old diggers edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Tell me a secret
I miss the riven players ;-;
Trading when tho
Seriously considering killing myself
I play LoL because I'm bad at DotA
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
fuck off with this shit
Reminder that unless your champion can afford Zhonyas Zed will literally kill you for free every time his ult is up next patch.
xth for cute riven!
I want him to sit on my face
RIot Shekelberg put your trip back on darn it
post brown waifus
That one looks better than I remember it
Illaoi is cute.
>try to learn how to Zed
>get steamrolled every game
>ult never kills anybody
It's awful and I dont know what im doing wrong
Reminder that we're extending the suggestion box deadline to the 4th of May
Send in those ideas to [email protected]
Do you guys remember when Riot's art was good and not taking inspirations from faggot shit like anime?
>Nidalee, Karma, Illaoi
>Not into bestiality, which is most of Nida's porn (the rest is fine though)
>Don't really like Karma's design too much
>Not into amazons
God damn I hope Taliya is cute.
Make me :^)
So never?
Riot has been full weeb since day 1
Hell, the champion you posted draws inspiration from the Kirin
Pretty sure most nidalee porn isn't bestiality
I mean below like diamond fucking NO-ONE actually does the smart thing and buys a QSS vs him so over 50% of the people complaining are going to be the same as before, and a fed zed can still kill a squishy target pretty easily without the ult pop.
It's for sure a buff to him but theres so many bronze-gold people saying like "wow zed so fucking broken now" when 90% of the time if they're caught out by zed they're pushed out solo and will die to him regardless.
I fucked a guy from /d2g/
I wanna fuck other anons from different generals aswell
It will be so rad if Hellstern does the new Vlad splashes. I mean she already works for Riot and if anyone can do men in armor it's her.
It makes me sad that I can't do well competitively without playing shit that makes me cringe.
I met my gf in d2g and she turned out to just use me and completely ruin my social circle and take my money but it's okay I have a bf now lul sex is for fags though desu :^)
if you really want to have sex with anons just cosplay as ahri and take all of the stinky old neet cum at cons
No, look at Riot's art design then and now. Seriously who the fuck watches anime, that shit is all for pedophiles or little kids.
Reroll, disenchant or keep any of 'em?
I think Jeri's OG quote is more fitting tbqh famillia
maybe you should get some better taste
What champions are viable both top and mid?
I'm currently maining Ryze and planning to add Yasuo to my pool later, any others?
Unrelated picture for your viewing pleasure.
I'm a support main because I have the farming ability of a 2 year old with autism
Rumble if you're not a casual
I lost it in my image folder :^(
But im a guy
consider getting some better taste then
I mean now their complaining is justified though.
Unless your champion can efficiently use Zhonyas (And even then Zhonya's CD has been nerfed so that it's significantly longer than Zed's ult CD) there is literally ZERO counterplay to stopping him from killing you for free if you're playing certain champions. Not everyone has point and click Hard-CC to hold him in place or On the spot invul like Kayle or Kindred.
Disenchant the Katarina one because it's pretty plain IMO, but the Graves one looks sick in game and I think the TPA one is limited at the moment because of MSI so I'd keep.
porn when
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
disenchant first two, keep the ori.
>you will never cosplay as Ahri and get laid in cons because flat chest and dick are in the way
>Yasuo top
I hate this meme, they always pick it against shit like darius and wonder why they get rekt.
I don't care if it is animesque or not it's objectively better looking than that garbage.
dont you mean as?
It's never too late to start the HRT meme friends :^)
As long as you're not chad and average at least you can still be a girl!
Riot's "old art design" was just them painting over screenshots of their models. Everything else that people deride as weeb shit was added in seasons 1 and 2
If anything, this game has been decidedly NON Anime in its champion releases lately.
Choo choo
Bard AD
I do. It's called not watching cartoons and being treated to good television and film.
Why would i start hrt when i like fucking other people and not getting fucked? Are you fucking retarded?
