>Decks you have tested
All classes except Priest and Hunter
>Decks you have liked the most
Evolve Shaman, C'thun Warrior/Druid, Mage Yogg.
>Decks you dislike the most
I haven't played anything I don't like, even the ones that didn't play well were pretty fun. This set has so many interesting combos and strategies.
>Cards that surprised you
Yogg. I thought it was going to be one of the most kek worthy bullshit cards that was going to make the game trash. So much random it made the game a complete joke. I don't know how it will end up in the meta, but you can actually build a pretty strong Yogg deck without ever having to play Yogg. He is best used as a wild card, when you don't have anything else to do, and in my experience he hasn't fucked me or my opponent over to the point where it was auto game over. It's pretty evenly split on how much bullshit he causes both players. I like him, there is more thought into when you should or should not play Yogg than I thought was going to exist. And everytime he is played if the game doesn't end both players immediately have scramble to figure out what to do, it's fun.
>Cards that dissapointed you
Not much off the top of my head. Most cards I thought were going to be strong are, the weak cards are weak, and then there's boogerman.
>Opinion on the expack? Hit or Miss?
Best update Hearthstone has seen so far. Not only the xpac, but the introduction of Standard. TGT was so dull, and then this xpac has made me enjoy Hearthstone like I did during the beta.
>Are you rank 5/legend already taking advantage of the badly made decks that everyone is using?
Highest rank I've hit is 9, but I've played every class except two in ranked and multiple versions of decks. My win percent is roughly 50/50 right now because I am trying so many new things. I was a pretty sick win streak using Evolve Shaman and C'Thun Warrior, and then I fucked around with a weird Reno Warlock/1 mana health divine shield Pally and lost rank