League of Legends General - /lolg/

ayy lmao Riot Edition



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i swear riot admins are like admins on a minecraft server





Cutest OTP!

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.


Is this even a question? Bandlebro is based.





i hope he switches to streaming mariokart wii u

But that's exactly what I did. even went for null mantle first. I got pushed in, waited for minions to come up, dashed on to him and got blinded for the full duration of my W and out traded me.

Maybe not having runes factors in to this but I shouldn't have gotten this rolled this hard.

How is this shit even possible without runes?



What if Riven had Sven's kit instead?

What's her optimal build? I've had relative success with Rapidfire Cannon and Infinity Edge and just pushing nonstop, but every other Tristana I see seems to build Guinsoo's. I'm lvl 11 if it matters

you ask and wait for a gank you retard

Some are really taking it hard...

I wish there was a dating site or something like it for finding supports to bully as an ADC.

so when do we ban rioters for their toxicity against players?


what if tyler1 was a double agent, exploiting the banning and justice system of league of legends to get riot's attention to make it better/fix it.

Is he the hero we don't deserve?

I did, and the first thing he does is gank bot and feeds the carry.


Hey guys!

The suggestion list has been updated with just under a dozen new ideas. You can read the full list here: eyosongive.us/10thsuggestions.php

The main contest page has been updated to reflect the change in the suggestion phase. We're now going to be closing the suggestion box on May 4th instead to make up for some down time. If you guys have any questions, feel free to let me know.

Thanks guys!

Forgot image :^)

What do I need to know if I want to one trick Mordekaiser? I hear he has lots of hard matchups.

> Point and click 2 second aoe stun that scales with ap
> Cleave on every auto
> Guinsoo's hextech
> Kill everything
Play her anywhere, doesn't matter, collect free wins

tfw carried by Soraka and godlike Rumble mid

game was going to give me a heart attack

>tfw half the stuff bandle's husband says according to her twitter is stuff I've said in /lolg/

Maybe I should've married her

>everyone on the league forums blasting Riot for banning him
>fucking 1.1k downvotes

and i thought league forums were filled with reddit hugbox losers that would be rejoicing in his ban, but i see even they have some sense in them

fuck riot

>tfw you do your best and lose anyway

I was just playing with Exodus during his stream, but I really have fun interacting with people while I play. I'm not sure how entertaining I'd be or how skilled I'd appear, but I'd be up to trying it when I have a computer that can handle it.

playing draven all of today in honor of a fallen hero

it wont be fixed lmao too many crybabbies on league of retards

> Last pick
> Team consists of Thresh, Kalista, Malphite and Diana

I still love my ex!


Literally cannot win any matchup vs range.
Easily kited.
Requires items to be effective.

Xth for Leona

Get your freelo

You need to have 2 tanks bot lane with the green support item
preferably nautlius who's broken af and then you win game because apparently mordekaiser has 100000 armor that if you auto him early game and are not vayne he take 0 damage

>Artist draws everything else beautifully
>Gets to hand "eh fuck them"

>-1.2k and falling
holy shit this is comedy gold

>lose 40-50 min close game
>can't even rage, just completely exhausted
>realize in the grand scheme of things it is ultimately noninfluential to my rank in this game
>realize i could be doing literally anything else with my time other than stress myself out with this game
>queue up again anyway

>play top
>rest of the team is losing like their lives depend on it
>can't leave top because i'll lose 2 towers
>just have to watch my team lose for 20 minutes while brainlessly trading farm
>maybe if i'm lucky i get to teamfight later

Bravo, Riot.

Jesus christ I didn't even notice the hands
>One is just a blob of pink
>The other turns into spikes

>draws everything else beautifully
>blob for a lower abdomen

he knew he couldn't win
but he never gave up

The most important thing is She would actually be fun. Riven is cute but not fun.

>Artists that include feet in the picture but just phone it in entirely

>not abusing tp
>probably no map awareness

hows bronze treatin ya

I literally cried. This man was the best thing to happen to League of Legends since the removal of dodge chance

Tell me who your /lolg/ crush is

>overbloated anime virgin-drawn titties and fish eyes
yes quite beautiful indeed


Pick faction.

loved that episode of OPM desu lmao
still can't believe saitama ain't nigga numba 1
can't wait to see him somehow beat psychic bitch numba 1

>not liking anime titties

can you sink any lower? honestly.

