Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

The thread died literally as I hit post edition

>Whats New:
Balance patch:

>where do I find you panda-loving faggots
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm/

Previous thread: rip

what the hell happened to the previous thread?

first for rexxar is actually fun when you rebind misha's leash to a more natural key

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Anyone buy anything in the last week?

5th for Where's Broxigar?

>tfw playing less every week

Same deal op, i was about to post and it died, and it was on page 9 when it happened.

Damn, cocktail is completely dead huh?

So, how do you play Worgen Greymane? I literally never do that.

I use to play a lot, but tracer I haven't been able to queue up anymore. It's like the tracer player gets to have fun, but it sucks for everyone else.

Post your first hero page and others rate how much of a fag you are.

I'm on the same boat at least for soloq, i'm always up for playing with pals

>having your gall higher than you cho


>having your cho lower than you gall

I like your style

i just realised i haven't played soloQ in at least 2 months

The first row are all Males, do you hate females of something?

>we want to make level 20 talents powerful
>lunara gets a cleanse at level 20 on a 45 second CD that can't even remove stuns from lunara
>tracer gets a full heal every 20 seconds since her recall is already a cleanse and long range teleport that also makes her invulnerable for 1 second
Why not just take the status effect removal off recall baseline and remove the heal talent at 20 and then put the status effect clear on that talent instead? She can still cleanse herself twice before lunara can cleanse once with her "powerful" level 20 talent.

Anyone else thinking of abandoning HOTS for Overwatch?

I never really liked the MOBA isometric view, I have been wishing for a really good MOBA style FPS for a really long time and Smite failed to deliver.

Also, it just feels like HOTS is a cash cow for Blizzshit, they don't REALLY care about it.

I only play cho'gall with a friend that has a warrior boner (straight outta wow) but has no idea about positioning and enjoys over extending.
It's pretty bad.

I love wimman famalam pic related

I picked up lunara recently and that thing dosen't feel like a 20 talent at all, maybe 16.
Sucks because that was one of the dryad core uses in w3, i like that she has a improved spell shield referencing the magic immunity.

Battleborne is more of an FPS moba, you might want to look into that.

It was so ded it actually died
The game is next

Okay, Worgen Greymane is fucking fun as all hell, I just end up feeding a lot more and I always think the cocktail's range is longer than it really is.

I do love the aim at minions in front of squishies minigame still.


get shitted

The icon update killed the game. Everyone loved the old classic icons because they were tied t abilities they had been familiar with for years. These new ones killed the spirit of the game as the summation of Blizzard's franchises by cutting that link.

What they were thinking with uther holy shit, even the extra abilities you gain are all FUCKING YELLOW

Heroes who sync well.

I actually like a lot of the stylized icons. Murky's and Rexxar's are my favorites.

get fucked in the ass

Well, I bought Zag. Tips? She's the only good specialist I own, so I might not get as frustrated when I have that quest (Sgt. Hammer, Murky, TLV [Okay, they are good, but not when I play them], Gazlowe, Abathur).

Also, should I just buy Desert Queen right now or ease myself into it?

Tyrande + Diablo/Xul/ETC/KT/Mura/Thrall/Zag
god i miss pre-nerf Tyrande

Artanis and Tassadar, it's even themed
>Tass shields don't fuck up artanis own surges of shielding
>Just enough life leech that also applies to your W
Also he can spec into give him movspeed, but with the baseline ZC that may not be a must now, also beam + wall

>diablo - dehaka/anub
probably tyroneda goes better but i pop a boner when i get a good diablo and i'm playing those two, really weird if our team dosen't kill whatever we were groping, impaling and or licking

Some are great, i only really complain about uther (and anub'araks Q since they look like a bunch of dragon dildos, and locust is pretty meh). ETC was needed since he had the same as death coil, flamestrike an dwarf toss

How long until we die again?

>since they look like a bunch of dragon dildos

>Azmo on team
>playing Jaina so I go lane with him to farm
>he took Seige

>playing late at night
>first game, a silenced player picked murky and is walking into towers
>no one said anything to him, beats me why he does it
>2nd game, a silenced player had last pick and got us Nova instead of the support we needed
>he spams ping all game
ok, that's enough HOTS for today


>Pick Greymane into a Li ming
>Our last pick is Silenced but picks Khara when we needed a healer
>Keeps AFKing in lane, ignoring every objective and gets ganked repeatedly
>Get added after the game
>"I was feeding intentionally because you counterpicked yourself"
Why the fuck do i even play this shit anymore?

We won because Jaina stronk.
But I wasted my time getting mobs weak for him to nuke for no benefit.

this is not LoL

Tyrande combos well with like everyone

Except Illidan.

Poor illidan

The key to countering tracer is to not play the game

>mfw flamestrike KT
it's only a matter of time till it becomes the go to build

isn't it already?
i never play anything else unless i'm on battlefields of eternity and we lack siege damage on the objective, so I go for the AA build


>Haven't played in a few months.
>Li-Mangy Whore is still a sopping cuntrag.
>Tracer is completely obsolete by her existing despite coming out later.

