/lolg/ - League of Legends General


who is the best husbando and why is it Trundle edition

>that op

2nd for Pingas

>be adc
>support is shit
>"report bot"

What is wrong with people in this game. Why is everything report report report? Shut the fuck up already. Fine report me after the game. You can't do shit now so just shut up and play.


>was an standard noxian but less edgy
>became a depressed hobo
>is portrayed as a waifu or generic hero

why she's not that deep.
How do you fuck that up.

Times change. Few years ago support would get all the blame, now adcs are always the bad guys. Nobody can really see what your support does wrong so if you feed you either get both reported or only adc

>be support
>adc is shit
>"this bot"

Syndra feels so fucking weak at the moment I swear to god.

Cause she is

DOn't play her

nice dead thread lolbabbs

>lissandra is an evil witch that kills queens and princesses to take their places
>killed thousands of people
>got her face litterally mauled by a bear probably destroying part of her skulls so this is why she wears the helmet
>people portay her as a moe waifu woman with cat ears
waifufags and retarded girls are dumb

Illaoi is cute.

no shit

Yeah she is right now. You don't have any reason to play a burst mage that isn't Lux or Annie. Veigar and Syndra are doing kinda badly, hopefully next patch fix them.

Syndra was so busted in URF, got so many S+ last week end playing her. One shotting people by pressing R is fun!

>solo kill the enemy jungler 4 times in the jungle
>kill him in counterganks another 3 times
>utterly shit on him when he tries to solo drag and counterjungle the shit out of him all game
>about to do baron with the whole team
>we see him trying to take our t1 top tower and collapse and destroy him and collect baron for free
>[all] "fuck u noob jungler always needing help to kill me gg git gud"

yeah it basically reversed the narrative

it used to be all the supports fault and the AD could do no wrong
now it's the inverse, if you say a support did something wrong you get flamed

>Implying i'm the only one who uses Tumblr to look for art

>Ahri gets an Abyssal
>Can't even kill her until I get like 2-3 items

very nice

xth for embarrassing shitty lee sin mains

>le tumblr is le bad
people on tumblr are retarded, yeah, we know. but this website is a goldmine to find fan arts (and porn) especially since most japanese artists started leaving pixiv.

reminder that if your "otp" requires mindbreak to work it's a shitty otp

Kick hard, blupper

I know you fucking queefgobblers, I was implying that only tumblr could find Illaoi cute

>only death
>riven mains

Save to stack full armor vs this team or should I buy a little mr for corki?

Fucking normie

Buy MR or you will get fucked

xth for Cute Vi

Caityln Edition

stormradiers surge riven

idk that guy had 500 games on riven this season I wasn't going to question it

what about mind breaking your husbando/waifu?
tfw you'll never mindbreak trundle so he can be the number 1 best buttslut of the freljord

tasteless shitskin

doesn't varus do magic damage or some shit

When is nid getting gutted to shit?

lets be honest stormraiders is fucking bad and need to be reworked. only memers and hipsters use it.
why would you even use it on ribbon instead of thunderlord or grasp

Why haven't you played a ranked game today? Don't you want to rank up?

Nidalee is the most iconic jungler though.

>took me up to 350k mastery points to realize my favorite champion is complete gutter trash

wew lad, time to become a meta slave

winning is the only fun and you know it user

she fucking deserves it that's why




what was her name user

eh it is fine as is, fairly niche but far from useless

ryze is a meta use of it

nasus uses it
morde uses it
darius -can- use it
Full ad garen is sick with it

it's better to take an AP item. You got Azir in your team so you should make an abyssal to buff your and his damages.
corki actually deals a crapload of ap damages, not building a little bit of MR against him is retarded.

>Get top lane
>"Wow user fuckin noob why pick Shaco top? you're gonna get rekt"
>Go ap and dominate Quinn, win us the game
>Get top lane next game
>Pick Yi
>"Lol fuckin picked yi top instead of jungle GG
>Shit all over enemy Sion top lane
>Team doesn't say shit

Fuck roles, play who you want when you want. People need to remember this shit. Just have fun.

>There are people who think Sol is bad

I can't wait until someone whips him out in LCS/LCK and shits on everyone and everyone flocks to him, you guys are sheep

>posting old memes

This copypasta is almost as good as the Warwick one

>mfw CLG is going to go 0-10 at MSI

I guess so.
Although I don't get why you would use it on Ryze, isn't thunderlord better?
Same for Nasus, grasp seems better.

When should my jungler gank and when is it too late so I can call him shit and blame him for all that went wrong?

>You cannot take control of your teammates to ban Nidalee and Kindred in their stead when they don't

This game is terrible

I don't get why anyone would want to play her right now unless they had a foot fetish. Playing her is like having to juggle while riding a unicyle just to achieve stuff every other mid mage can do already but easier.

>for real show me a Syndra fan and I'll show you someone with a foot fetish


Ryze and Morde mains would disagree greatly

But Stockholm syndrome does not count as mindbreak?

