So it seems maintenance got moved from tomorrow to today. I guess it's because they realized how weird it was to start an event and then kick everyone out for a few hours the following day.
Jordan Ramirez
>retard from dacho's stream wanted to use "no damage" sakuya instead of sticking to his ra setup for mzeus >he and dacho get fucked over kek
Ryan Bailey
>+egg farming will never end Please kill me already
Dominic White
>More +eggs It's 2016
Michael Sanders
Carson Ramirez
The retard got a second chance and didn't pop his delay on Diadem, fucking kek.
Chase Clark
do we know which monsters are worth 10x?
Andrew Morgan
At least most of the best dungeons don't seem to be listed, at least seeing what they've got lined up to Tuesday. There's Mercury and Goemon in coins, Deus Ex tomorrow and Pad Z on Sunday. That's about it.
Anthony Diaz
Descend bosses (usually worth 10) are worth 100.
David Martin
Fourth time's the charm.
James Ross
>Pad Z on Sunday
Charles Lopez
>Co-op now includes guerrilla dungeons
Feels terrible that i will miss out on half stam PreDRA Infestation that is coming later because i have no friends.
Jeremiah Cox
Wood Valkyrie starter fag from earlier. Rate my autism squad.
How do people make a screenshot of their entire box/attach sceenshots to each other to make a very long image?
Jayden Morales
Noah Hill
If you ask, you'd probably get more people willing to help you with gorilla dungeons than with descends since they're so much easier and they don't have to worry about fucking up.
John Bennett
Wait till you get Dkali
Eli Adams
Might be worth rolling the rare monster carnival (PAL machine) until you can grab a green chaser, it'll be good for setting the board
Other than that, looks fairly standard. You can't farm up a Cu Chulainn or Mystic Stone Knight yet until you break into the last few normal dungeons, so just continue to clear until you hit a wall.
Just remember to ONLY spend stones on godfest rolls. Never for stamina refresh or dungeon continues. This rule will hold essentially forever if you're a non-IAP player. By reserving stones for godfests alone, you give your box the most chances to progress in a productive direction with your limited rolls.
Jacob Foster
Eli Lewis
So whos ignoring this multiplayer event?
Gavin Stewart
>both curries We memefest now
Angel Richardson
Looks like I'm skipping out both days
Jack Watson
Eli Collins
what server and where did you find it?
Adam Brooks
Jaxson White
My memory is bad. Was this daylight savings the first time Gungho just said fuck it, we'll leave everything an hour late or was it always like this?
Levi Price
Fuck, I'm desperate for Oku so I'm probably going to roll in this. At least the chance for Baal and Lucifer is there so I can actually use teams for them. Arthur is pretty mediocre for Thor.
Jose Thomas
PAD Europe's Facebook.
Tyler Taylor
RIP serber What is PDT timezone anyway?
Asher Fisher
I actually don't care about either of these days
For the first time I'm not gonna spend stones, since PCGF is due soon anyhow
Connor Perry
jp godfest announcement when
Landon Cox
Never JP Twitter stormed Gung Ho headquarters and strung up YamaP on a pole after Bamboo's announcement.
Grayson Roberts
they already announced it and all 3 days are pretty meh
Elijah Torres
no they didn't, fuck off retard
Caleb Stewart
have shangmei fags despaired now that arena 3 is out and she is worthless
>day 1 >no 3x kali but 3x scheat and esch >day 2 >other way around >day 3 >shit pantheons
w e w l a d s
Hunter Smith
yes, and if you get 2, you have unlimited green skyfall.
Logan Campbell
Maint is done. It is time.
Luke Bennett
Jayden Myers
Made 25k mp. Totally worth the 250 box space :').
Ryan Kelly
anyone want to do some challenge dungeons
Hunter Sanchez
>今回のゴッドフェス対象モンスターは『超絶×3UP&Lv最大』で登場! >超絶×3UP what does this mean
Nicholas Price
I don't know what should I be rolling for
Jace Cook
Anyone wanna co-op the challenge dungeons 1-10? 1551 3686
Jason Jones
>next gala is JP is gonna be dark because of oda >tfw been farming up blue piis on my new account
Jayden Jenkins
>tfw finally hypermaxed my first card shit it's only an Athena but it's a start 2701 atk is pretty nice to look at though
Austin Gonzalez
How do you guys deal with the burn-in from playing so much? All of the runs from the last 10x left a slightly noticeable ghost image on my screen.
