/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Previous thread: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise:
Corneroids, Space Engineers, Starmade, From the Depths, Factorio, Machinecraft, Garry's Mod, Homebrew, Besiege, Medieval Engineers, Infinifactory, Scrap Mechanic, GearBlocks, and anything else welcome. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.

WebM for retards:

Space Engineers:
>SpEngies for retards: i.imgur.com/IZekrGe


From the Depths:
>/egg/heim idea bin: pastebin.com/Tmk14sf2 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)


>hrpbk2 wix com/machinecraft
>upload/download designs at filescase.com
>TT Mech template: www.mediafire.com/download/0aalnmvvyvm75sq/TT-Mech-Template.rar

Garry's mod:

Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox


Medieval Engineers:


Scrap Mechanic:


Robot Arena 2:

KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People

SS13 Engineering Server:

Other urls found in this thread:


Robocucks got cucked :^)

Good job

>Killsat from last thread
I'll have to take a pic during daytime...

4th for speed

What is it?

6th for eggpyrion

Gyroscope and accellerometer of the Saturn V

when is the sword mod for empyrion?

it's not hard :^)

robocraft represent

maan, let the game rest in pepperoni. For the good old times

So what is your setup for low density structures? I am always having a problem with 3+mats to make it efficient.

Still experimenting , ignore beacon and missing modules.

bug off with drones

You could just put half-half on one belt and then have full belt of what ever is used the most.

>check steam
>update available
>* engineers
>it's a fucking balance update
>it's a fucking bugfix
>it's a fucking crafting table
>it's a fucking wooden gate

>meanwhile, you can't even use a feature because it lags your save to death

>oh hey user I heard you wanted some better rope physics & some gears nd shit
>here's a wooden motherfucking gate

>oh hey user I heard you wanted some planets and shit
>here's CLANG

One does not simply waifu CLANG

But one can simply waifu you________


Will there be hand-holding?

Yes I am really fucking lewd, no I do not give a single shit.

Step it up.

Yes, and neck nuzzling and spooning and hair ruffling and headpats and hugging and...


sticky dicky in vaggigy? :^)

ss13-crossposter here, is your egg server still up?

If so, is it up to date? One of our guys broke the TEG by trying to make it more complex a bit ago and want to get the differences documented if your server hasn't updated.

CLANG could become the world's best vibrator or torture machine then :^)

t-that's lewd

>you will never engineer a "real thing" female bodysuit

It's been going for six months straight. No, it is not updated.

You know what one can waifu, though?

A cat

>A cat
lude, lood, leui-d.

At least virtual reality will come out soon

>Six months straight

Oh god, that singularity we set up in the first week

not good enough user

Is this lewd?

That is incredibly cute.


>responding to the /kspg/ shitposter
Are you actually fucking retarded?

also, after downloading it again

where`s the master of orion 2 general?


Is this lewd, then?

No idea, but i want it

Did you play the remake Warjewing are making?

i didnt

but im already afraid that it might get dumbed down, hence it already has the slightly cartoonified age of wonders 3 style


Then what about this?


While it's different than the original (it has starlanes instead of free range, ships have unlimited fuel, combat is RTS instead of tactical combat), it still felt better than MoO3
And you can only build a single doomstar (and retrofit it and rebuild it if you somehow lose it)

So I remember seeing that you can disable shadows in Space Engines.

How is this done? I have tried google search and it all seems to be people too stupid to look beyond the in-game settings options.

you only need to Destroy every star and source of light in the game :^)


damn nigga


>Implying outer space can't be fun

I-It's saying that, r-right?

I think there is some kind of console.
I'm pretty sure I remember someone using it to turn off grass.
You might be able to edit an .ini or summat.

Why in Space Engineers have my minigun turrets started trying to shoot through the ship they're attached to?

I'm sure they used to stop shooting if a friendly or at least their own ship was in the way?

>Why in Space Engineers have my minigun turrets started trying to shoot through the ship they're attached to?
It's called collateral damage.
It's a feature :^)

The friendly fire detection had a bug: It wasn't broken.


I can't even place things lower than the turrets because they cover more than a half sphere arc.

