We don't have an official steamgroup. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steamgroup, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, April 28th: 1192 – Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat (Conrad I), King of Jerusalem, in Tyre, two days after his title to the throne is confirmed by election. The killing is carried out by Hashshashin. 1887 – A week after being arrested by the Prussian Secret Police, French police inspector Guillaume Schnaebelé is released on order of William I, German Emperor, defusing a possible war. 1945 – Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci are executed by a firing squad consisting of members of the Italian resistance movement.
You could just make promotion really hard and new pops types could arise with time.
James Powell
If Johan is Goebbels, who is Hitler?
Luis Diaz
Like what poptypes?
Juan Nelson
>Heh... if I post saying you can't blob anymore it means it's okay that the Ottomans got fucked in the ass and an entire nation is now basically not worth playing Guess I'll just blob for free as France, Brandenburg, or Austria instead that sure showed me.
Jason Powell
All that would be fine for a Victoria 2 mod, but for a complete new game its better to just make new, better mechanics.
Josiah Torres
>I never cheat in gsg
Bentley Bennett
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
Jonathan Hall
So who do you think some of the alternate leaders are going to be in HoI4?
Ayden Howard
all me
Ryan Davis
This dude
David Myers
>you will never historically blob like a retard while playing ottomans, spain or russia nice game parakeks
Nathan Hill
they already confirmed best boy
Ethan Jones
Lads, I was watching a video on Vicky 2 and the guy said "glahss factory", have I been pronouncing glass wrong this whole time?
Kayden Nguyen
>mosley seizing power >possible Literally how? This wasn't Italy where the king fingered hookers in the middle of Rome, the "windsor"s had guards.
Cooper Foster
elections m8
David Baker
But it is the english who are not british, lad.
Liam Stewart
>blobbing as brandenburg Enjoy Poland, gross Scandinavians, gross austriums, gross bohemiums, gross Hungarians and gross franciums reking your shit.
Landon Brooks
>have I been pronouncing glass wrong this whole time? I think so. I pronouce glass like "veedroo" t.bh
Tyler Sanchez
Jose Murphy
t. plaid cymru
Chase Edwards
This fills my misplaced nationalism and suppressed homoeroticism void nicely!
Julian Hernandez
t. Oliver von sachsen-coburg und gotha
Jacob Hall
I pronounce all english words using the pronunciation rules of my own native language.
Kayden Sanders
t. Rhys o'connor-davies
Daniel Martin
Why are russians so hated? People who hate russians for racial reasons are clutching on straws 2bh T. definitely not a slav I swear
Because they're obnoxiously nationalist and hostile, just like americans.
Nicholas James
Are you even a human?
Kevin Jones
John Jones
Starting a 6 player game. 1 Western Europe, 1 Central Europe, 1 Eastern Europe, 1 Middle-East or Africa, 1 Indian, 1 Asian. Point of game is player wars later. So all player nations will be given boosts at the start(If needed) to get to that point earlier. What are your opinions on strongest choices for all those areas? Based on above, main factor is national ideas, not starting land. Right now we are leaning France, Brandenburg, Muscovy, Ottomans, Vijayanagar, Japan.
Gabriel Powell
>Muscovy >not Poland Dude, Lithuania has as much development as France.
Colton Gray
>liquor posts stay up >vital discussion about who's cultures in grand strategy games goes down Honest, straight talking moderation.
Lucas Jackson
>that elbow lesion krokodilfag detected
Colton Butler
So you'd put 10% Inf Combat, 33% Calv Combat, 5% Disc and 15% Morale over 50% Manpower, 50% Land Force Limit and not having to take explor/expan?
Justin Ross
Austria's much stronger than Brandenburg.
Jace Edwards
Alone? Not really. But combined with much better starting positions and having lost of land easy to blob into around them I'd say yes. EU4 is a game about snowballing and Poland lets you start snowballing very early.
Dylan Price
Again, as I stated in the third line of the post you skipped though, Ideas matter not starting land.
Lucas Murphy
Why are EU4/paradoxplaza faggots always so passive aggressive? Sorry I didn't spend 5 hours dissecting each and every point of your post, you massive cunt.
Isaac Kelly
Mosley was a taig-loving cuck.
Jace Allen
Which choice do I choose?
I want to kill off the most people and colonize the area with the Irish
Dominic Carter
Ah, so you're planning on cheating? Then replace Vaginagar with Nepal and Japan with Qing. >inb4 waah it's a formable nation!
Eli Sanchez
Choose 'we don't need to keep the facade anymore'. Watch your economy dramatically improve.
Brayden Edwards
I didn't want to be the one to say it, bravo lad. Also, >black hair >large nose >receding hairline >weak chin Probably a Jew.
Evan Lopez
First one
John Fisher
Annex. Your colonial migration will start working as soon as possible and you can always genocide them later.
Adam Morgan
I'm playing HOI3 as Argentina, how do I get Japan to sell me production licenses?
Andrew Carter
>get DoW by everyone and their nan Great posting! Keep it up!
Ethan Jones
>form custom sogdian empire with khiva/turkistan/khotan >realize I have fucking nothing to do besides build buildings and prep for mongols unless I expand into persia (because fuck steppe expansion) >can't uncreate the empire title in favor of persia >can't conveniently invade without claims on persia/baluchistan/afghanistan man
Jose Sullivan
I'm currently in the sphere of the British and allied to them, no worry yet. I purposefully made my country stay as a SP so I could get the Congo
Hunter Cook
>Colonial Irish Empire This pisses me off so much
Levi Thomas
Fromable nations are ok, there was a question between Qing and Japan. But from what he saw, he felt the Japanese Ideas were better for war.
