Anyone still playing?
/tctdg/ - The Division General
I am. Despite all the bugs, something keeps me coming back. The game is kinda fun when it works right.
Na, I'm waiting for them to bump up the level cap / drop some expansion content. That MMO end game grind in a game with such limited mechanics / obvious problems doesn't really interest me. I had a lot of fun with it levels 1-30, but once I hit 30 the game turned into a pile of boring shit.
>stop playing Division around a few weeks back
>check Veeky Forums to see how everyone is doing
>general is deader than dead
I am. Pretty much just doing the dailies and some DZ stuff.
That being said. Is the 204 GS ACR BP in the DZ worth it?
I ain't got shit for DZ credits and I only have 13 gold division tech atm
I just log in to grind DZ for an hour or so at night, chasing that 99.
maxed PC's, nothing to buy.
this game was murdered by it's lack of endgame + glitches.
there was already very little endgame, then abusing exploits accelerated that tiny amount of endgame.
it's a shame, there are so few AAA 3rd person cover games anymore.
if you like assault rifles, then yes the ACR is very nice (assuming good rolls of course.
it's base stats + GS are very good
just logged in for the first time in a while.
anyone still updating the collage of available vendor items?
reporting, though i only log to the game with a friend every like two days to go rogue and have fun
game is pretty ded, even on ps4
>14 day vacation
>nothing of value was lost
GF and I started playing this week after I got it half price on G2A it's pretty ok
Well, maybe after a year if, and that's a big IF, they pull out a Reaper of Souls kind of stuff that totally makes the game fun again.
I would I could put the stats of one backpack onto another. The one I have doesn't go with the outfit I play with at all. Anyone else you could do that? All the armor pieces, but the backpack, have minimal visual appearance compared to your clothes.
I got a key for buying my graphics card and I don't want it, but I also don't just wanna give it away for free. Wish it would just give me the steam game in my inventory.
What's fucking annoying is that I spend all this time getting max damage mitigation and 4 pieces for a gear set and a good AUG and I'm still getting destroyed in the dark zone. Fuck these hackers and the people abusing glitches.
Dark Zone's full of teams of maxed out murder machines, so it's just a fucking hassle to solo, but all my friends have stopped playing.
Is the Incursion doable with randoms? My friends all bailed on the game soon after it came out for Dark Souls and Destiny.
I stopped playing being I think at this point that's the only thing UBI/Massive is going to understand.
I still got my money's worth out of it hours wise but clearly it's not the 1+ year sort of game I thought it would be. I'm just glad I stuck to my guns about not pre-buying anything, in this case it was the DLC I skipped.
The people I feel kind of bad for are the little nobody level guys who went and made Division like web sites with info etc. Trying to get in on the ground floor as a fan site for this big new AAA level franchise.
Only to see the game crater in over all player numbers in less then 90 days.
I keep playing. It's still doing really well on consoles.
Why would you ever buy a MP game on PC? Companies just don't give enough of a fuck to spare that many resources to make that great of an anti-cheat.
Think about the amount of games being released this year.
Now think about how many of them are going to have actual decent anti-cheats?
The only game I can think of that has even a decently good anti-cheat is CSGOfuckyourself. But even then, it's not all that good. Fuck, look at all the MLG players that make six fucking figures hacking. How many of them got banned last year? A retarded amount. That's how many.
PC is good for some games, but this wasn't one.
Neither is Dark Souls.
>still playing
>dz is dead enough that I can fill me stash easy
>not dead enough to not be full
>but dead enough for people to go blindly rouge
My cutie and her M44 have never taken down so many rogues, its amazing
Wow, she actually looks pretty adorb yet.. kinda tough looking. can ya share a shot of your tomboy while in game?
also what clothing+armor is that?
here ya go user
I dropped the game two weeks ago for dank souls
logged back in yesterday
what happened to the daylies?
are incursions even possible with randoms on clallenging?
recently launched the game just to show my friends how nice the fog in the game looks like
massive really has to actually work instead of showing that they might have an idea on how to develop the game but ultimately do jack shit
Hard mode is pretty easy and can definitely be done with pickups, I 3 manned it no problem. Challenging is about 10x as difficult as hard mode and would take the dream team of randoms to complete.
I see I'm not the only person having trouble finding set piece gloves.
Hard is done by yourself lol.