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Dies to BGH Edition


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first for killing c'thun priests on turn 9

Hunters reign supreme




not 1st for cancer discussion

which deck is the most cancerous right now?
Cthun Priest? Cthun Druid? Cthun Warrior?

xth for Lightbomb

Has anyone tried out Wild yet?

ok its been like 2 days now
what are the best netdecks? i think you can get an easy rank legend

literally play any midrange deck and c'thun will never give you trouble

I want to replace 2nd Freezing Trap with something. Is Huhuran good?

if only we could banish face shaman shitters to that hell hole too



4 MANA 7/7


playing against this is pretty cancerous

Considering the fact you have zero 5 drops, in my expert opinion I'd say she's very good in your deck

arent you the faggot that i destroyed on the atlantis wow server ?
why do these queers name themself like llilil

It's actually 6 mana.

I play both
wild is easier I think

Earth elemental is 7/8 taunt for 5 mana

its always value or a good body

More like 6, but still way too cheap. Especially with two different cards which can unlock overloaded crystals(so 4 in a deck)

>already netdecking
Qhereis the fun

So is it time to craft twin emperor or should i focus on getting the rest of my good classic legos? Missing rag, thalnos, black knight, harrison, ysera, onyxia, and every class card that isnt tirion or cenarius

lmao play priest dumbass

First deck this season.
Please help, I'm terrible.

Post N'zoth Rogue lists senpai

SouthSea Squidface y/n?

Show respect

>mfw playing excavated evil priest vs all this zoo

Why are people so scared of this card?

I got a mage to ragequit when my frozen Faceless with 2 health evolved into an Earth Elemental.

Good classic legos. They'll be there and useful forever

>MFW face hunter is no longer viable.

cancerous face shaman here
i know i sure aint

Because they know if it lives you are going HAM next turn

the fun was gone the moment everyone started playing face shaman and zoo again
but this Yogg rogue deck is pretty fun

I don't see why more people are up in arms about this card. With the BGH nerf it's guaranteed to trade with more than one card and if your opponent doesn't deal with it in time he'll just go face and deal a ridiculous amount of damage.

Lava Shock/Eternal Sentinel


What decks are Ragnaros Lightlord good in? I unpacked a gold one but paladin seems much more aggro focused in this expansion than going to the late game.

>finally consistently staying in rank 17
am I getting better or is everyone else just worst right now?

What are you running in Wild?

>mage frostbolts my 7/7

I didn't realise the effect went of on the start of your turn. Explains why no one uses it I guess


rate this meta

You can play this a turn earlier, it makes a deference because it's more difficult to remove, also it has less overload

everyone is shit right now, but it's a good time to learn the game because 2 sets have rotated out of standard and no one is really sure what decks are good at the minute

Do you post about how OP cards are in these threads?

15-18 is where people play fun decks

if you are there and actually trying you are just bad

>Remove Dr.7
>Introduce Twin 7

You can't make this shit up.

>next turn

>Miracle Rogue is viable again

has anyone gotten blood of the ancient one to work?
I have 2x
pls kill me

How good is DeathRattle Hunter/Rogue?


>2 days after new expansion the best decks are the ones that didn't change at all while everyone else figures out new stuff

wow who'd have thunk it

Just made this to counter c'thun and aggro shitters. It actually works if you draw well. Any suggestions?

Post the site you got this from

swap whirlwind and armosrmith, Unclog your 3 mana spot and fix your curve.

>works if you draw well
Every deck in the game

I was overdue boys, the time for memes is at hand.

>The best decks are the ones that didn't change at all
>Shaman is rank 1

u wot?

time to play Rogue

Hogger doom of elwynn leading into their first 10 mana turn. He can eat up to 18 c'thun damage.

>playing the chris benoit legendary

Holy smokes that pack is loaded.

Lol. That deck looks terrible.

>cancer is back

sure is fun trying to hope for enough AoE cause stealth

You know the drill.

>Everyone, get in here!

Waifu bug

I think Aviana deck would work

take a tic off of her with thaurissan

turn 10 play her and the 2 bloods get an ancient one

after they spend their removal they were saving up to get rid of your 30/30 you now have a free Aviana turn

So who's first? Rag? I've been playing a lot of midrange shaman so al'akir is tempting but probably not as safe


Nah aggro pally is not good enough. forbidden healing and lightlord on the other hand thou can really make healadin viable. I play murloc pally and 1 forbidden healing replace 2x healbot pretty nicely

meme card

In fairness, any idiot knows to throw Faceraper Faceless and TFB in their deck.

>play ctun in brawl
>it fucking naturalizes itself

>playing Face Hunter to complete dominance quest
>C'thun Warrior plays Ancient Shieldbearer on curve
>C'thun Druid plays Arakkoa on curve
>C'thun Priest plays Emperor 7 on curve
>this kills the aggro
don't even bother 2bh pham. aggro is dead and buried behind overstatted taunts.

Meme-saron, meme incarnate


Warrior confirmed most expensive class to make decks with or nah?

is EU down again?

corrupted hogger

ALWAYS boogeymonster


From an objective standpoint, I'm glad it's gone.

But I liked playing brainless decks to grind with and having to construct an entirely new hunter deck is suffering.


Sooooo sweeeeet...


it always has been due to high value epics and being able to run multiple valueable legendaries due to survivability through removal and armor gains

>has anyone gotten blood of the ancient one to work?
It's 100% a mindgame card.

Let's say you're against a Priest, right? He has Mind Control in hand when he sees you drop Blood.

What does he do? Does he Mind Control the Blood? No, he doesn't. Because he knows you have a second Blood in hand. Why Mind Control a 9/9 and have to deal with a second one next turn, when he can wait, get rid of BOTH 9/9s, then MC a 30/30?

So he sits on Mind Control. And the fucking joke is on him because you're only running one Blood in your deck.

pally is seriously up there rn

>swap whirlwind and armosrmith
You mean take them out?
>Unclog your 3 mana spot
Shit nigga, there's so much to put there.

>kill your board then self

breddy good. I haven't got my hunter deck list down the, but Rouge has been crushing it. Deathrattle paladin has been raping Wild.

Welcome to mill rouge, user.

Post best new taunters of the set!

Drop the aboms and run corrupted healbots instead.
Drop the polluted hoarders and run vigils.
Argent lance is shit and you don't need humility on top of the 2 follow ze rules and uldamans.
Craft n'zoth asap and run syl.


ABSOLUTE suffering

Druid get's ctun up to absurd numbers but if they dont draw it they seem dead in the water moreso than other classes