League of Legends General - /lolg/



holy SHIT


Xth for Katarina
best girl:3c

Xth for saddest midlaner

>no link to the old thread
Have you worshipped the best husbando, Trundle today?

Hey guys anyone play Vayne here?

I kind of want to theorycraft, especially about the new Rageblade on Vayne.
I've been looking at it and this is basically what you're getting for 3600g.

-35 AD, 53 fully stacked
-48% attack speed when fully stacked (3% more than a PD)
-phantom hit

As to pros and cons:

+ Highest attack speed on a single item
+ Decent amount of AD
+++ Phantom Hit equates to a 50% damage increase on your Silver Bolts - more on this later

-- Awful build path (especially the last 1750g stint where you need to buy a blasting wand + finish the item)
- Requires stacking
- 0 attack speed without stacks, feels really slow
-AP is entirely wasted on Vayne, not a single residual AP ratio

Now usually I wouldn't look at it due to the expenses, but after playing around a bit on the PBE honestly the damage increase on silver bolts is insane. This brings up silver bolts to 6% HP as true damage on EVERY hit once you stack phantom hit, assuming you don't need to swap autos. This means the highest life expectancy somebody can have without taking into account shields and heals against a 0 AD Vayne is 17 autoattacks. No matter if you have 4500 HP and 400 armor or 1000 HP and -5 armor, you will die in 17 autoattacks. After you take into account Vayne's high physical damage, you get pretty ridiculous numbers. Over 10 autos, Vayne would deal 60% percent of your HP as true damage and I think it's reasonable to think the remaining physical damage would be more than enough to deal the remaining 40% HP. For comparison, over 10 hits old Vayne would have dealt 36% of the enemy HP as true damage (this is not the fairest comparison let's be honest, assuming 9 autos old Vayne would be 36% and the other Vayne 48% which is much closer).

But I'm not sold. I'm a Vaynefag and a diamond AD; so I don't have problems surviving lane against PBE shitters, but I don't think you can survive with such a buildpath against decent players. Granted, the pickaxe and recurve aren't bad ->

Fuck off. Vlad's only place is in the toplane

To anyone in Dia/Plat, how long did it take you to get there, and where were you first placed in what season?

Whoever drew this seriously needs a good dose of "git gud".

>No Rubick


Why does Syndra always get drawn with Diana and Leona?


But then you have to go 1700g without getting any benefit which is really painful. Then again, you don't HAVE to rush it, it could be a third item, or maybe a second item after botrk or something like that. I have a feeling this might make Vayne pretty strong and end up in her W being coded as "on attack" rather than on-hit.
What do you other Vayne/AD players thing? Does Phantom Hit break Vayne, or is it not such a big deal?

>tfw Trundle is one of my main champions
>i will miss almost all gameplay related discussion since I will filter trundle now
Is there any place safe from waifu/husbandofaggots. It's ok once but you guys love spamming this shit.

LoL's design philosophy would make that a horrible ult.

just go to reddit if you want to actually talk about the game lmao

explain why there's no turn rates

He can mid okay in some matchups.

His winrates are mostly shit there though, hence saddest.

>you will never have a cute yordle gf

>Leona totally likes Diana right?
>That means I can just add more white haired girls that have nothing to do with them and it's totally justified!

bronze 5 here and also hate playing AD carry

is it possible to abandon the build and safely build into something else? if you stomp lane then its fine but if say you go for it but then start not doing so good, can you switch to another build path before getting blasting want and still get a power spike relatively soon ?

Vayne is shit and every single one I've seen this season in high diamond+ has gotten miserably stomped. Her kit conflicts with the meta which is push and group because ADCs can't do shit alone.

Rubick is objectively broken though, even with dota standards.

xth for Cute Vi

Cmon Dude

Old Thread: eyosongive.us

they ruined Zyra. Why did they change the fucking model

>not bf
>not wanting ziggs to be your yordle bf and to crossdress for you


>tfw no lulu to cuddle wtih

Because being able to do nothing but die as an enemy literally paths circles around you is anti-fun.

Lol what?
Rubick relies on genuinely being good at knowing the game and recognizing when a good spell is up for grabs to be useful. Hes got an okay nuke for wave clear, a disable that doesnt even do damage, and a largely unnoticeable passive. His ult is all he's got, and when Rubick has a rough game as a pos 4 or 5, he gets it REALLY rough. Being a Rubick is suffering sometimes.
Lion and Lich are the hottest shit right now in terms of supports.

ideally you can go into botrk and use the pickaxe for your eventual ie

I'm disappointed that Jhin wasn't just a Lion port

>tfw still no cute little sparrow
end this suffering

don't you mean in?

except that guy could've walked away, he wasnt taunted or anything

What made you think he would be a Lion port? Did you just want Lion in the game?

Remember when we loved our community members despite their tragic flaws?

Remember when we didn't care so much to label any others as toxic because we accepted that we all express some toxicity in our own way?

Remember when the Koreans absolutely shit on us time and time again but we learned from them and bettered ourselves?

> Walk away
> Batrider just flies on top of him until he dies
> Can Stack Q and W him for massive damage for good measure
I don't understand why dotards can't get it through their heads that some people just don't like their game

xth for being alone



his preview video

nothing else was let on, and he had a gun, and I had played Heroes of Newerth before I played league and their Lion was Witchunter, a guy who shot a gun for his ultimate, so I immediately associated Jhin's video with Witchunter and by extent Lion.

