League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure, plush QT who lactates ice cream

Other urls found in this thread:


n-no i'm just that good

2nd for my cute girlfriend



Daily reminder that the reason League is going to shit is because it's infested with SJW's like Zenon the cuck and can't be stopped due to media outlash.
This is our only solution.


Why is Ashe so underrated?

>top tier qt
>top tier AD carry
>loads of utility
>loads of damage
>fun and skillful

How do I beat Yasuo in lane with normal mids like Lux or Kayle or whatever? I'm starting to do ok against Zed but still lose to le windy samurai of infinite outplays

>my support picks Soraka
>oh nice, balanced goat lady
>she starts Q and buys a spellthiefs

I don't want to walk to lane

Yeah i bet.

>picking the bad jhin

>no dash/blink/ms boost




xth for riven is best waifu


Woops, new thread. Anyway, help out an indecisive shitter lolg.


>losing to le chinky windman as kayle

Best girl
Best smile
Best laugh
Best taunts
Best attitude

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>get jumped on
no mobility or spellshield
or waveclear

How many times is ranked going down holy shit?

Just scrap dynamic queue already famalam

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Nth for Defense of the Legends
Never ever

Xth for video games are fun and you should play them.


No but she is pretty.

>no waveclear
>volley and hurricane builder

Fizz or Zed if you're okay
LeBlanc if you're really good at league of legends, at near-optimal play she's a lot more frustrating than Zed
Annie if you're not that good and you want to make people kill themselves on a budget

everyone builds hurricane nowadays because of how broken it is with rageblade

>when your team locks in ap shaco top in ranked


lol stop being paranoid !!1

All waifus are nice. Everyone loves who they love for a reason.

For me, I love Sona. Whenever I see a picture of her, I get butterflies in my stomach and I imagine holding her hand.

I hope you feel the same way about someone as I feel about Sona, and that you win lots of games with him or her today!

Lmao! And I currently have a broken knee, I can go full blown autist on any champion I need to. I'd consider myself on the better end of okay.

Who do you just become stronger as the more you play


Have fun letting mudslimes rape your women instead of protecting them like true men.

first off
>hurricane on Ashe
volley is damage on a cone

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Take exhaust if you are lanjng against yasuo . You can kite the fuck out of yasuo especially if you're Kayle. If you end up getting low on health and there are mions pulling up into lane when you both are level 6, he's going to dive and ult you. There are options here to get you the kill

Bait him to slide into your turret and you can either exhaust him before he ults so he does baby damage and dies from turret aggro like a boosted monkey or you can ult yourself under turret and auto him to death. I personally enjoy doing the exhaust method because it makes yasuo players look like dogshit and tilt them the rest of the game

I never understood the no mobility meme, how shit are you guys at positioning.

>Best AD carry in the west says she's shit

Think I'm gonna take his opinion over random Lolg shitters

posting this again as it was funny and I can

Swimming with Lulu sounds like fun.


O-One more vote to break the Veigar/Fizz tie?


if you activated ghostblade earlier you could've killed trundle

>what is rengar/mao/poppy/zed/malphite/ and flash
go ahead use your own flash, you still dont have another one like them

everyone builds hurricane on ashe now.

she has a 54% winrate with it


don't you mean on?

Oh the irony, when your entire country is infested with apes who do the exact same thing.

Veigar is going to be broken as fuck as soon as 6.9 patch goes live. Take the freelo while you can before they nerf him again

It is done.

Should have activated shield earlier too since he would get more out of it while someone was still alive.

Haven't been here in a while, how much worse have we gotten?

late xth for breast waifu

already ignored. i don't even care what "side" they're on. waifu wars are more enlightening than than people talking about gg or anti-gg.

I want to have sex with trundle

Why would they not do that?

