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Way of the blue is the best covenant ever edition

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>Essential PC mods
>DSCM - manually connect to specific players




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What's the best weapon to attempt to win against gankers?

Is the great mace worth farming for?

Lord's Blade covenant when




>Completing your objective as a phantom refills your HP
>But not your FP

requesting gif/webm of parry to weapon swap to great axe riposte

We're making a /dsg/ Ashen Ones collage.
Follow the instructions in pic related and reply to this post with your screenshot.
I'll update the collage periodically until it gets obscenely large.

HQ pic: puu.

quickstep claws with iron flesh at 99.9% equip load

is this a proper trade off or is it worth it to go 40 endurance and 20 dex instead of an even 30/30 split?

Straight Sword in left hand and Shield in right

anything that can swing wide and / or fast.
cliffs with force are also a cheap option if you have extra points.

Repostan from previous thread ending.

So, how best can I set up a situation for Sentinels/Moons to get their ears?

Do they get an ear every time they kill an invader, or only when they kill all active invaders (eg. if two invaders are present, do they need to kill both to get one ear, or do they get an ear for each)?

Can I set up a farming situation with purple phantom fightclubs or something?

I swear it used to

How do you deal with the Fume UGS 2h rolling R1? It's fast with loads of range, hits like a truck, and it seems like it has hyperarmour from frame 1 so swinging into the end of the roll because you're expecting it results in a trade?

Is this parryable?

>online trophies

fuck this game

How is force in DaS3? Does it have a wide knockback or a shitty one like DaS1? What's the cast speed?

It's objectively the worst great hammer. It's terrible with every single infusion and has awful AR overall. It's the broken sword of great hammers.

SL1 deprived

if only they had a green tunic and a green hat

Every single invasion / coop reward is farmable.
Have fun.

I don't even know what this was.

I think it gives them rewards for the specific invader they were summoned to kill, I've had three invaders in my world and the one blue left after killing one of them, but the second blue who was summoned later didn't get to leave until both the other invaders were dead, leading me to believe that he was summoned for the one who died last, as he was summoned when all three invaders were still active. I was running an impromptu help club for blues at the time.

who /fuckupthehostinfightclubs/ here

>Getting pissed off at hodrick healing every time he slithers below half health
>use a charm
>he spends the rest of the fight trying to heal
well that was easy

Graphical bug. It's very common with that particular lift, for some reason. I've gotten it, too.


Threadly reminder invasions are working as intended

>invade dungeon
>host has a phantom friend
>figure I do the only fair thing and hide out in the room with thousands of jailers circling the pillar
>get seeded
>joke's on them I have hidden body and can still move freely
>eventually host and I have stare-off in that one small hallway with the mimic in it
>look at him
>he looks at me
>look at the mimic
>bash mimic with my staff to wake it up while invisible
>watch it charge at the host and his buddy
fun shit
His phantom buddy actually threw undead hunter charms at it to make it fall asleep, so that was pretty cool.

it's an elevator that goes back down to the room with the lothric knight and healer right after the dancer ladder.

What's the slug thing with rosaria? Is it her tail?

and closed
Fuck off and don't advertize your garbage here.

That dude hit your elevator with his magic daggers and your elevator got softbanned.

It's a man-grub in the process of being reborn. The completed product are those things crawling all around the entrance to her room.

Why is the beginning of this game so shit? Undead settlement, farron keep, crucifixion woods. Knowing I need to trudge literally through these areas on every new build makes me want to give up instantly.

>he actually did it


It's her placenta

What's the time limit on this? Opted to remake my guy, will take a while to get all my fashion sorted out again.

Do you enjoy your Dark Souls with friends or alone?


>you can throw talismans at mimics AFTER they've woken up to stun them

Wait, what?

who is this artist?

FromSoft please add poise to DaSIII

>Wear full Dancer set
>Be a phantom
>The glorious curvature of my female char's ass is highlighted even more



It's a slug laying its head on her lap


>firelink mages popular fashion
>can't switch it out because too much in love with cloak
I hope dlcs add more wizard fashion.

>he actually did it
>my pile of ashes made it in
Very good.
Now, what's up with all those Firekeeper robes? Step it up, /dsg/.

Farron memesword main hand, wolf knight greatshield off hand.

Bloodbite ring +1 if you see someone pull out the carthus rouge.

People love wailing on greatshields, especially people with bleed weapons.

Parry them on their third hit with your greatshield. They'll NEVER see it coming. The parry might actually be fast enough to get them on the second hit depending on the weapon they're using.

Drop a lot of thank you carvings afterwards.

Silver Grizzly

What's prime level for Aldriching?

