Why are the Greeks so wewuzist...

Why are the Greeks so wewuzist? Every single Greek I have talked to on the internet started bragging about ancient Greece at one point, I am starting to think all Greeks behave like this.

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Because Greece is a shithole with nothing going for it, the population aren't much related to the ancients except by the language, they have no good history for the last 2000 years, so all they can cling onto is the ancients.

At least its real though, unlike slavs and blacks who just make shit up

Greek history is pretty great they should be proud of it nothing wrong in that

>being proud in shit you have nothing to do with
what's next you're going to be proud in the specific subjective interpretation of the brain to the outside stimuli of reality?
you're going to be proud of the fundamental laws of the universe?
in the product of DNA sequencing?
be proud in something that actually points to your virtuous as a living human being not to ideal concepts that are influenced by nothing but ego masturbation and inferiority complex.

>they have no good history for the last 2000 years
Byzantine Empire, fool.

Did they put a dick and balls on that colossal statue?

>your virtuous

Also, if this is the case then you should cast a much broader net and shame everyone from every country who is proud of anything that isn't directly related to them, not just the Greeks. Being proud of your country's culture is completely normal and even under your sperg-rules, still acceptable, given that most people's virtues, values and characters are majorly influenced by their national culture.

it's really bad especially since ancient greeks lost their national identity 3 generations into roman times

it's literally piggybacking, it's as WEWUS as saying egyptians were black

>what's next you're going to be proud in the specific subjective interpretation of the brain to the outside stimuli of reality?
>you're going to be proud of the fundamental laws of the universe?
>in the product of DNA sequencing?

Why not?

>be proud in something that actually points to your virtuous as a living human being

Why should you only be proud in that? Should one not feel proud of their son when they do good, even if they did good independently?

>not to ideal concepts that are influenced by nothing but ego masturbation and inferiority complex.


Virtues* sorry

there were greeks during Byzantium and during Ottoman empire

It had nothing to do with the fact that they are born in a certain geographical border, the cultural influences of the ancient Greeks are as far reaching as the entire western world and are as unquantifiable as any causes and effects of reality that manifest themselves to that extent, they simply have no logical reason to feel proud of something they had nothing to do with other than quench their soul's thirst for egotistic pleasure, and to imagine themselves as somehow superior to other men, this kind of cognitive laziness could only lead to negative outcomes and is contemptible.

All the good bits were in Turkey

So any sort of national pride is contemptible?

The association of modern-Greek culture with ancient Greek culture isn't as tenuous as you make it out to be. Modern Greek culture is a result of 20th century western Capitalism, 19th century European Nationalism, a few centuries of Balkan Ottoman occupation, 1000 years of Byzantine culture and a couple thousand more of Greco-Roman culture prior to that. Some cultural values of the past remain and to the extent that one lives their life according to them, they are entirely justified to feel proud of that.

It probably never existed, user.

It did. But it wasn't as the OP pic depicted it.

It existed, but it didn't span the entrance to the port. It stood aside it.

Something did exist, but it isn't the Colossus of Rhodes as most people see it, is what I meant.
I am sure there was a bronze statue, and it was probably big (as in, larger than a man, which was the standard), and it was probably near the port, where visitors would see it.
Anything more than that, I am skeptical.

>Why not?
because feeling proud of everything that exists without being an indication to yourself as being good takes out the virtue of proudness and leaves it dull and devoid of intellectual merit, the purpose of the feeling of being proud is so that you could indulge in your progress on the virtuous path, to make everything proud-able is equivalent of making everything beautiful or good, it takes the meaning out of the concept and leaves it deformed and wretched.

>Why should you only be proud in that? Should one not feel proud of their son when they do good, even if they did good independently?
A son has everything to do with you as a parent, obviously you should be proud of him as he is literally your own creation and points to your virtuousness.

Some assumptions are just logical conclusions

Stop generalizing ideas like a pleb, nationality is a symptom of the built in capacity of humans to identify with group mentality, if you had significant impact on the current manifestation of nationalistic conception than sure you have everything to be proud of, but if by the limits of space-time or any other variable a given culture was not of your making than it doesn't indicate anything to your merit as a human and shouldn't generate a feeling of proudness, it's really not complicated just think logically and be honest with yourself.

This, only constantinople was the exception, there was a reason why the byzantine got so fucking scared after the seljuk roaches kicked them out of anatolia.

