/krog/ - Kronos General

Keep dead guilds out of the OP edition

/krog/ guilds:
Kronos 1:
There were guilds on Kronos 1 but they're dead now

Kronos 2:
Brand new server, 1x rates. 4-5K queue (around 3 hours), almost impossible to level right now because everyone is a babby sub-level 5 noob.

- Alliance
- Horde


Questions to avoid asking:
>What class should I play?
>Is Nostalrius coming back?
>What is the best class for PvP/PvE?
>Why don't we roll on X server?
>Is Kronos pay2win?
>What class does X guild need?

FAQ: pastebin.com/YbPhHZ7j
ADDONS: pastebin.com/pvfNSeN0

Client Download and Connection Guide: pastebin.com/3vpxc0jG

BiS Lists: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j81TgG0p_HrYKajiUiQfYIoSUx1culzy2u_Fc4wtiS8
Leveling Specs: imgur.com/a/aNm8V
Leveling Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1-Z2vplxWZACKmCpw1B8vexKQ2vwjRqFRjcJhHjAxx

Previous Meme:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for good times

>not including the K1 guilds

i play on K2, but don't be petty

Second for these are the k1 guilds:
- horde
- alliance

Can we keep the juvenile shilling out of the op now? Thanks.

>There were guilds on Kronos 1 but they're dead now

They're dead.
>don't be petty
Did you see the last OP? They're dead anyway.

Horde guild isnt.

Source: im in it

except they aren't dead. SD may be, but i think YTYWI has a bunch of people still playing


I think he was memeing when he said this. I hope he was...

Fuggg... really? I was wondering how he was differentiating who to make mod and who not to.

It's dead.

Can someone remake the thread with K1s guilds? It's bad form to do this. I'm a K2 player just PM Meme and I'll saythesame thing

Whatever you say bud :)

Yep all the people he gave invite power to. Kinda obvious really, 'randomly' picking people to promote or not. Here's hoping they don't kill this guild like they have so many others.

>Leveling Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1-Z2vplxWZACKmCpw1B8vexKQ2vwjRqFRjcJhHjAxx


Anyone got the pasta?

>theyd rather falseflag the fuck out of k1 instead of updating their OP.

Weow laddie, and this is coming from a k2 player aswell.

They're dead.

>mfw enjoying my 33 rogue on K1, in a non-vg guild, so no meme-spamming and other garbage in guild chat
K2? never heard of it :^)


Who /undeadpriest/ here?

Hit level 10, went to the barrens. Shit is awfull. No damage, massive lags, out of mana after every mob.

I have played both human and dwarf priest before. I might try out night elf this time.

Which starting zone has the least cancer?

It gets better. Once you get a wand it becomes tolerable, once you hit your mid-30's it becomes great, but still a lot of drinking. Still worth it to be a monster in PvP

>mfw been logged in all day, not even playing, Just alt-tabbing and hitting the space bar once and awhile to not get kicked

how's that queue going senpai

That's like every priest. Put some talent to spirit tap while you're lvling.

nelf starting zone has by % the less amount of players, but not by much from gnome/dwarf zones.
Elwynn is packed af tho

Maki a shit


>tfw comfy levelling without a guild but with some buds on k1 horde side
>tfw we wont have to deal with finalflash glaston and ereka, and other underage memespouters and neets

Its a good feel laddies : - )

I wanted to watch Madoka anyway.

Ereka killed himself mate.

except you gotta deal with thread and that faggot warlock git

will i be fucked if i play a rogue with 200-250 ping

don't bother, you are going to mess up a lot of combos in pvp

Im not even in the horde guild so i dont personally know who thread is or the 'warlock git'

The server is swamped because it just opened, your ping will be lower in a week or so once the rush stabilizes.

>tfw you're running RFC with shitters in greys
just end it

Whats the horde guild name on k1?
why is it not in the op?

you should be ok, as long as you accept that your ambush and backstab will often not register in battkegrounds, even when you're right behind your target.

>keep moving around and spamming buttons
>casters can't keep LoS
keke ez

How well does this Twinstar character auction work? Like, if I roll a toon but fancy a faction change later because fuck horde then is it easy to find a trade if I have a reasonably popular class/race combination?

You Think You Want It

And idk, it was in the previous op.

I was thinking of rolling one, are they decent in world pvp?

>Whats the horde guild name on k1?
You Think You Want It
>why is it not in the op?
Epic memes

move to Britbongland and have a cool 60 ping like me :^)

There's one or two really autistic guys who like to leave it out of the op

They're literally the most overpowered class in the game in pvp.

possibly but you might have to settle for a gear / level difference

also their character might be ugly as fuck

k ty very much,ill ask for a invite when i log in


Shit, you can't change appearance? For someone as fickle as I am that might be a deal breaker

>trying to get on K1
>330 in queue
>oh sweet, this will take less time than the usual 2k
>5 minutes in, only at 285


p2w has its price

senpai I just want to raid BWL together as a team in a vg guild. please help me make my dream a reality

obviously not, you're just buying someone elses character

that's what people don't seem to understand

like look at some of the retarded chars about who look awful and have shit names - that's what you could be getting.

desu I don't think any of the Veeky Forums guilds will field a 40 man Veeky Forums team

Why would you ever dream this? Unless you enjoy bathing in actual shit?


>1h30 in queue
>only went down 600 spots


Maybe if both the Alliance and Horde guilds joined a single faction, and everyone got to 60, but I doubt it's happening.

>mfw deciding between Gnomish and Goblin engineering

I swear the last 2h of Kungen's stream has been like watching a vod of his stream from a couple of days ago. Same story same commentary.

but most people on Veeky Forums are shitters user

>1000 place in que going snail pace
What the fuck?

How do you get that filter

>gnomish engineering
Fun if the devices work, but most tend not to on private servers

>goblin engineering
better all around; especially for pvp

reminder to report kungens stream for non-gaming content.

twitch DOES temp ban for shit like this, watching youtube videos for hours without any gameplay etc.

contentawaresatan dot com

Where do I go to level up as a level 50 alliance? Western Plaguelands?

it's a pretty obvious choice mang

deathray works on this server

felwood, blasted lands, searing gorge, un'goro

This is great senpai

mfw sitting in this retarded long queue

he has retail wow open in the corner to avoid that on a technicality

So Im fucking assuming this unspeakable casting spell delay lag shit will eventually go away and be fixed, right?


Fuck me

Part of the kronos experience

>haven't been able to log on since k2 released


this fucking que

>tfw kick a retarded hunter who tried to ninjaloot
Feels amazing


the OP still has Nost FAQ.

bretty gud for wasting time during queues, right?

Why is that elf priests are meme? Elune's Grace seems good to me.

hell yeah

2hr+ on queue.... the struggle is real

Dwarf is clearly better just because how OP fear ward is

If I give up on this pathetic shit and come back next week, how far behind will I realistically be?

Disc a shit

No place in shadow specs

Doesn't help a healer

Same goes for practically every priest that isnt dwarf

epic starfire pewpew

Is it possible to skip server queue?

not very. you'll likely hit 60 as people are getting geared up in DM/UBRS

because they're all literal sluts tbqh
The only reason to pick them over dwarves is looks

if you're kungen, yeah

Total Asscancer released his views on nost. Don't even bother watching, he's an idiot and says exactly what everyone thought he sould.



>hunters needing on ravager, herod's shoulder & scarlet leggings
bane of mi life

who do i whisper in nihilium



This thread and it's guilds are a prime example of why people prefer the singleplayer WoD content.

Atleast I found a guild that works for me, so I don't have to bother with you unfunny fuckers.

do you level marksmen or BM as hunter?