>Can't handle Kindred

the game literally tells you how to counter her. Just kill her marks before she does and it's ok

>Iconic jungler

More like iconic for being cancer in every role. She needs to be put into the dumpster for good

But user I love Syndra but i'm not even straight or into feet
I hope she'll do great after the mage rework, I kinda miss playing her. Her late game is still good but o boy, feel like you don't do damages until 40 minutes in.

>they ban olaf
>soraka open
>nidalee open
>graves open

its okay guys, we all are retarded at some point, you just take the cake

Xth for Katarina
best girl

So I kill myself if I get marked

>One shotting people by pressing R is fun!
The essence of Syndra players and why they will always bitch about their champion.

>Two champions in the lineup of 150 can use it
>Not bad

You have a shit definition of good, retard

>Kindred mark pops up on a camp
>Nice I'll just clear this real quick
>She pops up, dashes on you and 100-0s you with three autoattacks

Haha I didn't counterplay her hard enough hehe! What a sick outplay, summoner! Haha!

Yeah senpai let me try to contest THE strongest early game jungler in the game for anything worth shit.

People who say "just xxx" thinking that the game is that easy and binary are the biggest shitters by far

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

Don't you mean with?

DFT is only good on maybe 4-5 champs post nerfs and you don't see people bitching about it to be changed.

TLD is fucking dumb and should probably be nerfed again





Ehh, nah, one shooting people with R is Veigar's role.
Syndra need to stack some orbs first.

it´s not really mindbreak it´s voluntary. When someone robs a bank and holds hostages some people want to feel special. Kinda like how guys feel special when shy girl gives attention to them but nobody else. So some hostages start helping the criminal so they can feel ´´special´´. Stockholm syndrome is pretty dangerous by the way. It also happens at schools when kids are being bullied but it´s rare

I'm not into feet, more her nice ass and midriff also she's fun to play I guess

>Kindred walks into my lane and 100-0 me by herself with a target slow, autoattacks, and auto target q in the time it takes me to walk from my caster minions to my tower
>at level 3
>man you just suck learn to counter her

if you can't force 2 people of your lanes to help you, it's literally your fault

Didn't someone email riot asking to marry Lulu and he got rejected

i wanna punch sona in the tit, she acts all innocent but is a total slut


>press spells in random order

Whew this is really gameplay intensive

I gotta work hard to put orbs on the ground hehe!

>play rengar
>murder her over and over
Fight cancer with cancer user

malz is gud but cheesy as shit
brand is nerfed, but his ~potential~ teamfight is brutal
zyra is rly gud, will be meta
vlad is whatever, about as bad as before
cassio is pretty good
velkoz is op

Shit winrate.

Syndra's midriff is excellent, but her thighs are the best in game and perfect for leglocks

her back story is deeper than evangelion

>tfw main Zyra and Velkoz


>Play Kek'Sai
>counter every gank
>get to every mark first

she is talons edgyness combined with nasus' deep thoughts

riven a shit

Elise and Nida clears are a lot faster than Kindreds. Kindreds clears are actually not very fast. She's just a decent duelist because mobility. Her ganks are also a joke cause no CC. Stop overrating Kindred lul.

Support Zyra?

nidalee possible because her clear is insane, elise no. kindred jungles really fast

here's a riddle for ya: what's better than playing league with your gf/bf in your lap?
playing league with a kitty in your lap :3c

>Her ganks are also a joke

nigger i will press E on your champ, redsmite your ass and see what happens to your HP bar

what??? just play shyvanna and you can beat nidalee

>tfw when you're more likely to play yi than annie but hate the project skins

Zyra is like release Zyra but better, shit's gonna be crazy.

One thing people don't realize about rework Vlad is that he's basically the same except is E is easier and more intuitive to use (straight up trade your sustain for more damage vs the old go sustain negative for more damage but only if it's stacked and also stacks increase healing) and they gave him lethal threatening burst.
The only way you should die to Live Vlad is if you get greedy and stay in lane at low health because otherwise you can just walk away. With PBE Vlad his Q damage is doubled with Crimson Rush and his E does more damage than before once you get some items. The natural slow on E also means you can usually get another Q before they get too far away to complete your trade. Put that with Ignite and Ult if you're 6+ and you can kill anyone without a resist item from half health.

>Pick one of the worst early junglers into Nidalee

t. silver surfer who just finished watching nb3 stream

>kindreds ganks are a joke

how silver can lolg get

the only reason to hate them is because of the expense involved though. If you can get it for free, why not?

>play rengar into nidalee

good job user


>Her ganks are also a joke
you are a joke

>kindred comes at you at 325 movespeed
>just walk away

is it really that hard guys

>be jg one trick
>actually get top
(i rarely get top when i put jg/top)
>feed my ass off because i have no clue how to play any role but jungle
MIND you i am plat rank and this is BAD i need to learn another role, i climbed from bronze to plat only playing shaco