Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I got broads in Atlanta
cowtits lewdshitter STUMPED!
What do people even see in Makoto I don't understand the fascination
>crtl+f Cummy
>no results
she stinks
I stink
Is Severine a tranny, I hope not
I see honesty and footsies
makoto is a huge meme
what's stopping me from going the easy route and practicing a pocket ryu?
ricki has gross tits
When's the next big tourney?
i'll beat your ass if you try it faggot
bison sucks
>What do people even see in Makoto
She's a spunky tomboy who chokes people and hits like a truck.
bison is gettin destroyed though. bad matchup
also rog is out, fuck that faggot
If you're going to tier whore why not pick Ken? He is way more gorilla than Ryu.
like evo or something
ryu is better than ken
Damn Rog knocked out.
>Chun li is a balanced character
makato a shit
>literally type the word Her and nothing else
>permanently banned from TeamKhaos channel
LMAO, how mad can the fat fedora tipping mod behind that channel be?
>A girl
this bison sucks
that girl isn't bad lookin now
This thirsty Nsync reject commentator can't wait to tongue Ricki's butthole off-stream.
ryu is better than ken and I'm more of a neutral good buttons guy than gorilla rushdown guy
>more gorilla than Ryu
Ken is honestly not very gorilla, he only does good damage if he has v-trigger or v-triggered and in the corner.
you don't think caitlyn jenner is beautiful?
fuck you dude
no, chun - bison is like 7-3
Extremely debatable. Ecen if he really is? It isn't by much. And like I said, if you want easy tier whore Ken is a better pick.
He's more gorilla and still top 5 in the game easy
yeah i already mentioned it
well he's the only bison who made it to top 24 in a major ever, might as well root for him anyway
Ibuki is a thirsty cum dumpster.
whats the majority right now? nash? karin? roo?
>ex divekick
>best corner carry in the game
>best meterless damage in the game
>not a silvetback gorilla
literally post cfn right now
What characters have good matchups vs chun?
these are facts
Anyone else fucking hate crush counters?
It's such a goddamn annoying mechanic. It's such a stupid way to bypass hit confirming.
Dreamhack and ComboBreaker
>best meterless damage in the game
dude he had the worst defense i've seen and he threw out the worst normals for the situations
i'm sure he didn't realize it because he was fighting a girl
someone who can beat her normals aka no one
no one
>best meterless damage
Ryu does more damage and can do it midscreen, he doesn't even need the corner.
that's being stretched to 4:3
internal resolution for a3 is something widescreen like 12:7
>dude he had the worst defense i've seen
you just haven't seen how bison does against competent players. can't blame you as nobody plays him in tournaments
there are no good normals to press against chun
Mid screen or corner makes absolutely no difference when one touch from Ken carries you pretty much all the way to the corner no matter where in screen you are
Jago seems pretty hopelessly outclassed by Mira.
Yeah, that's Birdie
j.HK >> s.HK >> Can/Banana >> s.HK >> cr.MP xx MP Bullhead
I think that's true, I don't know for sure.
You can't win a good Chun with Bison.
the instant air legs is so fuckin known to be an overhead. he got fuckin wrecked by it and the walkspeed on that bitch means theres going to be a throw.
he is inexperienced
read the fuckin sentence again idiot
>Those fucking Laura fireball hitboxes
worst street fighter commentators ever
who the fuck are these clowns
yeah i agree, it always feels good to see a bison pop up in a game. easiest matchup aside from zangief desu
how can you be an ibukifriend if you dont also love makoto, they are both best girls
Boy you're trying really hard, huh. Who molested you online with Ken?
Severine is going to win it all
She needs take care of her tits
why didn't the idiot switch?
are you looking to get cut motherfucker
why doesn't everyone just play nash?
The worst part is you are wrong. The fat guy and bearded asian who were on before were even worse. The 2 pairs before them were also bad.
I understand tournaments want to have their local guys on commentary but is it worth making your stream worse?
>tfw did 6 squats and 3 pushups today
holy fucking shit my chest bone hurts like a motherfucker after doing those pushups.
working out improves reaction rate right? i'm fucking tired of getting dash thrown. trash mecahnics like that should stay in turd strike.
She's top tier in 3S
this post contains HIGH LEVELS of CAUCASITY
not gonna make it
He's not wrong. Ibuki's motivation is her thirst for semen.
no one in america would know about it though since no one seems to be able to do her stun combo lmaoooo
it's like how everyone raves about urien when literally no one outside of japan can go any deeper than his 3 unblockable setups
Is that like, the opposite of Niggery?
Killer Instinct more like This Shit Stinks!
What the fuck?
How much do you weigh?
are u american
Anyone Use this stick on PC? Does it work with all fighters natively?
I'll mainly be playing SFV and Fightcade games
So how did these guys do
Don't laugh. 283
Texas showdown wasn't this bad and they had mostly locals
Ibuki is cute! I hope she'll be fun to play when she makes her SFV debut.
to get it to work with sfv you'll need to go to
and get the xinput driver
17th again anons.
soul crushing living in the middle of nowhere playing on pc. i wanna be in winner's ;-;
That stick looks too edgy for a mere mortal.
Street Fighter V is on sale for the PS4, is it any good? I played the arcade versions and third strike with my brother for hours on end, it's the same stuff right?
>if the dlc character list was reversed we would've had urien and juri and our next character would've been ibuki
i just can't get excited about alex, guile, and balrog
_____________Holy shit, are you for real? Just work out more often, jesus christ how are you going to have a fit body, fit mind and good reactions
My friends got one and it works for everything we tried but SFV. Amusingly.
Should I watch Japanese Marvel, Shitgirls, or Japanese Revelator?
What's Karin's best Post-Stun combo?
it's p bad. i have to take a bath after every session of sf5 because of this fucking heat.
Jump St fierce xx whatever juggle into super
Kek I see thanks.
I was born on the edge
Were you the one complaining last night about the heat?
depends on meter/v gauge
meterless i do j.hp st.hp jft orochi
if you have bar and if itll kill do whatever into super
if you wanna save resource jump in combo into jf tenko into hk legs or jf tenko or orochi
Have you heard her english voice?
Worse than Mika, and that's saying something.
>using English voices
Shut your whore face, Mikas english voice is excellent.