/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Russian she-goat edition


>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>/hsg/ Tournaments
Discord: discord.gg/0rEzZFGEKs226nI7
Most recent Bracket: challonge.com/ShitpostsNewAnons
Next Tournament: May 20th, NA

>Veeky Forums League Poll

>Battletag list:

Old thread:

First for nothing changed with standard

xth for new mechanics.

removed 2 out of 4 cancer decks

created a plethora of midrange and control decks.

>playing midrange hunter
>get no 1 drop in 4 games
>get Elekk in 4 games
>get Fiery Bat in the joust in 4 games


Man... I can't win for shit in this game. Had a good deck going for my pally, mixed up cthun and his bitches in, but that gets rekt by everyone now. Tried rushing with cheapass murlocks and low tier cards, but a good spell that wipes the board does away with any advantage. Don't have enough cards to make a solid priest deck that can last. Mage also, is lacking.

Maybe I should just kill myself.

Fucking FUCK this game! CAnt get out of rank 19 I should be rank 2 noramlly by the third day!!! Looks like im not fucking hitting legend this month

>last 10 games 9 where cthun

thanks for the variety blizzard

That's because the meta hasn't settled yet.

>warrior equips Fiery War Axe on turn 2
>you are already dead

>pick paladin in arena
>no muster
>no follow the rules
>only one sword

just fuck my shit up senpai

>every single cthun priest deck has been IDENTICAL

Is there some sort of must copy list up somewhere or is it what you get when you push the "make me a cthun deck lmao" button?

>Battletags from 2013

People usually post their tag and others add them anyway

I'm trying really hard to like Old Gods, but it feels like total shit and is generally more frustrating to play than the game has ever been.

Am I alone on this?

i disagree, the game has somehow managed to get worse



You do understand Meta means that the pros havent released the decks they are using to get to legend yet, thats fucking all!

So they havent been raped by all the fucking normies and benifit frauds on hearthpwn!

seriously fock this game

>playing zoo shitter
>he gets everything perfect
>i never draw into my double pyro double consecrate
>steal out heal the fuck out of him and win


Is it worth crafting a second Eternal Sentinel?

ctun must have half + priest control must have half
cant make room for anything new famalam

>Free legendary
>Wonder why everyone is using it


Skip to the bottom. Last battletag has been added today and you can add your tag too.

I've been doing well with none so I don't think it's too critical. I haven't really been seeing him in mirrors either on the ladder.

A meta exists in almost any competitive game user.

In the case of hearthstone, yes it's often derived by decks showcased by streamers. But more often than not, they are the most optimal deck given it's competition.

Just won against a tempo mage with a steward and murlocs deck. My board survived 2x arcane missiles, flamewanker rapid fire for 2 turns, blizzard, flamestrike, and if I didn't get lethal turn 9 I'd still have enough fuel to shit up the board twice over.
The point of this blogpost is learn how to play around aoe and punish people for being greedy before you consider sudoku

Is the 4 mana 1/1 deathrattle minion any useful? Ive seen it play and it looks really bad. Even a tauren seems much better

>aggro is unchanged/still extremely reliable/easy
>all control decks now have exodia win conditions

>"good" and "fun"

>if blizzard gave everyone gruul for free, he would see widespread play

>Fighting a fully stacked, C'thun warrior netdeck with my welfare Mage at rank fucking 19

Explain why this is fair

I've found good use for it in Zoo, it makes it very easy to recover from board clears and can be Argus'ed after being popped to good effect.

Put it a n'zoth deck like paladin. Outside of that I'm not sure.

I have never seen anyone play this before.
Astral communion opening and things got serious very quickly.

While brainless c'thun decks are annoying they aren't nearly as annoying as shit like secret paladin or huntertaker. Not only that but you can actually fucking kill things now; even deathrattle centric decks aren't nearly as bad as the shit from naxx and gvg.


You got lots to learn little one

I've never seen anyone play wild before, what a shocker.

Do you have stockholm syndrome for paladins and boom?

Why is getting out of rank 20 harder than getting to rank 10?

>Savjz = straight

He keeps turning this down, so I don't think so.

>tfw playing n'zoth priest

>There are people in this thread right now who don't understand why the Aberration racial is so strong

Does anyone actually play Wild? I gave it 2 months before death, but I've literally not heard a thing about it. Was it dead on arrival?

N'Zoth priest seems actually fine.
I might consider adjusting my strictly niggerish ways

The only people who like short hair are gays in denial

are there any qt traps in warcraft universe


because you're a baddy.

I miss playing egg druid, would something like this work?


Rank 25-21 = Shitty new players
Rank 20-18 = People farming for gold and gold portraits
Rank 17-8 = Average players
Rank 7-4 = Try hards
Rank 3-Legend = People who know what they're doing or know how to play the stupidly fast aggro deck of the month.

