/dsg/ - Soulsborne General

FC WHEN edition

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imgur.com/a/XhBxC (DeS)
imgur.com/a/wwtuf (DaS2)



>Essential PC mods
>DSCM - manually connect to specific players



>SL Meta Poll Results


>someone laughed at my joke

>Gotthard Twinswords

How does this make you feel, /dsg/?

Lothric and Lorian porn fucking WHERE

>tfw you get softbanned for playing the game

1.06 WHEN


I gott hard

Console wars belong on /v/, please keep them there you manchildren.

are they good? i was about to test them

I feel like a ninja that also has a lot of sex.


>tfw softbanning gankers with cheat engine

I personally call them the Tryyhard Twinswords, but they're pretty fun.

Reminder that PS4 and PC are mutually exclusive hardware and that you're either a PCuck or a Sonygger, there is no middle ground, what do you mean you can own both systems, no you can't! Also your version of the game is shit and mine is superior!

/dsg/ everyone

Well at least it's precise

Just stop playing, jesus fuck.

I dunno. How do you feel about 2kat?

I'm fucking loving them. Careful cause baddies WILL parry fish your ass.

it's right next to your rings

...In 3?

>tfw accidentally linking

The fuck happened
All I said was I though das3 was disappointing bloodborne was better overall

Whats wrong with yall

>High Wall of Lothric
>Lothric Castle

Why are these the only two enjoyable areas of the game?

Newfags, actually. That line of thinking isn't exclusive to /dsg/.

go to your equipment menu and click on the covenant diamond thing. If you're already in a covenant, you'll see it there and can choose which one you want. Switching is painless in this game.

>tfw play on xbone
>tfw have to hear none of that bullspit

Of course it's a tripfag who likes to make new threads


carthus was good I thought

I can't beat you desu

do you WANT to run into more ganks? i'm doing everyone a favor

Does changing covenants make you lose progress with the one you were in before?

PC players must defend their platform's honor as though it'll have sex with them after the fact or some shit

>Being that kid who destroys the other kid's toys because they don't play the way he wants them to
Nobody likes those, user.

>30 posts in and no Gwyndolin lewds

>Never summoned as blue
>Never invaded despite being embered

but I'm a pccuck and a sonygger

I got DaSIII for the PS4 first since I wanted the collector's edition and I'll get it for PC when the version with all the DLC is out.

>tfw beat the game for the first time without noticing that covenants were an equipment slot

gotta go fast m8 :^)

>Opponent lands an amazing parry
Who /unironicfanmail/ here

Two years worth of semen glopping endlessly

Parry bait

Are you not a PC player ?

Is it just me or are all the mobs bullshit?

The second i decide to attack they hit me and interupt.

>implying i care
the less gankers that exist the better

What's the op halberd? It's not the black glaive.

It's like a hammer with a point on it that does the spin to win really fast after you land the straight slam down

carthus was okay but it all sort of looks the same. At least the two Lothric locations have interior and exterior parts

I got warned for posting cropped lewd of Gwyndolin eating yogurt.

The same way you do in bloodborne

Ganking is literally a part of the invasion now, the game prefers to send you to worlds where phantoms are present. You might as well just stop playing now if that bothers you so much.

Gonna need a second host for FC, alot of signs.

good thing das3 is the best das because it has poise!


Because the game prioritizes people with summons when someone's invading. Unless you summon people and run around the area with them you're almost guaranteed to never be invaded until NG+.

I'm starting an INT/sorcery build. What's a good weapon to use that I can infuse and still enchant with Magic Weapon or something? Need that INT scaling. Any tips?

that just makes it easier to softban them

gwyndolin can stay dead

I have both, and am a pretty wealthy guy, but thats honestly just needless spending.
You could use that $60+ for something much worthwhile
Like sixty hotdogs

i can start one at pontiffs
password dsg

Then what's the point of this general

pass is dsg? omw

INT playthrough or INT PvP build?

I don't think you can use the buffing magic on any infused weapons.

>people say summons are there because invaders have area mobs
>Seed of Giant exists
>Seed of Giant doesn't make the summons hostile to the hosts

Guys where do i get Morne's Great Hammer

You're doing gods work, user. Don't listen to all the angry shieldbabies.

