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Where do I farm for souls

collector's edition

Champ's Halberd - is it actually fun? I like the design of it but I haven't seen anyone use it. Is it a 40/40 quality sort of thing?

The best days are behind us.

What was your favorite moment in a Souls game?

>first time playing ds1
>level str to 40, dex to like 30, endurance to 30
>soul level 70
>get greatsword of artorias
>realise I need int and faith
>realise I might not have enough level left to get more attunement slots

Well I royally fucked this build up

Also does anyone know why I can't see any messages left by other people? I've just got the lordvessel and nothing is showing up. Also I can't read any of the messages in the undead asylum at the start of the game - the text box is blank.

Did anyone else think Das3 was a massive disappointment? So many of the bosses and areas were boring and terrible or otherwise gimmicky. After bloodborne being so amazing with its atmosphere and bosses, I had expected more from the so-called A-team.

I mean, weapon arts were probably my most hyped part of the game and they are almost always fucking useless compared to R1 spam

>tfw killed every last one of the bridge skeletons


das1 servers were fucked a while ago, maybe they still are

There's still Das3 DLC user.
Put the image away. It's not over just yet.

the start of the first DLC of DaS2

>the posterboy armor is among the last sets you can get
>it looks meh


> Fighting Knight Slayer Tsorig red phantom.
> Have ToD active, figure I can trade the last hit because of it.
> ToD pops, I roll back out of fear to heal.
> He assumes I died and does the My Thanks! gesture while I shove my greatsword up his butt.


Poison is surprisingly effective while invading Undead Settlement. Rarely someone will be packing moss, and they start panicking. I'm able to poison people with 3 or 4 rotten pined halberd hits.

why did i get a sunlight medal

and why do so many people appear as a host?

i keep killing blues and reds that i should be teaming with because they're changing their phantom color. pretty annoying.


Is the mail breaker my best bet for a light riposte weapon?

Is the wiki page trolling me?

>Another quick and easy way to farm is from the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, going downstairs there will be three Ghru that can be backstabbed easily, before they can even aggro.

I've done about 50 runs on those fuckers, and I've got their shields, weapons, poison stones, grass and titanites, but still not a fucking single drop of a wolf's blood swordgrass.

With 50 runs I've killed 150 grus at a 2% drop chance I should have at least 3 by now, am I being trolled by the wiki or just sheer bad luck?

I am killing them with that weapon that add you +100 to item find too.

Old FC for your friday, dont recognize the names tho

Getting summoned to be a boss in Demon's. All of world 3 really.

That one part in Dark Souls 1 where youf fought Sif, Artorias and Manus... And Gwyn, and basicly the whole game
That one part in the second one when it finally ended
That part in Demons Souls when Penetrator appeared
And that part in Bloodborne where you fought Ludwig the accursed and Micolash
Haven't played the 3rd one yet

>3 phantoms fail to defend their host whom i killed
>they taunt after killing me while they are being sent back

Maybe it's just reflexes by now, it's the same when i killed one phantom as mound maker and I'm already done. The host goes wild with gestures for some reason.

>behind us
>DS3 is getting another year of dev time
>implying Sony won't be throwing money at from for a BB2 even if it ends up not being a souls like

So how did Pontiff even manage to throw Gwyndolin in with Aldrich?
Sure Pontiff is strong n all but Gwyndolin is no push over. The Ornstein we fought in DS1 was just an illusion right?

So Gwyndolin is capable of creating illusions that mimic the strength of someone like Ornstein and he still got captured. Well even if it wasn't as strong as real Ornstein, the Chosen Undead isn't a push over.
Did they have a perma vow of silence on him or something? Hell if shit got real bad he could just retreat to the painted world and spend some time crafting up an illusion army.

