/Krog/ - Kronos General

Queue Simulator 2004 Edition

/krog/ guilds:
Kronos 1:
OG nost refugee server, minimal queue. 1x RATES
- Horde
- Alliance

Kronos 2:
Brand new server, 1x rates. 4-5K queue (around 3 hours), most people are around level 20 right now.
- Alliance
- Horde


Questions to avoid asking:
>What class should I play?
>Is Nostalrius coming back?
>What is the best class for PvP/PvE?
>Why don't we roll on X server?
>Is Kronos pay2win?
>What class does X guild need?

FAQ: pastebin.com/YbPhHZ7j
ADDONS: pastebin.com/pvfNSeN0

Client Download and Connection Guide: pastebin.com/3vpxc0jG

BiS Lists: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j81TgG0p_HrYKajiUiQfYIoSUx1culzy2u_Fc4wtiS8
Leveling Specs: imgur.com/a/aNm8V
Leveling Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1-Z2vplxWZACKmCpw1B8vexKQ2vwjRqFRjcJhHjAxx

previous meme:

Other urls found in this thread:


do we have any endgame spec guides

xth for im the best hunter on the server and I will top the charts!

third for K2 babs still stuck in queue

4th for trolls are niggers


>tfw u will never be a cute 2d

10th for sitting afk in wetlands not letting people login :)

First to be the realest nigga on fucking kronos

I made a map depicting the geopolitics of Azeroth in Vanilla.

Blue - Alliance controlled
Red - Horde Controlled
Orange - Contested territory

Right now, horde is winning.