He would, literally only legendary beginners have available to them. Of course they'd play it.


Is there such a thing as N'zoth Shaman could be OP with bloodlust

>mfw beating cool brand new decks with my tempo mage that is 90% the same as it used to be before standard

Immunity to spells? That's essentially immunity to AoE.

Literally a little boy.

In general, once you play N'Zoth and the opponent doesn't have an immediate answer to your board or a lethal himself, you win anyway.
Shaman doesn't have any good deathrattle minions and neutral minions with deathrattle are mostly bad in standard.

Arena is biggest RNG piece of shit ever. Went 0-3 never playing it again

>Stall for 40 minutes

what the fuck was blizzard thinking giving that darkshire jew 5 hp

that's fucking yeti health on turn 3

So what decks have you crafted on your own this new xpac oniifam? I'm running a Miracle Malygos deck with a Shadowcaster and a Reno that works surprisingly well after fiddling around with it for a bit. You did build at least one original deck, right?

Since when has yeti been a 10/5?

>Die to turn 8 16/16 c'thun

control priest
nzoth priest
dragon priest
beast druid

But its low attack makes it balanced :^)

>Astral Communion turn one
>deck is just high cost tanky minions and legendaries

I build all my own decks, building decks and tinkering with them is the entire point of the game.

I build all my decks. Fuck netdecking

nzoth priest

meme yogg hunter

that's about it

i want to try an ancient one meme deck but i don't have the ancient one yet

>play dragon priest
>still no play until turn 5

good minion based deck

savjz fucked her when he was casting the winter championship, he said so on stream

There's only two copies of Astral Communion he can run.
For each game where he gets it on curve and creams some sucker like you, imagine how many he's played where it wasn't at the top of his deck and he lost horribly?

its allowed cause he only wins 1\10 games

>tfw you arcane blast it for 4 damage and clear the board with 4 arcane missiles
Obviously Blizz wanted to buff zoo.

>the game is designed by neckbeards for neckbeards

because it works 1/10 of the time

I've crafted most decks myself this new expansion, but a lot have just been variations of old ones like control priest or tempo mage. My favorite is an aggro pirate rogue list that makes a big old assassin's blade and stabs people in the face, which worked out better than I thought even though oil and flurry are gone.

>start a new free to play account
>first real match in play mode
>up against a maly rogue
>give him the f2p schlong
walletfags, when will they learn?

I can't play this game much longer.

Nothing I ever do works, everyone's crafting overpowered as fuck legendaries while I barely scrape by on what packs give me.

I'm just not about this bullshit anymore.

Didn't know having the game fill the empty slots for you is no longer random. Was gonna make a random deck as a goof, because I'd rather have fun doing the quests than lose my fucking mind grinding ranks, but it put this fucking barn burner of a deck together that utterly shits on Zoo.

What decks you trying out this expansion senpai

C'Thun Warrior
N'Zoth Reno C'Thun Rogue
N'Zoth Paladin

I'm really enjoying this expac.

>things that never happened

You know what to do.

Are there any classes that can run dragon currently? I am getting my shit kicked in by cthun decks as priest.

>conveniently leaving out rank

he got 2 sinister strikes off and had me next turn but i topdecked a frost bolt

easy game

I'm 15 at the moment

>Trying to climb this early in the month

Got to rank 13 starting to see a whole new game, seems like theres tonnes of decks that are not on hearthpwn yet

I guess so, but he has 6-8 chances to reroll for it at the beginning of each match, which is pretty big

>You did build at least one original deck, right?
that I did

>Complaining about legenadries
Just play zoo you fucking faggot. It's one of the best decks and you don't need any legendaries

Literally play Zoo. It's the best deck in the game and cheap.

>getting absolutely fucked by shit draw and RNG 4 games in a row

that's enough hearthstone for me

I've almost exclusively playing different varieties of Miracle this expac. Shadowcaster gave me hope for a Questing-based list, but I ended up cutting it to 1x since there weren't enough minions to support two of them. I do have to say the Questing variant does better against Freeze than the Cold Blood version does. Maly just feels too slow and weak for this meta, but does better against non-Warrior control than the other Miracles do.

Day one i built and have been since refining my midrange hunter list.

I actually put together a competent Yogg-Tempo mage before that "staple" list came out. I still stick by my little techs.

>dying with reno in hand
is there a worse feeling?

The most effective and cancerous decks are cheap to make

Aggro Shaman and Zoolock

>the game wasn't about the first few draws before

Dropping Mirror Entiry before shaman's 4 mana turn is sweet as well as denying Spirit Wolves with Counterspell. I will probably use second Counterspell and replace Arcane Explosion with Forbidden Flame.

I was wondering where that battletag list went.

Why wasn't it included in the OP?