>How do I connect to [server]? 1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have. 2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page. 3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/ 4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info. You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.
>How do I stop my client from auto-updating? • Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe • Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name. • Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.
I just came home to find all the crazy Nost shit. it looks like everyone who played on Nostalrius just fucking turned on them as soon as they said they weren't releasing the source code.
Does this mean Kronos is just...the staple vanilla server now? It'll be weeks before Nost meets with blizzard, and they'll probably want to implement some bullshit pristine realm shit anyway.
Noah King
Real thread.
Ryan Scott
First thread after the bump limit.
Hunter Baker
>leaving guilds out the the op for shame tyrannis
Joshua Foster
Vengeance Horde WWU
Luis Torres
I'm putting my money on blizzard stalling nost and their talks are just bait for them to legally stop them from releasing anything.
Asher Martin
not a single /wpsg/ guild left out of that OP except vengeance shills
Eli Thomas
Not even playing on either server but there are more active people in Pillar Men than in Funserver by a LOT. Asscobra already abandoned Excalibur too
Kevin Brooks
This is the best op we've had in like a week.
Nathan Bell
The moment they step foot on US soil, they're going to be completely at Blizzard's mercy. If they think they're actually going to be able to bargain for anything, they're going to be in for a real shock.
Cameron Cook
who gives a shit about asscobra?
Adrian Baker
he's the leader, and the cobecore circlejerk follows him everywhere
Alexander Lewis
Excalibur's guild should post a screen shot of their guild roster right now to prove that they are more of a wpsg guild than
Robert Cox
except the cobecore circle jerk is like 5-7 people
Caleb Butler
you should because otherwise you wouldnt be raiding on any server. face it, he dropped excal already theres no point.
Caleb Stewart
And when people see that those 5-7 people are playing on a server, more usually join
Jacob Baker
It depends on one thing for the Nostalrius staff. If any of them have taken part in the 3rd party RMT (real money transactions) for virtual goods or services and it can be proven, yeah, they can be taken to court. If they also provided a means of obtaining the 1.12.1 client in a way that doesn't involve a legal sale, that's also an issue.
There's nothing else they're possibly guilty of though. Blizzard couldn't do a damned thing to them IF they kept a clean house (which I doubt), and there is no legal means of keeping Nostalrius from releasing their core back to the public since the Mangos project it was taken from is crowd sourced, free for everyone to obtain and work on. Since the Mangos core doesn't have a shred of Blizzard script to it, there's nothing illegal about obtaining it, adding to it, and releasing it at all. Nadda.
I think Nost's staff is dirty, Blizzard knows it, and this whole thing is a sham that the staff is going along with rather than have an investigation and big reveal of what they were doing in a lawsuit.
Gabriel Phillips
I've raided with wpsg on 4 servers all bar ToD had no 'cobecore' in it.
That's more than 5-7 people. Your shit guild is dead come to the real server on vengeance.
Ian Rodriguez
Reminder that on vengeance alliance is the only TBC /wpsg/ guild.
Excalicuck guild is dead.
L4G guild is dead.
Survives and thrives.
Pickles and friends are a cancer to this general.
Mason Thomas
Fucking off yourself tyrannis you fucking slav.
Joshua Scott
>if you played tod you're in the asscobra circle jerk
Kayden Perry
>if these people do not play on your server your server is dead >plays on a server without these people
uhh alright
Cameron Thompson
Post the excalibur guild roster.
James Cooper
Those people follow him everywhere he goes. If he'd open his eyes and realize vengeance is the promised land for TBC we'd be the best guild this general has ever seen.
Henry Brown
>vengeance is the promised land for TBC >broken kara is the only raid out >the server is more than an year old
Jace Peterson
why the fuck are people playing vinjins when HellGround is just objectively better?
I don't understand. That server was tried, and deemed shit, over a year ago already.
