League of Legends general - /lolg/

worthless dumb slut edition

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goi fuck yourself, stupid memer

this gay advertising for this shit site has to stop

riven is a worthless hero

xth for being alone

this is now a riven thread


true, she is better off becoming 3d and being my real wife

>tfw blew my only chance at losing my v-card
>it was 8 years ago

i just want to be done with it and go on with my life

i want to serve as a slave to riven

Fuck troll beauty standards



You don't have a spare two fiddy?

>tfw you start to fantasize about finding a prostitute with a kid, falling in love with them over time, and being a good dad

>you can upgrade refillable pot into corrupting potion

What the fuck

Why did I not know this

>AD is dc'd for three levels
>enemy Kalista dodges almost every single zenith blade over the course of a forty minute game
>can't report him for scripting because he didn't dodge everything so I report him for griefing my team by smurfing
idk why a smurf would play normals past level 30 desu but I was pretty agitated I couldn't 100% justify cheating report

yeah you can but why would you?

Do you remember when Riot's art was full of life and creativity? Nowadays it's just plain shit.

i don't care about my virginity at all i just want someone to love me

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

sounds more like you just missed every single zenith blade

I was watching Dyrus play singed and he started dark seal + refill then upgraded it into corrupting

Sounds pretty good on that meme champ

>play league
>meet somebody named [my elementary school][birthyear]
>ask him if he went to said school
>says yes, find out he was in the same year as me based on what teachers he had for which grades
>talk to him about the memories, don't explicitly tell him who I am
>he begins talking shit about a nerd (me) that everyone hated
>he mentions people secretly hoping that I would kill myself so they would get to be interviewed by news stations about it
>says that some kids would pretend to be friends with me so they could feed embarrassing things to the rest of the kids
>go along with it and we also lost the game in the meantime
>adds me as friend after the game
>meanwhile die a little more inside and start drinking on a thursday afternoon

can anyboedy explain the refillable potion meme to me?

why would i waste 150g on 2x125 heal as a jungler if I can have 3x150 heal and NEVER EVER need any potions after first round of jungle clear?

god I want to suck trundles cock and be his cumslave so badly


Fair enough if that's your first back I guess

Just send him this and say nothing else

because hunters potion is permanent sustain in jg assuming ur not playing cancer yi or shitdyr.

All I want is a cute chubby girl to play this game with and cuddle with. Is that too much to ask for?

>erveryone playing concentrated over the course of a league of legends game is scripting
maybe get your shit together and git gud
this scripting meme has to stop
then the potion is not for you
your yi jungle is not the only use case for it you fagtron


2d become 3d is best of both worlds

see im the inverse, i dont give a fuck about finding a partner i just feel wrong being a virgin

but i dont want to do it with a whore

go to your college's video game club and you can probably find one

Are you serious?
All the old icons are just item/champion/spell+the same fucking glow around it everytime just with different colors. Stop nostalgiafagging so hard. It was easily one of the worst arts I´ve ever seen in a game

but i jungle amumu

>ever good

I'm fairly confident in saying that he dodged 4/5 of them and could not have reacted quite that quickly with

>do decently well in top lane, get roughed up by a fucking thunderlords sion who was really good at landing Q and E but i'm csing
>end up being the only person actually doing anything of worth for the rest of the game
>fucking teemo jungler takes devourer, kills like 5 camps and then starts laning and afking and has less than 20 stacks at 40 mins
>veigar mid has like 100 stacks by 40 mins and is constantly wordlessly fucking off on his own against a roaming trio of rengar+azir+lucian
>kalista is somehow incapable of dodging blitz hooks as a champ with FREE dashes and constantly fucks off alone like veigar to get caught out by the roamsquad
>leona is the most passive scared leona i have ever fucking seen and stays 5 miles away from any figh, refuses to intervene, and places one ward in a shit spot every 10 minutes
>probably got reported for trying to get these animals in order

xth for sexual pain

what's wrong with this image?

even wukong jungle stops needing potions after his first back, what junglers really need constant potions?

Hunters Potion is pretty fucking strong
>Activate Potion before clearing camp
>Get Potion back after camp
>Repeat till you gank
>Full HP & Full Mana Jungler
>After gank go back into jungle
>Since you never have to back unless for core items you will outlevel all lane-shitters

i keked out loud.

at least i can do more than just look at 3d



you won a game

fuck off with your shit opinions

>your college

Don't have one

>new champ is yet another weeb memechamp
>yasuo in her splashart

playing sion when your follow up damage consists of jhin and veigar and the enemy team has a vayne

honestly that entire draft looks like ass and I have no idea how you won if I exclude the argument that the enemy team is actually just a bunch of lobotomized monkeys

>You will never be Vladimir's apprentice
>He will never teach you the secrets of blood magic during the day
>And have you practice the art of amazing fellatio on his sculpted porcelain rod at night
>You will never withdraw to a mountain temple with him and watch him become a more feral, rugged version of himself, and worship every inch of him in the process
>You will never have the honour of killing him to inherit mastery over the dark arts and become the next Crimson Reaper
>You will never further his noble art

Why live

Every mana thirsty jungler in the game
Every jungler that values having 5 refillable potions to use mid combat

Splash arts today are better by a light year. I mean Im not even Trundle fag but HOLY SHIT are they impressive. Slugger in particular looks fun.
Fuck yo opinions.