Killed a sunbro

Ring that makes you appear human when phantom



Discovering DS1 for the first time and falling pretty much in love with it.
DLC and meeting Vendric in DS2
DLC and Micolash in BB
For DS3... eh, maybe in the DLC?

is it worthwhile dumping a few points into vitality to use a greatshield for PVE? I suck at rolling, I either roll too soon or too late

is it fextra?
fextra is notorious for not double checking information, but it's also notorious for having CORRECT information before others because of this

if you want rewards and find someone else that wants some item, I could hop to my cheater acc & give em to you

That was the real ornstein.

DS2 is a hack.

His armor is in the dragon shrine because eh, needed to put it somewhere.

Not everything has a reason lorebabby, this is a video game.

help me out here guys
i have no clue about magic but i want to use at least one magic
which one is better blessed weapon or power within?
i have str build btw

Just kill the fucker, he drops it on death.

You can then give his ashes to the shrine handmaiden to buy his shit

Arriving to Anor Londo for the first time. Everything is so dirty, grey and bleak before that and then you suddenly arrive to this golden city of the gods.
In the end the area is pretty meh, but seeing it for the first time was amazing.

>Got in Dark Souls late, early 2013 or late 2012
>Not many summons solo'd mainly everything except for SlamJam
>Hear about PvP in the Berg
>Hit it up, get fucking destroyed by all the flippers, hexers, and Giant Dads
>Invaded by a complete bro
>He chills with me, helps me fight of other invaders
>Unspoken conversation and we have alot of fun just sightseeing the level
>He waves goodnye and leaves me his Gwyn Greatsword
>I become a beast in PvE and PvP
>Never got the bro's name to add him

To this day he was my gud, and I was lucky to git him. He lit the spark that has made me a Vet.
If you're out there, GG bro.

Sulyvahn had the Profaned Flame, which a full on LoC couldn't handle, at his disposal. Boypussy stood no chance.

What's a good bleed weapon?
I want a silly bleed build.

Gwyndolin was ill. Yorshka tells you if you talk to her. He was already frail to begin with, being moonshit and all that.

l2 parry. what r1 spam problem? Im using the cathedral sword and carry a parry shield just in case. ez pz

First playing Demon's Souls.

The only thing that will ever match it for me is first getting into Monhun, or encountering arms fort answerer.

I want lick dancer

Morion Blade stacked with luck and strength

>he missed the soul dupe
Glad I finished 5 characters before they cracked down


good fights here in this dsg fight club

t. corvack

Playing with Dark Souls 1 with /dsg/, of course. Precious memories.

Just try focusing a little more when you roll, everyone at some point or another panic rolls as soon as they see movement, you'll get better.

If you're focusing on PvE and you're not that bothered about soul levels for PvP purposes I don't see anything wrong with pointing up to use GShields though.

Fromsoft are going to release a DLC with some Dark Souls 2 elements returning, and since they recognize that you know more about the game than they do, they have personally contacted you for your expert opinion on the matter.

You must pick 1 Weapon(or set), 1 Armor Set,, 1 Boss and 1 NPC to return from Dark Souls 2.

The C Team is counting on you user!

Paired Smelter Ultra Greatswords, Royal Soldier Set, Pursuer, Aldia.


something like deep protection or sacred oath is better

the ghrus are the ones that drop the swordgrass, yes, you're going to want to wear the most luck boosting gear you've got, even with gold serpent+2 and mimic head it took me 8-9 hours

at 55 int and 18/18 str/dex, the Astora Greatsword is literally a better MLGS


Daily reminder that your waifu Dancer is an ugly hollow with a weird nose and manly face.

I just want the Old Wolf Curved Sword, but I didn't knew this was going to be such a pain.


It is correct, I farmed 30 in a few hours.

Remember kids
>gold serpent (+2)
>crystal sage rapier
>max luck respec
>symbol of avarice

But Yuria is my waifu not this hollow bitch with broken hitboxes

ladder trolling

I'll hop on over

top of the wall bonfire
password is dsg2


>t pose host

>guy is taking no damage

deep protection seem more viable for me

I think they weren't kidding when someone said a crystal dark sword was a good INT build weapon.