I'd reply to this properly, but this shitty Android browser covers your post with my reply box and deletes my post if I try to go back.

So I'll just give you a lazy, vacuous conterargument:

Virtue is a spook lmao




By definition, anyone who is influenced by a culture and who then contributes to it (by virtue of merely participating in it, so everyone except for basement dwellers) is entitled to feel a connection to it and thus, be proud. This doesn't just go for "national cultures" (which are hard to define anyway) but any sort of culture. I have the feeling you're on the spectrum.

Everything is a spook,the concept of spook is a wonderful example of what I meant with identifying everything with a word, a word exists as a system of specific laws and limitations to generate a placeholder for easily accessible meaning, if you take the borders out of a word and make it to mean everything it becomes meaningless.

I never noticed that big ass rod jutting out from his ass.

I said significant impact, your lowered standards of proudness are idiotic, by your standards you should be proud automatically of everything that's related to your culture because you are a part of it simply by existing(wars, reality tv shows, music, gay parades)
See why your thinking doesn't work?

You don't have to be proud of aspects of your culture that you don't participate in. I don't fight in my countries wars or support them, don't watch or take part in reality tv shows, or go to gay parades. Therefore I don't feel any connection or pride relating to them. Simple.

>Byzantine Empire

pick one, because these are two different countries and identities

second one didn't even really exist in ancient times

man greeks are such niggers, trying to both claim Byzantine AND greek history

fucking irritating little turks speaking greek

Did you invent your culture's history? flag? national anthem? art? science? philosophy? did you contribute to any of these branches anything at all?
Your logic is basically
>I was born to a specific kind of culture that has nothing to do with me, but I choose to be proud only in things that I have nothing to do with but I identify with and not these other things that I have nothing to do with but I don't identify with
You simply want to feel the easy satisfaction of self indulgence and egocentric behavior with your non-existant standards, just be honest with yourself and admit your contemptiblity

So Germans have no claim to Frederick's legacy or the Teutons?

Idiotic 3rd worlder. It's understandable that you don't grasp such concepts if you're from a place with no history.

It's the shithole mentality - I also live in one - Romania.

I don't share the mentality but it's real and prevalent among most people.

Brag about history and most of that history is actually buffed up by conspiracy theories and dumb hypothesizes which would be deconstructed in 10 seconds if any academician took serious interest.

We should constantly live in the present and be proud with what we have when we have - and work to maintain it or shape it in something better.

Hanging in ancient past - which is absolutely irrelevant for today, is pure depression + I repeat this is a fact people base themselves on conspiracy theories and dumb ideas, not even historical reality.

they don't

remember romans literally went to war with greeks and conqured them, assimilated them

how can you claim both the one and the other
you have to be a confused turk to do that

Which period of Romanian history are Romanians especially proud of?

Good question - I don't know what's the general interest.
>we wuz aspect
of it is with ancient Dacia history - they invent lots of stupid shit.

I'm personally interested in late medieval history and that's about it.


^ but ain't nobody got time to read that.

Read the brief on main page:


scroll to Middle Ages

not him, but is this correct:
romania in middle ages was predominantly slavic - wallachia and moldavia, even writing using the slav alphabet, but there was a minority speaking a romanece language, which later took over

out of the loop, what does that even mean?

But that's the case with almost every single country in the world. Modern day nation-states are the results of various entities taking over each other to reach the point we're at today. This doesn't stop you from identifying with the elements of those entities' cultures that remain in the present day and that you appreciate.

I've come to the conclusion that you exist in a sphere of autism and have no interaction with the outside world. Therefore it is pointless to continue this conversation. Your perception of pride is unlike anyone else's, in fact it seems you total reject it as an idea in preference of satisfaction. You're a simple, mechanistic being.

when people claim egyptians were black, people who think egyptians weren't black say 'WE WUZ KAAAAAANGZ N SHIIEEET' emulating black amircan speak, being ironic etc.

wewuzist would then mean people who leech off history that's not their own - exactly like modern day greeks

No one said that.

No it was not predominantely slavic, ethnically speaking - pretty much the same group of people since Dacian-Roman mixture stayed in the lands without wars, conquests and so on ... just didnunuffin for a huge period of time. The slavic immigration's were a minority.