>somebody links me some meme about difficulty on champs
>jhin and kalista listed as harder than vayne

i can see a point about kalista but jhin is very straightforward

>tfw riven fags and yi fujoshits got cucked out of their yasuo ships

That's not her splash though you fucking retard.

>hurr durr this picture where you barely even see the back of this champion is the real splash xddd

>tfw you can't put it in your gf because it hurts her and begin to fantasize about girls you could
>tfw that makes you feel even worse

my college has a league of legends club but it's all silver arabs and indians

Maybe I'll join next year when I have a better laptop.

Reminder that Trundle is the best husband and if you don't want to sit on his cock or have him sit on your face, you don't know shit about League of Legends.

and so is vayne

Kids are jerks, I just hope this guy actually grew up. I'm sorry to hear that you went through all that.

Are you actually this autistic?

>psss.... nothing personnel

Okcupid is literally nothing but fatties with no standards looking to cuddle. Just narrow it down from there to ones that like vidya

her splash isnt out

yeah but vayne has the problem where if you max tumble your damage is shit and if you dont max tumble you're actually rather immobile and can barely tumble twice with rank 1 ult

i'd say she's harder than jhin, and i practically main both


Quit cropping out Veigar.
Can't you see how happy he is?


basically any champ that is mana hungry and/or doesnt have built in sustain.

it allowes you to never have to recall. just go into jg and refill up and you never have to b. because of this you can use it for a stupidly large ammount of time and it pays for itself 2x-3x over compared to buying pots that will allow you to sustain for that much.

its retarded to buy red pots on a jg when hunters exist.

This is some fuckin great information.

xth for SHIPPING



he's basically porn-tier now

Holy fucking shit playing this game during the day is impossible, it's nothing but whiny babies skipping school and 30 year old men who suck so much the only enjoyment they derive from the game is telling people they have a life and that's why they're so bad. Like I'm fucking mad. I was just forced to sit through a 50 minute 4v5 fuckfest where my team refused to afk because our Jax 'had lategame'. This is the same Jax that was saying "lol guys wat do I max im new to jax' and the same jax that was 2/16/3. Fucking FUCK WHY DO I GET THE MASOCHISTIC SHITTERS AND THE FUCKING AFKERS WHY EVEN PLAY THIS GAME IT TOOK 20 MINUTES TO QUEUE AND THE GAME I GET IS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NOT TO MENTION THAT I HAVE TO SWALLOW ALL MY FUCKING PRIDE AND ANGER SO I DON'T FLAME AND GET BANNED AND LOSE ALL MY SKINS, REAL MONEY I'VE WASTED ON THIS SHITTY FUCKING GAME.

why dont you just shut the fuck up



what's with this pairing

irelia hates noxians
guess what riven is



have you ever played eve outside of normal games or some shit tier elo thats actually worse than bronze 5? hunters potion is core on eve. even if you dont buy it for the Mana you sure as hell buy it for the HP sustain

he always has been since his rework, now they've just found a way to make traditional trundle sexy.

It feels like it's the same Trundle has before the rework but all grown up and hot.


>Yasuo and Rek'Sai

lol yeah ur fucked m8y


Riven's destined to be alone slowly succumbing to PTSD-induced madness for the rest of her miserable life until she's chased down by Noxian authorities and slaughtered like the criminal filth she is


its core for the HP
not for the mana

you said she was manahungry
she is manahungry, but staying in the jungle for 5 seconds with passive popped replenishes her mana

now stop being retarded

>Ooga booga face
Nice fucking art. Nice fucking opinions bro

>leona making out with diana's forehead

>take jungle+top, i get top
>take jungle+mid, i get mid
>take jungle+adc, i get adc
>take jungle+support, i get support


based on her lore darius and her would get along

Why would you keep playing this game?

How do you go about de-tilting, /lolg/?
I like to do an intermediate bot game where I just afk farm to relax.

Fug off. The prospective brown qt bailed, and the only real Yasuo OTP is Yasuo x booze anyways.

reminder SJWs dont exist and ur just being paranoid lol

t. danielzklein

He thinks women will go for trundle

is that bottom seriously real lmao

ia am not convinced you are some bronze shitter.