Season START edition
EU vidya
it's okay since trigger the nigger got demoted
US clan is dead
>Season 6 megaguide
Drahque is a cuck but he makes good megaguides
Season START edition
EU vidya
it's okay since trigger the nigger got demoted
US clan is dead
>Season 6 megaguide
Drahque is a cuck but he makes good megaguides
Other urls found in this thread:
EU season in 18 minutes!
is already dead
This patch contained only some cosmetic items and even more power creep, waht you guys think they have in plan for S7?
Holy shit so very ded
Then again there's pretty much nothing new. But gotta get that stash tab.
>season is exactly identical to last season
I'll get a few days fun before the Overwatch beta I guess.
Good thing I haven't played S5.
first few days is the only fun time during the entire season
after that it's just LOL GRIND PARAGON HUHEUHE
Made it to lv 25 and I'm bored already
Man I'm so done with this game
I've spent $100 on energetic and food, got my 1 week vacation from my job and i'm fully rested.
I'm so fucking hyped, can't wait to play for 3 days and get bored.
Dead game.
What is happening? EU is already playing and no one is posting.
Investing in crusader for the first time this season. Apparently thorn builds are the best, but those sound like boring play styles to me. I should be able to coast by on a nuke/akkhan style for most of my journey to Conqueror or at least T10 with proper ancients, yeah?
Every useful crusader build uses thorns in some capacity, though crusader is still shit in 4p meta. Only DPS builds around for top end are frenzy thorns barb and ET wizard
prob'ly cause they just tweaked some sets and didn't add anything new
and since battleborn releases on tuesday I don't plan to stick around for long
So how is WD looking this season? I didn't do it much in season 5.
what season did diablo die
i played s1 and wanted to come back but...
dont let these cucks fool you, you can always find people to play with even in hardcore
Not sure what to play this season.
I really want to try Zuni because I love pets but have never gotten to play petdoctor, but I did WD last season.
I love sentries so Marauder's is tempting as well.
Never tried Monk but their fucking set is pets too!
I feel like playing Wiz but how good is Magnum Opus?
I also never got to try the perma-Champion Crusader build.
I basically want to play everything but Barb this season.
Help. Which set is strongest?
Are there any new features this season? Wondering if it's worth coming back.
No, come back for a week to farm the free stash tab. That's all that's worth it, and its unlikely they'll make stash tabs more available in the future.
Nice shit dead game faggots
Cheers from /mh16g/
no clue what build/class I want to go this season. HELP ME CHOOSE /d3g/!!
>go to /mh16g/
>first posts that jump out are people bitching about the game
>a few wishing the game were as polished and smooth as D3
>there are ppl who already have full endgame set and doing TX
>wishing the game were as polished and smooth
nice b8, more like happy the game isn't a giant turd and is actually alive most of the year unlike this piece of shit
season hasnt started dummy
So what armor set you I get? I want to try demon hunter or barbarian, but not sure if their season armors are any good
What do season rebirths do again?
Save all the achievements and playtime but reset a character's levels?
I'm thinking of rebirthing my vanilla D3 wiz, my first character.
hella buffs ma nigg
Looking for an invite to the EU clan.
DH free set is the best free set this season.
expansion when?
They were hiring new people for Diablo univerve in the last year, probally in 8 years we are getting something new.
>play both games
>post on both generals
>see these comments
guys STOP
you are breaking my HEART
What are the OP sets for Monk/DH/WD trying to decide which class I'll start with this season.
alive game
What is the most imba start set? I played everything BUT wizard last season and that start set seems shit. I don't want to cuck myself by wasting the free set on a bad farming class
Thinking of playing a Barbarian or should I just stick with the Witch Doctor. Any ideas on this? I 've only ever played the Witch Doctor
So I don't really give a shit about the meta (Since I will get bored in 2 weeks anyway) so how does this look for Flamethrower Wizard?