And the proto-slav alphabet was used only in Church life for Church administrative reasons, mainly Byzantines lossing control of slavic regions in Europe - and their representants having to join patriarchate of Rome.

So it was more like slavic alphabet was the Roman approved Church alphabet for the regions.

Romania was more fond of Byzantines tho and pretty much based our first biblical translations and even earlier Church texts on the Greek.

Saying that Romania is slav is not historically and ethnically correct. There's this research group that genetically mapped Europe - their various mappings clearly show that there's not a link at all to slavs.

>when people who think egyptians weren't black claim egyptians were black, people who think egyptians weren't black say 'WE WUZ KAAAAAANGZ N SHIIEEET' emulating black amircan speak, being ironic etc.
Fixed for you

Everything's deterministic so there's either nothing to be proud of or everything to be proud of.

I err on the side of nothing.

After all, nothing is the basis for all, and nothing lasts forever, and so nothing is something to be proud of.

>But that's the case with almost every single country in the world.
No it isn't.
Countries have to preserve ethnic identity/ethnonym, otherwise it simply doesn't count as preserving the nation into the next generation.

You can't skip generations, and say 'muh culture', 'muh language' , 'muh religion'.

>there's not a link at all to slavs.
>at all
but mircu, vlad etc. are slavic names + there are many slavic words in romanian


*tips fedora*

God I hate these teenage nihilists.
>But they lied to me in church, man! If there is no God then NOTHING matters, MAN!

Stop beign so butthurt that you were hoodwinked and find you own identity.

people who are worthless and have nothing in life hang onto others peoples accomplishments simply by some stupid association... nationality, language, ethnicity, skin color.

There's a slavic influence in our language yes.

I don't think names of one nation have to be inspired 100% from its distant past.

Romania was surrounded by slavic nations - lots of them traveled to do trade, it obviously influence the whole culture.

But ethnically speaking not slavic, but some of them mixed indeed.

But anyway why the fuck matters - modern genetics showed that Romanians are not slavic and secondly we have other problems right now.

>Wow these arguments are correct
>Lets just stop having borders, nationalism is stupid
>Turns out the natives actually were better than other when the country becomes new pakistan/mexico

>talking points out of fucking nowhere

Thessalonica was in Turkey?

Would the ancient Macedonians be considered racially Greek? The Greeks looked down on them as barbarians from the north, and most Macedonians didn't consider themselves to be greek, yet the leaders did for the most part.

>not understanding wewuz

greeks didn't consider themselves greek either

Then why did they go on pan-Hellenic crusades? (minus Sparta)

do you see the problem and how your post actually doesn't make sense as a response to my post

you should by now

Nope, Hellenic and greek mean the same thing


Ok then did macedonians consider themselves Hellenic?


"wewuzism" is when people claim to be descended from historical peoples or cultures when they actually weren't. For example:


"muh heritage" is what you are looking for OP.

Either that or it's clinging to a distant past that really doesn't have any connections to the modern world

i don't know
what i know is both macedonians and the people you call greek are victims of historical thievery by fyrom and greece

are you 'greek'

are you ok, user

No I'm british, just interested in Ancient Greece and Alexander the Great

Greeks are literally the worst people on this planet

>turkish rapebabies
>did literally nothing for mankind, just cried their way towards anything they got now
>only way how they survive is leeching of others
>their whole country is poor af, and dirty and smelly
>and still think they are so great because their (0,000005%) ancestors were god-tier thousands of years ago

Turkey should unironically annex them, they serve zero purpose in this world

Is there ANYONE on Veeky Forums that thinks building this is a good idea?

Modern greek identity includes Macedonia who are probably genetically the same as they were back then. Greeks had some sense of identity but it didn't count for much and Macedonia was indeed excluded for quite a while. When the Romans conquered greece in fact some of them looked at rome as liberators from macedon. FYROM however is bulgar and doesn't really have any connection to Macedonia beyond name.

What exactly 'Greek' is could be debated for decades but historically the Hellenic people were thought to stretch from Attica to Constantinople.

>Countries have to preserve ethnic identity/ethnonym, otherwise it simply doesn't count as preserving the nation into the next generation.

>The Greeks looked down on them as barbarians from the north
The Ancient Greeks would call anyone they didn't like a barbarian, even if it was a fellow Ancient Greek as well.

