Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Leoric saves us from the ded thred ded game edition

>Whats New:
Balance patch:

>where do I find you meme-loving faggots
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/

Previous thread: ded

Li Li needs a humanizing costume, like Desert Queen Zagara. It could a cute black-haired loli with a panda's head on her t-shirt or something like that.

2nd for Anoob'arak OP

I can only assume you have an ulterior motive here.

Do you want fat bara Chen too?

i'm not them but yes

If by ulterior motive you mean like I want to fap to Li Li or something then no, I just like playing Li Li but really dislike anthropomorphic characters. I hate playing Chen so I don't care what they do with them.

I have a friend who hates that shit too. They refuse to play this badass fucker in MTG, because he's a lion person.

Chen's the best.

It would be pretty funny.

Where the FUCK is Superman???

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Nexus businesses/practices:

>Raiders Rolls
>Jaina's Cones of Cold
>Ashalanore's Salami
>The Soup Dash Sallac Kitchen
>Stormrage 10,000 Step Anger Managament Program
>Morales Bus Tours
>Gazlowe's Gadgets
>Abathur's Hat Emporium
>The 1,001 Gods Dojo
>Bronzebeard's Brew and Bloodshed
>Diablo's Overpowrestling Gym


>Annual March of the Black King
>Sponsored by Cow King whole milk, it gives you Hardened Bones.
>Special guests this year: the Legion of Northrend, the Army of Hell and the Skeletal Mages
>Catering provided by Butcher's Slaughterhouse and Stitches' Shish Kabobs.
>any libcucks that protest in the March of the Murlocs against our rightful king Leoric will be Entombed.

Where the fuck is Gorefiend? Next hero better be Gul'dan.

How do the +1, +1, and -8 work?
I thought starting hp in MTG was like 30?

Where the FUCK is Garithos????

I appreciate you compiling these.

Here is something I saved from a previous HOTS thread:

>*teleports behind you*
>*turns into a werewolf*
>*decapitates you with his clawtanas*
>psssssh, my curse will be your undoing, kid

Oh, this is a special type of permanent that enters with a certain number of counters. You move them up and down as costs to pay for its abilities. Only once during your turn, when nothing else is happening. Whenever it takes damage, you remove that many counters.

Life is starting life is 20, actually.

>The Soup Dash Sallac Kitchen
I dont get it


I am not sure about that lion guy you posted but Eldrazi are the best

So does it start with 4 counters and you need to get it 4 more somehow for that +100 hp?


How do you guys deal with being paired with shit team mates?

>last game
>enemy team has abathur, we have zeratul
>tells zeratul to go on the hunt for abby
>multiple times see abathur pop up on minimap deep in our terrioty
>he never kills him
>our butcher leads the charge into team fights instead of letting me engage (im tank)
>last team fight i ping to defend our core is being under attack.
>my entire team except zeratul start team fight 3 v 5 and loses

i seriously cant take this shit anymore



I play with friends

Manny Pardo when?

You can't kill that which had no life, op.


Where the FUCK is the fun?????

Makes me think of pic related but cheerier.

Hey guys, is Nova decent now?


Fucking dead.

who /jack coins from teammates killing chests and camps as abathur/ here?
It's like the game is fun again

Seriously though, where is Kel'Thuzad?


i still think this is my favorite login screen and certainly the only one i bothered to save


Question about the Tracer talent "Tracer Rounds": how does it work?

I'm interpreting it as" it a cloaked nova is around and I start shooting a minion, it will reveal that nova"; what does it really do?

>Legion of Northrend
The Scourge you mean.

You shoot a hero and they remain visible on the map for 4 seconds afterwards, even if they would run out of sight normally.

The only thing Tracer can do to pop someone out of stealth is stick them with her bomb.



>hates non-humans
>doesn't trust his living allies
>fights Undead for years
>trusts an Undead
>is surprised when the Undead betray him
>corpse eaten by ghouls
Jesus, Gary get your shit together.

That's a good question to ask.
I'd also like to know where the Blademaster and Zul'jin went?

I'm kinda saddened after the nerfs to my favourite assassin, Greymane. I've tried a few new builds out, but none have clicked with me entirely so far. What are you guys using on Bestmane?

those platform shoes look fucking ridiculous and stupid

If he ever comes out I swear to god he better not have those things

cocktail -was- greymane, he's dead now

I've always only ever used full worgen build, but I did use incendiary cocktails.
I haven't played him since that was nerfed, though, and I have tried out wizened duelist before with some success, so I'll probably just do that.
I never had any complaints before so I doubt I will when I play him again.

>Stormrage 10,000 Step Anger Managament Program

Who knows, the model is pretty old maybe they decided to completely redesign him.
Or they dropped Samur/Za'muro completely in favour of somebody else like Jubei'thos or some completely new blademaster.
Or they realized the blademaster wouldn't work in HotS any more since his iconic abilities are already used by other heroes.


but then again
probably not

Then what if your friends are the shittiest bronzelords who refuse to even try to improve>

Fun in qm if you get someone else to do the waveclear for you. Not that good of a pick in HL. Also dont get tunnel vision chasing slugs behind their forts. Also cutest butt

not until after they add an evil doer as clever and uncatchable as the dastardly Miami Mutilator

being able to play as HFC Jubei'thos would get my dick hard
>about to die
>split into a bunch of different mirror images
>start throwing swords everywhere
>teleport behind the entire enemy team at the same time
>psssssh, taste-a my brade, kid

She's fine if you don't get immediately blown up whenever you exit stealth.
I like going snipe master/explosive round/perfect shot for the ultimate useful hero experience where you can actually participate in teamfights.