Reminder: NO FUN on NA is still alive
This season is just like the last one. I don't even want to play. Why does D3 suck so much?
for season's journey?
monk probably has it the easiest, especially if you find those boots that go with it
DH gets marauders too which is pretty braindead and OP, but I find it tedious personally
sent :)
>asking for boost on launch
nvm I forgot this is reddit-ridden general
The season's been up for like 6 minutes
I can boost you to level 5
>say EU
>b-but season's been up for like 6 minutes
kys fat retard
If you can wait about 3 hours til I get to 70 I can boost you. :DDD
My mom says I'm not fat :(
>pizza's late
>will be late to go pick up snacks at the store
>gonna have to start season behind
What class are you going this season and why is it the Monk?
It doesn't matter
Nothing happens after you die
>pizza just finished
>coffee brewing
>diapers on deck
About to tear s6 a new one.
Now is the time to switch it up user. Play something else and get the season's journey set to start you off
>"hey guys please boost me even though the season has been active for only a couple hours on the EU"
>"fuck off retard
>"le-reddit meme"
consider suicide
Barbarian, it's the only character I haven't hit 70 with ever. Mite b kulle.
Barbarian reporting for duty.
So who do we PM to join the US guild
search for 'no fun' and request invite
the leader is on so now is a good time
You fuckin' know it. What are you gonna do user?
tfw almost launch and you dont know which class you want to go
class is easy
picking a fucking name is the challenge
Do seasons actually start on time or are there hours of server problems?
on time
minus some character creation hiccups
last season there was maybe 10 min of server problems. theres less people interested this time around so most likely 5 mins or no issues at all
so what's the NA community? Or basically..where can I find a group for this shit?
because i always play monk senpai
thinking maybe dh too, or sader. i played a thorns sader last season because the only thing i liked more than monks was thorns but now im ready for a change
Toss up between Monk DH probably
Well at least this game is more alive than The Division
What's the meme class this season? Thron-sader last season was great.
new helm ?
damn dont talk about that shit what a letdown
how not to make a loot game : the game
ded game
this game is fucking dead, I thought with the new season there would be people playing, There's NO ONE playing.
>add legendary items and set items left and right
>realize people playing the game just for reaching the top gear
>add more challenges and unique class items
>people still playing the game to reach the top gear then leave
>add additional small areas and promise loot
>people still playing the game casually and leave away
I declare this lack of hype is a move from Blizzard to see the "real base potential" this game has to act accordingly at the next season.
What will take me farther solo, DH or WD?
who cares ?
the game is mostly solo anyway, and you'll only find randoms once you're 70
I sorta don't feel like playing Diablo 3 today
Stuck here at work, envious of you guys.
Last season it took me a good two and a half week to reach Guardian, and this season it looks like it's gonna take even longer.
The conquests do not look solo friendly at all.
Shit, I mean Conqueror. Never bothered the last 2 requirements for guardian
Monk or Barb this season, I have never done either so I have no raekor burnout like a lot of longtime barbs do.
You don't have to care about meta, but you still want to play something that's somewhat useful endgame considering the requirements for the stash.
I made it to level 43, I just can't do it anymore. It's so goddamn boring.
Try to find someone to play with? If that doesn't work well then just go play another game really.
Yeah this is pretty painful. Tempted to just wait a week and get power leveled
0 - 1 WD
2 - 3 Wiz
4 - 5 Monk
6 - 7 Dh
8 - 9 REROLL
What will be the fastest tx build? Perma dash monk?
Can't decide between WD and DH. Have never really done anything with either so both would be fresh.
Marauder seems like it would springboard me up faster, but thats like an hour saved, tops.
WD seems kind of fun because exploding chicken build for TX and Garg for high GRs.
DH supposedly has the single fastest TX clear build though.
Any recommendations?
>Im still confident my build could go somewhere though
Longtime DH player here, I played WD last season and had a blast, WD has many viable fast fun builds. Maybe it's because I've played so much DH but I've been finding it dull lately. I'd go with WD.