Zachary Richardson
Speaking of that, I should probably replace my Athena with Valk.
Josiah Brown
Burn-in indicates your display is either plasma, or crap
Easton Perez
>indra's multi boost makes him do 1.1million damage
thank god i didnt die but i completely forgot about this
Luke Gutierrez
so when it says specific descend are worth 100 MP what specific descend are we talking about here?
Justin Smith
>it's pretty much every descend boss >i've already made 2,500 MP just by selling the stuff i was too lazy to remove from my box >that's almost a silver egg worth of MP
i like this event
Isaac Garcia
Most of the descend bosses.
Joseph Lewis
Woo first time clearing z8
Julian Bennett
how flexible would it be to run devil rush over and over in order to farm MP?
Aaron Morgan
you have to farm it now and max skill up z8 m8
like the rest of us did
Christopher Gutierrez
Running Z8 or Scarlet myth+ is better.
Jace Wood
Anybody want to farm PreDRA Infestation with a pleb in JP land?
Thomas Moore
devil rush is the best for speed as NA has no goemon firing squad yet
if you want efficiency do z8 or scarlet
Adrian Hughes
I don't have a dark team though.
Jonathan Hall
>skilling up z8
i would, but i have escha ;^)
Daniel Gomez
Attempting Challenge level 10.
Preferably with a Rukia or Yomi Dragon, or maybe Pandora team.
4178 7992
Alexander Perry
I think this is the first time. Lazy fucks.
Jayden Ward
>need uriel for XM >need orochi to SI onto radrag team
Oh boy, why can't we just get cute godfests
Dominic Green
>using metacuck teams
you put cuteposters to shame
David Roberts
>mp only challenge >create a room expecting nothing >someone joins and it's a pentamax lead with perfect synergy to mine >clear up until lv5 before they had to go but i kept fucking up my rows especially on the bosses
Multiplayer mode more like My-partners-must-now-all-have-me-labeled-as-a-shitter mode, it was fun but damn, performance anxiety every time
Asher Walker
I need cute leads first, but theyre never in godfests anymore
Zachary Campbell
Is Yomi Dragon still a good buy? I have a team ready for it.
Lucas Robinson
i did lv1-7 with her 8-10 with ra-d
honestly i dont think she is great unless you really have everything and can use her as a sub at the same time
Isaiah Morris
If I don't have akechi or zuoh for awoken pandora, do I hypermax grapeslut/dvalk next or wait to pull either one? the most useful thing mine has done for me is clearing 5x4 dungeons so far
Henry Butler
Yomidra can clear everything up through Arena 1 and many C10s quite handily, but is depreciating as a lead. Still quite good as a sub for other good Dark teams such as AFAL.
What do you actually have for your team? Pretty much the best is AHaku / Oku / Escha / Akechi
Colton Ortiz
>AHaku the best is double escha
Nolan Thompson
I have the AHaku, Oku and Akechi but no Escha. Have Castor, Nepnep, DIza as other dark gods.
Jeremiah Torres
But when combo'd with Akechi you get plenty of hearts. I know that you can make hearts with Yomidra herself but it still seems like a good option to have. Though if I miraculously had two Escha I'd try and run them both too.
Justin King
AHaku / Oku / Akechi / Castor is about as good as you're gonna get with no Escha. If you want Yomidra, go for it. I have a lot of fun playing it even though I use Radra to beat the really hard stuff.
Angel Anderson
Speaking of Yomidra, anyone want to help me clear Challenge 10 with me?
I can bring Meta for the preemp unless you have something better.
Unless Someone with Rukia wants to help me. Rukia team is almost max +. Yomidra team isn't.
Dylan Lopez
Using 2 actives on 1 turn is dumb unless it guarantees the end of the dungeon, you don't need to use Haku for Akechi to make hearts anyway. Yomidra's RCV is good enough that you don't need tons of hearts to heal back to full. But yeah if you don't have double Escha she's probably the best replacement.
barely enough skill boosts, you'll only have Castor turn 1, but good enough if you really want to go for it.
Hunter Howard
>reco is still trying to clear arena 3 >after 7 hours of trying yesterday + today's runs
have we entered a new age of powercreep where even ra dragon is not good enough
James Carter
>one of the world's best players can't clear it of course radra is old and busted