a traitor.
Thomas Rogers
Don't you sorry me motherfucker I got them sorryvalids Deadmin he
Jaxon Lewis
Not that guy but when Jack start ALL CAPSing the lyrics to Don't Feel from Frozen, wasn't getting any responce so he decided to spam the radios more when there were actual traitors still stabbing crew with sleepy pens, it was pretty shit desuka
Landon Reed
damn you roosed me good. whatever, tho it was fun.
Hudson Collins
It was all good, made it fitting
James Young
I thought so, I must have not made it in time to find you there. That, or it takes a lot longer to get to cargo from disposals than it does on foot, and I left before you got there
Okay that's what I figured until the last moment where I decided to just let you go because fuck it whatever you earned it
That really threw me off 2bh
Jose Russell
>Give Warden advice in the thread >eh why not pick warden >do wardeny things >everything goes well All smiles.
Wyatt Russell
wish people played warden as autistically as I play HoS and officer 2bh
Julian Green
there was an eldritch abomination bus going on if you played along instead of being a boring nofun person it would play out more fun
Aiden Perry
>BR over the original AR Fuck off It's great, shame full auto isn't a thing.
Nicholas Taylor
>Start as a scientist >Decide to do robotics for the first time >Dead for the first 10 minutes >Suddenly a Positron awakes, I'm given a head, and Security wants me to MMI a convict >Figure sec asking me to do shit is the most important >Trinity pulls the guy off the table >WE HAVE NO MEDBAY AND SHE HAS APPENDICITIS >Panic as I've never done surgery >Take forever to remove her appendix >Finally start debraining the guy >Midway through the operation, a radioactivty belt >Finally debrain him, put the traitor in a MMI and get the IAA to interrogate him >RD asks me if I wanna learn toxins >He accidentally plasmas us >Go to MedBay >The IAA asks me if I want to help him test a pen he found on the traitor's body because Sec asked him to >Tell him to wait until my plasma burns are treated >He pens me anyway >Die >Cloned and lost my ID >The Warden gives me CMO access of all things despite me never doing medical stuff >That wild fucking ride at the end
Jesus Christ this round was fun.
Charles Jones
Seems almost too soft, especially with no defining outline
Brody Hughes
whatcha mean?
Isaiah Sanders
When i said "add more contrast", i meant literally increasing the contrast. Give it darker shading, make the details "pop" more. Also the part above the grip looks a bit thin and weak but i'm not a halo-nerd so can't tell if it's intentional.
Brayden Harris
How the fuck can you debrain without knowing how to remove an appendix and vice versa?
Asher Rivera
>How dare someone be new >Everyone must be perfect at Veeky Forumscode before coming on Veeky Forums!
Space yourself nerd
Luis Walker
It was my first time doing both.
Xavier Evans
Serb ded?
I keep getting "connection closed".
Lincoln Martinez
Blowout's added when? I'm experiencing a real life one right now and its pretty good.
Kevin Clark
what did you think radstorms were
Angel Martin
It would be cooler than the green glowing rooms we have now
Jeremiah Lopez
Something boring and not that harmful
Jonathan Price
Sorry I could not find your ID, the locker of science gear was all I could do, but thanks for cloning me anyway.
Dylan Kelly
I mean I wish there was someone that played warden every round every day
Jose Reed
ah yeah that'd be nice.
Hunter Rivera
post on github
Angel Sanchez
>it's an animating wizard with clown curse and magic missiles claims to be friendly round
Gabriel Long
gib tips for a first time sec officer
Thomas Morgan
Don't do it alone.
Carson Ortiz
>it's an join medbay even though I have no idea how to treat injuries round
Isaiah Baker
1. Remember its just a game 2. Treat people like human beans and they will treat you like one probably. 3. Don't snap and start harmbatoning cargo techs because they misplaced your order. 4. Git gud.
Christian Nelson
Only in death is a criminal truly stopped
Eli Butler
Buddy system
Cameron Gonzalez
Keep space law in your bag Stay to the book in sentencing until you memorize the law stick to standard operating procedure if someone comes at you, fucking tase them if you're going in for melee, use your flash. empty your pepper spray and fill it with water, so if you need to retreat you cover your tracks with water for possible kills/arrests Fart on EVERYONE you stun.
Levi Rivera
>be female CMO >order all the men on the crew into your office for penis inspection day
Oliver Bailey
Did something change recently? I haven't touched my firewall settings since the last time I played.
Lincoln Cooper
free trip for powers or bad muts.
Cooper Ward
>you get chloraled and farted on because im not a beta cuck
Oliver Smith
sounds like a terrible plan for dick desu
Benjamin Butler
I'm having the same problem. All I know is that it's nothing to due with the firewall as I tried everything with that.
Isaiah James
>play female character >Always show up to johnson inspections at medical bay >mfw they think I'm here to inspect johnsons
Robert Lee
Get ready for chloral followed by delimbing.
Henry Hernandez
That's ironic, I took a criminal out of a round one time and you yelled at me and told me how much you hated people like me. Then the round after when he metagrudged me you did nothing.
Jacob Diaz
Same here, my client closes whenever I try to access the server.
Jaxon Barnes
Easton Ross
I too play a futa unironically
Y-you meant off server? Oh....
Henry Turner
>Walk in to comply because if you do, you get priority on the wild ride >unzips >pasta starts to fall out >try to stuff it back in >everyone outside sees a person fumbling with his pants and a CMOs in front of him with her face in a shocked expression
Joseph Bennett
Its like you all lack the ability to read
Kevin Collins
I'd like to say that didn't happen, but my memory isn't good enough to say for sure. Are you sure that was me?
Hudson Butler
>lol, post it to github
Great advice nerd
Lincoln Brown
It is since we can't fucking fix it and coders can