More like autobattle with techs gained like everyone has Creative and being linear stat upgrades.

already missing the old trilarian look
why go for generic fishppl and not fucking multi dimensional cthulu monsters they were in moo2?


At least the Human Empire doesn't have russian bias :^)

nu secret faction
space sovjets,
does everything humans do, but better


Do you ever spend a lot of time getting something just right, or accomplishing something really complex or clever in an engineering game, and then suddenly get overwhelmed by the pointlessness of it all?

always. it's important to step away from it for a while and come back to it.

Guys, Marek posted somethong smart on his blog, panic

Maybe his brain had organic CLANG

New game announced:
>Biological Engineers

i`d flike that

>finally having a stable build and dev build

>space engineers

organic clang best clang


monster girls breeding simulator

They added it in the graphics menu options

Make it happen

>500 hours of spergies
>139 webbums
>105 pictures

>squatted with slavs and praised CLANG
>made stupid spinny things
>popularised the TBM miner
>discovered that iron ingots make for excellent projectiles
>developed thruster-based orbits for decoy/attack drones
Hardly any of it constitutes as really complex, but it's been a fun ride despite the sheer pointlessness.

>Last played: 21-11-2015

there's a game for that
it's losing features every update. patreon money.

Probably Marek is funding

Howdy friends, crossout closed beta user here!

here to remind you that crossout is still shit and you shouldnt buy into it! your parts will break down and become nearly useless to you after a handful of lost matches!

i sure hope that the people who object to the current shitty systems don't completely give up and leave the forums, leaving only the hardcore grind-addicts who love to suck game dev cock to give feedback, or the game might still be shit on release!

feel free to try to get a free beta key, though, your feedback will surely help to TURN THE TIDE!

nobody gives a fuck about crossout

it is shit

yes but i need somewhere to blow off steam about how shit it is because you will be kicked from the beta and be unable to continue to watch the trainwreck if you say a swear

Robocraft does the same thing and nobody complains

they probably complained about it back when it was newer or anyone still cared about robocraft

SO what are some tips for making a space ships in FtD? Call of Duty really inspired me...

Make it in space.

use balons to go up

Use the space vehicle designer so you don't need to do weird shit to go up there

I was in the alpha test, and I just got my closed beta invite today.

Its hilarious how literally nothing has changed from the alpha. The durability system is absolute shit, and almost everyone that plays gets pissed off about it.

>premade crafting game
This is like autosculpt in need for speed.

Everygoddamn thread someone gives the nofun answer. ITS GODDAMN SPACE ELEVATORS EVERY TIME.

>space elevator
>not space gun
Found the CEO of Boring Enterprises

step aside, i'm running the rocket science business.

we know, but also we know that not everyone is skilled to make one and reach space with it.

Speaking of reaching spess, how high is spess in /egg/heim? I've spawned satellites at 3.5km and they fall due to gravity

I actually pray every day we'll get mass drivers. In anything, life or games.

Uh the atmosphere should end at 1200m
Space is supposed to start at 1500m and end at 4500m
Beyond 4500m is you think you want to know but you don't

That shouldnt be happening. Maybe the wind is pushing it? Nick confirmed space wind as a feature and that he "has no plans to mess with space wind".

No idea, first time i spawned them, they falled because they were at 1.2km, so i went to Neter, climbed to 3.5km and tried again, and they still falled.

No idea what's beyond 4.5km in /egg/heim, but i've reached 20km while i was pursuing a giant space dildo with my spess fighter and it didn't happen anything

What if we decrease drag by ridiculous amounts
space starts at the Karmán line
map is more than 100x100 tiles large

Heres a poll being held on their forums right now by players.

Gee willy, not even 10% of players want to keep the current system. It must be fine!

/egg/heim already runs in degraded 40fps for me personally. I think because of the ceiling, IDK, but I feel like adding more height will be horrible for people's computers. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT SCIENCE NEVER GOT ANYWHERE FROM BEING A PUSSY SO I'LL TRY IT OUT LATER TONIGHT AND POST THE FILE

And here was the front fucking page of their closed alpha forums at all times.