Hey guys, I know DaS2 got a lot of shit, but is it worth playing in your opinion if I don't care about PvP and only about PvE?

I'm the kind of person that would just do one playthrough without doing PvP and not play NG+. I remember a lot of complaints were about the shitty netcode and lag and I heard scholar of the first sin edition was improved overall in respect to vanilla.

it works for everything. staggers most from one hit

>BK glaive fags everywhere

So Yuria hasn't fucked off after usurpation of fire, should I juts beat her head in with my axe?

Nothing a ring can't fix

>random S int scaling out of nowhere


>getting summoned as a boss in 3-3 for the first time
>making it through Sens blind and seeing Anor Londo
>the start of Shulva, and really all the DLC in general
>that moment when you get grabbed by an Amygdala
>the view of Undead Settlement/Boreal Valley

Shrine of Storms, 3-2 and King Allant
Fighting O&S and going to Oolacile
Heide, talking to Vendrick and fighting the Fume Knight
When you enter Aldrich's room for the first time, and when Soul of Cinder activates his piano, the fucking fight with Nameless King

>8-9 hours
>gold serpent +2
>Miyazaki expecting em to wait to NG++ just to try a fucking weapon

I may just give up on this shit.

Do you even have to ask? Just slaughtered everyone before going to ng+

Is it possible to reduce the internal render size?
I want to play 1080p but in 720p upscaled because of performance

How the shit did you enjoy Micolash?


Don't you dare hit my waifu

>only about PvE
absolutely not. DS2 has the worst pve in the entire series. the DLCs were a step up but even the lowest point in DS3 completely shits on it

cheat engine

Give me a strength weapon to make a build for.

I've already done Yhorm's machete(GOAT) and Greatsword.

>Start SL 1 run
>You actually do bounce with the ASS if you don't meet the Faith req. (bounced on Vordt's faggot ass)
>Delete SL 1 character

Sl1 twinking or at least level10 any guides brags?

>pursuers ugs
>archdragon cleric robes
>aldia he was an npc for a bit

Is there any dark magic worth using on a standard pyro build?

Cheers bro's, I'll try some lighter armor in the meantime and see if the greatshield works

wich souls wud u fug

I'd like an Aldia fight that isn't fucking pathetic tbqh. I get the whole "hurr he was only testing you" that some people say but even then it wasn't much of a test.

Anyone here have a PC gamesave with all rings? Could you please share it?

You could at least TRY when you bait.

holy shit, are you me?

The astora greatsword gets an S Lightning scaling as well, I believe.

TL:DR, Knight or Cleric for faith heavy UGS build?

Just how important is Vit in this game? I'm trying to put together a 60 faith build and while Cleric seems like the best possibility level wise, the low points in Vit and stupid high points in Luck seem like a big drawback. The 15 starting Vit for Knight seems FAR more useful than the completely useless Luck that the cleric gets, especially when I'll be planning on using a combination of larger weapons along with the sunlight straight sword. Also it would be nice to wear some heavy armor that looks Paladin-ish and not have to waste a slot on Havels ring just for the equip load.

Or just make a raw straight sword and beat the game

dragon tooth

raw +2 weapon with fire/lightning resin
caestus in offhand for parries
prisoner ring for extra stats

My waifu is Gwyndolin though.

Could have been an invading sunbro

>pcfats too lazy to even play the games they beg for


Eh, I don't have that bonfire, I just killed the abyss walkers, so I think the next place where I can summon is the catacombs, or, if you have any of the early bosses alive on your ng+ or w/e you may be able to summon me bro.

Thanks a lot in advance

Now that was a good fight aleksander

I Love DaS2 i think it's a great game. it gets far too much undeserved shit imo.

It'll be cheap now so go ahead, have fun!