5% Discip, 10% manpower, 15% inf combat. 10% morale from Shinto vs 2 shock, 15% calv combat, 20% manpower recovery
Nepal is good though, better then Vij, never looked at them before. Will recommend. Thanks.
Anthony Taylor
>play meme game >bloo bloo bloo why am I getting memed on Also, you literally can form hold two empires St the same time, so not only are you a faggot you're a lying faggot.
Nathaniel Wilson
Does dealing with the natives actually let you assimilate it or does it just randomly kill some niggers?
Blake Lee
That negative pop growth is so fucking sexy
: ^ )
I don't think it's worth having Africans assimilate to white irish people, unless you believe that culture relates to the shit you identify as. Anyways the assimilation will most likely be nothing
Christian Brown
I know that I can hold two but why would I bother holding two lol
Austin Baker
>all that land >a single port Fuck off you alt history memers. Perhaps /r/paradoxplaza would be more up your alley?
Blake Barnes
Jace Murphy
>I don't think it's worth having Africans assimilate to white irish people, unless you believe that culture relates to the shit you identify as. Anyways the assimilation will most likely be nothing By assimilate I meant "assimilate". i.e kill as many Africans as possible and ship as any whites into the colony as possible.
Anthony Jones
>a single port >alt history
Evan Baker
Looks like my jewing is coming to a bitter end. Fatimids are everywhere and they are probably going to fuck me next. They already took over some of my provinces, it's only a matter of time. They've got 20K and I've got 4K
Ryder Jenkins
Well, -2 unrest and decreased coring costs are great for blobbing and staying stable after the war. And let's not forget that +10% manpower and +20% manpower recovery speed are multiplicative. -10% tech cost will let you stay up to data on military tech much more easily.
Ryan Price
Oh in that case yeah it's possible. Some user posted his Belgian campaign where it was mostly Flemish and Walloon
It's realistic user
Nathan Sullivan
Nice railroading
Justin Diaz
What's the best nation in Africa to westernize before the colonization and actually colonize Africa?
Liam Butler
Levi Taylor
Egypt, provided you can deal with the Oriental crisis. If not then Ethiopia.
Christian Cox
It's almost as if the game is trying to help me
it's fun though
John Parker
In pretty much every game I played Egypt got fucked but I might try them. Ethiopia doesn't even start united IIRC, are they actually a good choice? If so, what's the best nation to unite them?
Are you memeing my lad?
Jackson Martin
>irish congo that didnt become the private property of the Irish king >railroading
Nice buzzword
Lincoln White
Chase Brooks
>lose life rating Jesus it'll just be a fucking skip by the end of it.
Gabriel Jackson
>In pretty much every game I played Egypt got fucked You just have to be good. And remember that luck is a skill as well.
>are they actually a good choice? Yeah, they start in a great position and they westernized early IRL. Unite them as Gonder.
Blake Walker
Nice reporting and ignoring, lads.
Christian Jackson
Hudson Barnes
>handing out a huge as fuck colony with an event for free >not railroading B-but muh options!!!
Jayden Bailey
>SPs have the possibility of getting a colony the historical way >it can be denied or others paths taken >that's railroading It isn't. Railroading is being forced into a path. He wasn't and there was several options You are no better than people who use toxic or fascist for things they don't like. Stop misappropriating words
Jackson Flores
>great position Really? I'm in HPM so there are lots of nations in Africa, and from the look of it something like Sokoto would be better. No one will give a shit about Africa before colonization anyway, if I can conquer all these other nations with little infamy, I can get more colonizable land at the start of colonization and IIRC the lands here are more valuable anyway.
I forgot the fact that I can just sail my troops and conquer the lands on west if I play Ethiopia. I guess that's what should I then
So when a country annex the huge as fuck Egypt because they are in their sphere that's railroading? How does that make sense? Besides you get infamy too and you don't get for free, there's a vote
Owen Barnes
Yes, it's a great position because the GPs will leave you alone and you have quite a bit of accepted pops.
Lincoln Sanders
Does AFP work with HPM?
Bentley Smith
Wyatt Jackson
Pls respond
Eli Jenkins
Get in good relations and same faction
Noah Cook
Is there literally any reason to play as a nation other than Sweden, Poland, Austria or France under any circumstance ever in EU4?
Every other country exists just to be blobbed into by one of these four.
Andrew Price
>look at all these possibilities!!! wow so cool!! Nevermind that 99% of the time some SP gets it. Guess thats still not railroading for you huh? >b-but you see more than one country can get it, not just Belgium!!! so its not!!! >annexing random uncivs is the same as handing out the same colony Nice logic. Colonies should be free to grab for anyone, these autistic events just because it happened irl make no sense.
Jayden Smith
NWO is so fun as the Big Strong Americans, so far Albania, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Bavaria, West Germany, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen and Syria are my puppets and the list keeps growing!
>captcha: Jerusalem st
Levi Phillips
And 99% of the time a GP sphere annex African nations So the whole thing is railroaded. Except it isn't. You don't know what it means and its just using it as a buzzword
Gabriel Morris
Dominic Miller
Please tell me how annexing random uncivilized countries is the same as handing out a huge uncolonized territory. Go on, I'm listening.
Xavier Wilson
That Egypt is meme tier
Hudson Russell
Not sure what the commies did the overtake me, they should be in shambles since PRC lost and Yugo and Albania are now democracies but don't worry la, gonna make Vietnam a puppet as well and ruin more commies and when the time comes, President Trump
It's because the Suez crisis didn't occur yet you dipshit
Lucas Bailey
>Get in good relations How? There isn't an improve relations button.