What the fuck, Shillzard.

>Play Rexxar.
>Have fun.
>Win games.

I don't understand.


If only Li-Minge didn't exist.

>Azmodan dunking all over Cloud 9
>Best NA team

Cho and Gall


Wow, genuine waifu fag.

>Tracer is completely obsolete by her existing despite coming out later.
Tracer absolutely shits on Lee ming. Any half decent tracer will dodge all her skillshots. and even the shitty ones dodge her skillshots on accident more often then not.

Rate my memes

I want to hate you for those 10 tracer & lemming with a


Where the FUCK is Superman???

Obviously a troll. Tracer completely counters li-ming, tracer is skillshot immune.

>fail to dodge skill shot
>lol recall

>yfw instead of nerfing tracer, they buff every other hero, and reduce the death timer

I need to play more azmo

Nothing but good tastes here.

>Muradin at 10
>Not purchased

I love high mobility Ranged guys.
I fucking love tracer because of her mobility, But because she's so OP, everyone bans her and i can't blame them.

I see no point in buying him, literally free all the time also i played him a lot when he was the most broken warrior in the game.

>first ban: lunara
>2nd ban: gazlowe
>it's a silenced player
>he intentionally dies
remind me why I play this game again
no one ever gets banned for this shit

>not playing exclusively as a 5 man stack in QM


I'm just getting fucking robbed of wins at rank 13. Fucking retarded bans every time.

Is this common?
How proud should I be of it?

I love zagara but xul shits on them all

what am I looking for?

>he's under 3k qm mmr
>he takes qm seriously
>he never makes meme teams, picks shitty ults, or take ridiculous risks

But I always pick shit ults

My Morales losses are due primarily to the dropship

Ah, Xul took over Zag's spot?

I really would think all the vision the creep gives would keep her numba 1.

I hear that the Gravekeepr cries all the nights because he doesn't have a personal map NEVERMORE, isn't that just the saddest thing you've ever heard?

>desert queen

wait for it to go on sale


unlike most heroes zagara is pretty strong throughout most of the game. short of creep (which you need to learn how to place, destroying it is entry level and the mobility/healing is too good to just throw away) you dont get any particularly good mobility until 20

you are a great laner and can bully nearly anyone out with just W, and can lane clear and siege almost immediately. make sure your Q splash is hitting as many creeps as possible

you can solo siege mercs early and easily.

learn talents and when to use them. There are 3 viable picks at level 7

xul is very very strong but zag is still a fucking monstergirl

>he doesn't know the thrill of killing people with lasers as falstad

you don't know shit about the qm life

In your experience, what is the average intelligence of people playing QM compared to vs. AI?

Tychus and Morales.

Azmodan and Johanna.

Malfurion and Gazlowe.

Abathur and Murky.

>This is my HL team
Just pencil me in for the lost fampai

that's a really fucking good team tho

assuming you assholes take the right ults anyways

you should win even without the crazy combo potential

>tracer is horribly out of position
>about to get stunned by enemy muradin and speared by sonya
>she fucks off before anything connects
i never know when to cleanse that bitch, she's always hopping around

So, BW is good right now, just hard to play?

I want more supports and the idea of BW is really appealing, but last time I tried to play as her (ages ago), I sucked balls.

>caster keeps saying "Miuradin"
Mur. It's "mur". Muuuuuuuurrrrrr

nah she's still shitty
only good with a good team comp that knows not to dive without knowing they will fuck shit up for sure, and that avoids as much unnecessary damage as possible

so basically, not in QM/HL

she's great at destroying divers with emerald wind though, always a great pick versus melee heavy teams. they get damaged AND stunned from it, heroes like artanis, arthas and butcher get absolutely destroyed

I just leave Tracers on my team alone. I don't have time to try and follow your position while I could be helping heroes that move like normal people. Decent tracers aren't getting CCd anyway.

Other than Illidan and Butcher, who else is a good hero to partner Abathur with?

I wish I could murder these fucking degenerate Abathur pickers in ranked who do absolutely fucking nothing, pick ultimate evolution, and say "it's only a game bro" as they completely fuck me and my rank.

I want to fucking slit these little cunts throats, so sick of these fucking retards.

>muh rank
Its only a game bro.

anything else, just go for the usual mine / push build



What is Dehaka and the butcher?
and sometimes Illidan...

Maybe Blizzard should get around to releasing that futuistic map that was teased with Darth Leoric.

And get around to releasing that cool chess-themed map from the concept.

Lunara is so cute, I just want to hold her little hand

>be Li Li
>really, really need cleanse
>conjurer's pursuit and decreased cost on Q
>kung fu panda
>constant healing
>C O N S T A N T
>infinite mana
>we went from getting wrecked every teamfight to no one dying
feels good man

Rexxar throws axes. Zeebo does vodoo. They've been outsourced.

>mmr has fallen 300 pts since 4/26
Fuck you Tracer.

she can get a little crazy but it's more rewarding than hard. it's not like illidan where a beginner would get blown up or want to go do camps all game.