Astora Straight Sword.

It has a slight FAI requirement, but having that will let you use the Deacon's Candlestick if you want.

Other than that, pretty much anything with low stat reqs will be perfectly fine when infused with Raw.

Bigger meaner things with more reach have the right of way in a standoff. Do not to mosh with them, and instead wait for them to attack, then counterattack now that you have the right of way.

from morne himself

>tfw the idiots on plebbit still think Gwynevere is the queen

>Morne's Great Hammer
Dropped by Eygon of Carim if killed.
Looted from Eygon of Carim's corpse late-game in the old cell of Irina of Carim.

don't be a cuck, research for yourself.

You gotta kill Eygon or loot it off his corpse once he dies.

>get a Divine Blessing from the Silver Knight looking at Gwynevere's painting
>Divine Blessing in chest next to O&S's gear
>Queen of Lothric who made them was initially compared to fertility Goddess
What does it meeeeeaaan?
Titty goddesses daughter? Titty Goddess herself?
In any case, Lothric and Lorian are descended from Gwyn's brood in some capacity.

Keep up the good work, user.

How do I into bleed build?
Rush to 40 luck and then what?

I fucking hate invading hosts with phantom buddies but you're only doing this to actual gankers and not people who are just co-oping through levels right

coming to softban all y'all

Why do they keep adding shit like poison cloud and acid cloud knowing they're complete garbage and never even trying to make them somewhat useable

I mean half the sorceries in the game fall under this. It feels like such a step down from 2

Just a PvE build. I'm more into co-op than I am PvP.

Are there any fun weapons that require or use INT? Like boss weapons or anything?

Hosts will have an HP advantage because ember
More estus
Can summon phantoms
Can keep summoning phantoms
Can use seed of giants
Blue spirits will also counter invade
Llyod's limited to just 5

Because Miyazaki is a hack.

>passively aggressively tell them to look it up for themselves after you already spoonfed them
Way to go, faggot. I bet you call people gay when you're done slurping their cock, too.

warden twinblades with hollow infusion and carthus rouge

you can try to add gnaw or dorhy's gnawing into the mix but they are easily avoided by pretty much everyone

>softbanning everyone, literally
>softbanning so many people that they won't even feel the difference because they're all on the same server
That'll show them

Anyone have a Flamberge they don't mind dropping for me? Farming this one thrall in the Undead Settlement isn't giving me much

Well there's the Moonlight Greatsword, as par for the course with a FROM game.

Its a [Host is using estus during a duel] episode.

>aldritch faithful invaders aren't attacked by mobs by default
>wolf invaders are

thanks from

I make sure to spy on them for a bit while i have obscuring ring to determine if they're co-op or not

Summons are cordially invited into the host's world to help.

Invaders brake in through the window with the intent to kill.

Which should have the advantage here, logically?

Kill Morne's Great Hammer.

might make madara uchiha

>black pyromancies for amaterasu

> take my 40 twink to ng+
>proceed to cause chaos by using dried finger+seed if giants at lothric high wall
>all these low lvl twinks invading me and getting destroyed by mobs & blues
>3 more died while typing this

lel, been for over an hour and haven't died once, have had my flasks refilled to 15 about 4 times now

>Lloyd's limited to just 5

DESU if you need more than 5 lloyds before you kill the host, you are the bad.

>try invading
>apparently you can summon multiple phantoms now

Maybe avoiding info on the game to keep it fresh is going to harm more than heal. I haven't been raped that hard in a while.

That's stupid.
Is there anything I can do about blue summons?

>it's a host is with 2 buttbuddies and tries to lame you down but the second you manage to get rid of his friends he runs away forever until he gets to summon more phantoms in


the poison cloud is good at killing large enemies you dont want to engage

Really would like crystal sage's rapier if anyone could trade it to me in Anor Londo to farm Proof of Concords(I chose to sorcery for the trophy)

I'm SL 105 NG. Character name is Bete Noire on PS4.

Also lloyds has a pitiful fucking range. Like melee range.

Hope they're like the majority of people and have stopped using the Way of the Blow covenant.