Jace Peterson
you've literally just declared your guild dead and are now backpeddaling
>i-if cobe joined us
fuck off
Nicholas Garcia
Dude what i joined pillar men yesterday and it was just as dead as those other guilds
Nathan Sullivan
Mason Garcia
Excalibur has raiders. Vinginz doesn't, the only lvl 70 left you. :v)
Blake Wright
Vinjinz kids are legit retarded and/or new. It's easy to get tricked when you're new.
Sebastian Wilson
Vengeance is basically a new server with okay scripting.
Why all the hate?
Joshua Hill
As if he couldn't be more annoying.
Jaxon Perez
because the scripting is far, far from okay
>t4 has been out for 2 years >only karazhan is scripted, and poorly at that
James Evans
wow this is meta snack
Easton Morales
server is 1 year old, so t4 being 2 years old is a bit doubtful.
and why do you say kara is poorly scripted?
Jason White
>basically new >year and a half old >kara was released 5 months ago
Aaron Brooks
you guys want to hear a joke?
snack got boh
Liam Garcia
>okay scripting top kek
like first few mobs in ramparts, the most basic dungeon in TBC, are not working as intended. (houndmaster spawns a million hounds)
caster mobs in general are not working as intended. sometimes they just don't cast, and instead opt to just stand there and stare at you
LoS issues up the ass.
npcs don't patrol. like at all.
quest items don't visually dissapear when the quest item gets looted by someone like 80% of the time.
mobs randomly evade and ignore you
although the scripting quality isn't even the most laughable thing about the server, it's how slow they do... anything. the server has been up for over 1 & ½ years and still has all of the above issues, plus not even all of Kara, the only raid instance they have available, is released (Nightbane isn't out if I remember correctly)
the server is dogshit. these are all issues that were there over a year ago, and they never bothered fixing.
Cooper Hughes
>the Snack "I can't reach 4k dps on Patchwerk" McOgrelord got BoH
Henry Williams
>why do you say kara is poorly scripted? i find it hard to believe you haven't seen the prince video spammed
Asher Richardson
I seriously can't wrap my mind around it, people are actually playing on vengeace, despite all we know about it?
Kevin Carter
Dickriding and desperation go a long way.
Joseph Baker
Holy shit, tyrannis is going to new lengths with these thread wars.
Jaxson Morales
l4g shills in full force tonight boys
Hudson Ortiz
some niggers already doing karazhan on l4g nice prequest xdxd
Jayden Carter
l4g is unironnically better than vengeance, its an actual fresh start instead of people running around in full karazhan gear
Isaac Martin
The relm label;ed international progress?
Christian Hernandez
Did you have a stroke?
Blake Howard
We got a L4G guild yet?
Liam Thompson
yes whisper Deadassassin for invite
Owen Rodriguez
Don't think so. People still just testing the waters. It feels pretty buggy so far by not much worse than vengeance. PlayTBC probably won't be better either.
Luis Robinson
Since tbc is absolute garbage, what wotlk server should I roll? what faction is on tod?
Levi Moore
xcal hello? also guild leadership being passed on/new guild when?
Parker Perry
Grayson Morales
Does Lordaeron typicially experience queues like this?
What's a good WOTLK/TBC server besides theater of dreams/Vengeance?
Brayden Hughes
Is there a mage macro for eating and drinking at the same time?
#showtooltip Conjured Cinnamon Roll /use Conjured Cinnamon Roll /use Conjured Crystal Water
Trying to get it working.
Mason Kelly
>not much worse than vengeance
it's twice as good, vengeance shills need to fuck off
Confirmed vengeance bugs after 1+ year of release:
like first few mobs in ramparts, the most basic dungeon in TBC, are not working as intended. (houndmaster spawns a million hounds)
caster mobs in general are not working as intended. sometimes they just don't cast, and instead opt to just stand there and stare at you
LoS issues up the ass.
npcs don't patrol. like at all.
quest items don't visually dissapear when the quest item gets looted by someone like 80% of the time.
mobs randomly evade and ignore you
although the scripting quality isn't even the most laughable thing about the server, it's how slow they do... anything. the server has been up for over 1 & ½ years and still has all of the above issues, plus not even all of Kara, the only raid instance they have available, is released (Nightbane isn't out if I remember correctly)
the server is dogshit. these are all issues that were there over a year ago, and they never bothered fixing.