We wuz is only for people claiming to be a different people they never were, like black Americans claiming to be Egyptians. Nice reading comprehension.

>didn't like a barbarian
Shut up. Barbarian was a word used for people who didn't speak Greek, hence everyone but themselves.

The Spartans called the Athenians barbarians during the fucking Pelopponisian War.


It's not we wuz if they actually were, you mouthbreathing fucking memeing retard.

If Greeks were such smartypants back in antiquity, why aren't they so in the modern world?

Where are all the modern Greek philosophers, scientists, and athletes?

Are we *sure* it's the same people?

Fuck off retarded stormnigger.

When you are under turkish occupation for 400 years of course you are going to lag behind in the sciences and the arts.

Every reputable scientist says that modern greeks are very close to ancient greeks, you would know that if you bothered to read once in a while.

Fucking stormniggers, you ruined /pol/ and now you are trying to ruin Veeky Forums as well.

Can you define spook for me? Ive never heard it used in this context before

>Can you define spook for me?

you don't belong here.

it means "Thing that you like that I don't like".

They still call Istanbul "Constantinople" and don't accept it's not theirs anymore. Hilarious

it's all the fault of socrates desu

I would be pretty chuffed if my ancestors were the founders of western civilization, fended off the persians against the odds, and made huge contributions to art, philosophy, language, maths, etc.

just let us bealieeeeeeve

>Alexander and his fellow Macedonians looked down on the Greek soldiers as unreliable and cowardly

AYOOO HOL UP 'smacks cross on their fat chest
U WUZ SAYIN 'makes gyros kebab'

When you have Greek historians claiming Daedalus existed and that he built realistic wooden statues that came to life via magic, I'm gonna take a giant colossus spanning a seaport with a grain of salt too.

Ill take retardation for 2000 trebeck. Oh shit daily double!!

Well hopefully you would actually do something to make yourself worthy of that legacy instead of sitting around and being a lazy retard like every modern Greek.

Ancient Greece is amazing desu senpai.

Also, pic related

Well was everyone else in the room laughing or were they too afraid of a dory in the dick?

Don't modern Greeks have almost no ties to the Archaic and Classical Greece? Isn't it appropriation.
I mean Greece has changed ownership from the Romans, to the Venetians to the Ottomans. It's thousands of years of different people owning the land. It's like saying modern day Italians are direct decedents of the Romans.

The Romans were the only ones who actually influenced Greeks as a whole to the point where they claimed to be Romans themselves. Venetians and Ottomans on the other hand were simply occupiers; nothing more, nothing less.

Ding ding ding, retard alert

We are all like this because we built your covilization while you were stacking mudhouses.

Do you think entire populations just swap around because the ruling body changes?

Are you seriously implying that because Greeks were ruled by Ottomans for centuries that they somehow aren't descended from Byzantine Greeks? And because Byzantine Greeks were ruled by "Romans" that they somehow weren't descended from Classical Greeks?

And now it's the other way around

3rd generation Greek American here. I've been totally infatuated with ancient greek mythology since I was a child, and as I grew I became an admirer of classical philosophy and art.

Renaissance and Enlightenment era glorification of high Greek culture only adds fuel to the fire.

In a purely romantic way, I would love to attach some cord between those people and myself - some sense of ancestor worship, I suppose. To make my admiration spiritual and personal due to my ethnicity.

I have no way of knowing if that desire can be rationalized, of course; I just want it to be true.

Not sure if we wuz, but I know they wuz and it's be great if I wuz dem too.

Bro, I feel the same about history and culture of my ancenstors. By the way, I'm Greek from Russia.
What do you think about Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων? Was it a great time for greek-romans for you?

>Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων
>Was it a great time for greek-romans for you?

I suppose so. Certainly better than what's going on today! I don't admire it as much as I do antiquity, though.

It is ironic, because the real tactile culture my family maintained was through the Greek Orthodox church; these are the tactile, personal memories I actually possess, my more honest lineage I suppose.

It's not what I want, though; my more 'romantic' yearnings are for Hellenic imagery. I have nothing against Christianity, of course, it just doesn't really factor into my sense of self as a Greek. I haven't maintained any relationship with the church at all and don't plan to. So ironically I suppose my link to the Byzantine has been severed.

Pay your fucking debts, Alexandropouloconatantinopoulopapapoulos!
