/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General

Previous thread: >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.42.06

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist:

>DFHack (Alpha release):

>Starter Pack (Alpha release):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


Was gonna update the pasta but I forgot I had to make an account to be able to edit in the link and shit, but here it is with the alpha release notes removed: pastebin.com/ShM6BWW6 and the image I was gonna use for the thread.


Fucked up links and shit, forgot to take lazarus restore into account.




Grid layouts are the least efficient city planning ever. A step up would be traffic circles. Do you think it would be worth the added productivity to install one-way traffic circles in forts to keep dwarves moving and not slowing each other down?

I agree

How do you get a one way traffic circle?

I'm a whore for big huge overlapping open room layouts. It's so cheesy to make them legendary but dammit I can't help it.

How long do lizardmen live for?

it's try and preemptively declare the artifact! the post!

Gold mechanism decorated with fungiwood and bear skin

I need more ideas for OC guys

p much exactly like that except for fungi as it's a building Item

Is there an easy way to mod which animals a civilization can use without editing stock raws?

man open-legends is such an underrated command

and poor spider, I realized now that was a latent wound festering until months later, that explains a lot

During world-gen try open-legends force after pausing the gen.

and so for 40 years he and this other guy would get into a bow throwing competition, and this guy always won


those are always so freaking cool just seeing these exist, I only started noticing these activities now since their conception in 2014 or so

Begone page 10!

So if you can retire an adventure inside your old fortress what can they do?

I tried having a kobold swordsman but all they did was lounge around the barracks all day, couldn't even assign em in a squad

I hear people talk about capturing animals. Is there a specific way to do this besides spamming cage traps?

Ulrist THAT IS the method!

Is there some kind of simply guide around for creating instruments? I booted up DF for the first time in years and the wiki is confusing me.


rather unexpected but I present something useful; some more confirmation that adventurers retired in a Fort in time can request to be citizen
I'm p much a slowpoke for this but glad to see progress

what the fuck toady

bay12 was a mistake

this one provides more info

How large was the world? Same civ?

There is only two dwarf civs; one in the tundra to the north and the tundra to the south, and both apparently only have one fortress each, CloisteredSprings to the north and SpecialVaults to the south and I occupy the latter, in a world sized 127x127 a small regiontype map no real modifications to genning except for perhaps end year afaik,
The civ that the two coyote adventurers hail from is different from the dwarf civ and thus needed some more methods of integration

this next image concerns mostly the enlisting as citizen and very recent after that genocide of the various 'hostile' units, to save fps in a roundabout fashion

diggin the fort, but no the set

are those sevens supposed to be stairs?

Does Dwarf Fortress have memes?

It's funny how most of the bay12ers describe the forum as the nicest place on the internet.

Judging from my experiences with it, it's basically a "safe zone" for fedoras.


I'm not even gonna take one fucking step in there.


Apparently this guy was babysitting the child of a friend, and asked for good TV shows to watch with her.

Of course, everyone who answered unironically suggested weebshit and MLP.

lmao 2cat

dang mister Lolor you want every other noble position available handed to you on a silver platter too

Nice color scheme

thanks it's dawnbringer, it looked easy on the eyes compared to regular default ascii color scheme, but now even I'm getting used to it. Still might threaten to burn an image in the monitor with the darkness, as it is

>this fucking user and his disgusting stockpile again
Also, try to rebuild the ground level just a bit. The worldgen entrances look too boring.


here's a complimentary vomit beast to accompany and accentuate your abhorrence

>tfw DF crashes too much so you load STALKER of all games, and it performs better.

>building on surface

You must have fucked up somehow.

DF runs perfectly on my laptop, and that's AFTER I installed the unstable DFHack release.

It's an intermittent crash. Happened last time when I pressed [v]. Can't narrow it down. Using TWBT and DFHack.

It just kills momentum. I now quicksave a lot.

On the plus side, STALKER is providing some inspiration for mods.

This is your problem, famanon. TWBT is known to cause all kinds of crashes.

Ayy but muh gemset

I might switch to one of these glorious /dfg/ sets actually.

Never visited the lower boards, but the df parts are weirdly friendly and accomodating, much like /dfg/ is. I mean... this is Veeky Forums, when's the last time you got called a niggerfaggot in /dfg/?


TWBT makes DF crash a lot, but what the guy explained happens to my game too. This version doesn't seem to like the "v" button.
PS I don't go near TWBT.

That's confusing because I use [v]iew instead of [l]ook in adventure mode to make launch more useful, so it's a reflex when I fort mode up, but I haven't had a crash that I couldn't attribute to something like trying to make a world with 25,000 megabeasts and the game just shitting the bed every time I try to approach a lair with thousands of megabeasts fighting.

I had no problems in adventure mode. Fort mode produced some weird crashes, mostly when new migrants arrived I [v]iewed their skills one-by-one.

How can I get a dragon to come to my fort?

I think there were like about 10 in my medium world when I checked legends mode. I heard they are more likely to attack you if you have more wealth but I don't know how much o need

70-80k wealth is needed for any type of mega beast to come and raid. Just keep making high quality stuff and stockpile it

Do chances increase with even more wealth?

So how do you power pump stacks? Or can one dwarf using it power the entire stack?

The best way is a dwarven water reactor.

For some reason a screw pump output can spin a water wheel and provide more power than a screw pump needs.