> He doesn't know how to tp
> He doesn't win lane, shove it into tower, and tp for objectives
> He doesn't roam ward the enemy jungle and run in there and kill him
You deserved to lose

>no voice chat
>no holiday maps
>no replays
>non non-autistic streamers
>no prize pool
>no solo queue
>botters in every game (search botoflegends)
>boosters in every game due to dynaq
>game run and made by cucks, for cucks (see Lyte, the cuck who designed tahm kench)
>skin recolor packs for 40 dollars
>gooks always win worlds
>but also there are 0 international esports events outside of worlds

when are you going to move on from this abortion of a "video game", lolg?

I'd ban someone too if they were visibly intentionally feeding and being proud of having like 20 accounts banned.
There is a reason why people like Prototype and Japanman still have accounts, regardless of how toxic they are. Sure they weren't as famous as Tyler 1, but being a popular intentional feeder, in a place where people either get their first impressions for a product, or either frequent players may emulate what they see, banning him was the only option they had left.

All of my jokes and cynicism aside, it was coming, but the kids on the boards don't see it that way.

I'm just saying in example and compared to the rest of the picture, don't get your meme arrows in a bunch. Hands were literally the first thing next to eyes I practiced when I started drawing.

>tp to fight
>lose tower

It's a fucking game of chicken. How long can your shitty team do without you? Who'll blink first? I think my problem is that I have too much map awareness. Top in this meta is for people who don't care and just want to lane until the screen says Victory or Defeat.

>I like tits that look nothing like real tits
your v-card is showing

No one



when i move to peru

Any tyler1 clubs to join in memory of our guy?


>this post paid for by Riot Games, the forefront company in Video Games


I think I mentioned I wanted to try streaming once I move to America. I'm just really awkward so I'm not very entertaining to listen to and my gameplay is pretty amateur. I'd still like to try, but I don't want to get hopes up.


RIP BigBrother TriHard BigBrother

Jinx is made for loving
Jinx is made for taking my dick.

it's not that hard to make the abdomen and waist even slightly appealing
literally just make it curved
it could look bad but not as bad as this

Bandlebro but that's only because she's the only girl here who isn't awful

Shoo shoo you filthy jew. Don't you have an election to be rigging?

hands are hard mane


more lewd shota champs when

> tp to a fight
> Didn't shove wave
> Didn't damage the enemy laner so shoving towers is dangerous
You might just not know how to play top lane well

>All these retards finally discovered how broken Maokai is when you don't rush ROA like a cuck

Well, the freelo was fun while it lasted. Thank you based Tree Man, I'll have a moment of silence for you when Riot decides the best way to gut you.


no one

I'm going probably be alone forever but I'll deal with it I guess

riot does
at all
all they care about is their public image
tyler1 was becoming an icon of toxicity
so they had to deal with him

shillary already rigged it for me =]

>maybe if I say he's projecting that will stop him from hurting my feelings

>Recognizes most players are beneath him, treats them accordingly
>Has transcended concerns over ranked, willing to throw if peasants offend him because he can consistently reach the highest elos
>Literally a free carry with his godlike draven mechanics if you don't displease

He was not banned for being a criminal. He was banned for being more than a man.

I'd send someone to the death camps too if they were visibly intentionally undermining our glorious Reich.

All if not most are annoying avatarfags. Wish they would stop being so annoying.

What are you, canadian?

I honestly think there is a better way to kill "toxicity" than what Lyte is trying to do. But that would require them paying people to do it.


league of legends

take the tylerpill today BigBrother

not even the anime weeb but you projecting hard af

I don't know man. People just trade farm. And if they're hurt they just base and TP back bam, If you waste your TP to fight you put yourself at a disadvantage.

someone who hurt my feelings in league = hitler LUL fuck this community

Sunfire is fucking broken that's why.
It'll get nerfed, but not anytime soon and until then it is the 1st item any top laner gets.

Only exception is when the enemy is an AP laner, but even then Cowl is enough to stop them.

>Finally check League again after weeks of playing Dork Souls

>All this fucking edrama
>All these nonames getting banned
>All these new splash arts
>That Mage Update

For the time being, yup!

Best way to kill toxicity is to add voice chat

I dunno man, someone who got banned 19 times must be doing something seriously wrong.

anime tits are simply idealized, nothing more

if you weren't addicted to flat chests and memes you might find yourself a girl or two who could show you the light

do u honestly think the average 13 yr old autistic sperg rage antigamer will have any problem with screeching like a monkey over voip in this game

This s-rank requirement for hextech drops is retarded as shit. I could have 40kills in 30minutes and I still wont get s-rank because of some arbitrary shit like not getting 500cs or only have 1 tower destroyed