I can't possibly imagine why they made snipe master like this though. You keep the bonus through death and yet aren't allowed to snipe minions. Just fucking make it only deal bonus damage when hitting heroes and only lose stacks on complete misses.

why are these so funny to me

>phase shifts to ally behind you
>polymorphs you into a crab
>pssh, i'll make your insides outsides, kid


to get tracer to lvl 5 so i can play her in HL i had to

play 5 quick matches (all of which i threw because i cant bother playing with subhuman fucks)

3 vs ai games

7 games AFK in training

right now playing my final vs ai to get this bitch to lvl 5 and i have absolutely retarded fuckshits in my team who die to bots and do objectives instead of pushing, hope they all get executed painfully

>not AFKing in QM
what a fucking noob
get off Veeky Forums, scum

if i afk i get thron out of the game dumb fuck, die from cancer faggot

gj throwing those games before any of your teammates could
you gotta stay one step ahead of them at all times
>go into the special sandbox for mouthbreathers
>act surprised when you see mouthbreathers on your team

hope tracer finally lets you break out of MMR HELL and into rank50

i actually am in mmr hell, fell down slowly into it as my winrate and mmr started to get lower

im in the process of making an analytic out of it, taking draft screenshots and the tables after game ends to prove that im being matched with dumbest fucks

well im sure that's specifically designed to counteract your perpetually growing ability and keep your rating down

Trust li li to tell the truth

all of my unf.

Mei for best waifu

she looks innocent but i bet she's a real qt

what is going on in that exclamation-styled speech bubble

I want more mounts. Stitches looks okay on a Dire Wolf, if a bit silly. But why not make some horrifying undead monster for him to ride? Hell, you could just make a zombie or skeleton horse, and bam, mounts for Stitch, Leo, Sylv, Xul.

You don't even need new animations.

Also, should I buy the Starbreaker for the Starcraft characters and Sci fi skins? I can't get the vulture. I don't even own Leo.

>Sundering still hasn't gotten nerfed
>Thrall just got buffed to insane levels in Hearthstone

there's already an evil horse

just level a seasonal character to 70 on diablo 3 :^)

stitches on a goat looks like he's air thrusting to move fast 'cause the goat so small

Go play that DC MOBA.

God, just let me spend money Blizz, fuck, I already bought D3 because of your cross promotion ways, now you want me to play it?

I have no idea how to use the tiny cartoony mounts. I could stick Lili on a goat, but I have the Tiger and it is perfect. I know lots of people put Murks on small mounts, but I find him clinging to dear life on a large animal mount funnier.

Maybe I could put stitch on Nazeebra. Get some use out of that thing since it was in the bundle.

>its another 600 second queue episode!

pfft the tiger is for all the night elves!

stitches goes on a goat for comedy or the spider's second colour sort of matches

what if they used character models as mounts? then you could just float around on corpses and there would be hundreds of new mounts.

more of this


That's a sweet -8, to bad you'll have to hang him out in front of you for 4 rounds and hope someone doesn't fuck with your plans.

finally made it to rank 1 with one of my worst performances in weeks.
goodbye bronzies! hello fellow low-mmr rank1 bronzies!
now i can't play ranked anymore.

why not?

you can't even lose rank at 1

Yes you can. It's happened to a bunch of people.

[citation needed]

Anyone else having fun bullying tracer with Arthas? I'm probably just playing against shit tracers, but

> constant poking with deathcoil
>pop frostmourne if they ever try to melee
> E keeps them in a predictable distance, scare them off with w

The downside is youre playing a frosty manlet

Yeah, I feel like I should buy a Arthas skin every time I play him, but at the same time; it seems like an insult to frostmourne

>having to wade through these god awful quick memes to get my heroes to lvl 5

how do you guys who dont play HL do it? its unbearable

afk training mode. ~20 min = ~100k xp

I've literally watched streams of it happening. Go watch any streamer on a loss streak and they'll say something about dropping to rank 2. This isn't even mentioning the fact that I have a friend that's dropped from rank 1 like twice or three times.

It's uncommon, but it's not literally impossible.

>all rank 1 game
>except one guy in placement
>he's firstpick
>he picks abathur

just fucking give the highest mmr firstpick like every other game
or at least make sure the lowest ranked player doesnt get first


don't worry I believe you, I looked it up.

There's 1000 ranked points at rank 1, if you go below 0 you de-rank.

Still, why get rank 1 and then stop playing hero league

QM is shit.

But if no one loses at rank 1
Then who was phone?

>Still, why get rank 1 and then stop playing hero league

I have no idea. I'm not the guy that posted that. Maybe he's just fine with having accomplished that goal and just wants to casual it up in QM for whatever reason.

rank 2 was phone in this case


The white tiger maybe, the orange one is China. Only China rides that tiger. So, Lili and Chen. I am super tempted to buy the dragon too. Fuck, I spend too much money.

Cute! This artist does nice cute things.

Post more cute

Ahh, you're on about the Lunar tiger.

I think you need matching Lunar outfits for it :^)

I was on about the golden tiger, I have every ingame nightelf riding the grey version of that because it looks close to striped nightsabre from wow.

>tracer at 57% winrate overall
>rate gets higher the higher mmr you go

fucking joke honestly
blizz either thinks this level of mobility creep is acceptable or that it's okay to make a broken hero to promote another game

honestly not sure whcih means worse for this game