How do I give job applicants an IQ test without having them realise what it is?

How do I give job applicants an IQ test without having them realise what it is?

On the one hand, I want to hire the smartest. On the other, I don't want to humiliate them or seem overly controlling. It might also deter intelligent but insecure people who don't like the prospect of being in second place to someone one IQ point higher. Lastly, it would open a can of worms about IQ and leadership. The Manhattan project guys were smarter than Roosevelt, but leaders they were not and never could be.

What are your thoughts on this, Veeky Forums?

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My employer gave me some sort of test, not quite an IQ test (forget what it's called) but the same premise.

I mean, companies give out psychometric tests all the time. If it's white collar work that actually requires analytic skills, just make it part of the interview. Say it's to figure out what type of thinker they are or some meme shit.

>inb4 high turnover problems
Your employees will quit early and often you're a douche

Read their job application.

>Read their job application.

If it's a black guy, I'd make sure to give him a test also.

I've had tonnes of black applicants with great Affirmative Action resumes who come into an interview and can barely read without stuttering.

Modern day Affirmative Action is seriously doing no favors for both black employees or employers.

All it does is give jobs to under qualified or unqualified applicants over qualified people.

Isn't this illegal due to Griggs v. Duke Power?

Have fun getting sued for discriminatory hiring practices. You'll be able to give this test to like 7,000 whites/Asians and maybe even a spattering of Mexicans with no fucking problems but the second a black person takes it and doesn't immediately get a job offer and a blowie your ass is in trouble.

You probably don't even need or really want the smartest people. The smartest people are probably not going to apply to your bullshit organization or are going to bail on you for an actual job once they realize how much of a shitposting NEET you are.

You want someone who is desperate for employment so they'll consider your shit job and has basically no social skills so there is a high barrier to leave this shit job. It seems you've already found the right place to start your search.

Low quality bait

>who don't like the prospect of being in second place to someone one IQ point higher
what the hiring process is so multifaceted that one factor in it doesn't guarantee anything. scores and whatnot are nice indicators but in the and decisions are made based on hunches and feelings and impressions about people.

we never hire the guy that has the best qualification and most experience. they largely come off as inflexible or even insufferable douches. when you build a team sometimes it's better to have average blocks that fit well together than highly competitive narcissistic passive aggressive geniuses.

Give them the Wonderlic.

Stuttering when you read doesn't mean you're stupid. It means you don't read out loud often enough to not stutter when you read out loud.

Why would you want high IQ workers anyway? Someone with a high IQ is more likely to question your decisions, embezzle, and damage productivity and labor utilization in general unless they are holding management type positions. There's a reason McDonald's turns away people with college degrees.

kids get so nervous on interviews it's not even funny.

>Your employees will quit early and often you're a douche
>The smartest people are probably not going to apply to your bullshit organization or are going to bail on you for an actual job once they realize how much of a shitposting NEET you are.
Cry more.

Bad readers make me instantly NOPE right out of there.

Did I say their feelings were logical?

It means you have trouble recognising words. Being able to recognise abstractions quickly is almost what intelligence is.

They're intended for management positions.

But even then, having idiotic subordinates isn't much use. The subordinates ought to be in the middle ground between cleverly selfish and stupidly inept.

Both need their carrot and stick. They should always believe that extra effort will be rewarded. Whenever possible, this reward should be psychological, like giving a manager a bottle of whisky instead of an actual bonus.

Infamous example: executive bathrooms. Being able to use them means far more to them than the divided cost of installation per user in the form of a bonus.

Now, the crymore boys would never admit to it, but easily offended people like them are the ones who love tiny privileges like this the most.

Talk to them and gauge what kind of person they are you retarded autist. In just a 10 minute chat you can tell almost everything about a person which is applicable to a work environment.

How someone like you is in a position to employ is something I'll never know.

I was given an 'aptitude test' for a pizza guy job in highschool after my first interview and before the second (where I met the dm). Nobody thought anything of it. Do something like that but dont give them a fleshed out Stanford-Binet IQ test if you dont want to dissuade people from applying

You want 110-125 in management, not much higher.

and your understanding of what causes stuttering is laughable.

>management at 110-125
You know personally I don't even think I'd want it that high. Maybe 105-115. I'd want people who are smart enough to recognize patterns and sources of inefficiency, and either report or fix them, but not smart enough to realize if the company needs them more than they need the company based on their productivity and output. I'd only really want someone with a 115-125 IQ if they had kids they had to support, basically ball and chaining them to my business for financial support and guaranteeing their productivity on the job.
But thats just my take on things...

Interesting points.

As I see it, the main practical difference between slavery and minimum wage is that slaves received their pay in the form of benefit in kind. Room and board, medical care, clothes.

Cash increases freedom. Benefit in kind reduces freedom.

This is why people prefer to buy random shit as a gift instead of giving money; the purpose of the gift is to bind them closer to them, socially.

So I'm considering some kind of "community" workforce that all share an apartment building, or group of houses in the same gated area. Perhaps this would create enough pressure to bind higher IQ employees to the company.

Head stuck in fence IQ test, simple but elegant question and has a surprising solution.

Oh no! Little boy's head is stuck in the fence. How does little boy free his head from the fence?

answer: his body is small enough to move through the fence

see link below for demonstration:

its called hiring an HR screener.

You're assuming that high IQ = good employees, which is more likely than not a mistake.

Having a high IQ unfortunately often makes you lazy, because everything comes so easy and fast, you're not used to getting your hands dirty, some don't even really know how to actually work efficiently. On the other hand, a reasonably intelligent hard worker will be much more rewarding.

Also, you will need different type of people for the different activities of your company, if you don't need someone especially clever (and lets face it, most of the time you don't), hire a hard worker, someone who made efforts all his life to get to where he is and knows too much what losing it all means.

ask them who theyre voting for

Just question them on something they have said. Play the devil's advocate in disguise. See if they fold or if they can stand up to scrutiny. Or get agitated

You lost my interest at the second line.

I'm following Cao Cao's motto. Get the best people.
I want them to experiment and compete with each other within my company. Basically, to reap the fruits of their private projects. I'm considering a "mission type tactics" approach to delegation - I set a goal, failure standards, and a date, and they improvise to reach it.

I know workhorses when I see them, but my main interest is ensnaring geniuses.

I don't want politicos, team sports fans, or true believers of any kind.

If they want to be smug, they should be smug about their personal actions, not whose club they optimistically consider themselves to be a part of.

The school they went to and the major they took are the biggest IQ tests anyone can pass. That what the majority of investment banks and hedge funs do, they don't hire people unless they come from top schools. This is due to the selective nature of said institutions which naturally weeds out all the retards.

Basically, if someone comes from a top 50 school with a STEM degree then I can guarantee you that this kid isn't stupid.

I also agree that affirmative action programs are complete bullshit. This shit makes businesses fail.

If I see a grad with an applied computer science degree from Stanford I should be able to hire him over some entitled black retard.

Just look out because any business you have is gonna have to filled with clueless pencil pushers. If you just have a bunch of high end intelligent individuals you'll be
A. Wasting talent and overspending
B. Most likely push out those who are most competent at their jobs.

What about a black kid with a STEM degree from a top 50 school?