best waifu and freljord edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for rumble
>Thread devolves into Dangitronpaul posting
I love you guys
Kyoko best grill
xth for urgot mains
xth for we are all Tyler1 now
hmpf~ what's better sucking dick? or easy LP
so hard to decide :3~
post league Pacha edits
How long would it take -should i just get the dust?
fuck me liss fag, let someone else be OP for once
Xth for Leona
Thats not how magic works!
>It's a "Teammate picks Teemo and does nothing but throw his mushrooms around everywhere and is literally a fucking cannon minion" episode
>every single poppy just feeding
Oh how the mighty have fallen
anymore fem rumble?
It's fine man. You just have to remember that Akali IS dangerous, but only if you let her hit 6 with no problems. You really have to make her struggle to get there and deny as much farm as possible. Akali can't really do anything if she's behind, her laning phase is torture.
Sorry man I'm a potato sometimes I just like Akane on occasion.
Celes is best. Mikan is best in 2. With my luck my favorite girl in V3 is going to pull off another double murder in Chapter 3.
>TEEMO IS SATAN XDDDD even though he busts his ass to remain at all relevant past 10 minutes.
no fuck off degenerate
do not sexualise my main
Reminder that it doesn't matter what champion you one trick pony, can be anything from cancer to shit, if YOU autistically play one champion to high elo YOU'RE NOT FUCKING GOOD.
League of Legends is a game that promotes dexterity and you piss on this by playing a single champion. A silver player with a large champion pool will have more merit than a Challenger that only plays Janna and Soraka.
>not 2 shotting every carry late
scooby dooby doo
Post old school lolg images.
"Bask in the glow"
anyone below diamond have no merit to anything
Too late friend... starting the sexualizing right now.
>no sightstone soraka
>no sightatone zilean
So fucking triggered
He does if you get the drop on them
>That one time I missed a Penta on Teemo
I was sad as shit but it was fun. Still Teemo's weakness is definitely his lategame impact, something I'm struggling to get a hold of still. Damage is not his problem in the slightest.
Atleast janna cucks have to do something to win games unlike soraka mains
I ended 10/3/2.
Akali ended 1/12/2 with 27 cs at 21 minutes.
Praise the Void and praise my descriptive geometry teacher.
Both have to do the same
click on their carries sometimes
and press R sometimes
>Atleast janna cucks have to do something to win games
You did it kid, high five.
just camp near a tower they want to take late
oneshot their carry and move an
switch position and repeat
works most(tm) games
Like what? I'm tired of this "b-but Janna at least requires some skill". Janna is literally THE please carry me champion.
>it's a naut support game
High five!
A silver player that feeds on a bunch of champions is not better in any way than a one trick that knows how to win with that one champion
>implying riot has that much of an attention span and patience to constantly target ban 1 toxic kid.
eventually they will stop caring.
Is there any hope for tyler1 to be unbanned?
>A silver player with a large champion pool will have more merit than a Challenger that only plays Janna and Soraka.
thanks for the laugh my dude
Armstrong pls go
don't you have some games to lose?
>lolg legitimately believes that Tyler1 doesn't deserve to get XJ9'd
That nigga has literally ruined hundreds upon hundreds of games, how does he not deserve a ban. Lolg would literally have a field day greentexting about some asshole who raged, intentionally feeds, and then afks when his skyscraper ego gets shattered over something trivial.
>press shield on ad carry when enemy laner goes in to trade
>give your carry a double kill
>press R when being collapsed on
>enjoy your lp
It's older than you, little kid.
Not surprising considering how shit she is
I want to spray Elise with bug spray then crush her with my boot
Reminder that riot is going to cave in and unban tyler.
Nigga he got 20 fucking chances at not being a sperg. Riot was pretty clear in that he wasted his last and isn't getting any more.
Based reddit
Who here #LookingForTheDownvoteButton?
based retarded bro
what fucking hero is that red thing
but the feedback on the ban is fucking atrocious, not even 1 positive coment about it.
not so fast fag
When I saw it last night there were literally only positive comments from people saying "about fucking time", so dunno.