Soraka can outpoke any support and it's impossible to beat soraka in any 2v2 trade because she just heals it all up from the q, you must be retarded to do anything else

>veigar doing anything while malz with free CC immunity and 90% damage reduction shits on everyone with aids, crabs, and suppression

Yeah and we keep them controlled in the poorest economic locations so we don't have to deal with them. It's a shame you just let them roam freely.

yeah and pray who plays on the second best korean team who is leaps and bounds above everybody else likes to pick ashe and thinks she's really good

i trust that guy more than niels

look at the scoreline

I fully expected to just fail horribly and instantly die

I started using abilities as I slowly realised I somehow was not dead

literally who?


xth for brutalizer

>he doesn't know

How did the game go aftwards? Did you manage to turn it around?

>not starting q


The level 2 power spike is much stronger taking w second because you walk into lane and harras before that level 2 trade begins and then by taking w you can negate the damage dealt and win even harder

yeah we won, it was a comeback from 20k gold down at 20 mins

all waifus are nice but vayne is slightly nicer

honorable mentions to eve and mf

It may not be too bad because I think malz is going to be split up pretty evenly between jungle and mid so you may not have that matchup as much

You still scale better as veigar anyway

Ours is but to do and die brother.

If you can't figure out how to beat yasuo as Kayle you shouldn't play mid

Something odd happened a few days ago.

>Playing URF
>Hear deep voice I've never heard before every time I die

Was it a glitch? Or was it some fancy schmancy riot thing?

niggers actually contribute to society

You probably just E, break shield, Q and then ult to kill him because you have over 9000 AP and that's not broken as Fuck.

Sona isn't real

What was Sejuani before?


i've heard a soft female voice.

what le fugggggggggggg

Usually the manly voice says ''Let them seek, let them hunt'' or something along those lines, sounds like WW, the female voice i've heard says ''Trust what you can see'' and ''Trust your eyes''

it's spooky

I don't get it. The Q AA steroid is enough?

tl;dr he's being pressured into hating GG and gamers as a whole (that includes you) because he's in an abusive relationship with a horrible woman

In what part?


Ok, /lolg/ what kind of weapons/fighting styles are not represented in the game atm?
My list is:
>Dual swords (chinease style with equally long blades in both hands instead of european main-gaughe style)
>Whip, all Indiana Jones style
>Pike, as in a fuck-long spear
>Half-swording swordsman
>Assault rifle, ie. generic marine mcmarineson
>any siege engine
>Weapon master with several different weapons (Roman legionare with sword/shield/javelin or something really wild)
>Hitman with chokes, preferably with garrote

And on mage side:
>Poet/Singer that uses and invokes the power of words

They shit all over Malz's bases and ratios for that passive though. The tanks that he once countered will now shit all over him.

Kindred probably.

It is a ward bug. Quotes on placing a ward can be heard all over the place.

You know the Spread shot from Contra?
Thats what Runaans does to your Q AAs.

>Tries annie for first time
>feeds to high hell


If DarksydePhil played League of Legends, what champion would he play and what elo would he be?

are you just describing me what hurricane does? because i didn't play contra

>Pike, as in a fuck-long spear

>Hear about Champ named Bard releasing
>Fuck yeah time to sing as my enemies die
>its a space balloon

>i didn't play contra

I want the 2000s babies to leave.

Xth for Leona

h-here I go..

post reults

it makes your Q split

you can potentially be autoattacking (and slowing) 6 targets per autoattack

>Playing Video games if you were born before 1990
>Playing League no less

Jesus christ, go have a family like your family want instead of rotting like the nobody yo uare

No, no, no. I mean like 5+ meters long spears. Honestly they only work in a formations with shit tons of dudes with pikes, but this is a fantasy game so fuck reality.

>Play champs that are supposed to be "harder" or "riskier" like Xerath or Brand
>Do consistently well
>Play someone "braindead like Annie"
>Get stomped

People here don't play games or haven't played a great deal of them, and a lot of people here are also teens so yeah.

>Pike, as in a fuck-long spear
>Half-swording swordsman
>Weapon master
isn't that what jax was originally suppose to be?