Is this build even possible without perfect rolls on everything, 1200 paragon and level 50+ leg gems, or is Quin (again) just having easy time with it thanks to things mentioned above?
Benjamin Gutierrez
It's because Quin is Quin and Quin is pretty good at Diablo 3
Luis Ward
>skill >in a game that only requires gear
Caleb Parker
>mad because he can't do grift 50
Jacob Anderson
kek I completed whole season 5 journey, it just took me longer than 3 hours
Evan Evans
In-Geom is a dildo Wizards who use it are gay faggot dildo users fire buttblast is the only TX spec to play
Jason Lopez
I like the new seasonal portrait, somebody post it Spine-y, boney
Jayden Smith
>I will shit fury all over you Chantodos fire waves look so unsatisfying
Brody Anderson
I fucking hate the Season Set dungeon for Wizard.
It seems completely random if you will be able to find a group of 30 or not.
Brody Bailey
Xth for hardcore
My loneliness is crushing me. Doing TIX rifts alone is boring.
Ryder Ross
I am playing hardcore this season. The moment of terror I felt when low at health was the only emotion I felt while playing this game in a long time.
Adam Lee
I've been away from d3 for a while. I remember in earlier seasons that Blizzard made some gear exclusive to the season and unavailable to non seasonal. Do they still do that, and if so where can I find a list of the exclusives for this season?
William Watson
>tfw only able to kill 290 monsters in chest event solo
Josiah King
There are no seasonal exclusives.
Luke Wilson
Austin Thompson
i want to jab a rusty spoon through the eyes of whoever thought it was a good idea to give objectively BiS shit like witching hour and tasker and theo such an obnoxiously low drop rate
Charles Ross
Because your skill is less than others. That's like the definition.
James Butler
wew lads
Blake Campbell
The idea of BiS is obnoxious itself
Elijah Powell
I dig these new stash icons
Austin Williams
How are Wiz and Monk right now? Are Uliananana and Archon viable?
Noah Ward
how much time would a new player have to invest to get into diablo 3 at this stage in its life
Adam Wood
A few hours so you can get the season journey set. Then you can farm torment difficulty forever.
Carson Price
do you have to beat the story to get into the full range of content?
Samuel Fisher
Carson Myers
So did they make seasons easy as fuck or something? I had to struggle to trudge through solos crusader grift 35 a few seasons ago but just after two days I could easily push through 53 with the bullshit bombardment build.
Brandon Martinez
>when you haven't changed any items but you're doing less damage than yesterday
Ryder Howard
Blizzard's way of balancing since seasons have started is to buff shitty items. Then doing that makes the other items shitty, so they buff those. Rince and repeat 20 times and now GR 70 is what GR 35 used to be
I don't have Reaper of Souls but I reinstalled the base game after years of not touching it and I'm actually having fun on a new character. But I've noticed that loot drops are stupidly high quality and there's exp everywhere. I'm also just running around as Wizard while everything dies around me. It's sort of satisfying.
Hudson Wilson
Try to up the difficulty.
Justin Sanchez
The only thing missing from the Drahque mega thread is that infograph from diabloresources or wherever detailing the differences between difficulties, e.g., bounty mats and DB %s.
Unless it's in there and I'm just terrible at navigating it.
Camden Long
Do I even bother rerolling the Vit to anything? I gifted the socket.
Christopher Diaz
this one? no idea if it's changed much since 2.3
Wyatt Morris
I wouldn't. In case you really wanna mess you can go for 10% elite damage instead, but losing near 1k vitality is huge compared to a tiny bit of elite damage.
Jayden Allen
How does Sunwuko perform without all the legs?
I'm not sure if it's me, but I'm having a hell of a time with Inna EP against solo targets. I'm trying out Uliana and I'm just not feeling it. I think it's because I'm missing fist of azturrasq and CoE. Now I'm interested in Sunwuko because it's the speed farm choice for Monk.
Chase Torres
>thinking this season is boring >thinking only 1 build works for t10 and greater rifts
>DH in group >I have to play follow the leader >Can't keep up >Can't hit anything that's alive 10/10 fun
Nathan Bennett
>thinking only 1 build works for t10 Sounds like this is your first season
Jeremiah Anderson
>don't fear the freedom
Luis Nguyen
Not doing split bounties?
David Lee
Jack Robinson
Levi Morales
Are there any decent witch doctor builds that don't rely on gargs to kill everything?
