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Dead Content Edition
Watch this every day to get better at PvP
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I'd be interested in chilling and talking.
Actually, that's all I do in Destiny is play and chill with people.
On PS4 here.
I got a gjallarhorn from a legacy engram on Sunday and I haven't touched it because of banner. Why did I even want it and what do I do with it now?
Reset soon
What are you gunning for this week?
>What are you gunning for this week?
daddies cummies
>what are you gunning
To fire a couple rounds into you
Scrap it
acquire sleeper simulant instead
Shrek patrol taken bosses every 10 minutes with it. Take it on vault runs when they happen. Whip it out in KFHM and wait to see how long it takes before someone notices.
>stopped playing around the time crota hard mode came out
>light 307
>never did that long ass quest for the 310 artifact and still only have a 300 artifact
>now see light 330 people
wat do
CoO gives 1 out (above your light level) every Antiquated
Do Weekly Heroics, T3 Court of Oryx, Nightfalls, IB, NM and HM King's Fall,Challenge of Elders,Trials of Osiris.
If there are any Xboners still kicking around that need a super last minute raid done feel free to join.
GT is Virusloth.
Zen meteor. My boyfriend got it this weekend and I'm so mad, It's like hawkmoon all over again. I'll be grinding strikes for it.
yeah nightfalls 320 so thats a no
guess its court of oryx for me, and guess ill do my 2 last weekly heroics before the reset (i assume resets are still tuesdays?)
i only left cuz there was no content, heard they reopened PoE but still I just want more raids
anyways thanks guys
>still no cabal raid
>only fleshed out story has been one mission which was more focused on the taken
>we are closer to year 3 than year 1
>no actually new content since the start of year two
lol faggot
I'm straight as a ruler. But If zen meteor is a gril I would raifu her.
What would a cabal raid's final boss be?
Probably because they have to put more effort into being feminine so they can give it their all and be happy. Women usually just are and we don't try too hard unless we're interested in someone.
I'll trade you for a jade rabbit.
post girlpucci
my wife's big, black somalian muslim bull got his zen meteor too. even let him use it on me in rumble.
A really big valus.
>giant cabal megastructure
>explore it's inner depths
>mix between dreadnaught and vault of glass
>emperor final raid boss
>giant psion raid boss
fuck it has to happen
>Not Yang
Kill yourself
fuck off drinpucci
Whoops, messed up the barrel on this shitty 10 minute photoshop job for a stupid joke.
>vault of glass
The inside of a land tank won't be anything like VoG.
I hope there's a vehicle overhaul for the expansion though and there's a warthog* section as part of the raid
I've got a sleeper, and obviously I not planning on using the gjallarthing for anything where simulant is needed. I would have thought that was obvious, because it's pretty shit by y2 standards.
It was what I wanted from the engram, just not sure why I spent coin to get it. I think it's because a fool and his money are easy parted.
Is it any good for blamming taken champions or are they too hardcore?
Is there some trick or secret to getting antiquated runes? I've literally only ever had one. The other day I was in CoO for about half an hour with a bunch of guys and at least 10 antiquated dropped, but none for me. I wondered if there's some 3oC type dealie, but I'm probably just unlucky.
The champions should be the map level of the patrol, so gally can blap them good.
The dropped runes you saw were more likely runes being charged. They can drop in court, but the raid seems to be the best way.
i think they will try something like a giant tower/military fortress with cabal
Ah right, cheers. Looks like I'm fucked then, cos I don't raid.
Too small tbqh, lacks the rotating Cabal Phalanx shield as well. My dad John Bungie works at Bungie so I have insider info.
>cos I don't raid.
ad quam rem?
cba m8. All that "I'll join in half an hour after I eat which means maybe two hours" bullshit. Gives me the screaming abdabs, reminds me too much of year 1 WoW. I just weren't to shoot things, not idle in the tower while complete potatoes get their life in order.
>mfw when a a retarded Warlock nigger tries to shotgun rush me
just LFG my dude
Even that's too fucking long. Without matchmaking, there's no way to get 6 people together to play any game in under an hour, because people are cunts. I just want to get online for a couple hours while the wife's out shopping or whatever and shoot someone inna head.
The way the new banner loot works means I'm pretty much guaranteed max level before long, so I'm not too fussed
Fuck yes, my last IB game ended at 2am, but there were still people playing. Last IB game of the night going on right now.
>while the wife's out shopping or whatever
>or whatever
getting destroyed by her big, black somalian muslim bull
Almost certainly my geezer. But what do I care? Keeps get out of my hair for an hour and he's got to deal with her fucking bullshit, plus I don't have to handle her fat tits for a while. Win-win if you ask me.
>Without matchmaking
>for raids
>implying integrated mm will fix AFK
You need a vote kick system, and those aren't PC these days.
>no way to get 6 people together to play any game in under an hour
it takes like 10 - 20 mins MAX usually for raid bro, just if you have a free night should set it aside it's an awesome experience raiding. psn?
It'll be on for at least another hour, what are you gibbering about, sambo?