I'm gonna make a Silver Knight build.

this one close enough for you?

level 2 of farron watchdogs how is possible?

Alone first, then friends.

Is the Lucerane the same as the Black glaive in moveset?
I really hate to have to go through the whole game to get the weapon I want.

Also, by the looks of it quality would be the best for glaive/lucerane. Is there a way to incorporate pyro and make it effective enough for offence?


As long as you get it in this thread I'll see it


>tfw you recognize someone

First guy on the last line. It's the guy who gave me my Carthus Sword.


>blue gets summoned in during my invasion
>almost instantly gets fucked up by enemy throwing firebomb onto explosive keg
I feel kinda bad for blues who get fucked directly, i wonder how long he waited for that chance.

>spend my whole game waiting to get the storm curved sword
>finally get it and upgrade it to +5
>find out it's shit now because in the past it had an infinite stagger combo and so it's weapon art was nerfed to have no stagger and is now mostly useless

>try gundys halberd
>lose most fights
>try BKGA
>lose most fights
>try FUGS
>lose most fights
>go back to dark sword
>win practically everything

Well, I tried. But it seems the stunlocking meta is the way to go...

unpossible online
many farming goats requires

>the bright blue dude



hang out at the doggie and watch stuff/read shit on your second monitor while you wait for summons


Not the one I was looking for but I can use it as an example. Thanks.

>invade in Settlement
>host has two phantoms and has already used a Seed

>go up to where hollows throw firebombs at you
>kite them around the corner to the pyromancer
>stand near his cage and dodge the firebombs
>they kill the fucking NPC

Wow. I wonder if you can kill Onionbro the same way

farm swordgrass from the ghrus
they drop them more reliably than silver knights for darkmoon ears

Shame I'm about to head to bed then.
Ah well.

good enough?

Completely alone on initial playthrough for maximum challenge. Jolly cooperation is for dicking around with builds and helping scrubs.


>tattered cloth set
W H A T?

also I think a different background might be better to contrast with the flame

>that one guy who doubted
Nice work, user.

so much fashion to choose from now

What's the most fun Greatsword?

>farron meme mainhand, WA greatshield offhand
that's brilliant and/or you're the actual devil

I cant find them online, hmm.

Thank you John Cena, Nameless King+2 down!

>try a straight sword
>lose most fights
>try a spear
>win most fights
>try winged knight halberd
>win most fights

hell, I even won with the crescent moon sword the one time I used it. looks like it's reverse for me.

Someone come help me kill lord of cinder on my pyromancer twink. password dsg

If no one shows up in 5 minutes I am never coming back here again!

Given how many coals you find in 3, I had wished they would show up somewhere around his work area or at least display the latest one you gave him.
In hindsight, it was more because of how barren his huge workspace is than anything.

Also Eddie is the only one with a bed. Does this make him smarter than the other smiths or does it make them that much more badass?

>long, painstaking ascent up this incredible castle
>the view from the top when its over before you go to collect the final lord soul
>the fight, while not all that difficult is pretty interesting
>that fucking OST

Holy shit, was Lothric castle the best area?

inb4 Irithyll

So, did anyone find a use to the random crab in the catacomb ? I was thinking of maybe pushing it into lava to make it "embered"

For those that don't know ,in the catacombs if you break the second skeleton ball ,a baby crab will come out, people think it's like the baby pig in dark souls 2 that you could lead somewhere super far to get a pickaxe

Additionally one of the giant crabs in smouldering lake is embered AND doesn't aggro at all, but taking the baby crab to it does nothing

Make a character from Fate

Hard mode: No Saber class

Harder mode: Archer only

I'll be posting again in future threads, so keep an eye out in the first few posts


onion will get up and wreck your ass if you poke him wrong, but it's no doubt possible to bait hosts into aggroing him

next time train them to eygon, he stomps on low level players

Bye bye.

>summon Hodrick in the swamp
>get invaded by a watchdog a few seconds later
>pull Hodrick to the watchdog
>watchdog gets 1shot by Hodrick

Hodrick is such a bro

Is Carthus GS viable in pvp? Is the Kumo just a straight upgrade?

>5 minutes
>summons the same gold phantom at least three times, then other one twice or something
>ally reds hitting eachother
>all that unpunishable chugging

I've had constant summons at SL60, you'd probably get even more at SL50.

Ash Ursidae


What level should I be invading the catacombs at?

>PC version already a hacker paradise

So much for the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""master"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" race thing huh? Premium kek

If I defeat the lord of cinder, can I go back and fight the optional bosses before NG+?

That's one damn heroic looking pose