What do you guys think of Lamb? I think she is a slut :)
she's still my waifu
why doesn't this huge pile of garbage called tyler1 just start another account? holy shit he's such a cunt
stop fanboying for him you fagtron
>6 Hexakill games
>got my S-boxes on Lux, Orianna and Teemo
best mode to grind boxes so far.
too bad I'm out of box charges
What summoner does vesnic have beside TP?
Is that Rally/Surge? God it's been so long.
We can fight any day you want bucko.
>out of 200 challenger players, zero are playing right now on NA
dynamic queue is the beginning of the end.
he can't he got an xj9 ban
>wanting visual update Udyr
Does /lolg/ believe me when I say I don't belong in Silver?
>Traitor meme already dead
What a shit movie
Years from now, we will look back. And everyone will agree that the season 3 changes were the beginning of the end.
He said he's still going to play league
But did you read the ban? The moment they know it's him playing that account the account will be banned
From what I heard and saw he was doing well on his newest account, no warnings for like 16 days or something.
>its been FIVE years since sunfire stacked
I feel so fucking old
Can I onetrick wukong jungle / top / any role into Gold?
not even fanboy, im just asking you autist.
Since he has a huge following (not like xj9) i was wondering if he might get unbanned just for pleasing his fans.
You can one trick any champion to gold if you autistically main that champion enough
There's an ad blitz one trick in masters
Beginning of the end was trying to make the game into an esports game with the lcs and other shit, converting everything to make it easier for pros to use and stuff.. That was the beginning of the end, dynamic queue and some other stuff implemented lately are just to casualize everything and last few nails in the coffin
Everyone in challenger plays during the afternoon/night time nobody fucking plays at this time in NA people are either doing shit or sleeping
you can play anything in shit elo
Hell no. If you didn't belong in silver, you wouldn't be asking us this question.
I have no idea what that means
isn't that against their TOS or EULA or something? banning him just because it's him? banning a new account with no history? never broke a rule?
doesn't sound right from a legal perspective
It's as easy as making a new account that doesn't reference his name, not raging or trolling every single game and not streaming. That would require him getting over his ego, so we'll not see since if we heard about it he would be doing it wrong anyway.
Of course you can, you can one trick anyone into gold. Specially spinning macaque of easy teamfights. One of my favorite champions,
it's saturday stop trying to make excuses you riot dick sucking cuck
I miss toop.
>Implying this whole debacle isn't just a coordinated publicity stunt by Riot and Tyler
Look at how calm he was when he read his undefinite ban. This was all part of the keikaku.
I'm really curious about this new champion, I was just about to buy Aurelion.
guess I'll keep the IP for Taliyah
Im not making excuses this has been the case for high elo forever. and even more so after LCS teams and everyone moved to california. Most of the challenger tier players are active during the night not in the morning
I cant fucking wait for this fiddlesticks update
I can finally go back to my pre-30 mains of Mid/Jungle Annie/Fiddle/Kong/Veigar and never pick another fucking champion again.
>It's as easy as making a new account that doesn't reference his name, not raging or trolling every single game and not streaming.
Yes but the raging, trolling, and such was what made him so popular as a streamer
He could still play league if he just didn't type to people, they'd just see it as another one trick climbing to masters
But he could never reference that account on anything, twitter, facebook, twitch, youtube. If he wants to keep streaming he'll just have to find a different game, maybe dota 2
If there is something I have learned from America is that banning certain people from using your private services is racist AND homophobic
>Not picking Sion
Don't worry the spells are dealing physical damage :^)
>when your mmr is so low from tilting you get actual retards
okay cool so how many challenger players are playing at night? 10? 15? 20?
It seems I unconsciously hate monsters and ugly girls.
Well yeah. But I'm pretty sure that was precisely what Riot wanted, not necessarily for him to stop playing forever (I honestly doubt they actually care about one single guy playing) but rather that he stops streaming and being an e-celeb that causes shitstorms and encourages people to rage and troll.