OT: eyosongive.us
League of Legends General /lolg/
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
Xth for Leona
lucky night tonight
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wieners in my mouth
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Come play Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Why do people not realize how cute Taliyah is?
>those thick brows
>that nose
She is C U T E
Breast waifu
Am I still banned?
Don't forget the feminine penis and tight bp. I'm glad we finally have an actual qt trap champion.
what happened to this autist, did he finally kill himself?
I love Lissandra!
Futa is love
Futa is life
Behead those who insult futa
Thanks ho.
You remind me of Akari Akaza... Just moseying your way into gold Elo.
Trundle is the best husbando! He's perfect and a great lover.
Is contestfag still around?
I wanted to ask what champions can host Taliyah as a guest, aside from the obvious Sivir. Freljord girls maybe?
Xth for Katarina
best girl
yasuo because they're friends
Those thighs are fucking awful
I just sent a Sivir suggestion involving Taliyah don't worry senpai.
I swear i clicked the image this time
>Try to play Aurelian Sol.
>Some assassin jumps directly to me and just murders my face.
>Try to play safe and they just dive and kill me.
>Qs doesn't seem to able to stun people standing basically on top of you.
Sure doesn't feel like I'm playing a cosmic dragon god.
This ins't going to be a skin you have fucking sperged this image a hundred times over. Get a fucking grip you piece of worthless unloved shit.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA
idk if host is doing bets edition
I love how none of these threads discuss league at all, its just constant waifu faggotry
>saving up for a 4800 ip champ
>this happens
What does this mean? If I get to promos it'll promote me twice? I'm at 0 lp and I haven't played ranked in a long time so I don't know how that's possible
You're right instead of discussing the champions we like we should only discuss the code that they used to create the client.
it's sad because it's true
>This end-game chat
Viktor spergs on me because I said GG EZ. Do you agree with Viktor's or Ezreal's standpoints? Has Riot gone too far with the war on toxicity?
it might not be accurate if you haven't played in a long time
they stated a long time ago that it was the community's decision based on tribunal votes that GG EZ is bannable. The only reason people say it now is to test to see if they'll actually be punished which is a terribly stupid thing to do.
lol jesus user cringe jesus thats so cringe man... ow!!1
>be bronze III
>2 diamond smurfs invite me after a game
>wow your map awareness is spectacular!
>carry with them every game
Is Pantheon still the king of climbing?
Things that never happened for 500; Alex!
>try and talk about your experience in game
>"nice blog faggot"
Yep, welcome to the waifu circlejerk.
Try to claim one before you get cucked.
What site can I use to see what champion rank I am in the world
example: 100th best zed
The loading screen will tell you that
I can't believe azingy is dead
What do you mean it doesn't do that
I can't believe it's not butter!
If you are the 100th best, or higher, on a champion you will have that icon on the loading screen
The key to climbing is being calm.
Learning how to win a losing lane is key.
You may win the lane however given averages about half the time you will lose lane. This is what separates the silvers from the golds.
Become unmovable. Do not given into early first bloods and double kills on the enemy side. They are just noise.
Play as best you can ever time and most importantly play safe until the odds are in your favor.
Not everyone can win a line. Anyone can lose it with style and go on to win.
>finally get a game where it isnt mid and jg sitting top against me
>im singed against darius
>amazingly dont die to him until after he's already legendary
>my thresh screaming how I fed him
>i was only 15 CS behind and hadn't died to him at that point
>thresh tries to surrender
>he ragequits
and i lose LP for this
>Was out of the NA LCS scene loop for about a month
>Never saw the play off
>immortals didn't win and get to go to msi
>Its fucking CLG instead
>Azir, one of the most beloved champions in League, is now "evil" because he's an "evil dictator and symbol of the male bird patriarchy"
>Taliyah, the biggest tumblr shit ever made by Riot, will defeat the evil patriarchy and become Queen of Shurima
i believe 'asswipe' is a bannable offense too
>Azfags BTFO'D
Literally impossible.
These kids tilt so fucking hard that if they even die once, they try so hard to get it back, that they're 0-3 before anyone even blinks
tfw trundlefag will never marry you
Not 100th, I think it's something like 1000.
If it doesn't show there, it'll be on lolskill. It'll be a small gold icon like this
>Azir, one of the most beloved champions in League
Nigger... shut the fuck up
>is now "evil"
Always was. He's a conquerer who wants to claim everything in the name of Shurima. He by no means is a 'good guy'
blame Huni for being unwilling to learn tank top laners
>treats xerath like a huge piece of shit and enslaves his people
>directly causes the collapse of shurima as a great society because he was too busy trying to become an actual god
>deadbeat dad for literal millenia
>"i'm a good guy i just wanna rebuild shurima ;_; im reformed im gud bird"
yea ok kid
I bet you think Lulu isn't a bad guy either.
yeah climbing up your average deaths/game stat
i hope he has eyebrows in heaven
Azir pls
No one ever said Azir was "evil". Good and evil are just points of view anyway. Azir IS a retard however.
This is true. Difficult but true. A lot of my problem though was dealing with others as well, I'm bad with people and others not being on top of their shit irritates me too, especially when they snub any and all attempts at communication or criticism. Learning to not care about that sort of thing is tough.
i want to titfuck samus
>lets slaves free
>one blows shurima the fuck up
l0l azir dindu nuffin
I agree with Ezreal but I'd report you anyway because I'm a good little girl. :3c
reminder that he has literally done nothing wrong
>soraka ys pure and yet quite sexually skilled
>Taliyah, a fucking mtf will be queen
>not Sivir, actually descended from royalty and richer than anyone else in the entire fucking world
you can't be pure and sexually skilled, that entire graph is simply wrong on a fundamental level because it cannot resolve such a contradiction.
dl you think azir and qurupeco would be friends
>some retards in lolg still try to deny it
>implying you can be richer than taric
>it's going to end up as a catfight between Sivir and Taliyah
thank you based riot
>Some brat wants to free her family
>This somehow translates into ruling a goddamn nation.
In my case I can never climb because my internet is shit. 400 ping feels bad man.
Who are some good anti-ad picks top lane? I already play cancer rock when he's not banned
>400 ping
Do not play multiplayer games that involve real time reactions.
RTS and MMO's to a degree are a better fit.
I'm going to have to give you a (You) and agree. I do much better than a lot of my friends because while they're tilting, I just remain calm as fuck because it's a shitty video game. I'm climbing better solo than I do with my tilty friends. But I really do like playing with other people. It's an odd forced habit.
"Why you hafta be mad, et's only game"
That guy knew what he was talking about
Almost as ridiculous as a benevolent if not a little prideful emporer being spun as a mustache twirling villain don't you think
Shen, Rammus, Sion
She's a natural born talent
so you cant have a good looking char because she got deepz lore
make sense to me
>he's never been with a virgin who sucked cock like a pro
I pity you senpai
>A couple merchants don't like azir coming back
>Suddenly that makes him an evil mustache twirling villain
She has never seen, spoken to, or encountered azir before. The only information she has about azir is from a couple guys who don't like him
>been with a catholic virgin
>she could suck a golfball through a garden hose
but i dont know if she counted as pure at that point
Why is sona so busty?
Yeah, she was born with a HUGE talent.
>We already have 33 sexualized women in the game (I went and counted)
Do we really?
Does the term "unreliable narrator" mean anything to you? Seriously though, Azir is a retard, Shurima's fall was partly his fault.
Not anymore. Check all her new splashes. God bless Irontumblr.
reposting because why not wrong thread.
How did I do?