League Of Legends General - /lolg/

OT: Stop posting so many images edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>legend of arcade
7/10 would play

>MF+Sona lost lane
>against nobody

Maaaaan FUCK feminine penises. Its all about that masculine vagina

what makes you think they lost

They're down a tower.

xth for I love you guys.

Hi /lolg/.

Take this test and post results. I thought it was very interesting.


It's a different test!


MAybe their jungler is just bad and the enemy jungler is camping bot.

Just noticed, whoops. Taking now.

Kog is for rough cuddling and sex!

I'm pretty neutral.

On-topic, when should I take Undying Grasp over Bond of Stone as a melee support?


Just think about it. When are you going to get four autos off on the enemy ADC and possibly even the support, who will more often than not have picked a ranged champion, or a champion like Alistar who can self-peel?

xth for Cute Vi

Calm down guys with the shitpost guys, jesus christ.

Depends. How often are you going to have to peel for your ADC? How often are you going to initiate/bodyblock?

TK I use Grasp because it makes his high sustain even higher. On Tanks that can heal and shit like Taric I use Bond.

No it's because sona players are mentally deficient.

>zyra is gonna be super cancer next patch
who's ready for release zyra and season 2/3 all over again

it's not every 4 autos it's every 4 seconds in combat which you can get with minions

I want it to happen so people can fucking shut up and start complaining about something new for once.

Thanks Nippon.

i like vi i really do. in fact i rank her in my top 5 hottest league girls

1. nidalee
2. fiora
3. leona
4. ahri
5. vi

theyre all gr8 for diff reasons

I'm weird.

>Not #1.


Excellent taste

Had nothing to do during my 20 minute leaverbuster queue so here you go.

inb4 that website was a C++ Drive-by.

when you have as much damage dealt as the rest of your team combined

Does anyone else psyche themselves out every damn game?

Like I'm playing my main 200k+ mastery champ and I get matched against a fucking garen running bond of stone and ignite and instead of thinking "This is gonna be easy" I'm thinking "This guy must be a fucking Garen master on that next level shit that I've never even seen"

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

is it me or is hexakill fucking boring as shit

N-not here, user..!

When you lose a game and bother to post a salty screenshot
>>>>Iiiii'm good, guys, right??

Oh and this is the other part.

why do people hate this thread? is it because no waifu was posted?

Because there's still another thread up and it's generally distasteful to create a new one while another one is active.

I mean, we can go back to waifus.


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Youre a fucking robot, whatever I say wont change the outcome of your response you fucking robot.

I want to be with my ex!

I want to fold lulu up into a paper airplane then go flying in her

I want to learn mid and i think im finally over my fives anxiety. any tips on mid lane play? i tend to take heal and tp and i stay on top of my wards too because when i started i was a support main

don't take heal+tp as leblanc. take ignite+flash. you need to kill people as leblanc. and if you are not leblanc, you still need to take flash. you take flash on most champs. only a few champs don't take flash because reasons.

also i know abyssal reveals lb clones i usually avoid it

>not taking flash mid

just take flash mid and every champ until they remove that cancer.

01001001 01101110 00101110

What the flying film flam floobity flop is Mordekaiser supposed to do against Riven?

Are you a cute girl or a femboy?

Nice Hexakill score.

ok also as an adc what do i do if i take down the first tower do i try and farm or roam and attempt to help others

That Heimerdinger is fucking nuts

Why do you hate me, lulushitposter?

How is g2 going to rank realistically? I think they're gonna get 4th or 5th in all honesty.

I was banned like one year ago, do you think it's worth to try sending them e-mail? I really want my account back. :(

i just feel naked without tp because i like to hide on a well place f.o.w ward and burst down those dumb luxs. but i guess ill learn to work with flash. my last few games i've been using it and i forget i have it or flash thinkin i have tp....
no i bullied my adcs
thanks! why dont they run? i type in all chat to run but they never do.

Help me or I'll follow you home and kill your dog.

Draven best guy!

wow...this hurts

What a shit test.

if it's a permanent ban you're not getting it back unless you think you can convince someone you were wrongfully banned or something. you can make a new account if you really want to play for some reason.

Best girl coming in!

I want to play with my friends :'(
I made new account but having 0 champs sucks

Oh those names

>that heimer

holy shit lmao

>fucking around with some friends in ranked
>lose 4 matches in a row
>then proceed to win 4
>got fucking silver I

just kill me

I wish I had friends. Then maybe I'd actually be having fun.

I don't really care who wins as long as it isn't Faker. This guy should retire already. Not only do we have to deal with shitty balance killing the game but also this gook wining everything.

does anyone feel like they're lagging even though every connection front is perfect this patch

Xth for Katarina
best girl

yeh but i thought it was just creep block

Never. The damage reduction is better overall. Grasp is for solo laners.

xth for being alone

>we won teamfight
>lets all go kill their splitpusher over pushing for inhib at 32 minutes

I want out of Silver

How was your day?

shes a gr8 girl just not best there better out there in the rift. fun fact i used to mai. vi but i started playing fiora for funsies pre rework and ended up cucking vi with fiora. vi does have the 2nd best butte in the league tho

y-you too

That happened to me as gp against a thunderlords duskblade garen... I got absolutely dicked on.

wait no, you're supposed to post Lucian

>who /looks like the enemy team realized another ADC is a better use of a sixth champ slot than our instalock Yas/ here?

Man I don't mean to be a tryhard but if you're gonna hexakill: consider if you pick is detrimental

>says she's gonna post feet
>doesn't post feet after months
why live

I second this.


When are the May sales gonna get announced?

Rush ninja tabi to lower her early game damage. Aside from that don't more top... No easy dragon presence.

yeah theyre scripting

did you see that? wtf hes scripting


2 weeks ago



this pic could make a cute heartwarming comic.

i'm going to lick my waifu's vagina!

>tfw I thinking about the when i started playing league and did nothing meme shit like sej support hundreds of times
>realize i've prolly played 400 or more games of sej

I was*

fug im sleepy, time for bed

in soviet russia the waifu licks your vagina

why though

>he's only played 400 games of his waifu

It's okay user. If you haven't played your Waifu in every role, you haven't played your Waifu.

I bring you more Sej.

>shh. He hasn't grown with the waifu yet.

dats lewd


Who THE FUCK is up for a goddamn normal game on the NA server?

whats ur ign


im a shitter


when the insomnia kick in and you know you too tired to play ranked

>tfw adc Elise with bork triforce trollgame norm
I won but was like 7/4, nothing impressive