best waifu and freljord AT THE BEACH edition
also post qt's at the beach
League of legends general /lolg/
i would FUCK shyvana
Purging the void with Leona!
Reminder that XJ9 is the hero we need and we deserve no not that one
>those champions save ekko
>a huge problem
>that cs and kat build
ah ok, so you're in low bronze, that makes sense
>vayne maynes
show me your crystal skin shard user
were you lucky at all
what is that
>Jungle Illaoi
The fuck is that?
Who would even get a league tattoo, it's just female repellant.
Jinx buffs when? The ADC queen was wrongly dethroned.
>I feel up for a game of League of Legends
>Apologize to my computer for asking it to perform such a difficult process.
>This is step one of the new Behavioral Algorithm Lyte has implemented.
>After successfully log in, I greet all 200 players on my buddy list and tell them I hope they are having a great day, as mandated by the Summoner's Code.
>2 Hours later I am ready to play a ranked game.
>I am first pick, so that means I have to ask all 4 of my team mates which champion I am allowed to play so it doesn't offend them.
>They finally agree to let me play Jarvan who I have little experience with, but I could not disagree as teamwork comes first.
>The Riot Biofeedback Application notices that I might a bit upset about playing Jarvan.
>Have to meditate during the load screen to get my BPM down to normal.
>Game loads up.
>Everyone spends the first 2 minutes wishing every member on the other team a happy and fun game.
>I was headed over to Shyvana's blue for a potential steal and sirens immediately blare.
>The game detected I was engaging in toxic and harassing behavior trying to steal a camp.
>I forgot about the new jungle protocols implemented this season.
>Immediately apologize and offer shyvana my blue in exchange.
>They tell me it's too late and they have been triggered.
>Lyte and his Riot enforcement squad are already at my house.
>wtf try and keep calm.
>My biofeedback is through the roof.
>They have been granted warrantless access to any league player through the Riot Crisis Control Act of 2017
>They burst through my door I immediately apologize.
>Lyte says he knows who I am and he was waiting for this day.
>He remembered the day I was toxic to him in one of his
>Immediately sprays me with Toxicity decreasing pepper spray.
>I can't breathe or see.
>As I curl up in a fetal position awaiting my new future as a felon in this post-toxicity world, Lyte bends over to me and whispers.
>"GG easy"
Drawing lewds. Request and maybe I'll do it :3
What if each team also got to ban 1 item during champ select?
At least it was a good artist.
Tfw still waiting for Riot to say what they're gonna do to those who have all champs.
I want to jerk off with Lulu's dirty sweaty panties or better yet, have her jerk me off with them
quick, should I dodge this
How come in these threads faggots waifu every single female champion EXCEPT Ahri. Do you just like being contrarian or something?
Do you even know what it would take to make her viable again? They literally gutted her AND all her items.
>He hasn't seen the ahri posters
how new
>How come in these threads faggots waifu every single female champion EXCEPT Ahri
uh what
Fuck this dead thread im outta here
Then let it be done.
The queen belongs on her throne.
Karma facesitting Jinx in bot please
Reminder to send in suggestions for the 10th eyonson contest!
nvm, dodged it. Smiteless Rengar
you literally say this every thread. shut the fuck up already
You're joking right?
Why is Kha'Zix such a pain in the ass? He shits out damage harder than any other jungler and can stealth like 3 times and has a fucking long ass jump. What a cancer dude.
>thiccc jinx
Xth for Katarina
best girl
what the fuck is this shit
and you just encouraged him to continue.
>Hurrr I can be 0/6 and still relevant because I take towers stupidly fast.
>Brainless pentakill a only matched by Kat
>Ebn 850 range rocket autos
No fucking thanks
they should at least allow to swap champion essence for skin essence at 50% the value.
>loltyler1 playing Overwatch
oh shit
Best couple together. Skarner teasing Kog with his stinger in gay ways
I want to go swimming with Lulu.
This never gets easier to look at
I like Jinx but she's fine. She just has to actually farm now to be relevant, as it should be. She maintains pretty respectable win and play rate so I don't really see what the big deal is.
Don't fight him isolated you tard
XD he shits out dmg even without the isolated meme bonus
Alright kiddo.
>it's 700 not 850
>she has a -15% as debuff with rockets
she does take towers fast though
>She just has to actually farm now to be relevant,
>in this game where so many other adcs are safer and have better early game and stronger late game.
>nobody has made suggestions for the champs I want
>tfw I can't do ones myself because I lack lewd imagination
1-5 ranked
6-9 also ranked
That's Santo Blue demon and scooby doo vs the monsters, are you blind user?
Do you have an album of your works? And I guess Janna making someone breathless for $2.95 a minute no gay/futa.
Sounds nice but champ essence is pretty low. My idea was to swap the shard into a random skin shard for that champ. But I guess that'd be too easy to abuse.
what if this post is a 0?
I don't understand user
>tfw lately have been finding all the champions I really connect with and whose kits feel natural to me
It's a good feel and it's made League a lot more enjoyable.