OW Output/Wheel
%W Pump/Wheel
%W Pump/Wheel
F + Feed/floor

+ + Open above/Open above
# + Wall/Floor above
# + Wall/Floor above
+ + Open above/Floor above

Do any of you have a let's player or youtuber you would suggest for people trying to get into the game other then what's in the OP?



How do I make a Manager?
I can't get my dwarves to do anything

I screwed up at first and linked it up without considering how I would stop it.

I had a hatch over the feed figuring that would be enough... ha ha, nope, for some reason it kept going despite the feed being shut off so I started building the two rooms full of gears/pumps/axles until it was enough to stop it.




benis :DDDD

Hard to show the stacks.


Wait, isn't this one of MaxTMs old pics?

I love that magma stacks spit out magma so quick, also yeah it's hard to show the logic of a pump stack with an image but it's pretty simple in practice. I'm out of power pics.

From that fortress.

Ah, you're taking it up from the surface, I started with a 2x4 and the volcano down at the bottom right corner so I dug the tunnels over to the cisterns and filled it up over the years until I ended up with the two open air moats and big lower cistern around the forges, all of which could be drained faster than the volcano could refill them thanks to the pumpstacks.

I have a plan. I am running a fwort and I plan
to abandon it, then visit it with an adventurer and two NPC followers that need to pick up weapons.
Literally, need to pick up their own weapon or another one.

Then, I will rest-as-peasant (acronym RAP is that coincidental) the adventurer and see if I can get the NPCs off his tail.
I would do a reclaim - been decades and decade since I ever did that, many IRL residences and PCs ago - do a reclaim and try and get those NPCs as citizens or something
or in a room with weapons on the floor and a
hostile goat or something to get them to rearm.

(and Europe, do your fair share in NATO but I digress)


I have no idea.

(Someone else) those don't look like exactly the '7' so it is an angle feature and looks like furniture, whatever goes with a table.
I was going to reflexively reply in error that it is liquid, but then there is an upside-down figure of it. wudevah

I'm completely new to this game and these controls make no sense
Can someone tell me what +-*/ means? I don't know how to change altitude

More details, your question.
What is the dwarf population?
in accord with my little little knowledge that I will use to try and respond to you, the best advantage of a manager is that it trains Organizer on the dorf that manages work orders to then you can appoint that one head of militia and they could organize mil drills.

Dorfs work or fail to work independently of a manager. How old is your settlement, are you just starting out or a mid-experienced player?

If you managed to type those characters in your post, you should also be able to press the keys in the game.

As for how to change levels, you use shift+5 and ctrl+5.

Like if you used a lot of Microsoft software, these controls do not seem simple they seem alien.

+- menu navigation where one item on a list
is highlighted.
The highlighted item is being pointed at or designated and if you hit return then you chew on the item selected shown by the highlight.
*/ Same concept different menu.

Altitude lots of "" reference roguelike games wherein 'greaterthan' and 'lesserthan' refer to dungeon levels which are Zlevels.

If you are starting, there cannot be enough xplaining for you. You will have to stare at your screen, figure out a few things and use the things you figured out then get accustomed to the rest.

Get accustomed
Those customs are quite familiar to most of us DF players.

Upstair and downstair I think.

ah that could be and a orthogonic cluster of them might fit that too. Why must they depart from

Take my bear stamp you noobs

** Loading Adventurer **
It is the 15th of Granite, 100.
You hack at The Black Bear in the upper body with your Steel short sword!
It is broken!
The Black Bear's heart has been pierced!
The Black Bear's upper spine has been badly cut!
The Steel short sword has lodged firmly in the wound!
The Black Bear charges at You!
The Black Bear bites You in the right foot!
The shot glances away.
The Black Bear collides with You!
You are knocked over!
The Black Bear bites You in the right lower arm!
The shot glances away.
The Black Bear bites You in the lower body!
The shot glances away.
The Black Bear bites You in the upper body!
It is torn!
The Black Bear latches on firmly!
You are no longer stunned.
You stand up.

What's the deal with all the beasts that infest all of the large cities in the current version?

Think it's the presence of sewers actually.

Sewers have been a thing since the large cities were added, though. The beasts didn't attack you in the streets until 0.40.

I should have clarified that since the 42.06 changes to underground zones it seems like sewers attract beasts to linger around them more consistently.

Did those changes affect beasts, though? I thought it was just bandits that started hanging around in zones.

What do you listen to when youre creating Dorf paradise/hell?

I figure it might have.

Whatever random crap is on the tv I'm not paying attention to.

hol up theres a cap for invaders? Is there any possible repercussion to increasing this to like 400, like will the Gobbo civs die out from this? Since I kept unretiring/retiring I'm sure it doesn't even matter anymore, as the goblins that was at war with me appear to be occupied now with some other foreign war according to open-legends

>Is there any possible repercussion to increasing this to like 400, like will the Gobbo civs die out from this?
Your FPS will die out from this.

Did you hear that just now?

It's your CPU hanging itself.

good to know that terrible portents are accompanied with light-hearted banter
thanks for big tip

magic soon?

If Toady's going to do magic, it's going to be pretty late in development. Take a look at the development section on the site, he pretty much has a development backlog of like a year's worth of features, including ferrys, rich people, the entire economy system, and fighting styles.

It's worth mentioning that there are at least two different dev goal lists, of which only one is still "used" by the Toad.

This is the current list:

This is the obsolete list:

Although the second one is obsolete, it appears that the Toad still has the entries there in mind. For example, different planes, which have now been confirmed as a part of the myth arc, are on the obsolete list, but not the current one.