Kayden White
Hudson Adams
>gargs >gargs >zdps >zdps >gargs >gargs Guess I'm rolling a wizard
Jose Wilson
Is there a decent monk build that doesn't rely on mystic allies?
Robert Evans
Uliana SSS and Wuko Wave of Light
Angel Nelson
Is wuko viable in higher GR?
Cooper Lee
Yup, fire is really popular everywhere
Nathan Cook
Awesome, thanks a lot man!
Owen Cooper
David Cruz
>get gently brushed on the shoulder >aaaaaaaaded I'll stick with my invincible barb
Ayden Long
>wanting a heap of muscle when you can have the perfect aryan beauty Closet homo detected or full on homo when not fembarb
Connor Bennett
Ayden Scott
Hudson Flores
>playing crusader >playing fem crusader
Even Blizzard knew crusader is shit so they replaced them for heroes of the Storm with some dyke. All the other d3 classes are the same people you're playing in ded3
Angel Williams
Connor Diaz
Nice Goldwrap
Owen Anderson
>done full bounties for act 1 and 3 at least ten times >on TX >as bonus act >still no rings Fuck this fucking shit.
Oliver Ortiz
Bonus caches can't have legs
Adam Howard
maybe karma?
Leo Perez
Yeah but I get more mats for the cube so it feels more efficient. And TX gives double legs sometimes.
Asher Scott
>fem monk Your weakness disgusts the Gods.
Christopher Hughes
Female everything, bitch!
Colton Turner
Caleb Lewis
It changed in 2.4
Bentley Hall
>HotS D3 surely is not the best game out there but please show at least a tiny bit of taste.
Nathaniel Hughes
I want to hatefuck Azula
Nathan Mitchell
Ian Nelson
Hudson Harris
Im playing solo and I want the brokenest funnest fastest class ever. What do I pick?
Juan Butler
>no no
Joshua Turner
BLUE BOARD BLUE BOARD Don't get our last thread deleted
Leo Ramirez
Since when is yogurt nsfw? :^)
Gavin Roberts
Afaik Monk and DH are the fastest and most fun classes. Wizard is also fast and fun. Barb is fast, braindead and only fun when you like ping-pong or sleeping while playing. Crusader and WD are the slowest but still very fast.
Joseph Campbell
>get 6 might of the earth boots in one day This shit is rigged. Where are my wastes or IK Also, is whirlwind viable at all for HC 70+ grifts?
Adam Cooper
Oliver Wright
Is there any reason to finish the campaign and not just go straight to adventure?
Tyler Baker
max the discipline
Justin Campbell
None at all. In fact, the only campaign most people bother with is skeleton king after level 20 for a 100% drop on his crown to speed up leveling.
Jackson Fisher
There are people who aren't playing barbarian this season.
It's so fucking good right now.
Josiah Mitchell
Sure, if you enjoy shit campaigns.
Lincoln Campbell
I have 12 pieces of Arachyr, spread out over only 4 actual different pieces.
I have 2 pieces of helltooth, which is the set I actually WANT.
Drives me nuts.
Angry chicken is pretty fucking fast.
I can't stand Raekor barb. I will probably play barb next season when its a less obnoxious set.
Kevin Ross
So uh, I started adventure mode today. This is hitting all my looting itches. I just played for 5 hours and it felt like 5 minutes. Goodbye real world.
Andrew Nelson
Ayden Williams
why are you basing the experience off the free set? it takes no time at all to obtain the others
Nathan Miller
>played wizard to p550 because Raekor is unfun >got sick of dying constantly >made barb >had enough ancients to skip Raekor and go straight for LoN
Feels good
Aiden Smith
>reinstall d3 on a friends faster internet >get home >start playing >account locked >hotmail account i use for locked
epic truly epic
Noah Roberts
From my post alone you should know I don't believe that.
And why bother anyway?
If I have a choice between 3 classes I am interested in playing, OF COURSE I'm going to choose the one with the base set I'm most interested in using.
Kevin Harris
Yeah. I mean My mace and shield are a set so that's nice, but I can see how trying to get a set with more than 2 pieces could take a fuckload of farming.
Also holy shit the first time I went to the vault....
Jonathan Stewart
>vault >relevant Gold is useless
Austin Gray
empowered rifts are a decent sink
Ryan Harris
The hell it is. Saves you dozens of Grifts by the time you get all your gear empowered to high boosts.