>Rengar builds AP
>Says it's really good and OP
>Team backs him up on it
>He feeds his ass off
>Try to have a nice day of ranked
>Get my secondary 4 games in a row and drop 50 lp with turbo-dogshit teammates
> First game
> Nunu mid, jinx top, bot lane going soraka nami because they both thought they were support
> 2 seconds and no one dodges
> Dodge myself
> Next game
> Teemo with heal ignite support and soraka jungle
> dodge
> lost 13 lp and have to wait half an hour for dodging two games
>wildturtle saying that adc is absolutely terrible right now
>silver surfers on Veeky Forums that don't play the role think its okay
>its going to be even worse in 6.9
Have you guys read the comments section reacting to Tyler1 being banned?
Unless it's you guys pulling some epic meme I feel like I've contracted stage 2 terminal cancer
And this happens, instantly, first ranked lobby in two weeks
what are the current time penalties for dodging a normal game multiple times?
when aka6 memes, he memes hard
why is leona 10 feet tall in this picture, or is that a special calf-high piano.
also she destroyed it by sitting on it while wearing her full metal armor.
Well no shit.
Tank meta always comes about when ADC are fucking strong.
>Not the side chick at best
That turns a so-so game into a really fun one. I've been having that problem for ages and still haven't quite solved it, but I think I'm getting there.
Yeah she should have to farm as opposed to being Katarina with guns where she could gilligan her way into a double or triple kill and all of as sudden become the fucking Terminator.
Was he a time traveler?
adc's always say their role is terrible, and it's always bullshit.
Even Apdo the soloqueue god still says adc and mid are the king and queen roles of this game.
>14 year olds of the tyler1 fan club
Nah, I want my mental sanity to be intact.
as competent as he is, he secretly lusts for the days in Season 2 when the role was overpowered as fuck and had entire maps of farm dedicated to it
call his bluff and report after.
>Was he a time traveler?
Not that I'm aware.
Must have seen a streamer do it or something.
xth for Cute Vi
Malcolm Reynolds Edition
Just wanna ask, to understand
why do yall play this game?
How do I jungle Jarvan? I literally cannot do first clear without dying.
This tbqh
It's fun
I literally don't understand how they are the vocal minority, asking that pro players be banned since Tyler1 is "a nice guy actually"
I want to go swimming with Lulu.
Because I have fun with it
I dodged, super glad Tyler1 was able to show people how to behave maturely in ranked!!!!!
Chasevs21 : im going adc
Chasevs21 : 0 fucks given
Chasevs21 : so u have 2 choices
JoeAtlan : what a good start
Chasevs21 : u go mid or we duo bot
Mannana : i can mid
Chasevs21 : up to u i literally dont care
Chasevs21 : and ur not playing akali
Chasevs21 : u lock that in ima afk
Chasevs21 : enjoy
Wizard Hat : if i lock it in
Wizard Hat : you will afk right away?
Chasevs21 : no
Chasevs21 : i will pick my champ
Wizard Hat : oh darn
Chasevs21 : and let u retards 4v5
Wizard Hat : i was hoping you would just not lock
Chasevs21 : yea dude
JoeAtlan : what's wrong with this guy XD
Wizard Hat : I believe in him
Wizard Hat : to be a good guy
Wizard Hat : and play mid
Chasevs21 : afk it is
Chasevs21 : enjoy
Wizard Hat : oh well :/
Mannana : we can 4v5
Wizard Hat : if you are going afk
Wizard Hat : mind if i go mid?
Chasevs21 : i give 0 fucks
Wizard Hat : ok fantastic
JoeAtlan : and I thought I had seen cancer people in league
Wizard Hat : then i will take ignite
Wizard Hat : oo
Wizard Hat : actually corki is hard lane
Wizard Hat : you can have it
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left
Cute morgana has been baking cookies for all the nice little boys and girls that are playing vg's today.
password is vidya
>teambuilder queues were too long.
fuck you riot.
Get good (runes)
Start wtih the proper items (normal potions instead of the ones you upgrade into ther things)
Ask for hard leashes
nice, go post this on leddit and collect ur upboates!!
The fuck does this have to do with Tyler1?
>Tyler1 perma banned
>people are pissed
This game is such a joke now
this is why I play ranked with friends
Everything always has to do something with Tyler fucking 1
What are good runes exactly?
Machette or Talisman?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 8 slots left
There's love, memes and F.U.N. by the bucket load.
password is vidya
>first game hexakill
>yasuo says he hasn't played the champ in 4 months
>starts feeding uncontrollably
>"it's over guys gg"
Can't swim in a living creature there senpai.
lol epic xd
when you give in to terrorists you are giving them a free pass. :^)
more seriously, they literally rely on other people dodging. if people just call them out and have them lose when they don't get their way they'll stop doing that because they'll be waiting in low prio or playing in whatever mmr hell they imagine themselves to be in.
Nami getting cummed inside her dolphin pussy
>People who are butthurt about people being butthurt about Tyler1 being banned
Ok i lold
Is it summer enough for ice cream yet lolbabs?