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April 7th to May 9th: CG 5th elections - Vote for Mifune
April 4th to May 8th: AEON "Maru-chan × ML" Tie-up campaign
April 8th to May 20th: IM@S Characro cafe&bar "Forever! We are..." campaign
April 21st to May 10th: IM@S Characro cafe&bar Iori Minase birthday campaign
April 24th to Jun 19th: Idolmaster official shop promo in Shizuoka 109

May 5th: Chiaking's BD LLC Stream live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv261010471
May 5th: Cinco de Mayu

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This is hereby a Minako thread.

>April 7th to May 9th: CG 5th elections - Vote for Mifune
Oh, yes.

The little Kana is mine!

Let's get serious from now on.


It's good.

Yeah! Osu!


I fucking love Cinderella Live!

Good clothes.



A vote for Chie is a vote for a friend



There we go.

And back to not playing.

You know I can actually see them having that kind of relationship when they get older.


I sure know what to call. 911.

This is a mature adult who can do everything by herself without help.

Can she make Ayumu competent?

No one can do that.

Eating healthy with Kana.


>30th May

>living in the country
>no Hinata

Yukipo needs an enema up her buttbole. I'd be willing to give her one.

Didn't this thing already release like a month ago?

>Iku is crying and needs a band-aid
Not an adult. A big baby. I shouldn't bully Iku, that's a new low. But then again I only bully idols I really like.

Having Hinata with you is basically cheating.

For JP, yeah. That one is for US & CA.

>>Iku is crying and needs a band-aid

On her knee.

If I was Yuriko I'd wink at all boys.

O-oh my Minako.

I want to marry this adult and have a big family with her, enough to save Japan



Iku is really good wife material. Probably really affectionate, too (more in an "I want to snuggle with you" way than genuine lewd).

My fiancée.


Yeah Dooky, preach the truth!

Uzuki schemes to win buttpats from TakeP.

I wish Minako was my mother.

This artist's interpretation of the UzuMiho dynamic is quite interesting to say the least.

I wish Minako was my fiancée.

I wish Kana was my imouto.

Frightened Minako > Lusty obsessive Minako
Kana is the cutest though.

I got mine, cost like 14000 yen though including shipping fees.

Those can be nice too.

No problem, user.

Are you a strong enough guy to keep your Minako under control though?

Why is she doing that in public?

>having sexual relations with your beloved imouto

Cute outfit Basa.

>keep your Minako under control
Why on earth would I want to do that?

zutto tsuyoku
Sou tsuyoku

She talks about her and Producer`s children in public too, Minako is an open girl.

Nino is so cool.

About as cool as El Nino

She's back with new style !

>Can't tell if they are BFF or want each other throat

Minako is a dangerous girl.

I want to tell Nino how cool she is.

And convince her to cosplay as Asuka. You know the one I mean.

Summoning RumiP.

Me on the defensive.

Asuka from Tekken?

Boy? meets Girl

>being over-powered by Karen of all people



Laika Reunion

The idols did nothing wrong.

>cheating on Ranko

>Congratulations on winning the Elections, I hope you choke on your medal.

I'd rather be under Minako's control

Poor Anya will never be a Valkyrie, just an Angel.

A shame really, she looks great in that outfit.


No the other one.

The Laika never dies.

Translation pls?

Sounds dangerous.

Still not Valkyria Aiko from Ment?!

Cheating on someone who cheated is okay.

How can gree allow this and not underwear?

Probably resting from his Aiko SR rush and just uploaded that art. Hopefully he uploads before the event ends with his Dooky

Surprised how the teachers trio are popular


>putting his hand around Mai's slim waist
l@liP putting the moves on

TP and PP have so much chemistry. Why does PC seemed so forced? Where are the good Miho and Uzuki scenes?

I want to bully Miria until she cries. What's the best way to bully Miria?

Why on earth do you want to bully Miria?!

I'm around 20k points. I really wanted to T1 for Minami but this event seems a lot busier than usual, should I give up?

You can't

Fuck her sister

It's because feel down, we all know that PCS wants to rip each other apart for the P. Everyone in PP is gay, and Rin's the only one who wants it in TP.

If you insist on bullying Miria, show her this picture.

Goddammit /@/.

Miho is the only member of PC who isn't shit

All jokes aside. Akane, Aiko, Karen and Nao didn't need the help of Mio and Rin to get popular.

Kyoko did, any good chemistry that could have been made between PC has passed. Miho and Uzuki didn't do much together in the first place anyway.

Happy birthday.


I love HeiP

Nino family reunions.

>Kaoru in spats
How does this image make you feel?

Image please upload this time.