Oh shit, someone saved my edit. W-what is this feeling user?
It said it ends at 2am when I got on.
2am PDT brokakki.
Halo and Destiny designer Niles Sankey is releasing a PS exclusive sci-fi mystery game in May called Assemblance
A feeling for me?
I wsnt saying it was a good idea (although wow does have raid matchmaking these days, and there's no fucking way Destiny raids have more complicated mechanics).
Vote kick would be a good idea, but my experience in gtao is that most people are too stupid to use them. How many people even report afk players? Hardly any I bet.
Whenever anyone's lfg on here, it's absolutely painful m8, you see the same guy plaintively asking for hours sometimes, even the namefags.
For full disclosure I should probably say I used to run a semi-hc guild in WoW and the logistics and organisation scarred me. I swore never again. I'm happy enough to sit it out.
I would like a decent trials team though, good unattached players are rare as rocking horse shit.
I love you.
What he said. Also last time it ran for an extra half hour because the bungle late shift forgot to flip the switch or whatevs.
>player has departed
>(same) player has joined
>(same) player has departed
>(same) player has joined
>(same) player has departed
then don't use this place for LFG, use this place once or twice to friend people, then just invite them and fill up the rest with people from the LFG websites
I-i love you too
Trust me user you do not want raid matchmaking for Destiny, when /dg/ already hit the top 5% of the game by completing a single raid you should know how shit the playerbase is. The amount of suck in the skill for the majority of people in this game is so intense, not even pic related could compete.
Ill take responsibility user.
cute! CUTE!
>everyone who plays Destiny is terrible
>except when you play crucible, then only your teammates are terrible
This fucking game.
How much time until banana ends?
I fail to see how people are bad at PvE, it really eats at me inside
Just make sure to hold me close
>implying that isn't alluding me too
I would actually really like a psion that operates certain turrets/vehicles alluding you and shooting with a ton of firepower. You have to hop around the map to get out of the way and dismantle his equipment to get a shot at him.
Ill never let go. Also I have a gift, its another edit I made. Enjoy it my darling.
Oh thank you. I wonder what we could do together ~
take this shit to steam or /b/
All sound points. In still think the matchmaking should be there for people who want to masochistically chance it. Now I've thought about it a bit, I don't think I'd even do raids if there were mm. I guess I just don't want to do it. I hardly even do strikes these days now I think about it, just the three for marks.
My RAF just hit 40, so maybe he'll egg me on to do them, who knows or cares eh?
>All sound points. In still think the matchmaking should be there for people who want to masochistically chance it
Make it optional so people can still solo raids and call it a day
Y2 moments of triumph soon. You gonna need those challenge modes.
>Make it optional
Exactly. Choice is good.
What do the moments of triumph actually mean? I'm a y2 babby so indulge me. Do I get any phat lewts?
>phat lewts
Only an emblem. It was just a checklist that said you did everything in Y1.
I'll leave that to you big lads then I reckon.
Anyone who was good enough to get everything there was to be considered an accomplishment got this emblem. Most never got it due to 'muh skolas'
>Anyone who was autistic enough to get everything
Nigga you got ll that shit just by playing the game
Would that include all the calcified runes? Because there is no way on earth that I'm going to waste previous hours of my life looking for all those bastard things.
You didn't have to collect all the ghosts even. 80% of /dg/ had it before it was even announced.
so like
nothing for another 3 weeks?
Almost certainly. Didn't you get 45 for ToM?
we got an update tuesday. supposed to fix shit. but thats all for now
>Autistic enough to complete each of the end game content on hard once
>Autistic enough to complete everything else, which took 2 weeks of very casual playing.
Most of everyone who was a part of any of destiny's online communities had the entire thing complete when the emblem was announced.
We are having a new and "improved" MM system for Crucibile coming too :^)
>Didn't you get 45 for ToM?
>[laffs internally]
Nah m8. I didn't get ToM. Wouldn't that have involved doing the raid? If so, see previous posts re: cba etc.
Aside from anything else, I hate these Fuckers whoop day "you MUST have x to do y" in these types of games, it's like a special kind of playground fascism and I like to annoy those people.
I gotta Zen meteor now anyway so they all just jelly cos I'm styling on them with my edgy black engraved gothness.
J/k bois, y so defence?
>gee user, didn't you realize I was the same user as that other user?
Even if you're not gonna run the raid every reset, you should do it at least once.
>hah I tricked u with a ruse
Have another (You), it's on the house
>It was what I wanted from the engram, just not sure why I spent coin to get it. I think it's because a fool and his money are easy parted.
Strange coins drop like candy. Doesn't matter, not like you got more than one.
>Is it any good for blamming taken champions or are they too hardcore?
It's garbage like any y1-only exotic.. It's only useful for pvp, and then Truth is probably better.
>You can't use y1 weapons for y1 activities
What kind of absolute shitter are you? Fucking blacklisted.
>Taken Champions
>y1 activity
Kill yourself.
How much time until reset?
Patrols are still y1 light levels, you ignoramus. Educate yourself.