Brandon Sullivan
Stop trying to shill your shitty server. Arenas and BGs don't even work on l4g, Ramparts is even worse on l4g.
Go fuck yourself.
Liam Watson
Considering Vengence keeps going down today idk why you feel the need to shill.
Lucas Nguyen
that should work on later wow version and if its vanilla you are playing might need to get supermacro addon
Elijah Ortiz
i'm anti shilling, saving those pour souls you con into playing on the same pile of shit you play on
Isaac Cooper
Probably need the addon this is 2.4.3 tbc.
Asher Davis
Is there a npc to port you from stormwind to the dark portal?
Also any tricks to l4g? Console commands to change rates or anything?
Is this all blizzlike would kinda like fast rep.
Jayden Morris
I said that it wasn't much worse than vengeance and it's only just released. Don't be so defensive.
Levi Ross
Tyrannis is by far the worst this general has seen
>thread wars >splitting the community because he has autistic fits for being treated "unfair"
you can tell this dumb nigger has built up issues fighting over scraps of dirt with his little autistic brother, the moment he feels someone is getting something he aint he flips his shit
Josiah Sullivan
He's a typical trump supporter. Dumb as fuck.
Dylan Bell
>loot council on Atlantiss hah see ya
Matthew Ross
yea there are queues all the time because they fake their population
Nathan Ward
the vengeance guild is horde right
Caleb Kelly
Elijah Smith
Invite shillbot
Charles James
He's definitely in the guild already.
Christopher Martin
Well it seems both vengence and l4g are shitting themselves today.
Anyone have a link to the 2.4.3 frost mage leveling spec?
Lincoln Morales
are you serious? for leveling just go fucking all in frost or atleast get clearcasting in arcane
Gavin Flores
All frost fgt
James Parker
It all looks good though was looking for some priorities
nvm just click whatever i want most first.
Jeremiah Russell
on Excalibur under new leadership, get in quick and secure your core slot. KZ on farm, lf10m na grulla dst reserved
Brayden Torres
>reserved items nice guild xd
Camden Young
>leaving out the one and only raiding wpsg guild
you officially started thread wars Tyrannis good job
James Richardson
Is there an Alliance guild on ToD?
Eli Flores
Reminder that this has been up for hours and has all the guilds
Jeremiah Perry
/wpsg/ on Atlantiss(CATACLYSM) WWU
Roll whatever you want, but if you can't decide we could use a: >Feral Tank >Healers in general >A rogue
The one that was there 2 months ago had 4 people leveling and they all switched to horde when started raiding.
Luke Rogers
Kys tyrannis
You're really close to getting kicked from discord.
Grayson Rodriguez
Out of Curiosity Lads, I haven't played wow in about 4 years, but used to be really into it. Yet I need to ask you guys if you recognize a certain Private Server
However, once I played on server that had really quick leveling and boosted stats, a clear funserver, yet what really amazed me was a dropchance with every enemy for a morphose item, that allows you to transform into said npc
I loved that, and had collected countless morphs, then through an injustice I was banned from that server. And after not thinking about it for years, I can't help but wonder which server it was, and if these features exist in any current server?
Thanks if anyone cares to answer or has even an idea where I could continue my search
Nathan Howard
Joshua Hall
If I start leveling a rogue will there be 10 already by the time I hit 85
Brody Garcia
Cooper Scott
doubt it
Grayson Cooper
Unban pickles and grimlic Keep glaston banned Ban tyrannis