>dusting legacy skins
Stop asking questions!
Do NOT insult Hellstern-senpai. I've been following her since before she got hired by Blizzard and fuck she's amazing.
Are you?
I have no trouble : ^ )
>having any katarina skins at all
I already did it.
I think I kinda regret it now.
What's that program you guys use to see your chances of winning?
>implying the two are mutually exclusive
It's a good thing that all characters from those serious dramas you watch can be translated into a fighting game, huh?
A man can dream.
It's very strong in my opinion, of course Yasuo requires wave control and map awareness in order to not get camped resulting in a lot of feeders.
I'm sad because I like one of my friends but she doesn't really talk to me unless like 4-5 other people aren't available to talk to. I've even been climbing hard in ranked to get her to notice me but its not working out. It sucks when you like someone but they're just only kind of like you.
I wouldnt wanna start hrt no way, i would just turn into an retarded spaz because thats what hormones do to you
legacies dont mean much aymore now that riot keeps making them available for events and shit. kinda defeats the purpose
Has anyone here stopped buying skins? I don't know what it is, but I simply don't want to pay Riot any more money until they show some fucking ability as a company.
It doesn't help that pretty much every skin released is fucking $10 or more
What should I dust /lolg/?
I had nothing to say about whoever the fuck you posted
If you literally can't stomach the idea of a goofy over the top game using goofy over the top character designs then the problem is with you and no one else
Teemo and Darius.
>I preffer old league's art
keep the Red Card Kat, she's a qt and it's a limited skin
disenchant the rest
Stopped giving riot money when they changed their refund policy around the twitch rework. If your product stops working like it's supposed to because of a fault of the company they should be forced to give you a refund, no matter what ToS bullshit you sign. Not going to support a company that pretty much breaks the law and gets away with it because it's on the internet.
Keep Gandalf, play the banjo, put on a moustache and dust everything else.
I'm sorry but the community feel combined with the champ feel for shit like Bronzoid is impossible to stomach.
keep miss fortune and katarina. the rest are pretty shit
I just did exactly the opposite.
Except im thinking of disenchanting Graves and keeping ori only.
post 5 champions you like and I'll tell you how they're garbage then
Remember when he character art were just close-ups of the ingame models?
RIP Rammus' art, you are already missed.
I'd keep Frostbutt, Annie, MF, Jayce and Nami and get rid of the rest.
new rammus is pretty good tho
>play ranked
>teammate is sperging out for the entire game calling everyone trash and silver
>it's a mid-silver ELO
>check his profile after
>Gold 3
How tilted do you have to be to be placed in matches with people an entire tier below your rank?
Don't disenchant badass Graves.
is it possible to have >fun as a solo queue support?
At least it's colorful and not overly detailed like any other art.
But still.
>implying any explanation of a random user can beat the objective levels of cringe that are a naruto inspired league edgy ninja and weeb king of annoying weeb sounds
Yes sometimes
Bought some RP, what should I spend it on? chests, skins, champs, boosts?
I'm Unironically stuck in bronze 5. I know I'm a shitter but I try so fucking hard to win, but I can't get that win streak to hit. It's really starting to affect my self confidence, and it really hurts when every time I fuck up irl I remember that I'm so retarded that I'm so bad at league that I'm in an elo where you literally have to throw games to be stuck in.
I also am terrified that the girl I like thinks I'm a creep even though I don't act creepy and have only spoken to her twice in my life.
only if you ERP
I have a small peepee :(
Have you tried warding and increasing your cpm?
>tfw brown Riven is rare
>Unironically stuck in bronze 5
Learn how to CS, nigger.
>warding in Bronze V
Literally pointless, people there don't have a map.
it could be worse, at least you're not posting on 4ch-
What's the eziest server?
OCE, LAN, EUNE, or Turkey?
I love Lissandra!
I know unironically good and intelligent people who are stuck in bronze 4-5 user.
I can do better :p
If Vayne is involved ofc.