Fighting Games General /fgg/
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i love animal ears
1st for chun li mid tier
>DPs are so punishable you might as well not even have one
t. dp mashimg ken
animal person n sf when
>semi grapplers aren't grapplers
holy kek
There's already Birdie
the matchmaking def got worse since the guile update
shit is way laggier
Haven't noticed any difference
Blanka in SF2.
They've tried multiple times to add unique characters to street fighter but all people play are variations of karate man and waifus with stupid proportions.
what up with all this anime pictures always in the OP
go to /h/ you pervs
Kek iori and kyo must be grapplers too
Why is the fgc so cancerous to newcomers? Do they not want the scene to grow?
What are some /fgg/ approved youtubers?
there needs to be a character that attracts furfags
brackets and characters for VSAV tourney?
40 year olds buttmad
>Ramon isn't a grappler
>literally has 4-5 command grabs
hilarious retardation
theres a chunk of toxic players but not all of them are like that
>there are people who unironically play Smash
Anyone wanna play Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R?
i wouldnt shitpost if people played with me
i was actually about to peep
GGs PP as always. I always learn whe I play with you. We can do 02 next time, there are some new chars I wan to try.
I'm not him but I haven't played Ramon, is he really? I thought he was the token bruce lee char
Yeah and?
The FGC is absolutely nothing compared to MOBAs when it comes to abusing new players. Stop using a couple of trolls as an excuse as to why you're garbage.
>there are people who ironically play Smash
Who should I play in SFV
Tell me about yourself.
he has:
426 A/C
426 B/D
626 B which is basically a hit grab special
the end of his rekka after 626B
their grab supers.
He's a grappler.
>fgg talking shit about kof even while they only know the memes
hilarious sempai.
He's the el fuerte of kof.
Last time I try being nice to Smashfags
Rashid, Geif, or Rye-you
Whoever you find the most fun to play.
>I thought he was the token bruce lee char
>I thought the Mexican was the token Bruce Lee character
What the fuck?
Why stupid gaijins pronounce Ryu like "Ree-you"? Are they that retarded?
Yeah, because Smash is the hardest and highest execution fighting game in the world. Nothing compares to the techskill required in high level Smash.
I just said I wasn't the guy you were arguing with before smartass I don't know much about the game so I asked, never said he wasn't
meant in fighting style dude
he did a typical Veeky Forums edgy response XD best underground website
>Guiles flashkick does the same damage with what looks like same animation
What is the point
calm down bro, I can't magically guess who you are.
we're all anonymous.
What did we think about Max's new Alien assist me video?
"we" includes you, so you should know already
I'd play but I don't have my stick atm. some other time.
Tell me what I thought about it.
Okay, what's your steam?
Anyone wanna play my ultra gold rashid
I don't get what's disgusting about a period.
It's simply blood.
How would you feel if blood came out of your penis, user?
This DUDE MELTY IN RANDOM PLACES XDD meme is getting unbearable. I fucking hate the FGC and everyone in it.
makato a shit
tfw 2 am munchies after playing SFV all day
It's not supposed to?
If you're still on in a few hours I'll play you while waiting for BnHA. I play Justice.
Fucking gross user
What the fuck man
What restaurant is that?
just use a needle and pinch your dick dumbass.
have you never gotten your arm or legs cut?
"How come I can't have infinite teleports with Nash?" - LTG
Thats pretty godlike tbqh
I am so fucking sorry I ever criticized Broski, Chariot or even Brick. These oldfag shitposters coming back really destroy these threads something fierce holy shit
Gross food is the best
Who's the LTG of anime games?
Why is WNF the only tournament smart enough to run SFV on PC? The game has insane delay on PS4 that makes it nigh unplayable.
Added you, I'll be up all night just message me when you wanna play
Are you mentally ill or something? Who the fuck are you talking about?
what if birdie's v-skill gave him health?
Hol up dominos is open
because the PS4 version is how it was meant to be played and it's the one everyone good practices on
Need help. New to fighters ,playing KI (sorry SFV has zero appeal to me just taste) and no matter how many games I play I don't feel any better.I'm at 400 matches and still play the same I did at match 1. Practice is useless because I can execute everything well no problems even against AI. But online I can't do anything. I fall for the same tricks everytime, make the same mistakes everytime,I know exactly what I do wrong and do it anyway. I thought playing alor was suppose to make you better .any advice?
damn nigga, snake eyez made top 16 winners with alex?
If you live in the suburbs it won't be
I live in a big city tho
They close at 5 am
Its not even that disgusting
Well start by quitting KI because it's shit, better off trying to learn Marvel
>I'm at 400 matches and still play the same I did at match 1
Have you tried doing other things?
WNF only does that because it takes place at a gaming cafe.
Everywhere else uses PS4 because Sony paid for it to be the EVO standard.
Anyone up to body someone in KOF02?
Nigga he beat Daigo, LTG would lose to fucking Brick
Blood is pretty gross honestly.
Sure except you'll body me
find a scene to play offline
E-Sports Gamerbee looks pretty JUST
I've seen LTG take games off of top players before. He just doesn't have training resources to reach his full potential.
try playing 400 hours
I don't understand how people can be this bad. It's just a video game
sf5 is really random
Screenshot it for me senpai
just imagine it as cow blood then.
There is no trick. If you do dumb shit and you know it's dumb shit you should stop doing it.
Jiyuna's hella productive for the community.
Yes I don't repeat the exact same patterns or attempts. The problem is when I try new stuff I end up spending too much time thinking instead of doing. I can't translate.