You are blind

nice UI lolbabs

PS sol is hella fun in hexashit

Hey I know that feel

at least I have dynamic queue...

i remember korea hour and the horrors it brought onto us

and how the moment you saw someone with a box in their name in NA ranked queue at 3 am
you immediately started flaming them and they would ssibal back at you

we've always been toxic

Zyra looks great what are you smoking.

She isn't good but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Ask anyone here what they prefer then

>pick Rubick
>get BKB
>enemy team team can't engage anymore because it could backfire

>corrupt cops

Oh trust me the KRs haven't gone anywhere

Tuesday cant come soon enough so I can see the reworked versions ;_;

I want that plant to sit on my face

Fair enough I guess. Lion would be fucking broken in League though. A support with a MANA DRAIN, Taric's stun, Lulu's polymorph, and Veigar's ult. He could walk around just dropping squishies to half health at least and let the team just collapse on them.


how come every fun mode is nothing but poke cancer?

Remember solo q?

Every celebrity has always had a hatebase for some shit or another and an unconditional fanbase that denied any of their flaws through the e-celeb dick in their mouths.

Toxicity has always been a term used from the start that everyone's always complained about. Even the toxic shitters themselves.

And when Korea was dominant the only thing the west did was complain endlessly and add asian players to their teams.

So no, I don't remember any of that.


god damn
it's crazy the difference that 300 ping makes

xth for being treated like a retard by everyone I've ever known even in league of legends, despite being above average in what I do.

Bath salts :)

>Vayne cosplays Elise
>One of the monsters she probably hunts

>there are also 2 chinese in that screenshot

Is that her new model? If so she looks gorgeous man.

g-giraffes sama... i long for a sense of community again in this dead game

We need some tragedy to bring us all together again, like the death of Steel101 round 2 or something similar

I miss all of our tripshitters and actual shitters

When there was 1 server in NA at least we got to learn from the koreans, they shit on us despite having 5x the ping but yeah then we became at war due to server splits and our inferiority brought bitterness

How are you guys feeling about Trundle's new splash art?

>Dota will never be fun
>Even after ~10 years of devs trying to make it fun

>an immortal the least bit concerned about a feces throwing howler monkey

>League will never be infested with third world monkeys to the point of unplayability

>spins in a circle
>no walking animation
>brags about of perfect dota is

Rubick isn't even that fun man.

They made Zyra look closer to the one in the cinematic, with yellowed skin and generally brighter colors. I'm actually in favor of the change.

>Trundle doesn't want to be the frontline
>Leblanc has no idea what she's doing
>tfw grabbed and insta BTFO the last tf and watching your team getting murdered

>pick Rubick
>get BKB
>lose because you have no mobility and decided to spend your first 4k+ gold on a fucking BKB of all things
Just get a Blink Dagger and sit in a tree or something. The worst place for Rubick to be is the frontlines unless you can throw someone into your team.

>make female champions less sexualized
>sexualize the fuck out of male champions
I see where it's going.

Would you an Annie?

he still looks gross with rocks growing out of his skin.

>posts an example of a custom game only someone with low functioning autism could enjoy

League of Fags

>zyrafags coming out of the woodwork

back off losers she was mine first

there really was a golden days period of lolgen that has been gone for too long

all we can do now is wax nostalgia about how fun it used to be...

the tournament failures... the un-freerolled UBs... the korea esports casts...

>accept that I'm an undesirable male that will never know love in my lifetime
>suddenly interact better with others and don't get stupid bitter around couples because they have something that's simply impossible for somebody like me
>co-worker asks me if I took a class or something because suddenly boss is mentioning how well I work with my peers

feels bittersweet man

do you actually find that attractive?


Actually that happened to League.

>Rubick isn't even that fun

You wouldn't know of course.

that nigga really can't draw a fucking breast

i want to choke on his dick and i want him to sit on my face

My dick loves the direction which it goes

user, look at this shit Where do you think we are?

>maokai on hexakill

What's this shitty league clone?

Yeah, but that's not the point, it's just in that instance it wasn't turn rates that killed the man, it was the man that killed the man

Also i never said anything about lol vs dota

i'm just saying, there's a difference between finding something sexually attractive and something being sexualized

I love it

>mfw Maokai, Wukong and Fizz are some of my mains and they are all great in all the rotating modes

give me nami

I think it's some chinese shit that rips from both Dota2 and LoL, I believe the same company OWNS portions of both or something, I could be wrong or partially correct

But Maokai is good in all modes. The based tree

>gragas or sejuani strawpoll, sejuani wins
alright lads

Do I have to buy other runes than the AP basic runes? I have:
>MPen reds, armor yellows, blue scaling MR, and AP quints.

Heimerdinger said, "Order, Entropy a never ending cycle"

I think we all want some entropy in today's times, there was beauty in the chaos of our dysfunctional extended family we called a community. We had all of our token personalities and watched them rise through the ranks inspiring us all to feel that we could do the same.

and many more

some say the dream is dead but i'm regaining hope

>not posting the superior anti-dev version
